ࡱ>  017bjbj11 p[gp[gQ.,((((((((87)\)([>/+++++4x.7|7@=======$7@Bb>(7v4@477>((++>===7(8+(+==7===(=+07l8==+>0[>=OC9OC=OC(=,77=77777>>;777[>7777OC777777777 a':  Programme Details 1. Programme titleEducation: Language and Education2. Programme codeEDUT2203. QAA FHEQ level74. FacultyFaculty of Social Sciences5. DepartmentSchool of Education6. Other departments providing credit bearing modules for the programmeNot applicable7. Accrediting Professional or Statutory BodyNot applicable8. Date of production/revisionDecember 2013, revised March 2017, revised November 2021 AwardsType of awardDuration9. Final awardMA1 year10. Intermediate awards PGDipPGCert Programme Codes 11. JACS code(s) Select between one and three codes from the  HYPERLINK "https://www.hesa.ac.uk/support/documentation/jacs/jacs3-principal" \h HESA website.X30012. HECoS code(s) Select between one and three codes from the  HYPERLINK "https://www.hesa.ac.uk/innovation/hecos" \h HECoS vocabulary. Programme Delivery 13. Mode of study Full-time14. Mode of delivery Face-to-face 15. Background to the programme and subject area The MA in Education: Language and Education will explore key theories in language acquisition and learning and associated language pedagogies, and advance an understanding of the relationship between linguistic structures, social categories and educational settings. During their study, students are encouraged to participate fully in the life of the School. The School of Education is internationally renowned for the excellence of its teaching and the high quality of its research. Upon completion of their programme of study, candidates will have gained knowledge and skills relevant to careers in a variety of educational contexts related to language, e.g., teaching, educational policy and educational development roles. The programmes are appropriate both for those at the start of their careers and those at mid-career who wish to enhance their professional knowledge and competencies. 16. Programme aims MA in Education: Language and Education aims to:A1provide a critical understanding of the salient theories in relation to language acquisition, learning, language education, society and culture.A2provide a critical understanding of the key research areas in the fields of language education, learning and sociolinguistics.A3provide students with a critical understanding of the range of approaches in language educational research and the different methodologies and approaches available in researching language, education, society and culture. 17. Programme learning outcomes Knowledge and understanding On successful completion of the programme, students will be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:Links to Aim(s)K1the key theories and debates in the fields of language acquisition and learning, and of language, education and society.A1K2a range of key research topics and issues relevant to the fields of language acquisition and learning, and of language, education and society.A2/A3K3theoretical and critical perspectives of language-related learning, teaching and pedagogy, and of language practice related to society and education.A1/A2 K4the principal features of individual and social accounts of language learning and language development, and of individual and social contexts for language use and practice.A2K5the broad global and linguistic contexts in which education is situated.A1K6the range of approaches in language educational research and the different methodologies and approaches available.A3K7Advanced knowledge and understanding in their chosen area of study in language education and society and related fields.A1-A3Skills and other attributes On successful completion of the programme, students will be able to:S1An ability to produce written work which demonstrates an ability to synthesise research and practice, review relevant literature and develop a coherent and sustained argument.S2 An ability to communicate ideas orally (both individually and as part of a group) in a coherent way, and present them clearly.S3The skills required to review and critically appraise literature, synthesise research and practice and develop a coherent and sustained argument.S4The skills required to critically analyse and reflect upon complex subject matter, issues or questions relating to language and education.S5The ability to carry out an independent, sustained research study to an appropriate standard (which involves the skills of research design, choosing appropriate methods, data analysis, referencing and writing a research report). 18. Learning and teaching methods The programmes teaching is research-led. Research-led teaching is fostered through scholarly activity of staff, appropriate use of research in the relevant fields and the development of students own research skills. Students are encouraged to develop as active and independent learners, and teaching and learning activities have been developed which are appropriate to these aims. The following teaching and learning methods are used: Lectures: Used to develop students engagement with key information, develop subject-specific knowledge and understanding, cognitive and analytical skills and stimulate critical reflection. Seminars (Staff- and student-led): Used to develop students subject-specific knowledge and understanding, cognitive and analytical skills and a range of key transferable skills. Generally contain activities which promote discussion and reflection. Student presentations: Used to develop a range of key transferable skills. To develop other students engagement with key information and subject-specific knowledge and understanding. Tutorials: Used to respond to students enquiries and provide feedback on coursework. To promote further reflection and analysis through discussion and questioning. To develop students ability to reason effectively and communicate arguments and points of view clearly. Independent study: The programmes online learning environment (Blackboard) comprises a bespoke range of learning materials which have been developed to facilitate and guide independent study. These materials include online reading materials, multimedia resources, links to the School of Educations study skills site. TUoS online library resources are a key learning resource, with key links embedded into the module Blackboard sites. 