Katherine Trebeck - "Is the wellbeing economy an agenda whose time has come?"

Thursday 11th June, 2020, 1300-1400


Dr Katherine Trebeck is Advocacy and Influencing Lead for the Wellbeing Economy Alliance. Katherine instigated the group of Wellbeing Economy Governments; developed Oxfam's Humankind Index; and led Oxfam's work on a 'human economy'. She was Rapporteur for Club de Madrid's Working Group on Shared Societies and Sustainability and sits on a range of advisory groups, including for the Centre for Understanding Sustainable Prosperity and the Omina Foundation. Her most recent book The Economics of Arrival: Ideas for a Grown Up Economy (co-authored with Jeremy Williams) was published in January 2019.

This talk traces the roots of the wellbeing economy movement and reflects on its relevance as economies prepare for post-corona scenarios. It looks at the sorts of new ways of doing things demanded by the ambition of a wellbeing economy goal and shares some good practice. Katherine shares the story of the creation of the Wellbeing Economy Governance (WEGo) partnership, offering her thoughts from the perspective of a practitioner working in a fast evolving alliance with all the rich diversity and challenging complexity that entails.


Twitter: @ktrebeck

The slides used in the webinar can be accessed here.

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