Dr Lianrui Jia
Department of Sociological Studies
Lecturer in Digital Media and Society
+44 114 222 6437
Full contact details
Department of Sociological Studies
The Wave
2 Whitham Road
S10 2AH
- Profile
Lianrui Jia joined the Department of Sociological Studies in 2021. She previously taught and worked at University of Toronto Scarborough as a postdoctoral researcher, funded by Canada’s Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council. She obtained her PhD in Communication and Culture from York University, Toronto, Canada.
Her research interests are platform studies, the political economy of media and media policy and regulation. She is also an Associate Editor for Journal of Digital Media and Policy.
- Research interests
Lianrui’s research areas are:
- Political economy of media
- Platform studies
- App studies
- Media and financialization
- Media industries
- Media policy and regulation
Lianrui’s current research projects focus on China-based platforms and mobile app industries, their geopolitics, governance and globalisation. One of her research projects Platform Politics: Chinese Tech Companies and Global Geopolitics, is funded by the York Centre of Asia Research. Her previous research on mobile apps and digital platforms were funded by Canada’s Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council and Mitacs.
- Publications
Journal articles
- . Media, Culture & Society, 44(8), 1437-1453.
- . Internet Histories, 1-21.
- . Journal of Digital Media & Policy, 12(2), 273-292.
- . Internet Histories, 4(3), 304-332.
- . Communication and the Public, 4(1), 21-34.
- . European Journal of Cultural Studies, 21(5), 594-613.
- . Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture, 13(1), 17-36.
- . International Communication Gazette, 80(1), 30-59.
- . Internet Policy Review.
- . Canadian Journal of Communication, 45(1).
- Building China’s tech superpower In Haggart B, Tusikov N & Scholte JA (Ed.), Power and Authority in Internet Governance Return of the State? Routledge
- Building China’s tech superpower: State, domestic champions and foreign capital In Haggart B, Tusikov N & Scholte JA (Ed.), Power and Authority in Internet Governance Return of the State? Routledge
- The "Making" of online celebrity – A case Study of Chinese rural same-sex male couple Anwei and Yebin In Kent M, Ellis K & Jian X (Ed.), Chinese Social Media Social, Cultural, and Political Implications Routledge
- Teaching activities
Lianrui currently teaches Digital Media in a Datafied Society and she also develops and teaches Algorithms, AI, and Society at the Department of Sociological Studies.
She integrates her research on digital platforms into teaching and explores how emerging issues of data, (in)equalities, and power are reconfigured, reproduced and challenged by digital platforms that we engage with on a daily basis. Previously, Lianrui has taught various BA-and MA-level courses at various institutions on topic such as Theories in Media Studies, Political Economy and Cultural Studies of Information, and Digital Media and Culture.
- PhD supervision
Lianrui has supervised undergraduate and graduate projects on social media and digital culture, internet governance and policy. She would be interested in supervising PhD students on political economy of digital platforms, platform governance, app studies, and regional platform culture.