Russian Translation Competition 2022

We are delighted to announce the second University of 91直播 Russian Translation Competition for Year 12 and Year 13 students in the UK.

Nikolai Roerich, Lake Hympola, 1917

This competition is now closed. For any queries, please contact

2022 Winners

Congratulations to the 10 winners of our Russian Translation Competition! They are (in alphabetical order):

  • Danial Aspandiiarov, Harrow School
  • Alex Feeney, City of London School
  • Isaac Halamish, City of London School
  • Maxim Hornby, Calday Grange Grammar School
  • Gracie Joyce, Redmaids High School
  • Barnaby Keogh, Bolton School Boys' Division
  • Ben Rimmer, Bolton School Boys鈥 Division
  • Alisa Rybalkina, St. Olave's Grammar school
  • Alia Samad, Cranford Community College
  • Tamir Zolboo, Harrow School

We received a very high number of entries for the competition and very much enjoyed reading them! As ever, the overall standard was impressively high. Many thanks to all of you who entered the competition.

Unfortunately, we cannot provide feedback on individual entries.


Extract from Aleksei Polyarinov, Rif (Moscow: Inspiria, 2022)

Polyarinov鈥檚 novel Rif has been shortlisted for the . The author鈥檚 blog can be found . You can watch an interview with Polyarinov in which he speaks about Rif .

Original Text

袣懈褉邪 械褖械 褉邪蟹 锌械褉械褔懈褌邪谢邪 懈屑械薪邪 懈 芯谐谢褟写械谢邪褋褜, 芯泻懈薪褍谢邪 胁蟹谐谢褟写芯屑 锌谢芯褖邪写褜. 袨薪邪 褋芯褌薪懈, 褌褘褋褟褔懈 褉邪蟹 褏芯写懈谢邪 蟹写械褋褜, 胁芯蟹屑芯卸薪芯, 写邪卸械 薪邪褋褌褍锌邪谢邪 薪邪 褝褌褍 褌邪斜谢懈褔泻褍, 薪芯 械泄 懈 胁 谐芯谢芯胁褍 薪械 锌褉懈褏芯写懈谢芯, 褔褌芯 褌褍褌 械褋褌褜 褌邪斜谢懈褔泻邪 褋 懈屑械薪邪屑懈. 袙锌褉芯褔械屑, 薪械褍写懈胁懈褌械谢褜薪芯, 锌芯写褍屑邪谢邪 芯薪邪, 械械 泻邪泻 斜褍写褌芯 褋锌械褑懈邪谢褜薪芯 胁斜懈谢懈 胁 斜褉褍褋褔邪褌泻褍 懈屑械薪薪芯 蟹写械褋褜, 薪邪 泻褉邪褞, 鈥 褔褌芯斜褘 褋锌褉褟褌邪褌褜. 袩谢芯褖邪写褜 褍卸械 写邪胁薪芯 斜褘谢邪 芦蟹邪褏胁邪褔械薪邪禄 写褉褍谐懈屑 屑芯薪褍屑械薪褌芯屑 鈥 芦谐芯谢褘屑 屑褍卸懈泻芯屑禄, 褍褋褌邪薪芯胁谢械薪薪褘屑 胁 褋邪屑芯屑 褑械薪褌褉械, 鈥 懈 胁褋械泄 褋胁芯械泄 泻褉懈褔邪褖械泄, 胁褘蟹褘胁邪褞褖械泄 芯斜薪邪卸械薪薪芯褋褌褜褞 芯薪 褍屑薪芯卸邪谢 薪械胁懈写懈屑芯褋褌褜 芯泻褉褍卸邪褞褖懈褏 芯斜褗械泻褌芯胁. 袣褉芯屑械 薪械谐芯 薪邪 芯斜褖械屑 褎芯薪械 斜谢械泻谢褘褏 褌懈锌芯胁褘褏 锌褟褌懈褝褌邪卸械泻 胁褘写械谢褟谢芯褋褜 褉邪蟹胁械 褔褌芯 蟹写邪薪懈械 邪写屑懈薪懈褋褌褉邪褑懈懈 鈥 胁 械谐芯 褎邪褋邪写械 褔褍胁褋褌胁芯胁邪谢褋褟 蟹邪屑褘褋械谢, 锌褉懈泻芯褋薪芯胁械薪懈械 邪褉褏懈褌械泻褌芯褉邪, 褏芯褌褟 袣懈褉邪 懈 薪械 褋屑芯谐谢邪 斜褘 褋泻邪蟹邪褌褜, 褔褌芯 褝褌芯 蟹邪 褋褌懈谢褜.

袨薪邪 械褖械 褉邪蟹 锌械褉械褔懈褌邪谢邪 懈屑械薪邪 薪邪 褌邪斜谢懈褔泻械. 孝懈褌芯胁 屑芯谢褔邪 褋褌芯褟谢 胁 褋褌芯褉芯薪械, 褋褍薪褍胁 褉褍泻懈 胁 泻邪褉屑邪薪褘.

鈥 袙 褕泻芯谢械 薪邪褋 胁芯写懈谢懈 褋褞写邪 薪邪 褝泻褋泻褍褉褋懈褞, 薪芯 褟 褋芯胁械褉褕械薪薪芯 薪械 锌芯屑薪褞 褝褌褍 褌邪斜谢懈褔泻褍. 鈥 袨薪邪 锌芯屑芯谢褔邪谢邪, 芯斜械褉薪褍谢邪褋褜 薪邪 孝懈褌芯胁邪. 鈥 袨谢械谐 袠胁邪薪芯胁懈褔 薪邪蟹褘胁邪械褌 胁邪褋 芦斜械蟹褉邪褋褋褍写薪褘屑 屑芯谢芯写褘屑 褔械谢芯胁械泻芯屑禄.

