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Dual degrees offer students the flexibility to choose a programme of study that reflects their interests and gives the opportunity to develop detailed knowledge and key skills in two major subjects. Whilst the two subjects may be taught independently, they will complement, inform and illuminate one another. There are also opportunities for students to have a flexible approach to their subject choices, allowing students to choose more of one subject, within academic guidelines and practice, than another. Where there are two programme specifications for dual degrees, one for each half of the programme, students should refer to both documents for a full description of the whole programme. Where there are clear links between the two subjects, details will be included in Sections 15 and 20 of the programme specifications. However, there are some single programme specifications for dual degree combinations where there is a substantial degree of integration between the two subjects. Multi-disciplinary study gives students the opportunity to recontextualise knowledge in their various subject areas.Background to the programme and subject area Language is an all-pervasive medium through which human beings not only communicate with one another but arrive at an understanding of the world around them. The opportunity to study this medium intensively can transform students understanding of their own experience in exciting and challenging ways. So it is not surprising that the study of language and linguistics is expanding at all levels from A-level through to post-graduate study, and is a popular choice for study as part of a dual degree. The study of English Language at 91ֱ as part of a dual degree is distinctive because it offers such a wide-ranging experience of language study, developing students understanding of a broad array of linguistic issues how language is structured, how it varies, how it changes, how it is used in spoken and written communication, how it is acquired, how it has been studied, and how it shapes and is shaped by other aspects of human societies and cultures. The programme also enables students to apply this understanding to the study of the English language in its many varieties: spoken and written; contemporary and historical; standard and non-standard; regional, national, and international. We strongly believe that students should experience research-led teaching throughout their degree programme and the English Language and Linguistics Subject Area has research groups (language variation and change, history of linguistics, and language acquisition) that feed into undergraduate teaching and learning. Some of this work is taught across departmental boundaries. The programme provides students with the practical and intellectual skills to explore a diverse range of linguistic and social issues for themselves and they are encouraged to become progressively more autonomous throughout the programme. Students leave the programme with a knowledge base that is highly relevant in any professional context where communication is important. They also have a broad range of skills, which gives them real adaptability: our graduates have experience in collecting and interpreting data, learning to apply technical methods of analysis, evaluating alternative forms of explanation, and situating problems in their social and cultural contexts. In particular, they have excellent communication skills and the ability to plan projects and see them through to completion, qualities that are at a premium in the contemporary employment market. For further details, see the Department website:  HYPERLINK "http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/english" http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/english16. Programme aims The following aims of the English Language component of the BA in English Language and Sociology are in line with the Mission Statement of the University of 91ֱ: 1. To provide students with high quality opportunities for learning about a wide range of areas of language study including language structure, language variation and change, language acquisition, language in use, and interdisciplinary approaches to language and communication. 