Russian Translation Competition 2020

We are delighted to announce the first University of 91直播 French Translation Competition for Year 12 and Year 13 students in the UK.


The winning entries

All 21 entries were of a high standard, engaging imaginatively with the detail and broader context of the passage: everyone is to be applauded for their work. Our criteria were accuracy, reflection of the style and register of the original text and fluency as a piece of English. Warmest congratulations to the authors of the ten best translations:

  • Ali Ahmed
  • Peter Bellerby
  • Patrick Bentley
  • Arya Chanda
  • Sofya Filatova
  • Thomas Martin
  • Aizhan Rees
  • Mary Sorokina
  • Polina Whiteford
  • Kornelia Zygmunt

Each will receive a prize of a 拢25 book token and an invitation to take part in a special virtual Translation Workshop organised by the School of Languages and Cultures at the University of 91直播, involving Russian academics, MA students in Translation Studies and alumni who work in translation-related fields. The Workshop will be held on Wednesday 9 December 2020.

We are not able to give feedback on individual entries but a fair copy of the translation, which incorporates many solutions from our entrants, is available under "Text and Translation".

小械褉写械褔薪芯 斜谢邪谐芯写邪褉懈屑 胁褋械褏 褍褔邪褋褌薪懈泻芯胁 懈 锌芯蟹写褉邪胁谢褟械屑 薪邪褕懈褏 锌芯斜械写懈褌械谢械泄!

Dr Adam Fergus

Text and Translation

Kseniya Buksha, Churov i Churbanov (Moscow: AST, 2020)
Buksha鈥檚 short novel Churov i Churbanov, which centres on the appearance of a doppelganger with an identical heartbeat, has been shortlisted for the Yasnaya Polyana literary prize. A presentation of the novel by the author can be found .

袧邪褉芯写 薪邪斜褉邪谢褋褟, 邪 袝薪写褉懈泻芯胁邪 胁褋褢 薪械 斜褘谢芯. 袨薪 褔邪褋褌械薪褜泻芯 芯锌邪蟹写褘胁邪谢. 袙 袚械褉斜邪褉懈褍屑械 褋褌芯褟谢 褉芯胁薪褘泄 褋芯薪薪褘泄 谐褍谢. 效褍褉芯胁 胁褋褢 锌褘褌邪谢褋褟 褉邪褋褌械褉械褌褜 褕邪褉懈泻芯胁褘泄 褋褌械褉卸械薪褜, 泻邪褌邪褟 械谐芯 屑械卸写褍 谢邪写芯薪褟屑懈, 写褘褕邪谢 薪邪 薪械谐芯, 谐芯褌芯胁褟褋褜 蟹邪锌懈褋褘胁邪褌褜. 袙写褉褍谐 谐褍谢 褉械蟹泻芯 褍屑芯谢泻. 袘械谐谢褘泄 胁蟹谐谢褟写 薪邪 写芯褋泻褍, 胁懈褋褟褖褍褞 胁 褌芯褉褑械, 褋褉械写懈 褌褉械褖懈薪 泻褉邪褋泻懈, 谐褍褋褌芯 褋屑邪蟹邪薪薪芯泄 锌芯斜械谢泻芯泄 懈 褋薪芯胁邪 锌芯谢褍芯褋褘锌邪胁褕械泄褋褟, 鈥 懈 效褍褉芯胁 锌芯薪褟谢, 褔褌芯 褍 写芯褋泻懈-褌芯 薪械 袝薪写褉懈泻芯胁, 邪 泻芯谢谢械谐邪 效褍褉斜邪薪芯胁, 胁 褋胁懈褌械褉械 懈 锌懈写卸邪泻械, 胁褋褌褉褢锌邪薪薪褘泄, 斜械蟹 薪懈泻邪泻芯泄 褕邪锌泻懈. 袙 褉褍泻邪褏 褍

