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Background to the programme and subject area MA ETL is a fully-online programme, aimed at both experienced and new practitioners, enabling all students to build on their experiences through critical reading and reflection, and taking each students individual position as the start of their learning journey. Through carefully considered support measures and close links between students academic and professional development needs, the programme offers flexible development for both those beginning their journey into teaching, and those who are already experienced educators. The structure of the programme means that the first year builds a strong basis of pedagogical knowledge at both theoretical and practical level, with assessment of an educational task, a literature-based assignment, and a small-scale research study. This year lays the groundwork of developing reflective practitioners who not only well-grounded in educational theory, but also able to conduct research into their own practice and potentially drive change in their respective institutions. In the second year, the programme offers a series of specialised modules for learners to choose from, initially in Early Childhood Education, Language Learning and Pedagogy, and independent professional development, allowing learners to integrate existing CPD structures into their programme pathway, should they choose so to do. The programme is designed to enable students to identify their own professional development needs relevant to their own contexts, to consider the nature of professional learning and professional development, to identify strategies for addressing their professional needs through compilation of a professional portfolio (including professional activities as well as scholarship), to learn how to evaluate policy and research critically, and to develop research activities which enable them to drive change and innovation in their own context. The programme draws an international community of learners, and building a network of reflective professionals who share their learning and development is consistently highlighted by our students as a key strength of the programme. A student who has completed a Postgraduate Diploma in Education in the School of Education, University of 91ֱ with 120 Masters credits may enter directly at Dissertation level. Applicants with other prior qualifications may be eligible for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) if this is discussed at the admissions stage. The School of Education has considerable expertise and experience in providing education for teachers and other educationalists (in PGCE/PGDE, Masters programmes, EdD, PhDs) in many contexts. and is therefore well placed to respond positively and effectively to this international market. This programme offers the flexibility required in the 21st century, and is therefore ideally placed to serve the wide range of needs of a variety of educational professionals.16. Programme aims The programme aims to: Develop students critical understanding of research principles, policy and practice relating to education in general and to education in their own professional and cultural contexts; Promote a deeper understanding of a range of planning, teaching and assessment strategies related to students professional needs and interests; Develop students understanding of the relationship between research, advanced scholarship, policy and practice, and use of this to reflect critically on their own professional contexts and practice; Develop students own ability to conduct rigorous classroom-based research or policy analysis in order to bring about innovation at classroom and institutional levels, and to disseminate their work as appropriate.17. Programme learning outcomes Knowledge and understanding:On completion of the PG Certificate in Education, Teaching and Learning (iPGCE), students will be able to demonstrate:K1Knowledge and understanding of educational theory and key research in both general educational and subject-specific fields, and their application in educational contexts on a local and global scale.K2Critical understanding of educational principles and policy (at local, national and international level) and their impact on teaching and learning in an institutional context.K3Critical understanding of the nature of professional learning and the central role of critical reflection and practitioner research in enabling principled and informed change and innovation.K4Knowledge and understanding of the pedagogical implications arising from learners reflecting on their experiences on this programme.In addition to the above, on completion of the PG Diploma in Education, Teaching and Learning, students will be able to demonstrate:K5Recognition of educational development needs through making appropriate module choices, and critically exploring the relevant field by linking educational literature and policy contexts to practice.In addition to the above, on completion of the MA in Education, Teaching and Learning, students will be able to demonstrate:K6Advanced knowledge and understanding of educational and pedagogical theory and ethical research in both general educational and subject-specific fields and their application in educational contexts.K7Originality in the application of knowledge.K8Understanding of their own position within their educational context, and identification of opportunities for influencing it through the dissemination of their work. Skills and other attributes:On completion of the PG Certificate in Education, Teaching and Learning (iPGCE), students will be able to demonstrate:S1A critical approach to educational literature, and an ability to evaluate and reflect on its implications for their own personal and professional theories and practices.S2An ability to produce written work, which clearly synthesises theory, research, policy and practice, drawing on a wide range of relevant literature, and developing a clear and sustained argument.S3An ability to plan, implement, and reflect on an educational activity, drawing on relevant pedagogical and policy literature.S4An ability to express clearly, coherently and reflexively their positions with regard to theory, research, policy and practice, and to reflect critically on these in relation to their own professional contexts and practice.S5An ability to develop and apply research skills in relation to an ethically conducted small-scale study of relevance to their professional context.In addition to the