University Executive Board minutes - 7 March 2023



7 March 2023


Professor G Valentine (GV) (in the Chair), Professor A Blom, Professor S Fitzmaurice (SF), Professor S Hartley (SH), J Jones (JJ),             Professor J Litster (JL), R Sykes (RS), Professor M Vincent (MV), Professor C Watkins (CW), I Wright (IW) 

In attendance:

J Strachan (JS), T Wray (TW); Professor M Marshall (MM) and J Callaghan (JG) (Item 3); A Carlile (AC) and D Lodge (DL) (Item 4); E Hartley (EH) (Item 6)


Professor K Lamberts (KL), Professor J Derrick (JD)


D Swinn and K Sullivan

  1. Minutes of UEB held on 10 January 2023

    • The minutes were approved as an accurate record.

  2. Minutes of UEB held on 24 January 2023    

    • The minutes were approved as an accurate record.

  3. The Future of the University鈥檚 Virtual Learning Environment

    • (MM and JG in attendance for this item)

    • UEB considered a paper that highlighted the chief risks and opportunities regarding the University鈥檚 VLE provision and set out proposals for addressing them. Attention was drawn to the fact the University鈥檚 current VLE, Blackboard Learn Original, was dated. It was therefore recommended that the University upgrade to Blackboard Learn Ultra as its single institutional VLE, which would deliver an experience consistent with that outlined in the Education Strategic Delivery Plan. A separate proposal concerned the migration of data from other learning systems, such as Minerva, which would require a standalone IT Services (ITS) initiative.
    • During discussion, UEB raised and/or noted the following points:
      • The migration from Minerva would require careful planning and management. It would, be helpful to have an understanding of the timeline and range of interdependencies and risks associated with the migration.

      • It should be verified that the replacement of Blackboard Learn Original with Ultra was factored into TESF Phase 4 Education Roadmap plans.

      • The AMG had confirmed it was willing and able to use the University鈥檚 chosen VLE platform.

    • UEB:
      • Approved the selection of Blackboard Learn Ultra as the University鈥檚 VLE platform.
      • Agreed to the principle of a single institutional VLE, recognising that this would require migration from other systems, such as Minerva for the Medical School, as well as integration and consolidation of additional tools with the VLE as appropriate, such as OneFile for AMRC. IT Services would be invited to lead a project.
  4. 2023-24 Budget Update

    • (VJ in attendance for this item)

    • UEB considered the proposed workstreams to deliver the 2023/24 budget for   decision on 21 March 2023. This followed an initial discussion at the meeting of UEB on 28 February 2023.

    • UEB approved the two-stage course of action set out in the related paper, which would inform the preparation of the 2023/24 budget for consideration on 21 March.

  5. Supporting our research ambitions: improving our research income

    • (AC and DL in attendance for this item)

    • UEB considered an update on progress against the University鈥檚 KPI for new research awards and the proposed approach for further enhancing performance in this respect. The related paper outlined current work in train to deliver the priorities in the Research Strategic Delivery Plan and achieve the agreed target prior to the end of the planning period in 2026/27. At present, the University needed to grow its annual research awards across the Faculties by 40% to realise the KPI. UEB discussed the need to achieve the right balance between realism and aspiration in research award target setting and implementing the right interventions to address challenges, such as reliance on individual researchers.
    • During discussion, UEB raised and/or noted the following points:
      • The University鈥檚 recognition of the importance of academic leadership to drive research excellence was positive, but relied on senior research leaders having the capacity to support colleagues at earlier stages in their careers.

      • It was important for the FVPs to work with their HoDs as well as the FDRIs to bring about the local changes required for enhanced institutional research award performance.

      • UEB endorsed the proposed approach for further improving the University鈥檚 performance in securing new research awards.

    • UEB also discussed plans to improve REF case studies in order to more effectively demonstrate research excellence. It was agreed that there could be merit in visiting relevant colleagues in Faculties and Departments/Schools to facilitate the alignment of institutional and local ambitions regarding case studies.
  6. Education KPI Development

    • (EH in attendance for this item)
    • UEB considered proposals relating to the revision of the University鈥檚 Education KPIs and targets, as agreed with Council in October 2022. It was also noted that the Education Strategy Delivery Plan was currently undergoing a refresh and update to ensure it better reflected and detailed the Education strategic priorities and methods of delivery for the 2020/21-2026/2027 strategic period.

