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Mode of study Full-time, Part-time14. Mode of delivery Face to Face (on campus) 15. Background to the programme and subject area 91ֱ has a long-standing reputation for excellent research and teaching across different branches of archaeological science including the analysis of both organic and inorganic materials. The programme consolidates our expertise across two different pathways and enables us to capitalise on our expertise across different scientific sub-disciplines (e.g. stable isotope analysis, histology, geochemistry). The pathways enable students to make up their own programme through a combination of core and optional modules (see programme regulations and specification for further information); for those wishing to specialise they have the choice of the Bioarchaeology pathway, whilst students wishing greater freedom of choice outside of the core modules, or students who wish to study a combination of organic and inorganic materials, have the option of the Cross-disciplinary pathway. Graduates of this programme will have the specialist skills required in the archaeology workplace, and will help meet the demand for growth in the sector identified by the British Academy (2016). The professional archaeology workforce in the UK grew by 8.7% over the course of financial year 2016-17, and whilst post-fieldwork analysis by specialists were the skills most frequently bought-in, this analysis was also where the second-most skills-shortage was identified (after fieldwork) (Archaeological Market Survey 2016-17). The need for archaeological specialists with scientific training was also identified through our consultation with the Departments Strategic Partners. Since it is apparent that employers need archaeologists with specialist training, the proposed programme aims specifically to produce high-quality, employable archaeology postgraduates with specialist skill sets that can meet the demands of the market. Producing such graduates is in keeping with the Departments Learning and Teaching Strategy, but is also aligned to the Learning and Teaching strategy of the University with regards to delivering innovative, high-quality, research-led teaching that prepares our students for their future careers. 16. Programme aims MSc Archaeological Science (Bioarchaeology, cross-discipline) aims to:A1To offer students a programme of study that is qualitatively different from BSc-level study by maximising opportunities for independent study and reflective practice.A2To enable students to increase their knowledge and understanding of the major aspects of a specialism and to undertake independent analyses of relevant issues in this area.A3To enable students to acquire key transferable skills that are applicable both within and outside the discipline.A4To enable students to evaluate whether or not they possess the ability, motivation and interest to pursue a research degree. The MSc Archaeological Science pathways also have the following specific aims:A5Bioarchaeology Pathway: To provide intensive advanced research training in the scientific study of bioarchaeological materials (human remains, animal bone, environmental samples), combining the scientific analysis with the cultural interpretation in order to recognize the potential of these organic materials for our understanding of past human societies.A6Cross-discipline: To provide intensive advanced research training in their chosen archaeological material(s), combining the scientific analysis with the cultural interpretation in order to recognize the potential of archaeological materials for our understanding of past human societies. 17. Programme learning outcomes Knowledge and understanding On successful completion of the programme, students will be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:Links to Aim(s)K1Demonstrate advanced knowledge and critical understanding of the theoretical approaches, debates and current issues relevant to archaeological science, as explored through their chosen scientific pathway.A1, A2,K2Identify and explain a range of scientific methods used to analyse different archaeological materials studied through their chosen subject pathway.A2, A5, A6K3Apply advanced scientific methods to the analysis of archaeological materials studied through their chosen subject pathway.A3, A5, A6K4Demonstrate their understanding of how scientific methods are used to inform understanding of, and interpret, the archaeological record.A2, A5, A6In addition, students achieving a Masters will have:K5Identify an area of scientific enquiry in their chosen pathway and engage in independent archaeological research.A2, A3, A4Skills and other attributes On successful completion of the programme, students will be able to:S1Write and communicate effectively in both independent and collaborative working.A3S2Respond constructively to debate and criticism.A4S3Manage their time effectively, including the ability to work productively alone.A3,S4Employ a variety of IT skills, encompassing a range of bibliographical, statistical and other computer programmes and their application, and utilise sources (electronic/print) effectively for research.A3In addition, students achieving a Masters will be able to:S5Formulate a research design, generate and analyse relevant data, interpret the results, and present the findings in a publishable form.A1, A2, A5, A6S6Proceed to undertake doctoral research in scientific archaeology or to take up professional positions in their chosen area of specialism.A4, A5, A6 18. Learning and teaching methods Each pathway consists of a suite of core and optional modules currently offered as part of our existing Masters programmes. Students will be taught by academic staff responsible for those modules as well as the technical team. Currently the majority of lab-based classes taught on the existing programmes takes place within the Archaeology laboratories in Ella Armitage building. Teaching for non-lab based modules takes place in lecture theatres or classrooms on campus. Students are supported to become self-directed learners by having course materials