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Home to the 91ֱ Performer and Audience Research Centre (SPARC), and the Concert Series production company, the department and teaching staff have strong links to commercial industry practice and internationally acclaimed audience experience researchers. 91ֱ University Management School, is one of the leading centres for teaching and research nationally in the various fields of cultural and creative industries management, notably including staff with global expertise in music branding and festivalisation theory. Established in 2006, the Masters in Music Management has formed a fruitful relationship between these two departments drawing on specialisms from each discipline to create a unique programme for the study of management in the music industries. The MA programme in Music Management ethos is founded upon the interaction of contemporary management theory with professional contemporary practice. Running critical study alongside practice based modules with industry partners, students gain the opportunity to put theory in practice and experience working in real life situations to build professional capacity. To provide flexibility, a stream system is employed, providing an element of choice in both autumn and spring semesters to enable specialisation in one or more areas. The final third of the course, the project dissertation is wholly devoted to an aspect of the students choosing in any area of Music Management. We encourage networking and links to be built within contemporary practice (both theoretical and industry based) to set the student up for their future career. As such, no two graduates experience are the same and each student builds a course tailored to their interests and future aspirations. Taken all together, the programme offers a comprehensive suite of modules designed to answer the needs of those wishing to work in one the economys fastest growing sectors, encompassing the flexibility to generate individualised experience and prepares graduates for a variety of employment scenarios they can expect to encounter in this fast moving sector. A part time option enables those already working in the sector to study along their professional activities and multiple opportunities are presented where external work can directly feed into the learning programme. 16. Programme aims The aims of the programme are to: increase understanding of organisations, their management, the economy and the business environment prepare for and develop a career in music business and management enhance a wide range of skills and attributes which equip graduates to become effective global citizens Introduce students to core management discourses and focus on key principles and techniques at Masters standard; Apply management principles to music contexts, particularly the management of organisations, events and visitors, and develop students confidence in making such applications; Encourage a critical approach to the application of management principles, based on logical analysis and appropriate evidence; Provide teaching and academic guidance which is informed by active research and consultancy as well as knowledge of the relevant industries; Facilitate work by students to solve practical management problems in music organisations; Enhance students personal, transferable skills; Encourage students to become more proactive and assume responsibility for their learning, both during the programme and in the future; Provide a supportive and stimulating environment for students; Facilitate students entry into the music industry, and the wider service sector, and enhance their capabilities for work in this industry; To enable a student to undertake a detailed investigation in Music Management.17. Programme learning outcomes Knowledge and understanding - On completion of the Masters award students will demonstrate an understanding of:K1Data and concepts defining the nature of the music industries in contemporary society.K2Management principles, particularly core principles of economics, finance, human resource management, law and marketing.K3The operation of music organisations from profit and non-profit sectors.K4Management practices in the music industries in theory and practice.K5Research methodology and its application in arts management situations. Skills and other attributes - On completion of the Masters award students will be able to:S1Initiate proactively appropriate question and search procedures in order to investigate a management situation/problem.S2Acquire and evaluate information appropriate to the analysis of management in the music industry.S3Make appropriate use of IT in support of analysis of management situations.S4Provide feasible options for solving management problems.S5Initiate and develop effective communication relationships with relevant parties in evaluating management situations and conducting management tasks.S6Work effectively in a team to pursue joint objectives.S7Give clear delivery of oral presentations, written client facing reports and research papers.S8Utilise research skills in order to appraise given management questions, hypotheses and situations.S9Conduct in-depth research and reporting on one applied management issue (through a dissertation). 18. Teaching, learning and assessment Development of the learning outcomes is promoted through the following teaching and learning methods: 1) Induction before Semester 1 orientate students to the industry under focus through designated reading and prior to Semester 2 familiarise students with the nature of upcoming live case study and practical work. 2) Lectures establish a foundation of knowledge and techniques of relevance to the industries and management practices being investigated. 