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Background to the programme and subject area Geography is a broadly-based academic discipline covering both human and physical geography that has proved attractive in terms of employability because of the wide range of transferable skills introduced during the course. At 91ֱ, students have the opportunity to develop aspects of geographical interest started in school. Students often have an initial preference for either human or physical geography. This programme provides a social science-based degree in geography emphasising physical geography with opportunities to study social science-based human geography as well. Students may also study unrestricted modules from outside the department that allows them the flexibility to build a tailored programme. Being social science-based this programme will include qualitative and quantitative methods of data analysis, and theoretical approaches to human geography, as well as more general skills-related modules. Beyond Level 1, teaching is organised to provide a challenging learning environment that reflects the research interests and expertise of staff in the department. In the final year of study, students prepare a written research project (dissertation) based on an independent, supervised research project that accounts for a third of their final year assessment. Further details can be obtained from the Geography Department web site at:  HYPERLINK "http://www.shef.ac.uk/geography" http://www.shef.ac.uk/geography The programme is identical to the standard BSc Geography offered by the department, save for the addition of a third year overseas at one of the Universitys partner institutions between years 2 and 3 (hereafter year 3 becomes year 4 as students in this programme will take year 3 modules in their fourth and final year upon return from their overseas study). Students are able to apply to transfer onto the programme providing progression criteria have been met. The programme has been designed to appeal to students with a desire to gain cultural and social experiences in international settings. Students who work well independently and seek out challenges may be best-suited to this programme, as are those who wish to gain experience with forms of university instruction and assessment different to those in the UK. This programme provides the opportunity to live and study abroad in order to enhance future career prospects, diversify academic skills and general transferable skills without missing critical elements of their studies at 91ֱ. Further details can be obtained from the Geography Department web site at:  HYPERLINK "http://www.shef.ac.uk/geography" http://www.shef.ac.uk/geography 16. Programme aims Our aims for the BSc Geography with a Year Abroad programme are as follows: To provide high quality teaching at undergraduate level that is informed and invigorated by the research and scholarship of its staff and alert to the benefits of student-centred learning that fosters the development of transferable analytical and communicative skills. To sustain a culture of research and teaching that is able to foster the pursuit of knowledge, the impartial analysis of values and the acquisition of discipline awareness. To provide a broad understanding of the study of physical geography and of the work of physical geographers. To demonstrate the utility of a geographical understanding of issues and problems at a variety of scales, from global to local. To demonstrate the utility of physical geography in suggesting possible solutions for such problems, and in evaluating solutions and policies proposed elsewhere. To enable students to maximise their potential in all aspects of their course. To enhance the ability of students to present themselves in the labour market or for further training with a broad range of skills and abilities. To provide students with feedback concerning the achievement of the aforementioned aims through monitoring, self-reflection and assessment. To assess students over a range of knowledge, understanding and skills, and to identify and support academic excellence. To permit students to spend an academic year studying in an overseas institution. To develop students abilities in interpreting geographical issues while overseas.17. Programme learning outcomes Knowledge and understanding:K1The relationships between physical aspects of environment and landscape.K2Environments resulting from physical processes operating within the geo-ecosphere.K3Environments and landscapes resulting from human modification.K4Spatial variation, spatial distributions, the causes of the dynamics of these in physical phenomena and the importance of spatial dimensions in broader debates involving physical environments.K5The significance of spatial and temporal scale on physical processes.K6Methods of analysis, criticism and evaluation in terms of alternative viewpoints and approaches within the context of substantive sub-fields of physical geography.K7The value of a geographical viewpoint on issues and problems in the real world. Skills and other attributes:S1An ability to plan, design and execute a piece of rigorous research, including the production of a final report, and demonstrate a critical understanding of the appropriate methodology.S2An awareness of, and an ability to apply, a substantial range of analytical, interpretative and observational strategies in physical geography.S3Skills in the handling and analysis of geographical material by a variety of methods including quantitative and qualitative analyses.S4Skill in discussion, oral presentation, and task achievement within a collaborative context.S5An ability to collect, interpret and combine different types of geographical evidence, including using technical and laboratory-based methods.S6Familiarity with