2. To equip students with the tools of analysis necessary for the investigation of language in general and English in particular at all levels from phonetics to discourse. 3. To provide an engaging and stimulating learning environment with a curriculum that is closely connected with the on-going research of those who teach it. 4. To encourage students to develop independence in their approach to linguistic issues in particular and to learning in general. 5. To equip students with a range of transferable skills that will prepare them for employment in a wide range of careers with particular emphasis on communication skills, problem-solving, and self-reliance. 6. To develop students intellectual curiosity and build confidence in their ability to learn and to resolve intellectual problems for themselves. 7. To provide a basis for the further study of English language and linguistics at all levels.17. Subject learning outcomes Knowledge and understanding - Upon successful completion of the programme, students will have gained:K1An understanding of the nature of linguistics as a scientific discipline and of what this means in terms of the handling of data and the evaluation of theory.K2An awareness of how the insights of linguistics interact with those of other approaches to language study in the formulation and execution of research.K3An understanding of language as an aspect of human behaviour that changes, interacts with context, and elicits attitudes and judgements from others.K4A detailed, and in-depth knowledge of the English language in its many varieties, a knowledge informed by an understanding of the nature of human language in general.K5A reflective understanding of the importance of language and communication in the context of ones own experience. Skills and other attributes - Upon successful completion of the programme, students will have gained:S1The ability to use the tools provided by the discipline of linguistics for the analysis of language structure and use.S2The ability to use appropriate methods to gather, record, and analyse linguistic data from live informants, electronic resources, and primary texts.S3The ability to take a sensitive, critical approach to secondary sources.S4The ability to communicate effectively in speech and writing and to make appropriate judgements about the style of communication used.S5The ability to think analytically and independently, to develop a cogent line of argument, and to reflect critically upon ones own opinions.S6Increasing independence, self-direction, and self-management in formulating, investigating, and resolving intellectual problems.18. Teaching, learning and assessment Development of the learning outcomes is promoted through the following teaching and learning methods: 1. Seminars: Teaching and learning take place in a range of different contexts but small-group work is at the heart of our work and within this context students develop their knowledge and skills through a wide range of different activities, outlined below, all of which require their active participation and develop both their skills of oral communication (S4) and their ability to work co-operatively with others: ( Working through exercises in order to practise techniques of linguistic analysis (K1, S1); ( Responding to data sets provided by the tutor (S1); ( Undergoing practical training in areas such as phonetics (K1-2, S1); ( Presenting primary data they have collected themselves (K1, S1, S2, S4); ( Comparing and contrasting different theoretical positions (K1-2, S3); ( Reflecting upon the experience of undertaking research (S5, S6); ( Analysing and interpreting primary texts (S1); ( Using Audio-Visual material as the basis of discussion (S1); ( Giving presentations on research undertaken outside class (S4). 