3) Seminars develop understanding and facilitate skills and techniques relevant to the analysis of audiences, staff, organisations, markets and policies. They also develop communication skills and independent working. 4) Live group case studies (i.e. projects with external partners), are designed to promote experiential learning, engaging theory into practice through group practice with supported reflective and evaluative processes. 5) Guest practitioners participate in open interviews with student questioning, to enhance the understanding of management practices and ensure connection with the most contemporary issues. 6) Independent study is essential for successful completion of the programme, principally in the dissertation but also in the assimilation of lecture material, preparation for seminars, conduct of case studies, and the production of assessed work. Opportunities to demonstrate achievement of the learning outcomes are provided through the following assessment methods: 1) Reports for assessments in core modules in semester 1, rehearsing the form which the industry typically requires. 2) Exam in one module measuring understanding of financial processes and procedures. 3) Essays for modules where conceptual understanding is more important than vocational application. 4) Group plans and reports for modules taking teamwork through to the conclusion to emphasise value of developing co-operative skills in this area. 5) Peer group assessment for group work modules, to enhance the shared responsibility of teamwork and to assess the process of group work. 6) Dissertation to assess conceptual understanding, data generation and analysis in an extended project. The relationships between the teaching and learning and assessment methods and the learning outcomes is as follows: Teaching & Learning Method Learning outcomes K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 1 ' ' ' ' 2 ' ' ' ' ' 3 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 4 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 5 ' ' ' ' ' ' 6 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Assessment Method Learning Outcomes K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 1 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 2 ' ' ' ' 3 ' ' ' ' ' ' 4 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 5 ' 6 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 19. Reference points The learning outcomes have been developed to reflect the following points of reference: The University of Sheffield Mission Statement 91ֱ Teaching and Learning Strategy Management School Teaching and Learning Strategy Music Department Teaching and Learning Strategy The Masters level qualification descriptor within the QAA Framework for Higher Education Qualifications QAA Subject Benchmark Statement Business and Management February 2015 QAA Subject Benchmark Statement Music October 201620. Programme structure and regulations The full programme of study leading to the Masters degree comprises taught modules to the value of 120 credits, with 60 credits taken in semester 1 and 45 credits in Semester 2, along with a year-long 15 credit research methods module and 60 credit dissertation, which is introduced in semester 2 and completed over the summer. At the end of each stage, assessment is conducted and summative feedback and marks and formative guidance given to students. Two elements of the programme are flexible: 1) Semester 1 offers the choice of two from Marketing, Finance, or Critical Theories and concepts from the Management School enabling students to specialise in areas of particular interest. 2) Semester 2 offers students a choice of 5 modules, including a funding and marketing element alongside other options to either further specialise in one area or broaden their understanding across different areas. Students who only complete 60 credits are eligible for the award of Postgraduate Certificate in Music Management and those who only complete 120 credits are eligible for the award of Postgraduate Diploma in Music Management. Both the Diploma and Masters awards can also be made with distinction for exceptional performance on the programmes.Detailed information about the structure of programmes, regulations concerning assessment and progression and descriptions of individual modules are published in the University Calendar available on-line at  HYPERLINK "http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/calendar/" http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/calendar/.21. Student development over the course of study The first semester contains the functional and conceptual building blocks of management analysis and a survey of the key principals involved in the Music Industries. The second semester concentrates on interdisciplinary, experiential, student-centred group work. Conducted in the applied contexts of live events, case study consultancy with external partners or creating an entrepreneurial venture. Year long, students build on previous and simultaneous modules to design a dissertation proposal, after suitable research methods training. The dissertation is the culmination of the Masters award, building on and utilising previous work to provide an in-depth investigation of a specific issue/problem/organisation identified by the student.22. Criteria for admission to the programme Higher second class honours degree from a UK university or equivalent qualification. Where applicable, the minimum English language requirement is IELTS 6.5 (with at least 6 in each component). Detailed information regarding admission to the programme is available at  HYPERLINK "http://www.shef.ac.uk/prospective/" \h http://www.shef.ac.uk/prospective/23. Additional information NoneThis specification represents a concise statement about the main features of the programme and should be considered alongside other sources of information provided by the teaching department(s) and the University. 