above, on completion of the PG Diploma in Education, Teaching and Learning, students will be able to demonstrate:S6An ability to take responsibility for their own professional learning, identifying their development needs and strategies for addressing them as well as reflecting on and evaluating their progress.S7An ability to identify, review and develop their personal and professional values and relate these to current concerns at the level of theory, practice and policy.In addition to the above, on completion of the MA in Applied Professional Studies in Education, students will be able to demonstrate:S8An ability to carry out an independent, sustained study to an appropriate standard displaying skills in research design, choosing appropriate methods, awareness of ethical considerations, data analysis and writing a research/dissertation report.S9An ability to locate their own research in their own context, drawing out considerations and recommendations for their professional context.18. Teaching, learning and assessment Development of the learning outcomes is promoted through the following teaching and learning methods: The programme is fully online. The University has its own online learning environment (MOLE), and this will be used in conjunction with other technologies, as appropriate, in line with the Universitys Learning and Teaching Strategy, to develop a flexible approach. Teaching and Learning takes place at numerous levels: Independent Study This method is fundamental to and continuous throughout the course. Students will critically engage with, reflect on and formulate perspectives on important issues and debates concerning teaching, schools and other teaching institutions, and education from relevant academic and other literatures (K1, K2, K3, K6, K8, S1, S3, S6, S7). The MA ETL will have a dedicated space on MOLE comprising on-line study units, video presentations and other teaching- and research-related materials and resources, which facilitate research-led teaching and introduction to the work of various staff members in the school of Education (K1, K2, K4, K5, K6, K7, K8, S1, S4, S7). Independent enquiry will have a collaborative dimension in a community of practice experienced through regular dialogue with both staff and other students, and debate in a range of independent activities facilitated technologically, as outlined below. Interactive Collaboration All students on the programmes are professionals, at varying stages in their career, and the programme actively seeks students to connect with each other and share their learning and reflections through interactive, scheduled discussions, both at synchronous and asynchronous level. The programme is not just a pathway for students individual learning journeys, but a community of learning (L&T Strategy, Excellence in Practice). The diversity of the student body is a particular strength, and students will be actively encouraged to explore their role from a variety of perspectives, through a local, national, and global lens (TUOS Strategic Plan) (K3, K4, K5, K6, K8, S4, S5, S6, S7, S9). This forms an important aspect of students journeys to becoming self-directed learners (L&T Strategy, Excellence in Practice). Personal Supervision & Module Tutors Marking of students work will typically be completed by the module leader/s. Especially in the first year, the modules will be taught by multiple members of staff, who will also take on the role of personal supervisor. Module Tutors will be advising on assignment proposals and drafts, as well as completing the marking of the students work. This will facilitate the establishment of a relationship, and marking policies facilitate the carrying forward of feedback to ensure progressive growth and development (K1, K2, K3, K4, K5, K6, K7, K8, S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, S7, S8, S9). From Year 2 onwards, students may have different Module Tutors (dependent on their optional module choices). While the Module Tutor will take on the commenting on drafts, the personal supervisor will maintain their pastoral role. Opportunities to demonstrate achievement of the learning outcomes are provided through the following assessment methods: Assessment develops as the programme progresses. The first module consists of two shorter pieces of work to ease transition into the programme, and to allow a dual focus on reflective practice (Assignment 1, (K1, K2, K3, K4, S1, S2, S3, S4) and advancing the students skills in critical use of literature (Assignments 1 and 2, K1, K2, K3, K4, S1, S2, S3, S4), while beginning to identify areas of particular interest, and/or development needs. Assessment for Module 2 consists of a report on a small-scale research study, allowing students to explore relevant educational theory, and ensuring that all students, including those leaving after the iPGCE, have the opportunity to conduct research and explore what difference this might make to practice (K2, K3, K4, K7, K8, S1, S2, S4, S5, S8, S9). Optional modules in Period B will follow a variety of assessment methods, allowing for student preference, as well as their learning and development needs. Through module choice and the relevant assessment, students will continually reflect on their professional context, explore their professional development, and show growth as self-directed learners (K1, K2, K3, K4, K5, S1, S2, S4, S6, S7). The dissertation enables students to engage in-depth with stakeholders of their research and other ethical considerations, by submitting a detailed dissertation plan within the first three months of beginning the dissertation. This piece of assessment is marked on a Pass/Fail basis. The module grade will be drawn from the final research dissertation, which will enable learners to show critical awareness of research literature, ability to plan and conduct an ethical and appropriate research project, analysing and presenting findings, and drawing conclusions for policy and practice (K2, K3, K4, K5, K6, K7, K8, S1, S2, S4, S8, S9).19. Reference points The learning outcomes have been developed to reflect the following points of reference: University of 91ֱ Learning and Teaching Strategy (2016-2021) Faculty of Social Sciences Learning and Teaching Plan School of Education Strategic Plan Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) Framework for Higher Education Qualifications (Masters level descriptors) 91ֱ Masters Graduate (Final Version, LTC Autumn 2016-17) Confirmation of the appropriate QAA Framework level University of 91ֱ Strategic Plan Feedback