鈥 袧械 芯褔械薪褜-褌芯 屑芯谢芯写芯泄. 袦薪械 锌芯褔褌懈 褋芯褉芯泻.

鈥 袙褘 薪械 蟹薪邪械褌械 袨谢械谐邪 袠胁邪薪芯胁懈褔邪. 袛谢褟 薪械谐芯 胁褋械, 褍 泻芯谐芯 薪邪 谐芯谢芯胁械 械褋褌褜 胁芯谢芯褋褘, 鈥 屑芯谢芯写褘械.

袨薪 褍谢褘斜薪褍谢褋褟.


鈥 效褌芯 胁褘 褏芯褌懈褌械 薪邪泄褌懈? 鈥 褋锌褉芯褋懈谢邪 袣懈褉邪. 鈥 袧褍, 胁 邪褉褏懈胁邪褏?

袨薪 褍斜褉邪谢 斜谢芯泻薪芯褌 懈 泻邪褉邪薪写邪褕 胁 薪邪谐褉褍写薪褘泄 泻邪褉屑邪薪, 蟹邪褋褌械谐薪褍谢 屑芯谢薪懈褞.

鈥 携 写褍屑邪谢, 胁褘 胁褋械 芯斜芯 屑薪械 褍蟹薪邪谢懈, 泻邪泻 褌芯谢褜泻芯 褟 锌褉芯械褏邪谢 褋褌械谢褍 薪邪 胁褗械蟹写械. 鈥 袨薪邪 褋械褉褜械蟹薪芯 锌芯褋屑芯褌褉械谢邪 薪邪 薪械谐芯, 懈 芯薪, 胁蟹写芯褏薪褍胁, 锌芯泻邪蟹邪谢 薪邪 褌邪斜谢懈褔泻褍 胁 斜褉褍褋褔邪褌泻械. 鈥 携 蟹写械褋褜 懈蟹-蟹邪 薪懈褏. 啸芯褔褍 蟹薪邪褌褜, 泻褌芯 芯薪懈. 袠 薪邪锌懈褋邪褌褜 懈褏 懈褋褌芯褉懈褞. 校卸械 薪械写械谢褞 褌褍褌 芯泻芯谢邪褔懈胁邪褞褋褜 懈 蟹邪屑械褌懈谢 芯写薪褍 蟹邪泻芯薪芯屑械褉薪芯褋褌褜: 械写懈薪褋褌胁械薪薪芯械, 褔褌芯 屑械褋褌薪褘械 蟹薪邪褞褌 锌褉芯 斜褍薪褌 62 谐芯写邪, 鈥 褝褌芯 褌芯, 褔褌芯 芯薪 斜褘谢. 袘芯谢褜褕械 薪懈褔械谐芯. 袙芯褌 胁褘, 薪邪锌褉懈屑械褉? 袦芯卸械褌械 褔褌芯-薪懈斜褍写褜 褉邪褋褋泻邪蟹邪褌褜?


(260 words)


Kira read through the names once again and, looking around, took in the square. She had been here hundreds, thousands of times and might even have stepped on this plaque, but it had never occurred to her that there was a plaque with names on it. Anyway, it was hardly surprising, she thought, it seemed to have been deliberately set into the paving stones right here, on the edge of the square, to hide it. 

The square had been swallowed up long ago by another monument 鈥 鈥榯he naked peasant鈥, which had been put right in the middle 鈥 and its screaming, provocative nakedness had made all the surrounding buildings seem all the more invisible. 

Apart from it, perhaps only the local government building stood out from the faded, standard five-storey blocks of flats 鈥 in its fa莽ade some thinking or touch of an architect could be detected, although Kira would not have been able to say what sort of style it was.

She read through the names on the plaque once again. Titov stood to one side with his hands in his pockets, not saying anything.

鈥榃e were brought here on a school trip, but I don鈥檛 remember this plaque at all.鈥 She was silent for a moment, then turned to Titov. 鈥極leg Ivanovich calls you 鈥渁n irresponsible young man.鈥濃

鈥業鈥檓 not that young. I鈥檓 almost forty.鈥

鈥榊ou don鈥檛 know Oleg Ivanovich. To him, anyone with hair on their head is young.鈥

He smiled.


鈥榃hat do you want to find?鈥 Kira asked. 鈥業 mean, in the archives?鈥

He put his notebook and pencil away in his breast pocket and zipped it up.

鈥業 thought you all knew all about me the minute I passed the monument on the way into town.鈥 She gave him a serious look; he sighed and pointed at the plaque in the cobblestones. 鈥業鈥檓 here because of them. I want to know who they were. And to write their history. I鈥檝e been knocking around here for a week and have noticed a trend: the only thing people here know about the rebellion of 鈥62 is that it happened. And that鈥檚 it. Take you, for instance. Can you say anything about it?

The prize

The winners received a prize of a 拢25 Amazon voucher and an invitation to take part in a special Translation Workshop organized by the School of Languages and Cultures at the University of 91直播, involving Russian academics, Masters students in Translation Studies and alumni who work in translation-related fields. The Workshop was held on Wednesday 7th December 2022.

The judges

The translations were read and judged by a panel of Russian experts from the School of Languages and Cultures at the University of 91直播. 

91直播 the competition

The competition runs annually and is open to students of Russian in Years 12 and 13 in the UK. Entrants must translate into English an original Russian text that has not previously been published in English.  Translations must be the original work of individual students, and submitted via an online entry form.

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