2. Lectures: Large-group lectures support seminar activities by providing students with the information and conceptual frameworks necessary for their successful completion. They also provide a context in which both the skills of the discipline and more general skills of argumentation and analysis can be modelled for students (K1, K2, K3, K4, K5). 3. Independent Study: The programme requires students to undertake substantial amounts of independent study and again, much of this work is in preparation for seminar activities. Sometimes students may be required to engage in collaborative preparation, developing skills of negotiation and team-working. This emphasis on independent study is crucial to students developing autonomy both in relation to the discipline itself and to learning in general (S6). 4. One-to-one Consultations: Students review completed activities and discuss future plans in one-to-one consultations with members of the teaching staff. Students can meet with their personal tutors in weekly office hours to review the work of the previous semester and discuss the feedback given by tutors of individual modules. This makes it possible for students to take a more holistic view of their work and review general problems arising across modules (S6). 5. Dissertation Seminars: Students who write a dissertation at Level 3 also receive training in research skills in order to develop their independent study skills. They also receive training in the communication of research findings in speech and writing. This training is delivered in a fortnightly seminar, intervening weeks being left available for them to consult with their supervisors (S4). Opportunities to demonstrate achievement of the learning outcomes are provided through the following assessment methods: The wide-ranging nature of the English Language dual degree curriculum is reflected in the diversity of our assessment methods. This diversity ensures that students have opportunities to develop and demonstrate a broad base of knowledge and skills. 1. Writing: Every module requires that students produce a written submission and in many cases this written work takes the form of a discursive essay produced over a number of weeks. However, some modules require students to produce other kinds of texts project reports, reflective journals, commentaries, and reviews and to use the conventions appropriate to these genres. In some modules they may also be asked to produce written work in the context of a formal examination or in response to a take-home paper. The tasks that they tackle in their written work vary considerably depending upon the module and may include: ( Writing up practical research projects involving the collection and interpretation of data (K1-2, S2); ( Analysing contemporary or historical linguistic data (K1-2, S1); ( Interpreting and commenting on primary texts; ( Evaluating secondary sources (S3); ( Comparing different theoretical positions (K1); ( Reflecting upon their own practice (K5, S5, S6). 2. Speaking: In some modules there is an oral component to the assessment. Frequently this takes the form of a presentation prepared either individually or in groups, but in areas like phonetics it involves an oral examination (S2). 