Project staff and friends

Meet the staff of the Feast and Famine project and associated researchers


Project staff

Dr Martin Beneš (Czech Language institute, Czech Academy of Sciences), co-investigator

Professor Neil Bermel (University of 91Ö±²¥), principal investigator

Dr Tomislava Bošnjak Botica (Institute of Croatian Language and Linguistics), co-investigator

(University of York), co-investigator

(University of York), co-investigator

(University of Zagreb), co-investigator

Mr LudÄ›k Knittl (University of 91Ö±²¥), project administrator

Dr Kateryna Krykoniuk (University of 91Ö±²¥), research associate

(Charles University), co-investigator

Dr Kamila Smejkalová (Czech Language Institute, Czech Academy of Sciences), co-investigator

(University of Tartu), Estonian project lead

Partner institutions logos

Affiliated staff and students

 (University of Tartu), Junior Researcher

(University of Tromsø), Research Assistant

 (University of Eastern Finland and University of Helsinki)

Dr Kristian Roncero (University of Munich)

Advisory Board

(Charles University)

(L’Aquila University)

(University of Surrey)

(The Ohio State University)

(University of Birmingham)

(University of Birmingham)

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