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The MSc programme is designed to meet the course accreditation standards of the Association for Nutrition (AfN). Course accreditation allows candidates who successfully complete the MSc to apply for direct entry as Associate Nutritionists onto the UK Voluntary Register of Nutritionists, held by AfN. Staff with research and teaching expertise in nutrition science across the Faculty of Medicine Dentistry and Health also provide training appropriate for candidates wanting to enter a broad range of disciplines relevant to human nutrition, including food industry, research into diet/health interactions, community nutrition, sports science, etc. Potential career pathways include NHS/Hospital Trusts; food manufacturing/retail; pharmaceutical industry/contract research companies; local government/other community-based work; central government, international non-government organisations, e.g. overseas aid agencies; HE and other educational establishments; further training, e.g. PhD, dietetics, medicine; self-employment, e.g. nutrition consultancy; research institutions.Programme aims The overall aim of the programme is to facilitate the development of Associate Nutritionists in the field of Nutrition Science. The course will: provide candidates with a core body of instruction/knowledge in the fundamentals of nutritional science, through taught modules in Nutritional Biochemistry, Nutritional Epidemiology, Nutritional Physiology, Contemporary Issues in Global Nutrition, Nutrition in Health and Disease. provide candidates with a selection of optional modules: either Molecular Nutrition OR Systematic Review OR Health Promotion OR Qualitative Research Design and Analysis OR Further Statistics for Health Science Researchers. provide candidates with an opportunity to undertake a research project and complete a dissertation, supported by two additional taught modules: Introduction to Research Methods and Introduction to Statistics and Critical Appraisal. provide a learning environment that is informed by the academic, research and professional experience of the teaching staff and that offers a level of understanding beyond that offered at undergraduate level. provide knowledge in research skills and techniques especially relevant to Human Nutrition. provide candidates with training in core competences to be able to register as an Associate Nutritionist, and eventually as a Registered Nutritionist.Programme learning outcomes Knowledge and understanding: Following completion of the programme of study candidates will have a sound knowledge base across the breadth of sub-disciplines of human nutrition required for registration as Associate Nutritionists, which are cross-referenced here to the Association for Nutritions core competences (AfN CCs). Candidates will have developed critical skills in terms of evaluating relevant literature and will be able to offer scientifically based judgements on nutrition issues. They will have demonstrated key practical skills relating to assessment of dietary intake and determination of energy balance. Candidates completing the research project will have demonstrated competence in research study methodology, which may include design, recruitment and randomisation issues and the statistical handling of data.Candidates for MSc and PG Diploma will have developed specific knowledge and understanding including:K1Principles of Nutrition Science, including: the human body and its functions, especially digestion, absorption, excretion, respiration, fluid and electrolyte balance, cardiovascular, neuro-endocrine, musculoskeletal and haematological systems, immunity and thermoregulation, energy balance and physical activity; mechanisms for the integration of metabolism, at molecular, cellular and whole body levels; what nutrients are (including water & oxygen); nature and extent of metabolic demand for nutrients; how nutrients are used by the body, consequences of deficiency and assessment of nutritional status; non-nutrient components of foods and drinks that affect diet and health including alcohol; nutrient analysis; digestion, absorption, transportation and storage of nutrients and non-nutrient components of foods; nutrition in health and disease, consequences of an unbalanced diet; nature of common conditions that require dietary manipulation or can affect physical activity, such as obesity, diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, cancer etc; how nutritional needs change with age, gender, physical activity, lifestyle etc; health research methods, dietary nutrition methodologies and nutritional epidemiology; theories of and development of practical skills in communication and learning; This area of knowledge and understanding maps to AfN CC1 (Science).K2The food chain, including: food commodities (staple foods, main sources of key nutrients, novel foods etc) within UK and internationally; effect on chemical composition and nutritional quality of food and diet of; methods of food production, preparation, preservation, fortification and format; sources of food supply; methods of cooking & storage; familiarity with and/or development of practical skills involved in the methods to analyse the composition of foods; understanding of issues associated with food sustainability. This area of knowledge and understanding maps to AfN CC2 (Food Chain)K3Social and behavioural aspects of food and nutrition, including: food and nutrition and health policy (at global, national and local level); significance of evaluation of nutrition in maintaining and driving public health agendas; factors that affect an individuals, communities and