bibliographic and research skills, including such IT skills as word-processing, e-mail and use of the internet.S7An ability to abstract and synthesise information. S8Other transferable skills, important for employability, including information gathering, the development of individual resourcefulness, analytical thinking, an ability to identify problems and ways of resolving them, a critical appreciation of original material, the ability to construct and sustain logical arguments on the basis of such material, and the ability to present such arguments clearly in both oral and written forms.S9An ability to plan and undertake effective laboratory and/or fieldwork, with awareness of good laboratory/fieldwork practices.S10Demonstrate an ability to work independently overseas and study in a foreign environment.18. Teaching, learning and assessment Development of the learning outcomes is promoted through the following teaching and learning methods: Knowledge and understanding is primarily acquired through lectures in years 1 and 2, tutorials, seminars and workshops and overseas field classes in year 2 and through specialist options (taught in a variety of ways including lectures, practical work, seminars and field work) in year 4. Skills and other attributes are primarily developed through tutorials, practical work, field investigation, and the production of a research project (dissertation). Lectures are mainly used to introduce particular tasks and to define concepts, with the emphasis then placed on active learning by the student under guided conditions. Supervision of student learning is carried out in small groups (sometimes also involving student teamwork), with personal supervision offered for the core research project. Amongst the learning environments thus used are laboratory practicals (both in an environmental laboratory and in computational laboratory situations), self-access workbooks and workshop sessions. Specific units on geographical skills are features of the programme throughout both the first and second years. Opportunities to demonstrate achievement of the learning outcomes are provided through the following assessment methods: Testing of core knowledge base (K1-K7) depends fundamentally on unseen written examinations relating to compulsory units in years 1 and 2. More advanced knowledge in year 4 is assessed by a combination of unseen written examinations, coursework, a research project and other set assignments such as essays that are designed to test subject knowledge, increasing autonomy in student learning and the development of transferable skills (K1-7, S3, S5-8). Assessment of skills and other attributes rests primarily upon non-examined methods such as submitted laboratory and cartographic exercises, projects, fieldwork reports and the geographical research project (dissertation). Certain assessments also require reflection and critique of techniques used. Skills are introduced and implemented progressively across all three years, with assessment similarly adopting varying forms at each stage. For example, in year 1, the students are introduced to laboratory procedures, whilst in year 2 they have to plan, design and execute a piece of research under guidance based on field work experiences. The geographical research project represents the culmination of this aspect of the programme requiring key skills (S1, S3, S5, S6, S7 and S8).19. Reference points The learning outcomes have been developed to reflect the following points of reference: The departments Learning and Teaching Strategy The research interests of departmental staff and the research strategy of the Department of Geography University Vision and Strategic Plan HYPERLINK "/vision"/vision Subject Benchmark Statements HYPERLINK "https://www.qaa.ac.uk/quality-code/subject-benchmark-statements"https://www.qaa.ac.uk/quality-code/subject-benchmark-statements Framework for Higher Education Qualifications (2014) HYPERLINK "https://www.qaa.ac.uk/docs/qaa/quality-code/qualifications-frameworks.pdf"https://www.qaa.ac.uk/docs/qaa/quality-code/qualifications-frameworks.pdf 20. Programme structure and regulations The programme is offered in full-time study mode only. All students take modules to the value of 120 credits in each year of study. In year 1, BSc students in Geography must take a 40 credit method based modules, 20 credits in physical geography and 40 credits of interdisciplinary concept modules. Students may then take credits in either human geography or outside the department (subject to prerequisites) to bring their total up to 120 credits. In year 2, a student must take 40 credits of research methods and design (including a field class) and then chose 40 credits from topical knowledge-based modules, the remaining 40 credits can be taken outside the department (subject to prerequisites) or other physical and human geography modules. In year 2 an internal check will confirm if students have attained appropriate marks and met with their personal tutor and/or Overseas Programmes Officer to discuss the requirement of passing all modules, the ability to study alone overseas and the consequences of spending a year abroad. Students not meeting these expectations will not be transferred to this programme. During the third year of the programme students spend the year studying geography at a partner institution of higher education overseas. Upon return to 91ֱ in year 4, students will participate in a welcome meeting to facilitate their transition back into their home department. In year 4, there is one compulsory module - a research project (dissertation). The 40 credit research project (dissertation) is a piece of independent research into a geographical research topic under the supervision of a member of staff. This involves the analysis (and often collection) of relevant data and