效褍褉斜邪薪芯胁邪 斜褘谢 屑械谢芯泻, 懈 芯薪 褍胁谢械褔褢薪薪芯 懈蟹芯斜褉邪卸邪谢 薪邪 写芯褋泻械 褔褌芯-褌芯

鈥 袛邪褕褜 泻芯薪褋锌械泻褌 锌芯 锌邪褌邪薪褍? 鈥 褋锌褉芯褋懈谢邪 袗谐懈, 锌芯锌褉邪胁谢褟褟 蟹邪懈薪写械胁械胁褕褍褞 褕邪锌泻褍 薪邪写 泻邪锌谢褟屑懈 锌芯褌邪 胁 斜褉芯胁褟褏. 袗谐懈 斜褘谢芯 卸邪褉泻芯 胁薪褍褌褉懈, 邪 褋薪邪褉褍卸懈 芯薪邪 锌芯写屑械褉蟹邪谢邪. 鈥 携 薪械 褍褋锌械胁邪褞 蟹邪 薪懈屑 锌懈褋邪褌褜. 校 褌械斜褟 褌邪泻懈械 泻褉褍褌褘械 泻芯薪褋锌械泻褌褘.

鈥 袧芯褉屑邪谢褜薪褘械, 鈥 薪械褏芯褌褟 芯褌胁械褌懈谢 效褍褉芯胁. 袙褋械 蟹薪邪谢懈, 褔褌芯 褍 效褍褉芯胁邪 谢褍褔褕懈械 泻芯薪褋锌械泻褌褘 薪邪 锌芯褌芯泻械. 效褍褉芯胁褋泻懈屑 胁褘褌褟薪褍褌褘屑, 邪泻泻褍褉邪褌薪褘屑, 褔褍褌褜 蟹邪泻褉褍谐谢褢薪薪褘屑 锌芯褔械褉泻芯屑 斜械蟹 薪邪泻谢芯薪邪.

鈥 袣褏械褏, 泻褏械褏! 鈥 胁芯蟹谐谢邪褋懈谢 效褍褉斜邪薪芯胁 谐褉芯屑泻芯 懈 锌芯褋褌褍褔邪谢 锌芯 泻邪褎械写褉械 薪邪 屑邪薪械褉 袝薪写褉懈泻芯胁邪. 鈥 孝械屑邪 薪邪褕械泄 褋械谐芯写薪褟褕薪械泄 谢械泻褑懈懈鈥 孝懈褕械, 谐芯褋锌芯写邪! 鈥 孝械屑邪 薪邪-褕械泄 褋械-谐芯写薪褟褕薪械泄 谢械泻褑懈懈 芦袗薪邪褌芯屑懈褟 懈 褎懈蟹懈芯谢芯谐懈褟 写胁褍谐谢邪胁芯谐芯 芯褉谢邪, 懈蟹芯斜褉邪卸褢薪薪芯谐芯 薪邪 谐械褉斜械 袪芯褋褋懈泄褋泻芯泄 肖械写械褉邪褑懈懈禄.

袩芯 蟹邪谢褍 锌褉芯薪械褋谢芯褋褜 谢褢谐泻芯械 褉卸邪薪懈械, 泻邪泻 薪邪 泻芯薪褑械褉褌邪褏 泻芯屑懈泻芯胁.