population groups nutritional needs and practices; religious and cultural beliefs and practices that impact on food, nutrition and health consideration of financial/social and environmental circumstances on diet and nutritional intake; theories and application of methods of improving health, behaviour and change; theories of nutrition health education and nutrition health promotion; This area of knowledge and understanding maps to AfN CC3 (Social/Behaviour).K4Nutrition and diet in health and wellbeing, including: principles and methods of measurement and estimation of energy balance; energy expenditure physical activity and fitness; body mass; body composition; how body mass and energy balance are controlled; theory and methods of investigating the dietary, nutrient and activity patterns of the general population, sub groups and the individual; scientific basis of the safety and health promoting properties of nutrients and non-nutrient components of food, based on knowledge of the metabolic effects of nutrients, anti-nutrients, toxicants, additives, pharmacologically active agents (drugs); nutrient-nutrient interactions, nutrient-gene interactions, nutri-ceuticals, functional foods, and any other metabolically active constituents of foods and the diet; scientific basis for the measurement and estimation of nutritional requirements, dietary reference values for the general population; understanding of the general principles underpinning, and strengths and limitations of, common methods of assessment of nutritional status including clinical, anthropometric, dietary, biochemical, physiological, and functional methods; understanding of the general principles and methods associated with determining the efficacy, health attributes, health claims, safety, and legal aspects of foods, drinks and supplements; This area of knowledge and understanding maps to AfN CC4 (Health/Wellbeing).K5Principles of professional conduct, including: ethics and values of professions; Association for Nutrition Code of Ethics and Statement of Professional Conduct; legal context of nutrition practice; including current UK legislation and guidelines to providing information to individuals; responsibilities and accountability in relation to the current European and National legislation, national guidelines, local policies and protocols and clinical/corporate Governance in relation to nutrition; can recognise the moral and ethical issues of investigation and appreciate the need for ethical standards and professional codes of conduct applicable to both interventional and observational studies; the relevance of the research governance framework; intellectual property issues; This area of knowledge and understanding maps to AfN CC5 (Professional Conduct).K6Principles of statistics and critical appraisal, including: classification and appropriate display and summary of different types of data; properties of the normal distribution; population and sample data, including precision of sample estimate of a population parameter; confidence intervals as applied to means, proportions, differences in means, and differences in proportions; setting and testing statistical hypotheses; distinguishing between statistical significance and clinical significance; evaluating the quality of published research; This area of knowledge and understanding maps to elements of AfN CC1, CC2 and CC4 (Science, Social/Behaviour, Health/Wellbeing).K7Principles of nutritional research, including: design and management of an original nutritional research project; ethical and research governance dimensions of research; methodologies, methods and forms of analysis; links between theory and methods; development of practical skills for data collection and analysis appropriate to methods and methodologies; presenting findings in an appropriate format; This area of knowledge and understanding maps across all AfN CCs.Candidates for MSc and PG Diploma will also have developed specific knowledge and understanding in one of the following optional areas:K8Principles of molecular nutrition, including: cell structure and function; DNA structure and replication in the context of the central dogma of molecular biology that the flow of genetic information is from DNA to RNA to protein; mechanisms by which genotype, epigenetics and non-heritable variations modify an individuals metabolic and other responses to nutrients and non-nutrient components of foods; mechanisms by which specific nutrients and non-nutrient components of foods modulate gene expression, metabolism and other processes; understanding of and development of practical skills in laboratory methods and bioinformatics used to study genetic variation, gene-nutrient and nutrient-gene interactions; This area of knowledge and understanding maps significantly to elements of CC1 and CC4 (Science, Health/Wellbeing).K9Principles of health promotion, including: key concepts in health promotion; an appreciation of the issues in building and evaluating sustainable health promotion interventions in different countries; a critical approach to the methods of implementing health promotion; an overview of the concepts of communication and behaviour in relation to health; This area of knowledge and understanding maps significantly to elements of AfN CC4, and to elements of CC3 and CC4 (Social/Behaviour, Health/Wellbeing).K10Principles of systematic review and critical appraisal, including: key principles of a systematic review and how they are used within healthcare; formulation of a complete and valid review question; assessment of different methods for sourcing evidence and their respective merits; recognition of the importance of