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To familiarise yourself with the terms used in the Researcher Development Framework and this form, visit the Universitys  HYPERLINK "https://rdf.ris.shef.ac.uk/" online RDF tool. Prioritising your training and development Academic, professional and personal development are all key aspects of your doctoral research experience, and the Faculty will support you to develop your skills throughout the course of your PhD. However, time is a precious resource, so it is important to ensure that you undertake the right training at the right stage of your PhD. When considering the twelve areas (three within each Domain) in the following table, please decide in consultation with your supervisor(s) to what extent it is a priority for the coming year (low, medium or high). Formal training (such as that within the Faculty of Social Science Core Programme) may be part of your development, but many of the skills required of an effective researcher will also be developed through the process of working on your PhD itself (e.g. developing your critical thinking through writing thesis chapters). Through discussion with your supervisor(s), you should use this form to set realistic goals and identify the action to achieve them you can then use this to reflect on your development throughout the year. In addition, remember to keep an up-to-date record of the training you have undertaken within your PhD, as you will need to submit a  HYPERLINK "http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/ris/pgr/ddpportal/forms" Doctoral Development Programme Summary Form at the end of your doctoral studies. RDF Domain A: Knowledge and Intellectual Abilities the knowledge, intellectual abilities and techniques to do researchReflection on your current ability/experience in this area and main priorities for the coming yearAction to be taken to develop this area (if appropriate), agreed with your supervisor(s).Knowledge base (RDF subdomain A1) Including: Subject knowledge Research methods theoretical knowledge and practical application Information seeking and information management skills Academic literacy and numeracyCognitive abilities (A2) Including: Analysing Synthesising knowledge Critical thinkingCreativity (A3) Including: Intellectual insight Innovation Argument ConstructionRDF Domain B: Personal Effectiveness the personal qualities and approach to be an effective researcherReflection on your current ability/experience in this area and main priorities for the coming yearAction to be taken to develop this area (if appropriate), agreed with your supervisor(s).Personal qualities (B1) Including: Resilience Self-confidence Integrity Self-reflectionSelf-management (B2) Including: Time management Responsiveness to change Work-life balanceProfessional and career development (B3) Including: Career management Networking Reputation and esteemRDF Domain C: Research Governance and Organisation the knowledge of the standards, requirements and professionalism to do researchReflection on your current ability/experience in this area and main priorities for the coming yearAction to be taken to develop this area (if appropriate), agreed with your supervisor(s).Professional conduct (C1) Including: Ethics Respect and confidentiality Attribution and co-authorshipResearch management (C2) Including: Research strategy; Project planning and delivery; Risk management.Finance, funding and resources (C3) Including Income and funding; Financial management.RDF Domain D: Engagement, Influence and Impact the knowledge and skills to work with others and ensure the wider impact of researchReflection on your current ability/experience in this area and main priorities for the coming yearAction to be taken to develop this area (if appropriate), agreed with your supervisor(s).Working with others (D1) Including: Team working; People Management; Influence and leadership.Communication and dissemination (D2) Including: Communication Methods; Publication.Engagement and impact (D3) Including: Teaching; Public Engagement; Global Citizenship. Feedback (to be completed after the supervision in which the TNA is discussed)Comments from supervisor(s)Any further action agreed by the