ࡱ> YcXfO 0*Fbjbj88 *RWiRWiW=- 8#d\Wp   *%V%%VVVVVVV$Z\hW%%"*%%%W  W(((%8  V(%V((PoU 2XBu.&R8V,W0\WST8]('8]poU8]oUX%%(%%%%%WW'%%%\W%%%%8]%%%%%%%%% M:  EMBED Word.Picture.8  1Programme TitleMaster of Public Health (Management and Leadership)2Programme CodeHART463JACS CodeB9004Level of StudyPostgraduate5Final QualificationMPH (Management and Leadership)6Intermediate Qualification(s)Postgraduate Certificate, Postgraduate Diploma7Teaching Institution (if not 91ֱ)Not applicable8FacultyHealth9Home DepartmentSchool of Medicine and Population Health (Population Health)10Other Department(s) involved in teaching the programmeManagement School11Mode(s) of AttendanceFull-time or Part-time12Duration of the Programme1 year or 2 years13Accrediting Professional or Statutory BodyNot applicable14Date of production/revisionMarch 2008 / February 2015 / February 2019 / January 2020 / January 2023, February 2024Background to the programme and subject area The Master of Public Health (Management and Leadership) provides high quality education and training in those aspects of management science that impact upon the delivery, development and governance of health services, and the key public health challenges facing those working both in developed and developing countries. The relevance of management and governance in international public health has been recognised as one of the greatest challenges facing governments in newly developed and newly democratised nations. For example, Kaul (2003) argues that the pervasiveness of health crises in developing countries stems from an underlying problem of governance and leadership rather than from disease entities. Health policy and health needs assessment are the key drivers of demand and strategic development in the health sector. Demand for healthcare, including technological development, changes in the demographic profile of many populations, and increased public and patient expectations, are triggering structural reform in health systems world-wide. The resulting operating environment can be exciting, challenging and at times overwhelming from the perspective of policy makers, managers and clinicians. Health organisations are constantly required to prioritise competing demands and endeavour to make rational, informed decisions in a rapidly shifting environment, to ensure that they meet the performance demands placed upon them by both the economic capacity of the health system and the users of the services. This programme aims to help clinicians understand the world of the manager and managers the world of the clinician. Students gain skills and knowledge in the disciplines of public health, management, health economics and research methods. The School of Medicine and Population Health (SMPH) is ideally placed to deliver a programme to meet these needs. SMPH draws on a wide range of health-related expertise including: health economics, operational research, management sciences, epidemiology, medical statistics, social sciences and information science. We also have clinical and non-clinical staff from primary care, psychiatry, rehabilitation and public health. The MPH (Management and Leadership) is one of the flagship programmes within the Schools postgraduate portfolio, alongside public health, health services research and health economics and decision modelling. The Schools co-ordinated approach to postgraduate studies means that students benefit from a range of options, and will be part of a large multi-disciplinary student body, while gaining the advantage of retaining smaller class sizes. Particular features of the MPH (Management and Leadership) include: a firm grounding in the range of skills and disciplines underpinning management, leadership and governance, within the context of the public health care needs and challenges of students from both developed and newly-developing backgrounds. comparative study as an important ingredient both of core and specialised study modules. core units (studied alongside other MPH students) in research design, epidemiology, statistics and health needs assessment. options in a range of subject areas. a variety of teaching techniques, with seminars, workshops, exercises and projects an essential part of the teaching and learning strategy. continuous assessment conducted through a range of methods including written work, oral presentations and group project outputs. a dissertation, enabling students to focus on an issue of particular relevance to their own learning needs.Programme aims The MPH (Management and Leadership) aims to provide students with in depth understanding of issues in the management and government of public health, and apply this to the specific challenges in delivery, planning and management of health services in their national context. Specifically, it aims to: promote a critical understanding of health care organisational theory and practice, with particular reference to the management challenges and practices that are unique to health care settings. evaluate the drivers affecting the delivery, development and governance of public health in developed and developing nations, and the strengths and weakness of different policy initiatives designed to meet the challenges of the public health. develop students strategic management knowledge and capabilities, focussing upon both the internal and external operating environments within health systems and healthcare organisations. enable students