19. Assessment and feedback methods All learning outcomes are assessed by a written assignment with the exception of Module 1 (EDU6356) which has both a written and oral presentation element. The independent study is assessed via a dissertation. 20. Programme structure and student development Programme structure There are four taught modules for the course, two of which are studied October to December, and two from January to March. From May onwards students work on their independent study, which is submitted in September. The four modules each involve ten two-hour sessions. The students can exit with a Postgraduate Certificate or Diploma if they do not wish to complete the Masters Programme. Students who pass all four taught modules progress to the masters dissertation module. Each module is assessed by a written assignment with the exception of Module 1 (EDU6356) which has both a written and oral presentation element. The independent study is assessed via a dissertation. In addition to the taught modules a range of support which is non-assessed is offered, for example in academic study skills, avoiding unfair means and dissertation preparation. This takes place throughout the year, alongside all of the modules. The aim of the support is to ensure that all students are suitably supported throughout their period of study. The objective is to ensure that students achieve the skills necessary to write competently and reflectively and at Masters level. It is intended that students will develop their research skills within an enquiry-based learning framework. Student development The 91ֱ Masters graduate attributes are embedded throughout the programme. Specialist knowledge and skills relevant to the broad field of education and the more specific field of language and education are developed and assessed through modules 1-4 and the dissertation. The overarching framework of the full time Masters is informed by a programme level approach in which each module is planned in relation to its contribution and connection to the whole programme. This enables students to develop breadth of skills and depth of knowledge as they progress through the programme. The students' subject specific knowledge and understanding is developed in relation to the focus of each module and is supported through the overarching framework of the full time Masters in Education. Students are supported in the development of skills, knowledge and understanding through reading and group work. The progression built into the programme with regard to the development of critical awareness, ability to synthesise research and write critically is reflected during the taught modules and is reinforced through the non-assessed postgraduate support available. The development of key skills runs throughout the programme and students are taught critical reading and writing skills, including literature reviews and are supported in the development of appropriate academic conventions. Critical selection, evaluation and engagement with academic literature is emphasised from the onset and developed through the programme. This culminates in the dissertation when students will work independently, supported by individual dissertation supervisors.Detailed information about the structure of programmes, regulations concerning assessment and progression and descriptions of individual modules are published in the University Calendar available online at  HYPERLINK "http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/calendar/" \h http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/calendar/. 21. Criteria for admission to the programme Detailed information regarding admission to programmes is available from the Universitys On-Line Prospectus at  HYPERLINK "http://www.shef.ac.uk/courses/" \h http://www.shef.ac.uk/courses/. Applicants for the MA in Language and Education should have a good undergraduate degree in a related field. For students whose first language is not English, the School of Education requires an IELTS score of 6.5 with a minimum of 6.0 in each component, or equivalent. 22. Reference points The learning outcomes have been developed to reflect the following points of reference: Subject Benchmark Statements  HYPERLINK "https://www.qaa.ac.uk/quality-code/subject-benchmark-statements" \h https://www.qaa.ac.uk/quality-code/subject-benchmark-statements Framework for Higher Education Qualifications (2014)  HYPERLINK "https://www.qaa.ac.uk/docs/qaa/quality-code/qualifications-frameworks.pdf" \h https://www.qaa.ac.uk/docs/qaa/quality-code/qualifications-frameworks.pdf University Vision  HYPERLINK "/vision" \h /vision Learning and Teaching Strategy (2016-21)  HYPERLINK "/polopoly_fs/1.661828!/file/FinalStrategy.pdf" \h /polopoly_fs/1.661828!/file/FinalStrategy.pdf Faculty of Social Sciences and School of Education Learning, Teaching and Assessment Strategies 23. Additional information None  This specification represents a concise statement about the main features of the programme and should be considered alongside other sources of information provided by the teaching department(s) and the University. In addition to programme specific information, further information about studying at 91ֱ can be accessed via our Student Services web site at  HYPERLINK "http://www.shef.ac.uk/ssid" \h http://www.shef.ac.uk/ssid.     edut220 ver22-23 PAGE1 Programme Specification A statement of the knowledge, understanding and skills that underpin a taught programme of study leading to an award from 91ֱ  -.OPQbcjkl}~  ! 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