available on Blackboard; engagement with these materials will ensure the students are familiar with the course content as well as the teaching materials, assessment methods and deadlines used by each module. Moreover, students are provided reading lists for their chosen modules and are encouraged to employ their own research skills in order to support their independent study. Students also become independent researchers by planning, implementing and undertaking research for their final publication-style dissertation. The following forms of teaching will be delivered as part of the programme: For Masters and Diploma students Lectures provide in-depth understanding of the theoretical approaches, debates and issues relevant to their chosen archaeological science pathway (K1-2). Laboratory classes require students to work both alone and in groups. Laboratory-based training in identification and analytical skills emphasises transferable principles and practices (K2, K3, S1). They introduce relevant tools and instruments, and procedures for collecting and analysing data (K3, K4). The practical teaching concentrates on the specialist skills required for the analysis of archaeological material relevant to their chosen pathway (K2, K3, S4). Laboratory classes provide students with the skills and confidence necessary to carry out the independent research linked to the dissertation and to become able archaeological practitioners (K5, S3-6). Seminars are student or staff-led and they reinforce information imparted through lectures, laboratory classes and independent study (K1, K4). They are used throughout the programme to encourage the oral expression and exchange of views (S1), to cultivate the ability to respond constructively to the presentation of alternative views (S2) and to assess critically research methodologies (K5). They also provide a forum for students to work cooperatively in the evaluation of the research issues raised by the teaching (S1). Seminar learning thus contributes to students attainment of archaeological knowledge and understanding and to the acquisition of key skills. Written assignments encourage students to develop their ability to summarise material critically, to present coherent and independent arguments and to support their arguments with appropriate evidence. Preparing such assignments particularly defining and researching an appropriate topic and formulating independent questions is essential to the acquisition of archaeological knowledge and understanding. As both the form and the length of written assignments varies from essays, through extended laboratory and project reports to the dissertation students develop a range of learning and time-management strategies in response to them (S3). 19. Assessment and feedback methods For Masters and Diploma students All written assignments are judged against the Departments marking criteria for work at Masters level and are expected to be well presented and written (S1) using the advice given in the Departments Postgraduate handbook. Practical examinations are conducted to allow the demonstration of the acquisition of core knowledge and identification skills in Human Osteology, Archaeozoology (K1, S2). Project reports allow students to show their ability to collect, analyse and present archaeological data. This allows for the evaluation of learning outcomes K1-K3 and S1-S4. All the practical modules are assessed through extended project reports that require structured reporting and significant analysis of original datasets. Essays allow students to demonstrate their familiarity with the relevant theoretical issues and their ability to handle theoretical or methodological material as well as their critical and analytical capacity. This allows for the evaluation of learning outcomes K1, K2, K4 and S1, S3, S4. Essays are used as the principal method of assessment in the following modules: Funerary Archaeology, Human Osteology, Archaeobotany, Research Design: Planning, Execution and Presentation, Reinventing Archaeology, Investigating ancient environments and Rethinking the Ancient Economy. Presentations are conducted to allow the demonstration of the acquisition of core knowledge and how scientific methods are used to inform understanding of, and interpret, the archaeological record. This method allows students to demonstrate their ability to communicate effectively in both independent and collaborative working (K1, K4, S1). Presentations are an assessment method used in the following modules: Assemblage Analysis, Reinventing Archaeology and Research Design: Planning, Execution And Presentation. For Masters students The Dissertation (Journal-style Paper) (6,000 words maximum) makes it possible to demonstrate achievement of learning outcomes K1, K3-K5 and S1, S3-S5. Students will receive verbal feedback from their tutor, the research technicians and peer feedback during laboratory-based classes. Feedback from tutors in laboratory classes may be individual as well as whole cohort feedback. Such continuous feedback enables the students to monitor their own progress through self-reflection. Students have the opportunity to discuss their progress with their module tutor or programme director either by prior arrangement or during staff office hours. Depending on the form of assessment, students will receive written feedback on essays, laboratory reports or portfolios; this individual feedback is provided within three weeks of the submission deadline. Feedback on presentations may be given verbally in class, either to the individual or the group, depending on the format of the presentation. This verbal feedback may then be followed by written feedback to enable the students to self-reflect on their progress. Information and guidance on how the students can best use their feedback is provided in the PGT handbook, whilst students are also encouraged to discuss any queries around their feedback with the programme director and/or module coordinator. 