to undertake and evaluate research in health services management and leadership.17. Programme learning outcomes All learning outcomes apply to Master and Diploma level courses. Those that apply also to Certificate level study are identified by a (*) symbol. Knowledge and understanding: students achieving the award of either MPH or PG Diploma will have developed:K1Thorough understanding of management and organisational theory and its application to the health sector.K2Insight into the global drivers of reform in health systems and their potential impacts on future public health policy directions in both developed and developing nations.K3Systematic understanding of the challenges for the management, governance and leadership of public health services in developed and developing countries.K4Comprehensive understanding of the management tools available to systematically assess external and internal organisational drivers of change and system performance.K5Critical awareness of how the research process may be applied in the study of health services management.Students achieving the award of PG Certificate will have developed well-grounded knowledge and understanding defined by that combination of K1 K5 above matching core units studied to the value of 60 credits. Skills and other attributes: having successfully completed the programme, students will have developed the skills to:S1Systematically review both the operating environment and the performance of the service in which they work.S2Produce a strategic or business case for investment.S3Work independently to plan and develop health services.S4Critically appraise and utilise research literature.Students achieving the award of PG Certificate will have developed the skills and attributes defined by that combination of S1 S4 above matching core units studied to the value of 60 credits. 18. Teaching, learning and assessment Development of the programme learning outcomes is promoted through the following teaching and learning methods: An Induction Programme before the autumn semester begins enables students to meet each other and staff who will be teaching them, to familiarise them with the resources available within SMPH and to explore their expectations of the programme. In addition to programme-specific activities and meetings, students participate in a programme alongside other SMPH postgraduate students, providing basic skills in information management, independent study and personal skills development. Lectures: Some lecture sessions are required to impart essential information (K1-5). Seminars and tutorials: Smaller group work will permit the consolidation of essential knowledge and the development of key skills (K1-5, S1-4). Independent study: Independent study is required within all units in order to cover all the require knowledge and to ensure that the student can apply and use the knowledge appropriately. (K1-5, S1-4). Supervisors experienced in health service management and public health will provide tailored support and directed reading for individual evaluation projects and the research basis for the dissertation (which may involve the use of secondary data where research governance is a possible time constraint). The Dissertation is an extended part of the independent study, and will allow the student to develop ideas and undertake research in an area of public health management or leadership of their choosing. It also provides students with the opportunity to increase their substantive knowledge, and synthesise the various elements of the programme, thus contributing to the programmes learning outcomes (K1-5, S1-4). A departmental seminar programme is held each semester and students are encouraged to attend seminars that may be in areas of particular interest to them. (K1-5). Opportunities to demonstrate achievement of the programme learning outcomes are provided through the following assessment methods: Formative assessments: Students will be given the opportunity to prepare written work and undertake exercises as well as give oral and written presentations. These will develop key skills and enable students to judge their progress and understanding before summative assessments (K1-5, S1-4). Summative assessment: End of unit assessments vary according to the subject under study. Assessment methods include essays and critical appraisals of published articles from the international public health literature, using standardised frameworks that are taught as part of the course (K1-5, S1-4). Dissertation: The dissertation assesses the ability to develop a research question, undertake an appropriate literature review and conduct a small research project. (K1-5, S1-4). 