3. Developing Independence: Students are given support and guidance on these various kinds of assessed activity. As the degree progresses they are given more opportunity to choose topics and formulate questions for their assessed work in consultation with the members of staff that teach them. This trend culminates in the opportunity to write either a dissertation in English Language or an extended essay in Sociology. The School of English also subscribes to the following statement taken from the QAA Subject Benchmark Statement for Philosophy and endorsed by the Faculty of Arts and the University: Not everything that is valuable can be separately tested, measured or quantified and that one of the distinctive benefits of a university education is the development of qualities of personal organisation and time-management which follow from the attribution to students of considerable responsibility in directing their own learning. Independence and self-motivation can be fostered but not taught in academic departments. The depth or extent of such personal qualities cannot be directly examined, though successful acquisition of them is expected to show through in the application of other skills which are explicitly assessed. Difficulties such as these should not inhibit attempts to inculcate or formatively assess such skills as part of a degree programme. (K5, S1-6).19. Reference points The learning outcomes have been developed to reflect the following points of reference: Subject Benchmark Statements HYPERLINK "http://www.qaa.ac.uk/AssuringStandardsAndQuality/subject-guidance/Pages/Subject-benchmark-statements.aspx"http://www.qaa.ac.uk/AssuringStandardsAndQuality/subject-guidance/Pages/Subject-benchmark-statements.aspx Framework for Higher Education Qualifications (2008) HYPERLINK "http://www.qaa.ac.uk/Publications/InformationAndGuidance/Pages/The-framework-for-higher-education-qualifications-in-England-Wales-and-Northern-Ireland.aspx"http://www.qaa.ac.uk/Publications/InformationAndGuidance/Pages/The-framework-for-higher-education-qualifications-in-England-Wales-and-Northern-Ireland.aspx University Strategic Plan HYPERLINK "http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/strategicplan"http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/strategicplan Learning and Teaching Strategy (2016-21)  HYPERLINK "/staff/learning-teaching/our-approach/strategy2016-21" /staff/learning-teaching/our-approach/strategy2016-21HYPERLINK "http://www.shef.ac.uk/lets/staff/lts"20. Programme structure and regulations At UG level 1, students are required to take: two core modules in English Language: Sounds of English (10 credits) and Structure of English (10 credits); five core modules in Sociological Studies: Sociological Imagination (10 credits), Sociological Imagination Seminar (10 credits), Introduction to Social Research (10 credits), Classical Social Theory (10 credits), Classical Social Theory Seminar (10 credits); two of the following: Varieties of English (20 credits), History of English (20 credits), or Linguistic Theory (20 credits); one unrestricted module (10 credits). This ensures that students obtain a solid foundation in the core areas of English language and Sociological research as well as skills necessary to pursue study at higher levels. At level 2, students are required to obtain 60 credits from the range of modules offered in English Language and Linguistics. The remainder of their modules are taken in Sociological Studies. At level 3, students must have the same split between modules in English Language and Linguistics and Sociological Studies. As part of this selection, they must either complete an extended essay in Sociology, or a dissertation in English Language and Linguistics.Detailed information about the structure of programmes, regulations concerning assessment and progression and descriptions of individual modules are published in the University Calendar available on-line at  HYPERLINK "http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/calendar" http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/calendar21. Student development over the course of study By the end of level 1, students will have developed an appreciation of the variety and complexity