20. Programme structure and student development The programme follows a modular format, and Masters students are required to complete a total of 180 credits over 12 months (full-time study), Diploma students over 12 months (full-time study). Students are encouraged to take 60 credits in each semester in order to balance their workload. For Masters students the period between the end of the Spring Semester and the end of the period of registration is devoted entirely to the dissertation. Students taking the cross disciplinary pathway will follow this indicative structure: 3 x Core modules (45 credits) 4 x optional modules (60 credits) Unrestricted FA&H (15 credits) Quantitative Methods (15 credits) Research design: planning, execution and presentation (15 credits) Applied Archaeological Science (15 credits) Rethinking the Ancient Economy (15 credits) Reinventing Archaeology (15 credits) Human Osteology (15 credits) Archaeobotany (15 credits) Zooarchaeology (15 credits) Investigating Ancient Environments (15 credits) Assemblage Analysis (15 credits) Unrestricted Faculty of Arts & Humanities F7 units to the value of 15 credits Dissertation (Journal Style Paper (60 credits): c. 6000 words Students taking the Bioarchaeology pathway will follow this indicative structure: 5 x Core modules (75 credits) 2 x Optional modules (30 credits) Unrestricted FA&H (15 credits) Quantitative Methods (15 credits) Research design: planning, execution and presentation (15 credits) Human Osteology (15 credits) Archaeobotany (15 credits) Zooarchaeology (15 credits) Investigating Ancient Environments (15 credits) Biological Anthropology I (15 credits) Advanced Archaeozoology (15 credits) Applied Archaeological Science (15 credits) The history of the human-animal relationship (15 credits) Funerary Archaeology (15 credits) Assemblage analysis (15 credits) Unrestricted Faculty of Arts & Humanities F7 units to the value of 15 credits Dissertation (Journal Style Paper (60 credits): c. 6000 words A total of 120 credits which entitles students to the Postgraduate Diploma in Archaeological Science. To proceed to the Dissertation (journal-style paper) a candidate must first have been awarded 120 credits in the taught modules and progression is dependent upon the recommendation of the examiners based on performance in the taught units. In addition to the taught modules, students must accumulate further credits from the following to be eligible for the award of MSc in Archaeological Science: - Dissertation (Journal-style paper) carrying 60 credits (summer). This provides a total of 180 credits. Student development For both Masters and Diploma students the modules taught in Semesters 1 and 2 ensure a steady process of deepening and broadening engagement with their chosen pathway (e.g. Archaeozoology, Advanced Archaeozoology), and an appreciation of the diversity of approaches utilised within each pathway. In addition, in the course of the programme a skills base is developed so that, by the end of Semester 2, students will have built up expertise in the full range of specialisms offered. For Masters students, the programme is structured so as to lead logically to the writing of the journal-style paper; the major indicator of the successful achievement of the learning outcomes. The teaching in Semesters 1 and 2 provides the student with an opportunity to select a specialist analytical approach which can be developed in-depth during the dissertation through application to a specific archaeological problem. The analyses required and the writing of the journal-style paper is undertaken over the Summer after completion of the taught modules. Planning and preparation of this research will, however, begin in the Spring semester as part of the compulsory, Research Design: Planning, Execution and Presentation, module.Detailed information about the structure of programmes, regulations concerning assessment and progression and descriptions of individual modules are published in the University Calendar available online at  HYPERLINK "http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/calendar/" \h http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/calendar/. 21. Criteria for admission to the programme A minimum of a good honours degree (2.1 or better) in Archaeology or another humanities or science subject is required. IELTS score of 6.5 with at least 5.5 in all the component tests. Two references (at least one should be an academic reference). 22. Reference points The learning outcomes have been developed to reflect the following points of reference: Subject Benchmark Statements HYPERLINK "https://www.qaa.ac.uk/quality-code/subject-benchmark-statements"https://www.qaa.ac.uk/quality-code/subject-benchmark-statements Framework for Higher Education Qualifications (2014) HYPERLINK "https://www.qaa.ac.uk/docs/qaa/quality-code/qualifications-frameworks.pdf"https://www.qaa.ac.uk/docs/qaa/quality-code/qualifications-frameworks.pdf University Vision and Strategic Plan HYPERLINK "/vision"/vision 23. Additional information  This specification represents a concise statement about the main features of the programme and should be considered alongside other sources of information provided by the teaching department(s) and the University. In addition to programme specific information, further information about studying at 91ֱ can be accessed via our Student Services web site at  HYPERLINK "http://www.shef.ac.uk/ssid" \h http://www.shef.ac.uk/ssid.     aapt221 ver23-24 PAGE5 Programme Specification A statement of the knowledge, understanding and skills that underpin a taught programme of study leading to an award from 91ֱ  -.DTUVWhimopqr     @ A O P Q o p { | } ~ ºի£ʛh%:WCJaJhwP#CJaJh'WhX$&B*CJaJphh&wcCJaJhb3CJaJh'WhX$&CJaJh'Wh|CJaJ hX$&5>* h|5>*hX$&jhjSUmHnHu; .V  $IfgdX8$If$d1$$<a$ VWiqob\$If (($Ifgd'Wkd$$Ifs0 <(   t 0n(4d4 saApyt'Wqroi[ d$1$Ifgd'W$Ifkd$$Ifs0 <(   t 0n(4d4 saApyt'Woi] d$Ifgd'W$Ifkd$$Ifs0 <(   t 0n(4d4 saApyt'Woi] d$Ifgd'W$IfkdL$$Ifs0 <(   t 0n(4d4 saApyt'W  oi[ d$1$Ifgd'W$Ifkd$$Ifs0 <(   t 0n(4d4 saApyt'W  A P obT d$1$Ifgd'W (($Ifgd'Wkd$$Ifs0 <(   t 0n(4d4 saApyt'WP Q p | obT d$1$Ifgd'W (($Ifgd'Wkd$$Ifs0 <(   t 0n(4d4 saApyt'W| } ~ oi^^^ $$Ifgd'W$dkd\$$Ifs0 <(   t 0n(4d4 saApyt'W~           & ' ( ) 8 9 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