鈥 肖懈蟹懈芯谢芯谐懈褔械褋泻邪褟 褋褌褉褍泻褌褍褉邪 褌械谢邪 写胁褍谐谢邪胁芯谐芯 芯褉谢邪, 鈥 薪邪褔邪谢 褋胁芯褞 谢械泻褑懈褞 效褍褉斜邪薪芯胁, 锌芯褋褌褍泻懈胁邪褟 屑械谢芯屑 锌芯 薪械斜褉械卸薪芯屑褍 泻芯薪褌褍褉褍 谐械褉斜邪 薪邪 写芯褋泻械, 胁褉芯写械 褌芯谐芯 邪斜褉懈褋邪, 泻芯褌芯褉褘泄 写械谢邪褞褌 胁 懈蟹胁械褋褌薪褘褏 锌械褔邪谢褜薪褘褏 褋谢褍褔邪褟褏 褋谢械写芯胁邪褌械谢懈 懈 褋褍写屑械写褝泻褋锌械褉褌褘, 鈥 锌芯谢薪邪 胁褋械- 胁芯蟹-屑芯卸薪褘褏 褍薪懈泻邪谢褜薪褘褏, 泻褏械褏, 邪写邪锌褌邪褑懈泄, 泻芯褌芯褉褘械 屑芯卸薪芯 薪邪蟹胁邪褌褜 胁褘褉邪卸械薪懈械屑 泻芯屑-锌械薪褋邪褌芯褉薪褘褏 胁芯蟹屑芯卸薪芯褋褌械泄. 袛胁褍谐谢邪胁褘泄 芯褉褢谢 鈥 泻芯薪械褔薪芯, 褌懈懈鈥 鈥 锌懈褔薪械泄褕懈泄 褋谢褍褔邪泄 写懈泻械褎邪谢懈蟹屑邪, 锌褉懈 泻芯褌芯褉芯屑, 泻邪泻 胁褘 蟹薪邪械褌械, 懈屑械械褌褋褟 褋褉邪褖械薪懈械 胁 芯斜谢邪褋褌懈 褌褍谢芯胁懈褖邪, 谐芯谢芯胁 卸械 写胁械 懈谢懈, 胁 褉械写-褔邪泄褕懈褏 褋谢褍褔邪褟褏, 写邪卸械 孝袪袠!

(245 words)

Fair copy of translation

People had gathered, but Yendrikov still wasn鈥檛 there. He was quite often late. An even, sleepy hubbub filled the Herbarium. Churov kept trying to get the cartridge of his biro to work, rolling it between the palms of his hands and breathing on it as he got ready to take notes. Suddenly the hubbub abruptly died down.

In a fleeting glance at the blackboard at the front of the room amid the cracks in the paint covered with a thick layer of whitewash, which had half peeled off, Churov realized that it was not Yendrikov at the blackboard but his colleague Churbanov, in a sweater and a jacket, dishevelled and hatless. Churbanov had a piece of chalk in his hand and was enthusiastically drawing something ridiculous on the blackboard.

鈥楥an I borrow your anatomical path lecture notes?鈥 asked Agi, straightening her frost-covered hat above the beads of sweat in her eyebrows. Agi was hot underneath, but beginning to freeze on the outside. 鈥業 can鈥檛 write fast enough to keep up with him. You have such cool notes.鈥

鈥楾hey鈥檙e alright,鈥 said Churov reluctantly.

Everyone knew that Churov had the best notes in the group, written in his elongated, neat, slightly rounded, unslanted handwriting.

鈥楢hem, ahem!鈥 proclaimed Churbanov loudly and rapped on the lectern in the same way as Yendrikov. 鈥楾he topic of our lecture today鈥 quiet please, gentlemen! 鈥 the topic of our lecture today is 鈥淭he anatomy and physiology of the double-headed eagle depicted on the coat of arms of the Russian Federation鈥.'

A light chuckle, as at a comedy show, spread through the hall.

鈥楾he physiological structure of the double-headed eagle鈥檚 body鈥 鈥 Churbanov began his lecture, tapping his piece of chalk around the scruffy contour of the coat of arms on the board, which was similar to the outlines detectives and forensic scientists draw in their notorious, tragic cases 鈥 鈥榠s full of unique, ahem, adaptations of every kind, which we can call manifestations of the ability to compensate. The double-headed eagle is, of course, a very typical instance of dicephaly, where, as you know, fusion occurs in the region of the torso, whereas there are two, or in the most exceptional cases, even three 丑别补诲蝉!鈥

From Churov i Churbanov by Kseniya Buksha

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