    • UEB discussed and agreed the following:

      • KPI 5, Student Experience: This would be renamed Quality Education to better reflect the Educational priorities as set out in the Vision and Education Strategy Delivery Plan. The NSS Overall Satisfaction metric would be removed as this was no longer included in the NSS but all five TEF Student Experience metrics (drawn from the NSS) would be included, although 鈥淭eaching on my course鈥 and 鈥淎ssessment and feedback鈥 were included in the current KPI. It was noted that performance against the wider sector was a key determinant for certain league tables.

      • PGT Student Experience: It was agreed that a PGT Student Experience KPI would be included in the next strategic period (2023/24), with a view to using the expected PGT NSS.

      • KPI 6, High Achieving Applicant: It was agreed that no changes were needed to the UG high achieving applicant KPI but that PGT high achieving applicant data would be reviewed in 2023/24 for potential inclusion in the target.

      • KPI 7, Widening Participation: An attainment metric would be added, taken from the University鈥檚 latest OfS approved Access and Participation Plan.

      • New KPI, Graduate Prospects: Given that meaningful data was now available, a Graduate Prospects metric would be added, using the TEF model of calculation, as a measure for the remainder of the strategic period, with a target to be proposed in due course that would demonstrate absolute and relative improvement.

  7. Report of the UEB Sustainability Steering Sub-Group

    • UEB received and approved the report, noting a further update with respect to the pilot of reduced opening hours for the Diamond Building. It was reported that, following concerns from some student representatives, despite the sustainability benefits the reduced hours would deliver, and subsequent discussion, it had been agreed to trial the shorter opening hours for a two week period over Easter as an initial step. The Group would revisit the matter following the pilot, informed by additional data and evidence.

    • It was also reported that UEB would receive an update on emergent plans relating to energy and net zero at a later meeting, ahead of Finance Committee and Council.

  8. Report of the Information Management and Security Group

    • UEB received and approved the report, including noting updates in relation to previous UEB decisions relating to the use of University email and IT accounts, and further work being undertaken on the use of certain social media platforms for particular work-related activities.

  9. Report of the Strategic Advisory Group - Student Recruitment and Population

    • UEB received and approved the report. Particular attention was drawn to the process of the audit of PGT programmes and Members were reminded that Faculties and departments should be encouraged to take action regarding programmes with lower than the agreed minimum viable cohort without having to wait to be addressed through the PGT review.

  10. Report of the Sexual Violence and Harassment Steering Group

    • UEB received and approved the report, noting in particular the Groups鈥檚 discussions about ways  to increase awareness of and confidence in reporting mechanisms, and thereby drive up incident reporting, in response to previous Council discussions on the subject and informed by a related Russell Group report. Attention was also drawn to the group鈥檚 plans to consider in greater detail the institutional actions and measures in place to support victims of sexual violence, and related challenges with current NHS provision, as well as preventative actions. It was also noted that the group was overseeing a further exercise to map specific OfS requirements, including around victim support, for further discussion in due course.

  11. Round Table  

    • Professional Service change of name: RS reported that PPBI would be renamed Strategic Planning and Change to better reflect the nature of its work. UEB endorsed this change.

    • 91直播 City Goals: TW provided an update on this city partnership initiative, its purpose, the University鈥檚 representatives on the partnership board, and a planned consultation process that would begin shortly, supported by related internal communications. UEB would receive a detailed briefing in due course.

    • Research Policy developments: SH reported on the announcement of a new government Science and Technology Framework and the release of the Nurse Review into R&D investment, details of which had been circulated to Members. Attention was drawn to areas of opportunity, while it was disappointing to note that the lack of recognition for the importance of Arts & Humanities and Social Sciences subjects to these activities and that discussion of international opportunities did not mention EU collaborations.

    • Research Culture: SH reported on positive feedback from the sector and funders about the University鈥檚 work around PGR student support and research culture more broadly, which was regarded as leading sector practice and had led to significant potential external funding opportunities.

    • Ukraine Twinning Grant: The University鈥檚 application had been approved, enabling work with universities in Kyiv to support commercialisation and spin-out activities, including training, to aid Ukraine in preparing for post-war reconstruction.

    • Executive Recruitment: IW provided an update on progress with the various executive roles currently out to recruitment.