quality assessment as a key component of the systematic review process; the contribution of the different stages of the systematic review process to limitation of the potential for bias; understanding how different methods of synthesis may be used to produce and present evidence within a systematic review; This area of knowledge and understanding maps across all AfN CCs.K11Principles of qualitative research design and analysis, including: key terms and concepts that underpin qualitative research design and analysis, with particular reference to the discipline of health services research and public health; Systematic understanding of the most widely used approaches to qualitative data collection; Critical awareness of key issues around validity, reliability and sampling in qualitative research; Critical awareness of ethical issues and reflexivity as applied to qualitative research; Critical awareness of how qualitative research is written up in practice; This area of knowledge and understanding maps across all AfN CCs. Skills and other attributes: Intellectual Skills Candidates will develop the ability to:S1Calculate nutrient contents of foods and diets of an individual or group of individuals, justifying choice of a method of dietary assessment for a specific stated purpose (AfN CC1g), using a range of methods, including computer package(s).S2Plan, conduct, analyse and report on investigations into an aspect of nutrition in a responsible, safe and ethical manner (AfN CC1l).S3Carry out sample selection and to ensure validity, accuracy, calibration, precision, replicability and highlight uncertainty during collection in accordance with the basic principles of good clinical practice (AfN CC1m).S4Obtain, record, collate, analyse, interpret and report nutrition-related data using appropriate qualitative and quantitative research and statistical methods in the field and/or laboratory and/or intervention studies, working individually or in a group, as is most appropriate for the discipline under study (AfN CC1n).S5Prepare, process, interpret and present data, using appropriate qualitative and quantitative techniques, statistical programmes, spreadsheets and programs for presenting data visually (AfN CC1o).S6Formulate ideas and opinions concerning food, nutrients, non-nutrient components of food and nutrition effectively and appropriately (AfN CC2d).S7Design/formulate a diet to meet a specification appropriate for a stated situation for an individual or group (AfN CC3i).S8Recognise strengths and weaknesses in dietary, nutrition and health research methods, in order to understand the limitations of the scientific basis of nutritional knowledge (AfN CC4g).S9Integrate knowledge and understanding from a variety of sources to identify or propose solutions in improvement of human health (AfN CC4h).S10Recognise the moral and ethical issues of investigation and appreciate the need for ethical standards and professional codes of conduct applicable to both interventional and observational studies (AfN CC5a).S11Communicate effectively both orally and through writing; work cooperatively in groups in order to present material orally, in report-writing and in practical exercises.S12Synthesise knowledge and skills previously gained and apply them to an in-depth study.S13Use anthropometric data to evaluate nutritional status of an individual or group.S14Retrieve information from a variety of sources using appropriate techniques.S15Access and/or generate databases and analyse data according to the most appropriate statistical techniques.S16Recognise the moral and ethical issues of investigation and appreciate the need for ethical standards and professional codes of conduct applicable to both interventional and observational studies (CC5e).S17Work sensitively and inclusively whilst displaying insight into the benefits and pitfalls of working in teams and reviewing large volumes of information for an audience.S18Interpret the findings from a systematic review process within the context of recommendations for research and recommendations for practice.S19Justify why some approaches to health promotion may be more beneficial than others.S20Organise health promotion literature into a logical narrative.Candidates for PG Dip and PG Cert will have developed the skills and other attributes associated with the acquisition of any 120 or 60 credits from those available (excluding the Dissertation module), respectively. 18. Teaching, learning and assessment Development of the learning outcomes is promoted through the following teaching and learning methods: Lectures Seminars Tutorials Workshops Small group work involving demonstrations Problem solving classes Practical classes, including laboratory classes Independent study Opportunities to demonstrate achievement of the learning outcomes are provided through the following assessment methods: Formal examinations Essays Coursework, including oral and poster presentations Group collaborative work Laboratory work Project/Dissertation (MSc only)19. Reference points The learning outcomes have been developed to reflect the following points of reference: Subject Benchmark Statements HYPERLINK "https://www.qaa.ac.uk/quality-code/subject-benchmark-statements"https://www.qaa.ac.uk/quality-code/subject-benchmark-statements Framework for Higher Education Qualifications (2014) HYPERLINK "https://www.qaa.ac.uk/docs/qaa/quality-code/qualifications-frameworks.pdf"https://www.qaa.ac.uk/docs/qaa/quality-code/qualifications-frameworks.pdf University Vision and Strategic Plan HYPERLINK "/vision"/vision The Association for Nutrition Accreditation Standards, Outcomes and Procedures (1st Oct 2016)  HYPERLINK "http://www.associationfornutrition.org/Portals/0/Public/Accreditation/AfN%20Accreditation%20Standards,%20Outcomes%20and%20Procedures%201st%20Oct%202016%20FINAL.pdf" \h http://www.associationfornutrition.org/Portals/0/Public/Accreditation/AfN%20Accreditation%20Standards,%20Outcomes%20and%20Procedures%201st%20Oct%202016%20FINAL.pdf The 91ֱ Graduate Attributes  HYPERLINK "http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/sheffieldgraduate/studentattributes" \h http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/sheffieldgraduate/studentattributes The evaluation by teachers and students on this course, and research project supervisors outside this Academic Unit Periodic Review of Medical School Postgraduate Taught Courses (2014)20. Programme structure and regulations The programme is modular and consists of core and optional modules. (a) The following core modules are common to the MSc, PG Diploma and PG Certificate entry and exit routes: HART611 15 Credits Nutritional Biochemistry HART612 15 Credits Nutritional Epidemiology HART613 15 Credits Nutritional Physiology HART614 15 Credits Nutrition in the Global South HART615 15 Credits Nutrition in Health and Disease HAR6030 15 Credits Introduction to Research Methods HAR6035 15 Credits Introduction to Statistics and Critical Appraisal (b) The following module is for MSc candidates only: HAR6024 60 Credits Research Project and Dissertation (c) The following modules are optional and are common to the MSc, PG Diploma and PG Certificate entry and exit routes: HART616 15 Credits Molecular Nutrition HAR6021 15 Credits Health Promotion HAR6045 15 Credits Further Statistics for Health Science Researchers HAR6501 15 Credits Systematic Reviews and Critical Appraisal Techniques HAR6531 15 Credits Qualitative Research Design and Analysis (d) MSc candidates must complete all the core 15 credit modules at (a) plus the Research Project and Dissertation module at (b) plus one optional 15 credit module at (c), to the total value of 180 credits (e) PG Diploma candidates must complete all the core 15 credit modules at (a) plus one optional 15 credit module at (c), to the total value of 120 credits. (f) PG Certificate candidates must complete at least three core 15 credit modules at (a) plus one other 15 credit module from the core or optional modules at (a) and (c), to the total value of 60 credits.Detailed information about the structure of programmes, regulations concerning assessment and progression and descriptions of individual modules are published in the University Calendar available on-line at  HYPERLINK "http://www.shef.ac.uk/calendar" www.shef.ac.uk/calendar21. Student development over the course of study The core modules provide candidates with a significant background knowledge and understanding in Human Nutrition, covering areas of nutritional biochemistry, epidemiology and community nutrition, nutritional physiology, contemporary issues in global nutrition, and nutrition in health and disease. In each of the core modules, candidates are introduced to key topics through lectures, workshops, seminars and other formal activities with teaching staff, and they are directed to additional learning material for independent study. In these modules, candidates are introduced to real world examples and scenarios from which to develop a critical approach to the evaluation of information and literature. A similar approach is taken with each of the three optional modules. PG Diploma and PG Certificate candidates benefit from the same approach through selected core and optional modules. In addition, MSc candidates undertake modules that provide a more in-depth introduction to research methods, statistics and critical appraisal, to support and help them to plan and develop their research projects, which they undertake independently, supported by an experienced supervisor. The MSc programme is designed to meet the course accreditation standards of the AfN. Course accreditation allows candidates who successfully complete the MSc to apply for direct entry as Associate Nutritionists onto the UK Voluntary Register of Nutritionists, held by AfN. Candidates are introduced to issues of Professional Practice through specific elements of the course. reflective practice, undertake a self-assessment of skills and attributes and maintain a personal and professional development portfolio, through the personal tutoring system. Candidates have opportunities to work independently and as part of groups or teams, and through the range of assessed activities are able to develop and demonstrate a wide range of disciplinary and transferable skills that are of lifelong benefit to academic, industrial and public sector employers, and which enable graduates to interact across health disciplines and sectors.22. Criteria for admission to the programme Detailed information regarding admission to programmes is available from the Departments Course Web page at  HYPERLINK "http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/oncology-metabolism/masters/humannutrition/applying" http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/oncology-metabolism/masters/humannutrition/applying. 23. Additional information This specification represents a concise statement about the main features of the programme and should be considered alongside other sources of information provided by the teaching department(s) and the University. In addition to programme specific information, further information about studying at 91ֱ can be accessed via our Student Services web site at  HYPERLINK "http://www.shef.ac.uk/ssid" www.shef.ac.uk/ssid.      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