19. Reference points The learning outcomes have been developed to reflect the following points of reference: The research-informed orientation of the University of 91ֱ and the School Medicine and Population Health as set out in University and School research strategies. Framework for Higher Education Qualifications (2024) HYPERLINK "https://www.qaa.ac.uk/docs/qaa/quality-code/the-frameworks-for-higher-education-qualifications-of-uk-degree-awarding-bodies-2024.pdf?sfvrsn=3562b281_11"https://www.qaa.ac.uk/docs/qaa/quality-code/the-frameworks-for-higher-education-qualifications-of-uk-degree-awarding-bodies-2024.pdf?sfvrsn=3562b281_11 University Vision and Strategic Plan HYPERLINK "/vision"/vision Department of Health objectives of providing evidence-based healthcare and developing research capacity within the NHS, and organisational strategies described in 'Shifting the Balance of Power'.20. Programme structure and regulations The MPH (Management and Leadership) has been designed to provide a structured programme, within which basic knowledge and skills are augmented progressively through study of advanced units and options, culminating in a period of independent study leading to the dissertation. Diploma students take the taught units alone, while a Certificate will be awarded following completion of 60 credits of core units. In order to gain the key competencies of manager or leader within a health service, candidates for the MPH complete the six core units (90 credits), covering fundamental principles of management, health policy and leadership. They also take the introduction to research methods unit. Students are able to take a further 45 credits of taught units from a range of options in elements of public health, research methods and policy and governance. Students must complete the core units successfully before proceeding to the dissertation.Detailed information about the structure of programmes, regulations concerning assessment and progression and descriptions of individual modules are published in the University Calendar available on-line at HYPERLINK "http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/calendar/"http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/calendar/21. Student development over the course of study in the subject The programme has been designed to enable developmental understanding of the research process. A range of personal and generic skills are developed progressively alongside the development of research knowledge and skills through structured learning and assessments. Taught units are divided into core and options, to provide the student with the skills and knowledge which can then be applied to undertake a dissertation (MPH only). Core units (90 credits) impart the fundamentals of health services management, health policy and theories of leadership, alongside the principles of research design. A range of options (45 credits) build on these foundations, enabling students to focus on specific areas of interest, in economics, public health, policy and governance and information management. For MPH students, the dissertation enables knowledge and skills gained during the taught units to be applied to a piece of original primary or secondary research, or to a systematic review of literature, according to the interests of individual students, following discussion with their supervisor. Discussion of the dissertation begins early in the year, to allow maximum time for the students to develop their methodology and obtain ethical approval where needed. 22. Criteria for admission to the programme The usual requirement for admission is a second-class Honours degree, a medical or dental bachelors degree or equivalent qualification. Prospective students without the formal entry requirements or with different qualifications are considered on an individual basis and offer of places is subject to approval by the Medical Faculty. Students for whom English is not the first language of their home country will be required to attain the University standards on IELTS or TOEFL. Detailed information regarding admission to the programme is available in the Universitys On-Line Prospectus at HYPERLINK "http://www.shef.ac.uk/postgraduate/taught/courses/"http://www.shef.ac.uk/postgraduate/taught/courses/23. Additional information SMPH is a large multidisciplinary School with staff working in a wide range of health-related disciplines including health economics, operational research, management sciences, epidemiology, medical statistics, social sciences and information science. There are also clinical skills in public health, emergency medicine, mental health and rehabilitation. Accommodation is in the modern purpose-built Regent Court, which offers high quality teaching spaces as well as common room and other student facilities. Students have access to the specialist library that houses a collection of books, journals and grey literature for health and social care. The nearby St Georges library has a large specialist management science collection.This specification represents a concise statement about the main features of the programme and should be considered alongside other sources of information provided by the teaching department(s) and the University. In addition to programme specific information, further information about studying at 91ֱ can be accessed via our Student Services web site at HYPERLINK "http://www.shef.ac.uk/ssid"www.shef.ac.uk/ssid.     hart46 ver24-25  PAGE 5 Programme Specification A statement of the knowledge, understanding and skills that underpin a taught programme of study awarded by 91ֱ -.57abcdestz{|}~  + 2 3 4 5 6 K ] ^ º¶ۮ¶º¶ۧŸ¶¶hg&OJQJ h6CJhy| OJQJhhOJQJhOJQJ jai h5OJQJUVh5OJQJjh5OJQJUjhUmHnHu;.bce<kdV$$Ifl3F(e0    44 la 9r (($Ifgd@ (($Ifgd@$(($Ifa$gd@ r<]rgd@et{|~WG5 9r (($Ifgd@$(($Ifa$gd@kd(W$$Ifl3F(e0    44 la 9r (($IfgdF (($Ifgd@vfYL (($Ifgd@ (($Ifgd@$(($Ifa$gd@kdW$$Ifl3F(e0    44 lavfYG 9r (($Ifgd@ (($Ifgd@$(($Ifa$gd@kd@X$$Ifl3F(e0    44 la 3 vfYG 9r (($Ifgd@ (($Ifgd@$(($Ifa$gd@kdX$$Ifl3F(e0    44 la3 4 6 ^ m vfYG 9r (($Ifgd@ (($Ifgd@$(($Ifa$gd@kdXY$$Ifl3F(e0    44 la^ l m n o p w x ~      5 6 ; ? 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