from external examiners20. Programme structure and regulations Provide an overview of the structure of the programme Students will take four online 30-credit modules for the programme, working on two per year, followed by the 60-credit dissertation module in Year 3. Each module is taught by means of access to specially developed online resources, and to tutorials and asynchronous group discussions. The students can exit with a Postgraduate Certificate, or Postgraduate Certificate (iPGCE) or Postgraduate Diploma if they do not wish to complete the Masters Programme. Modules 1 and 2 consist of a wide range of structured teaching materials on Teaching and Learning and Practice-based Inquiry. These consist of: an introduction to general principles within education, including teaching, planning, assessment, and policy; opportunities to pursue an issue or area related to students own context and/or subject with the aim of furthering subject-pedagogical knowledge and understanding critical reflection; and support for carrying out a piece of classroom- or institution-based research. Modules 3 and 4 form the optional component of the programme, enabling students to specialise. The programme will launch with three optional (approved) modules, covering a) Early Childhood Education (Contemporary Issues for Early Childhood Education), b) Language Learning (Language Learning and Pedagogy), and a generic development portfolio (Critical Reflection on Professional Development). Those students arriving with 60 credits, but without research experience, will be taking Module 2 (Practice-based Inquiry) as their Module 4 (core). There is a clear demand for further diversification, with specific interest in Educational Psychology and ICT/Technology-Enhanced Learning, which may be developed in future the programme set-up makes it easy to integrate additional modules, depending on staffing availability and learner trends. The Dissertation enables students to engage in a sustained, critical, and ethical research study into their own context. Following the initial completion of a research proposal form, students are asked to engage with relevant literature on both the topic under investigation, as well as relevant research literature on methodology, methods, data analysis and ethics, leading to the development of critical research skills which will enable students to drive evidence-based innovation and pedagogy within their own context. Assignments are submitted at the end of each semester, unless a module has multiple assessment points (e.g. Module 1). In order to qualify for a PGCert, students are required to complete successfully two online modules. In order to qualify for a PGDip, students are required to complete successfully four online modules. In addition to this, in order to qualify for an MA, students are required to complete successfully the dissertation. In addition to the taught modules, students are encouraged to access additional online university support, such as that offered by the ELTCs Writing Advisory Service.Detailed information about the structure of programmes, regulations concerning assessment and progression and descriptions of individual modules are published in the University Calendar available on-line at  HYPERLINK "http://www.shef.ac.uk/govern/calendar/" \h http://www.shef.ac.uk/govern/calendar/.21. Student development over the course of study The students' subject specific knowledge and understanding is developed in relation to the focus of each module and is supported by means of online materials and communications and tutorial support. Students are supported in the development of skills, knowledge and understanding through reading and online group discussions. The progression built into the programme with regard to the development of critical awareness, ability to synthesise research and write critically is reflected through the online modules and is reinforced through the non-assessed university support resources. The development of key skills runs throughout the programme and students are taught critical reading and writing skills, including literature reviews, and are supported in the development of appropriate academic conventions. Building on the initial assignment, the planning and implementation of a teaching activity, critical engagement with the literature expands across the years, not only in the way students engage with the literature, but also in terms of selecting and evaluating appropriate sources, finally culminating in the dissertation. As students progress throughout the course, they are expected to think of themselves not only as practitioners, but progressively as potential innovators and change-makers, considering the role they and their research might have within their relevant context. Reflective practice is built into all assignments, with Module 2 and the dissertation focusing specifically on how the students research might impact on their wider practice. As such, dissemination (at an appropriate level) of student research will be actively and progressively encouraged.22. Criteria for admission to the programme Detailed information regarding admission to programmes is available from the Universitys On-Line Prospectus at  HYPERLINK "http://www.shef.ac.uk/courses/" \h http://www.shef.ac.uk/courses/. A person may be admitted as a candidate who: a) is a recognised graduate in an appropriate discipline or has gained educational qualifications deemed acceptable by the Head of Department; or b) has completed not less than three years service in educational work approved by the Head of Department, and submitted evidence of a suitable level of academic writing, in the form of a 2,000 word academic essay on an educational topic of the candidates choice. For students whose first language is not English, the School of Education requires an IELTS score of 6.5 with a minimum of 6.0 in each component, or equivalent. Students should have a post in an educational context or have the opportunity to work or volunteer in an education context during the programme.23. Additional information This specification represents a concise statement about the main features of the programme and should be considered alongside other sources of information provided by the teaching department(s) and the University. In addition to programme specific information, further information about studying at 91ֱ can be accessed via our Student Services web site at  HYPERLINK "http://www.shef.ac.uk/ssid" \h http://www.shef.ac.uk/ssid.     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