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Background to the programme and subject area  ---  2 c  c''5 2 .:l5The Music Department at TUOS ranks 6 in the UK for research excellence and is a market leader for teaching.        5'' 2 =:h5Home to the 91ֱ Performer and Audience Research Centre (SPARC), and the Concert Series production            5'' M2 M:,5company, the department and teaching staff h   [2 MI55ave strong links to commercial industry practice and   5'' 2 \:m5internationally acclaimed audience experience researchers. 91ֱ University Management School, is one of        5'' 2 l:^5the leading centres for teaching and research nationally in the various fields of cultural and  2 lN5  )2 lS5creative industries  5'' 2 {:h5management, notably including staff with global expertise in music branding and festivalisation theory.     5'' 2 :j5Established in 2006, the Masters in Music Management has formed a fruitful relationship between these two         5'' 12 :5departments drawing on sp   2 M5ecialisms from each discipline to create a unique programme for the study of     5'' @2 :#5management in the music industries.     2 5  5'' 2 :f5The MA programme in Music Management ethos is founded upon the interaction of contemporary management          5'' I2 :)5theory with professional contemporary pra   q2 1D5ctice. Running critical study alongside practice based modules with     5'' 2 :o5industry partners, students gain the opportunity to put theory in practice and experience working in real life   5'' 2 :M5situations to build professional capacity. To provide flexibility, a stream   =2 !5system is employed, providing an    5'' 2 :o5element of choice in both autumn and spring semesters to enable specialisation in one or more areas. The final      5'' 2 :p5third of the course, the project dissertation is wholly devoted to an aspect of the students choosing in any ar  2 5ea  5'' 2 :g5of Music Management. We encourage networking and links to be built within contemporary practice (both         5'' 2 .:k5theoretical and industry based) to set the student up for their future career. As such, no two graduates    5'' L2 >:+5experience are the same and each student bu  n2 >IB5ilds a course tailored to their interests and future aspirations.  5'' 2 N:j5Taken all together, the programme offers a comprehensive suite of modules designed to answer the needs of      5'' 2 ]:T5those wishing to work in one the economys fastest growing sectors, encompassing the       2 ];5  /2 ]?5flexibility to generate  5'' 2 m:j5individualised experience and prepares graduates for a variety of employment scenarios they can expect to    5'' C2 }:%5encounter in this fast moving sector.   2 }5  5'' 2 :W5A part time option enables those already working in the sector to study along their pro    12 15fessional activities and  5'' 2 :g5multiple opportunities are presented where external work can directly feed into the learning programme.      2 5  5'''- @ !4-- @ !4-- @ !5- - @ !-- @ !- - @ !4- - @ !4-- @ !4-- @ !5- - @ !- - @ !-- @ !- ---  2 :c  c'' c''--$R R R --'Q@"Arial--------- .2 -QProgramme Specification       ---  2 (Q  Q''@"Arial--- ^2 C]7QA statement of the knowledge, understanding and skills                 Q'' %2 UeQthat underpin a t      A2 U$Qaught programme of study leading to            Q'' 2 h Qan award from      2 hgQ  Q''--------- %2 {QThe University of      ---  2 ~NQ --- 2 {S Q91ֱ   ---  2 yQ  Q''  2 \Q  Q'''A 1hF(1????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???LJχ?<?LJ???>???~< ??~???< ?????< ??< 8?? x???;?????`>???>xÏc`|???xg`x ??~`|p| ǁϟ?~<8?烏ϟa}<?<ݏA?? ??8 ?όy0?1?9ǟ?Ϝ8xsg?Ǽxc???ynjs?CÏ$ π?!<0??8q???3Ό?p?>?s0?>||ysx?>>p~2=sa|?>x?|s??s?7s?{#s?`?xs??8q?p?? ???9>?= ??<?;?~x?|p? ?8?0?8?&|0?p ?&|  ?`@?af|~ ???p|<=?????<1|0??>|1??@?|?0?? 0?|@??@|A??ǀ?~|!?? >1??????IJ?????????<?@<???<??<????? ????????????????????????|? 0?????????????<???????????????????? ?8?????????@??????`?`??`~??`>?????????????????w???w???w?????~??|@7<p?C?<@6pp?8?{<B` p?8?{Lax=p??8??{x!xp ?|??{`!x?p8?|?p{@#p<??{@p???;6?????;D6a?????;G6 C???;@` 6 ???;@p`v??;`p???q?????x??? ??x?= ???8??=?????=?>? ?=80~??88``?>???<8``??`@>8``?;x??68|?6M?0 ?1 ?3c??3g??30?20?0A?1?p@? 1>? >?>??>??? ??` ??>? 1?@?@8<????A3?` >p?8 p<?M???3?3?? 30? ـ?0?? ?C0? #0?L>2?@# 3?g?g?'?x`<~>?` ?ff???l?f???l?v@???l86`????|y`?????`????`????Ff??????0g??????<?|?????????????????` ?????????????x???????????????<??|?<??|<??y??1??|0~p??>>x??????<? p?~s|0?~s||8?|||>?À<???? 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Additional information Title Headings 8@ _PID_HLINKSAl`=http://www.shef.ac.uk/ssidzc#http://www.shef.ac.uk/prospective/^Q%http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/calendar/  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrtuvwxyz{|}~      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~Root Entry F*lData sj1TablehBWordDocument SummaryInformation(XDocumentSummaryInformation8MsoDataStoreDl$lERERETQSNBISNBIEQSNA==2Dl$lItem  AProperties>CompObjEr  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=?@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   F Microsoft Word 97-2003 Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q