Dr Gavin Williams

PhD, BSc

School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Senior University Teacher

Semiconductor Materials and Devices Research Group

Headshot of Gavin Williams
Profile picture of Headshot of Gavin Williams

I have a BEng in Physics from 91Ö±²¥ (TUoS). I then spent two years working in London during the early days of computerised cartography.

I then joined 91Ö±²¥ Hallam University (SHU) to study for a PhD in the characterisation of phosphate-based glass systems. Following completion of my PhD I joined the Materials Research Institute at SHU where I worked firstly under John Brooks and then Wolf-Dieter Münz and was responsible for the operation of an industrial-scale PVD coating unit.

In 1996 I came back to TUoS, joining Peter Ivey’s research group in the Electronic and Electrical Engineering (EEE) department.

Since then I have been involved with many research projects concerned with the packaging of microelectronics and other aspects of microfabrication.

I currently have three main areas of responsibility: teaching for EEE; admissions tutor for EEE and operation of the Diamond Cleanroom.

I deliver an innovative first year module in which students reverse-engineer consumer electronics systems. This is a great preparation for their final year projects where they have to build their own systems!

I also deliver the majority of a fourth year module in which students learn about the vital practical aspects of microsystems packaging and assembly. I also act as a personal tutor and as a supervisor for final year projects.

I am the lead academic for the Diamond Cleanroom. This facility is used to give students hands-on experience of the design, build and test of micron-scale components, including diodes, transistors, solar cells and RF filters.

In my role as admissions tutor I am responsible for coordinating EEE’s home undergraduate recruitment, including delivery of our pre- and post-application open days and outreach events.

  • PhD Physics, 91Ö±²¥ Hallam University, 1990
  • BSc Physics, University of 91Ö±²¥, 1983
  • Collaborative Award for Teaching Excellence MEE 2021 (HEA)
Research interests


Teaching activities

Lecturer for courses:

  • EEE163 System Design Analysis
  • EEE6214 Microsystem Packaging

Laboratory sessions:

  • First year: LED lab; 'Rip it apart' labs
  • Second year: Schottky diode lab; SAW filter design exercise
  • Third and fourth year: project supervision
  • MSc: Project supervision

Other roles:

  • Undergraduate Admissions Tutor
  • Lead academic for Diamond Cleanroom