Wellbeing Intervention Network

WIN (The Wellbeing Intervention Network) provides an opportunity for researchers and students at the University of 91Ö±²¥ and beyond to share their research and develop collaborations.

We mainly communicate through a regular email bulletin. We also have the scope to organize face-to-face meetings or seminars if something of interest occurs.

Throughout the university there are numerous people, both staff and students who are passionate about researching wellbeing interventions. These range from people evaluating health interventions to people exploring wellbeing in public policy to people researching how the design of the landscape impacts on wellbeing. As people are working in different departments and fields it can be difficult to keep abreast of what projects people are working on and to develop collaborations for future work. WIN provides an opportunity to share our work and to develop inter-disciplinary working.

Recent news bulletins

Download latest issue (60KB)

We are always wanting news on your work, so if you have anything to be included in future bulletins please send these to alexis.foster@sheffield.ac.uk.

We are interested in anything related to wellbeing interventions, be it information on your current projects, articles you have published, conferences you have attended, new developments or ideas for future projects that you are seeking collaborators for. Please do sing your own praises! We always welcome information about your current projects, so if you want to write a few lines (and any photos) on your work to let people know about it, we would love to hear from you.

To find out more

If you would like to know more about WIN or join our mailing list then please contact Alexis Foster at alexis.foster@sheffield.ac.uk (she is a researcher who co-ordinates WIN).

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