University Executive Board minutes - 31 May 2022



31 May 2022


Professor K Lamberts (KL) (in the Chair), Professor J Derrick (JD), Professor S Fitzmaurice (SF), Professor S Hartley (SH), Professor J Litster (JL), J Jones (JJ), Professor G Valentine (GV), Professor M Vincent (MV), Professor C Watkins (CW)

In attendance:

Dr T Strike (TS), T Wray (TW), L Carlile (LC) and T Flaherty (TF) (Items 1 and 2), A Carlile (AC) and L Reynolds (LR) (Items 3 and 4), D Lodge (DL) (Item 5)


R Sykes (RS), I Wright (IW)


K Sullivan (KS)

  1. Student Recruitment Update

    • (LC and TF in attendance for this item)

    • UEB received and noted an update on the University’s recruitment for 2022 entry based on the latest data from 15 May 2022.

    • Members also noted the range of recruitment activities in train, with particular attention drawn to work to review subject video content and the University’s progress with digital advertising in smaller but influential UGO markets. such as Hong Kong and the USA.

  2. Clearing and Confirmation Strategy

    • (LC and TF in attendance for this item)

    • UEB considered proposals relating to the University’s UG and PG Confirmation and Clearing Strategy for 2022. The related paper summarised the application position for each of the University’s major student groups (see Minute 1.1, above) and set out the principles for Confirmation. It was highlighted that the UGO and PGTH and PGTO forecasts utilised conversion rates from 2021 to best reflect student behaviour and Confirmation decision making in light of the continued impact and uncertainty of COVID-19.

    • During discussion, UEB raised and/or noted the following points:

      • The University had mechanisms in place to manage pressure points in given Departments/Schools, if these arose. The likelihood of local pressures would become clearer in due course as scenario planning work was undertaken.

    • UEB approved the overarching UG and PG Confirmation principles for 2022 entry, noting that further updates would be provided in the lead in to August.

  3. Closed Minute and Paper

  4. Changes to Student Intake Targets 2023/24–2026/27

    • (AC and LR in attendance for this item)

    • UEB considered an update on student intake targets following UEB Strategic Advisory Group: Student Recruitment and Population’s (SAG SRP’s) initial review, together with modelling for an option to reduce PGTO intakes in line with the University’s student population objectives.

    • UEB:

      • Approved the proposal to bring the PGT Overseas intakes in line with the agreed student population objectives, recognising the financial impact on this decision.

      • Acknowledged the final changes to student intake targets for 2023/24-2026/27.

  5. Revised Intellectual Property Policy

    • (DL in attendance for this item)

    • UEB considered planned revisions to University Intellectual Property (IP) Policy, which had been developed to provide a single point of reference that better reflected the external landscape than existing documentation on IP. The related paper set out the aims of the Policy, the process informing its production and, subject to UEB endorsement, detailed the planned next steps for the Policy, including its presentation to the Senate Learning and Teaching and Research and Innovation Committees for onward recommendation to Senate, and the receipt of legal advice to ensure the content and wording was appropriate. 

    • During discussion, UEB raised and/or noted the following points:

      • The proposed updates to Regulation XXIII, Regulations Relating to (Student) Intellectual Property, would require approval from Quality and Scrutiny Sub-Committee before proceeding to Senate Learning and Teaching Committee.

      • With respect to research and innovation, there would be value in adding an underlying principle to the Policy that stipulated that IP generated through public funding would be used for the benefit of society. Any revenue generated, even from a commercial spin-out, would need to be disbursed in line with the University’s charitable objects.

      • The volume of IP Disclosures per year at the University had seen a consistent increase in recent years, but there remained work to do to maximise the number of viable proposals. A process for sharing good and best practice would be beneficial.

    • UEB endorsed the revisions to the University IP Policy and the intended next steps preparatory to the formalisation of the Policy.

  6. Report of the UEB Sustainability Steering Sub-Group

    • ​â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹(Meeting Held on 18 May)

    • UEB considered and approved the report, including the amended Terms of Reference, which reflected the Steering Group having become a formal UEB Sub-Group. Attention was also drawn to the latest progress and actions in this area, chief among which was the launching of work to scope resource requirements to ensure the University met is Net Zero targets. In addition, it was pleasing to note that the University had launched a data and case study collection process.

    • During discussion, UEB noted that the effectiveness of the Living Lab framework, through which staff, students, and researchers would be able to utilise the campus as a test bed for sustainability solutions, would be contingent on robust support from EFM and other key stakeholders. Further clarification was provided that the remit of the Travel Advisory Group concerned travelling to work and cross-campus travel, and differed from the business travel principles that UEB had discussed at its meeting on 4 May 2021.

  7. Closed Minute

  8. ​â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹Round Table

    • ​â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹Knowledge Exchange: DNP reported that the second iteration of the Knowledge Exchange Framework, KEF2, would be published in September 2022 and cover the academic years 2018/19, 2019/20, and 2020/21.

    • Council: TS provided an update on interviews for the roles of Chair of Council, Treasurer, and Pro-Chancellor and Chair of Council Audit and Risk Assurance Committee. It was noted that a photo of Council at its meeting would be helpful.

    • Senate: TS reported on the outcome of the elections for different categories of Senate Member.

    • Business Continuity Planning: TW updated UEB on the University’s plans for enacting Operation London Bridge.