of language, especially though not exclusively the English language. They will have been made aware of their subconscious knowledge of, and attitudes to, language. They will have an overview of the different areas of linguistics and the different levels of the grammar. They will have come to understand the characteristics of both local and supralocal varieties of English. They will have been introduced to various empirical methods in linguistics, and will have developed the skills necessary to apply these methods. They will also have had the opportunity to consider the status of different varieties of English. Students who come from a wide variety of learning contexts and experiences will reach a common understanding of the teaching and learning methods appropriate to university-level work, and an appreciation of the techniques required to maximise learning outcomes from lectures, workshops, and seminars. At level 2, students study topics introduced at level 1 in greater detail, and will obtain a deeper knowledge of language and society. Emphasis is placed on developing skills of formal analysis, consideration of the frameworks within which those skills are conceptualised, and learning about relatively self-contained domains within linguistics. Students will be expected to appreciate the problems of these approaches and areas at a practical level. By the end of level C students will be confident using the metalanguages current in various branches of linguistics and in some interdisciplinary areas in examining material to which they are directed by tutors. At level 3, students are exposed to areas of linguistics that require integration of knowledge from several subdisciplines. For example, Psychology of Language provides scope for students to apply knowledge from earlier modules on phonetics, phonology, syntax, semantics, and language acquisition; Conversation Analysis draws on knowledge of phonetics, and discourse; Language and Gender draws upon sociolinguistics, linguistic anthropology and discourse analysis. Students are encouraged to become more independent by formulating their own independent research questions, for instance by deciding their own essay topics for assessment. They will also specialise to a greater extent by writing a dissertation or completing an extended essay.22. Criteria for admission to the programme Detailed information regarding admission to the programme is available in the Universitys On-Line Prospectus at  HYPERLINK "http://www.shef.ac.uk/prospective/" http://www.shef.ac.uk/prospective/23. Additional information NoneThis specification represents a concise statement about the main features of the programme and should be considered alongside other sources of information provided by the teaching department(s) and the University. In addition to programme specific information, further information about studying at 91ֱ can be accessed via our Student Services web site at  HYPERLINK "http://www.shef.ac.uk/ssid" www.shef.ac.uk/ssid       PAGE 2  FILENAME ellu04 ver18-19 Programme Specification A statement of the knowledge, understanding and skills that underpin a taught programme of study leading to an award from 91ֱ [l ' ( ) * + 9 : @ A B C D M N R S T ෫vvoeXvvoeXvvoeXhOhLOJQJ^JhOhL5^J hL5^JhOhL5OJQJ^JhL5OJQJ^JhOh8 6OJQJ^JhOh8 5CJ]^JhOh8 CJ]^Jh8 5CJOJQJ(j.