supervisor and the student [please specify]: Signature of researcher:Date:Signatures of supervisor(s):Date:Signature of departmental PGR Director:Date:     PAGE   399 < R ĸ{pbWWhp[~hz6CJaJhp[~hz65CJ\aJhp[~hNvCJaJ hp[~h^ hp[~hEhp[~hc2CJaJ hp[~hNv hp[~h)szhp[~hECJaJhp[~h)szCJaJhp[~hz65CJaJhp[~h)sz5CJaJhp[~h^CJaJhp[~hV5CJaJhp[~h(5CJaJhp[~h^5CJaJ:\pkd$$Iflr6^7 t0644 lap ytMd$IfgdM dgdE $da$gdE $da$gd(d$IfgdMpkd$$Iflr6^7 t0644 lap ytMd$IfgdMpkd $$Iflr6^7 t0644 lap ytM N O   3 _`szzz dgdPd dgdEpkd$$Iflr6^7 t0644 lap ytMR S 0 K L R M R Z f o Ĺģq_q#jEhp[~hMmCJUaJjhp[~hMmCJUaJh&r CJaJh*3CJaJhp[~h*CJaJh(CJaJhp[~h)CJaJhp[~hECJaJhp[~hMmCJaJhp[~hz6CJaJhzNhz60JCJaJjhzNCJUaJhzNCJaJjhzNCJUaJ      2 3 C c R s Hõ{pph`UpMphk=\CJaJhp[~h`iCJaJhUCJaJh^1CJaJhp[~hPdCJaJhp[~hf6CJ]aJhp[~h^CJaJhCJaJhp[~hfCJaJhp[~h*5CJ\aJhp[~hf5CJ\aJhp[~hECJaJhp[~hz6CJaJhp[~hMmCJaJjhp[~hMmCJUaJhp[~hMm0JCJaJHKMSW[]^`Yrs:;<ghijpǿǿǷvppjaWhp[~h75\h&r h)zCJ h&r CJ h?OP֯瞔|u|u|u| hV(5\hp[~hV(5\ hp[~hV( hp[~hchp[~hc6]hp[~hc5\ hp[~h oh*3h*36hp[~hy\hp[~hb\hh\ hp[~hb hy5hp[~hy5h*3 hp[~hyh h6hh6.CDEF_j~R@@ & Fd$Ifgd okd $$IfTF&9: t09    4apyt*Td$IfgdM@kd$$IfTF&9: t09    4apytTd$IfgdM & Fd$Ifgd*3    @kdY$$IfTF&9: t09    4apytTd$IfgdM & Fd$Ifgd o ;Oyk]]d$Ifgd *d$IfgdMxkd $$IfT 99  t 094ap ytkYTd$IfgdcOPit`RR@@@R & F d$IfgdzPd$IfgdMkd$$IfT F&9: t09    4apytTPit $/9:LM_d "#$;CDRžžűžxf"hp[~hb5PJ\^JnH tH  hp[~hc2"hp[~h)sz5PJ\^JnH tH "hp[~h)z5PJ\^JnH tH hp[~h5PJnH tH hp[~h*56\] hp[~h*h*56\]hp[~hzP6\]h*3h*35h*3 hp[~hbhp[~hzP6]hp[~hb5%R@@ & F d$IfgdzPkd$$IfTF&9: t09    4apytTd$IfgdM /:RD2 & F d$IfgdzPd$IfgdzPkdQ$$IfTF&9: t09    4apytTd$IfgdM:Mabcde@kd$$IfTF&9: t09    4apytTd$IfgdM & F d$IfgdzPykd$Ifgd*d$IfgdMxkd$$IfT99  t 094ap ytEUT !"xjjd$Ifgd*kd$$IfT0|9/ t094apyt*T"#$=Cxn``d$IfgdE dgdEkdM$$IfT0|9/ t094apyt*TCDag|nnd$IfgdEkd$$Ifl0+$:F1+Fe t0644 lBayt)zR\]^_ghõhNv hNv0JjhNv0JUhHjhHUhp[~h|pC5PJnH tH  hp[~hc2"hp[~h)sz5PJ\^JnH tH "hp[~hb5PJ\^JnH tH "hp[~hc25PJ\^JnH tH gh|nnd$IfgdEkd$$Ifl0+$:F1+Fe t0644 lBayt)z|rhfhfhfhf dgd)G7 dgdEkdL$$Ifl0+$:F1+Fe t0644 lBayt)z  dgdEh]hgd)G7 &`#$gdV91h0/R :p)zA }.!S"S#S$S% $$If!vh#v^7:V lr t065^7p ytM$$If!vh#v^7:V lr t065^7p ytM$$If!vh#v^7:V lr t065^7p ytM$$If!vh#v^7:V lr t065^7p ytM-DyK yK https://ddp.group.shef.ac.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/SocSciguidancedec2015.docyX;H,]ą'cDyK yK Phttps://rdf.ris.shef.ac.uk/yX;H,]ą'cDyK yK ~http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/ris/pgr/ddpportal/formsyX;H,]ą'c$$If!vh#v9:V ,  t 09,594 p ytkYT$$If!vh#v#v#vK:V t09555K4 pytT$$If!vh#v#v#vK:V  t09,555K4 pytT$$If!vh#v#v#vK:V  t09,555K4 pytT$$If!vh#v#v#vK:V  t09,555K4 pytT$$If!vh#v9:V   t 09,594 p ytkYT$$If!vh#v#v#vK:V t09555K4 pytT$$If!vh#v#v#vK:V  t09,555K4 pytT$$If!vh#v#v#vK:V  t09,555K4 pytT$$If!vh#v#v#vK:V  t09,555K4 pyt)zT$$If!vh#v9:V )  t 09,594 p ytkYT$$If!vh#v#v:#v:V t0955:54 pytT$$If!vh#v#v:#v:V  t0955:54 pyt*T$$If!vh#v#v:#v:V  t09,55:54 pytT$$If!vh#v#v:#v:V  t09,55:54 pytT$$If!vh#v9:V    t 09,594 p ytkYT$$If!vh#v#v:#v:V   t0955:54 pytT$$If!vh#v#v:#v:V  t09,55:54 pytT$$If!vh#v#v:#v:V  t09,55:54 pytT$$If!vh#v#v:#v:V  t09,55:5/ 4 pytT$$If!vh#v9:V   t 0959/ 4 p ytEUT$$If!vh#v#v/:V  t09,55/4 pyt*T$$If!vh#v#v/:V  t0955/4 pyt*T$$If!vh#v1+#ve:V l t06,51+5e/ Bayt)z$$If!vh#v1+#ve:V l t06,51+5e/ Bayt)z$$If!vh#v1+#ve:V l t06,51+5e/ Bayt)zn 666666666vvvvvvvvv666666>6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666hH6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666662 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~$OJPJQJ^J_HmH nHsH tHN`N Normal dCJ_HaJmH nHsH tHDA`D Default Paragraph FontRi@R 0 Table Normal4 l4a (k ( 0No List tt *B*phB'`B z60Comment ReferenceCJaJR@"R z60 Comment TextdCJ^JaJmHsHtHBo1B z60Comment Text CharCJaJPj@!"P z60Comment Subject5\^JmHsHtHNoQN z60Comment Subject Char5CJ\aJ^@b^ z60 Balloon Text d CJOJQJ^JaJmHsHtHNoqN z60Balloon Text CharCJOJQJ^JaJ> @> )G70Footerd!.. )G70 Footer Char.)@. )G70 Page NumberFV`F ,0FollowedHyperlink >*B*phD@D Mm0Header  B#^JmHsHtH6o6 Mm0 Header CharCJaJPK![Content_Types].xmlN0EH-J@%ǎǢ|ș$زULTB l,3;rØJB+$G]7O٭V$ !)O^rC$y@/yH*񄴽)޵߻UDb`}"qۋJחX^)I`nEp)liV[]1M<OP6r=zgbIguSebORD۫qu gZo~ٺlAplxpT0+[}`jzAV2Fi@qv֬5\|ʜ̭NleXdsjcs7f W+Ն7`g ȘJj|h(KD- dXiJ؇(x$( :;˹! 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