the production of a written dissertation describing the work undertaken and any conclusions reached in an appropriate academic style. The remaining 80 credits may be taken from the range of optional 20 credit modules available within Geography or through a combination of up to 60 credits within geography and a maximum of 20 credits outside the department (subject to prerequisites). Students may elect to concentrate entirely on physical geography after their first year or follow a varied combination including elements of human geography and/or an outside subject.Please refer to the  HYPERLINK "http://www.shef.ac.uk/calendar/" General University Regulations and the HYPERLINK "http://www-online.shef.ac.uk:3001/pls/live/web_cal.cal3_dept_form?p_year=24"On-line Directory of Modules for detailed information about the structure of programmes, regulations concerning assessment and progression and descriptions of individual modules.21. Student development over the course of study Progression is indicated for the end of each level, so that by the end of year 1, students should have: An understanding of geographic processes operating at a variety of scales from global to local. Achieved a common level of familiarity with certain basic concepts and facts in physical geography. Been trained in the handling of quantitative geographical information. Developed students skills in the acquisition of information, both through desk and laboratory-based work and through field investigation. Developed skills in written and oral presentations and in the visual representation of geographical information. At the end of year 2, students should have: Developed an understanding of physical geography through the examination of processes operating within the real world. Developed awareness of the connection of geography within the environmental sciences and demonstrated geographys contributions to these larger endeavours. Developed skills in the acquisition of information, both through desk and laboratory-based work, and through field investigation. Further developed their skill in the handling and analysis of geographical material by a variety of methods including quantitative analysis and laboratory analysis. Been trained in the execution of geographical research projects. Been introduced to new skills involved in geographical research. Year 3: Students complete the equivalent amount of modules that a home student would normally take in the overseas institution. In addition, and in order to be awarded the year abroad element of the degree, the student must pass 120 credits (or equivalent) while overseas. However, modules taken overseas will not count towards the final degree. At the end of year 4, students should have: Carried out a personal research project under supervision and produced an unsupervised extended geographical essay. Enhanced their understanding of the value of a geographical viewpoint on issues and problems in the real world. Acquired an in-depth knowledge of certain areas of physical geography. Increased their ability to analyse, criticise and evaluate alternative viewpoints and strategies within the context of substantive sub-fields of physical geography. Developed their skills in discussion, oral presentation, and task achievement within a collaborative context. Throughout the programme, the development of student progression increases from an awareness of the subject matter in year 1 through to a deeper understanding of the material covered by year 4. Coherence, a balance between breadth and depth of study, staged progression over the period of study, and flexibility and choice are supported by a combination of compulsory and optional modules. In all years, advice is available through our personal tutor scheme to help students choose coherent programmes of individual study. There are no exit awards prior to completion of the degree programme.22. Criteria for admission to the programme Admission to this programme is by internal transfer only and subject to progression criteria.23. Additional information All students are expected to attend a local residential field class in Level 1 and a residential field class in year 2. These are provided free as part of the degree programme and costs are covered by degree fees. Costs for optional year 4 field classes are also covered by degree fees however, these modules require a minimum number of students to run this information is provided to students as part of the module selection process for continuing students.This specification represents a concise statement about the main features of the programme and should be considered alongside other sources of information provided by the teaching department(s) and the University. In addition to programme specific information, further information about studying at 91ֱ can be accessed via our Student Services web site at  HYPERLINK "http://www.shef.ac.uk/ssid" www.shef.ac.uk/ssid      PAGE 5  FILENAME geou16 ver24-25 Programme Specification A statement of the knowledge, understanding and skills that underpin a taught programme of study leading to an award from 91ֱ -.78LMNP_efgirsxy{    2 3 B C E 俴h 6CJ^Jh h79h_SOJQJ^Jh_SOJQJ^Jh OJQJ^Jh 5OJQJ^Jh 5CJOJQJ jMe h 5OJQJUVh 5OJQJjh 5OJQJUjhFUmHnHu4.MNP9kdV$$Ifl3F(e0f)    44 la$ 9r (($Ifa$gd$(($Ifa$gd (($Ifgd r<]rgdP_fgisQD (($Ifgdkd"W$$Ifl3F(e0f)    44 la$ 9r (($Ifa$gdWr$(($Ifa$gdsxy{aTD4$(($Ifa$gd$(($Ifa$gd (($IfgdkdW$$Ifl3F(e0f)    44 la$ 9r (($Ifa$gdviYD$ 9r (($Ifa$gd-b$(($Ifa$gd (($Ifgdkd:X$$Ifl3F(e0f)    44 laviYD$ 9r (($Ifa$gd$(($Ifa$gd (($IfgdkdX$$Ifl3F(e0f)    44 la  viYD$ 9r (($Ifa$gd$(($Ifa$gd (($IfgdkdRY$$Ifl3F(e0f)    44 la 3 B viTT$ 9r (($Ifa$gd (($IfgdkdY$$Ifl3F(e0f)    44 laB C E M ] viYD$ 9r (($Ifa$gd$(($Ifa$gd (($IfgdkdjZ$$IflOF(e0f)    44 laE M \ ] ^ ` k u v y ( 7 8 ; 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