@ h8 OJQJUVmHnHuh8 5OJQJjh8 5OJQJU"jh8 OJQJUmHnHu ( }m`S (($IfgdoW (($IfgdoW$(($Ifa$gdoWfkdV$$Ifl4(f)0f)4 laf4yt:ho$(($Ifa$gdS r<]rgd:ho( ) + : A ueXK (($IfgdoW (($IfgdoW$(($Ifa$gdoWkd&W$$Ifl3F(e0f)    4 laytoWA B D N S ueXK (($IfgdoW (($IfgdoW$(($Ifa$gdoWkdW$$Ifl3F(e0f)    4 laytoWS T V e s ueXK (($IfgdS (($IfgdS$(($Ifa$gdSkdfX$$Ifl3F(e0f)    4 laytoWT e s t   , - 7 ; J K L Y j k l    / 0 ? @ _ h i j } 񿦟 hLs5^Jh8hL}5^J h85^J hzh5^JhS5OJQJ^J hS5^J h*K5^Jh*Kh*K5^JhOh~5^JhOh8 OJQJ^JhOh8 5^JhOh8 5OJQJ^J4s t w xh[N (($IfgdS (($IfgdS$(($Ifa$gdSkdY$$Ifl3F(e0f)    4 la xh[N (($IfgdS (($IfgdS$(($Ifa$gdSkdY$$Ifl3F(e0f)    4 la xh[N (($IfgdS (($IfgdS$(($Ifa$gdSkd:Z$$Ifl3F(e0f)    4 la  , xhVI (($IfgdS 9r (($IfgdS$(($Ifa$gdSkdZ$$Ifl3F(e0f)    4 la, - / 7 K xh[N (($IfgdS (($IfgdS$(($Ifa$gdSkdn[$$IflwF(e0f)    4 laK L N Y k xh[N (($Ifgd$ (($IfgdS$(($Ifa$gdSkd\$$Ifl3F(e0f)    4 lak l o xkk^ (($IfgdS (($IfgdSkd\$$Ifl3F(e0f)    4 la xkk^ (($IfgdS (($IfgdSkd<]$$IflXF(e0f)    4 la  xkk^ (($IfgdS (($IfgdSkd]$$Ifl3F(e0f)    4 la   0 ? xkk^ (($IfgdS (($IfgdSkdp^$$Ifl3F(e0f)    4 la? @ C _ xkk^ (($IfgdS (($IfgdSkd _$$IflXF(e0f)    4 la VxobU !xx$Ifgdl !x$IfgdO!gdOkd_$$Ifl3F(e0f)    4 la 7 UVW\{OP\~ͿzmdXdmJmzhU(hgp-0J5\^Jh*Khgp-5\^Jhgp-5\^Jjhgp-5U\^JhOh8 5\^JhOOJQJ^Jh*KOJQJ^JhSOJQJ^JhOh8 OJQJ^JhOh8 5OJQJ^JhOhol6OJQJ^JhOhol6^J hA6]hOhol6]^JhOhol56\^JhOhol^JVW|td$xx$Ifa$gdS x$Ifgd8 x$IfgdS & FxxgdP'ikd>`$$IfH(B) t0B)44 HaytOax%Fujjjju x$Ifgd87x$If^7`gd8x$If^gd8xxgdP'^kd`$$Ifl(D)04 la B`a 3!4!7!!!!h"i"l"###########m$n$q$% %T%W%%%q&t&&'''#)$)`))))))))H*I**ٙٙٙٙٙ jhOh8 OJQJ^JhOh8 OJQJ\^JhL5OJQJ^Jh:hohOh8 ^Jh:hoOJQJ^JhOh8 OJQJ^JhOh8 5OJQJ^JhO5OJQJ^J8 * v6?kda$$Ifl4e(D)4 laf4yt:ho PP$IfxxgdP'`kd2a$$Ifl|(D)04 la7xx$If^7`gd8 3!4!7!! 9r (($IfgdOOkdb$$Ifl,0(.'4 layt:ho (($IfgdO (($IfgdO!!!h"i"l"#EOkdb$$Ifl,0(.'4 layt:ho (($IfgdO (($IfgdOOkdb$$Ifl,0(.'4 layt:ho######ECOkdc$$Ifl,0(.'4 layt:ho (($IfgdO (($IfgdOOkdRc$$Ifl,0(.'4 layt:ho####m$qq(($If^`gdOckd d$$Ifl'(D)04 layt:ho$PP$If^`a$m$n$q$%ss(($If^`gdOvkdd$$Ifl)0(.'04 layt:ho%% %S%ss(($If^`gdOvkd0e$$Ifl)0(.'04 layt:hoS%T%W%%ss(($If^`gdOvkde$$Ifl)0(.'04 layt:ho%%%p&ss(($If^`gdOvkdHf$$Ifl)0(.'04 layt:hop&q&t&&sf (($IfgdO(($If^`gdOvkdf$$Ifl)0(.'04 layt:ho&&''#))))vhUBBBx$If^`gd8x$If^`gd8$x$Ifa$gd8$xx^`gdP'vkd`g$$Ifl)0(.'04 layt:ho)H***+C++,.022e^kdg$$Ifl(D)04 laxx$If^`gd8x$If^`gd8x$If^`gd8 ******++C+D+++,,....M//0022222k333366j6k66666774757g7r718P8Q8k899h*KOJQJ^JhSOJQJ^JhOh8 ^Jh'Kh8 OJQJ^Jh*Kh*KOJQJ^Jh:hoOJQJ^JhOh8 5OJQJ^J jhOh8 OJQJ^JhOh8 OJQJ^JhPCOJQJ^J222236j666747g7Q89= xx$Ifgd8x$If^`gd8xx$If^`gd8x$If^`gd8x$If^`gd8 x$Ifgd8 999999 ::::====>.>/>L>M>>>,?-?.?b?c?d? @ @@@@@@@ǻеЬОzvzczYzvzczYzvhSOJQJ^J$h?hS>*B*OJQJ^JphhSjhSUh?hSOJQJ^J hL^JhOh8 ^JhOh8 5OJQJ^JhS5\^J hS^JhOh*K5\^Jh*K5\^JhOh8 5\^Jh*KOJQJ^JhOh8 OJQJ^JhOh*KOJQJ^J"===/>L>.?c?@@#ALA1Bwwwl x$IfgdPC $IfgdS x$IfgdS $$Ifa$xx^`gdP'Ykd`h$$Ifl(D)04 la @@!A"A#AGAJALAMAAAAAA.B0B1B2BZB]B`BfBgBBBBBBBʽʬqgg]S]IhLOJQJ^Jh*KOJQJ^Jh:hoOJQJ^JhLsOJQJ^JhOh8 5OJQJ^JhOh8 OJQJ^Jh'KhSOJQJ^JhShPChPC0JOJQJ^J!jhPChPCOJQJU^JhPChPCOJQJ^JhPChSOJQJ^Jh?hSOJQJ^J$h?hS>*B*OJQJ^JphjhSU1B2BZBBBCtDDMEzkkk[ 9r x$Ifgd'K & FP$Ifgd8 & Fx$Ifgd'K x$Ifgd'K $xxa$gdP'^kdh$$Ifl(D)04 laBBCCCD D D.D0DQDSDTDfDrDsDtDDDDDE-ELEVEWEyEȺ쓅{peXNDhWOJQJ^Jh:hoOJQJ^JhOhOJQJ^JhLOJQJ]^JhOJQJ]^JhLsOJQJ^Jhh6OJQJ^JhOJQJ^JhOh8 OJQJ^JhOh*K6OJQJ]^Jh*Kh*KOJQJ]^Jh8h*KOJQJ^JhOh*KOJQJ^JhLOJQJ^Jh*KOJQJ^Jh8 OJQJ^JyE{EE FFFF#FGGGGGGHHHH?HPHoHpHHHiLrLsLLLLLǻxrxg_ghW0J^JhOh8 0J^J h'KaJhOholaJhOh8 5^JhPChPC0J5\^JhPChPC5\^JhPC5\^JjhPC5U\^JhOhol5\^JhOh8 5OJQJ^JhWOJQJ^Jh:hoOJQJ^JhOh8 OJQJ^JhOJQJ^J MEGG>H xx$Ifgd|`kdHi$$IflA()0)4 la xx$Ifgd>H?HpHiLOQ{n xx$IfgdWx$If^`gd'K x$IfgdS#gdP'`kdi$$IflA()0)4 laLL O OOO+PsPQQQQQQQRRRRRRRRRRSSTTT渪慙vll]ljhOh8 5U^JhOh8 5^JhOh8 0JOJQJ^J'jjhOh8 OJQJU^J!jhOh8 OJQJU^JhOh8 5OJQJ^JhOJQJ^JhWhWOJQJ^JhhOJQJ^JhWOJQJ^JhOh8 OJQJ^JhOhOJQJ^JQQRR 9r xx$IfgdP'xxgdP'`kdZj$$Ifl(D)04 laRRRSS&^kdl$$Ifl(D)0D)4 la$xx$Ifa$gdP'xxgdP'`kdk$$Ifl(D)04 laTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTɽ{s{f{sO,jhOhLs0JCJOJQJU^JhhuOJQJmHnHuhLsOJQJjhLsOJQJUhLshLs5CJOJQJh'jh'UhOh8 OJQJ^JhOh8 5OJQJ^JhOh8 5>*^JhOh8 5^JhOh8 0J5^JjhOh8 5U^J"jlhOh8 5U^JSTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTgdL$a$$a$^kdbm$$Ifl(D)0D)4 la xx$IfgdP'TTTTTTTTTTTUUUUUUUUwll_hOh8 OJQJ^JhLs5CJOJQJhLsCJOJQJhLs5CJOJQJh'hLshOhLsCJOJQJ^JhPC0JCJOJQJ^JhhLs0JCJOJQJ^Jh(hu0JCJOJQJ^JhmHnHu,jhOhLs0JCJOJQJU^Jh#hOhLs0JCJOJQJ^JhTTTUUUUUUU$a$gdO$a$$a$gdO 8 00P. 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