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Intermediate awardsCertificate of Higher Education in Health Studies (from 2022)Only for apprentices who do not complete the programme but are successful at completing Part 1 of the Programme (120 credits level 4)Diploma of Higher Education in Health Studies (from 2022)Only for apprentices who do not complete the programme but are successful at completing Part 2 of the Programme (120 credits at level 5)  Programme Codes 11. JACS code(s) Select between one and three codes from the  HYPERLINK "https://www.hesa.ac.uk/support/documentation/jacs/jacs3-principal" \h HESA website.B70012. HECoS code(s) Select between one and three codes from the  HYPERLINK "https://www.hesa.ac.uk/innovation/hecos" \h HECoS vocabulary.100290 Programme Delivery 13. Mode of study Full-time 14. Mode of delivery Mixed 15. Background to the programme and subject area The BMedSci Nursing (Adult) is the mandatory academic qualification for the Registered Nurse Degree Apprenticeship (4 year route) programme provided by 91ֱ and was developed by the School of Nursing and Midwifery in response to a demand from our practice partners to offer an alternative route to become a registered nurse. This apprenticeship route is being supported by the governments commitment to increase the nursing workforce in England by 50,000 as part of the Long Term Plan (2018)  HYPERLINK "http://www.longtermplan.nhs.uk" \h www.longtermplan.nhs.uk. The latest Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS) figures show that the number of applications to nursing degrees has dropped by a third since the bursary was removed. Although there has been an increase in applications since the pandemic, there is already evidence that there is a significant deterrent to mature entrants in particular. The drop in applications from mature entrants is particularly concerning given that mature graduates are more likely to remain in the profession. (Health Committee). Locally our NHS partners are seeking to upskill their workforce (South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw Integrated Care System and national workforce strategy). In 2017 the University worked in partnership with HEE to implement a pilot Nursing Associate programme. This became an Apprenticeship and was reapproved in 2019 to reflect the NMC Standards. (2018). Local Trusts are committed to continuing to support staff and grow their own nurses therefore the Division of Nursing validated a 4 year Registered Nurse Degree in 2020 and now wants to offer a 3 year apprenticeship route BMedSci Nursing (Adult) programme so more routes into Nursing can be offered. RPL of 50% of this programme will also be available. Apprentices on the BMedSci Nursing (Adult) 3 year apprenticeship route will join the same programme as the full time direct entry BMedsci Nursing (Adult) programme and therefore there will be minimal additional resource required for the Division of Nursing and Midwifery. The apprentices on this programme will work towards achieving the Registered Nurse Degree Occupational standards (2018) which are aligned to the NMC Future Nurse Standards of Proficiency (2018). The requirements for the apprenticeship End Point Assessment are set out in the Registered Nurse Degree Apprenticeship Standard Assessment Plan which was updated in 2021. 16. Programme aims BMedSci (Hons) Nursing (Adult) Apprenticeship aims to:A1To enable apprentices to engage with practice in the field of Adult nursing and develop a range of knowledge, skills and behaviours commensurate with the role of the nurse in the 21st century.A2To enable apprentices to critically appraise the theoretical and empirical elements of nursing, developing the academic skills that link theory to practice.A3To enable the apprentices to achieve all the requirements as stated in the NMCs 2018 Standards for Pre-Registration Nursing and meet the Institute of Technical Education and Apprenticeship Standard Registered Nurse Degree (NMC 2018). 17. Programme learning outcomes Knowledge and understanding On successful completion of the programme, apprentice will be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:Links to Aim(s)K1Critical understanding of relevant ethical and legal frameworks.A2K2Critical understanding of the impact of professional, political and national/local health service policies/standards/guidance on the nature of nursing practice and care delivery.A1, A3K3Critical understanding of the application of theory and evidence-based practice that informs person-centred nursing care and management of patients across all stages of life and within a range of care settings.A1-3K4Critical understanding of the nursing contribution to inter-professional working and organisational leadership.A3K5Critical application of problem solving techniques in theory and practice.A2K6Critical understanding of safe and quality care management in a range of settings.A3K7Critical understanding of professional accountability.A2K8Critical understanding of the best available evidence in the delivery and management of nursing.A2K9Across a range of audiences, demonstrate a critical understanding of teaching and learning within the nurses role; and the importance of being a positive role model.A1Skills and other attributes On successful completion of the programme, apprentice will be able to:S1Access and critically analysis relevant research, literature and policies/standards/guidelines and their impact upon practice in order to develop coherent evidence based arguments.A2 S2Demonstrate competence in communication and relationship management skills across all patient groups, within team working and classroom settings.A1-3S3Ability to reflect upon and manage complex issues systematically and creatively, make informed judgements and communicate conclusions clearly.A2S4Apply relevant knowledge to manage issues systematically, making sound judgements in assessing, planning implementing and evaluating nursing interventions and have the ability to manage change.A2, A3S5Have the ability to manage ones self and others working in the context of continual change and challenging environments.A2, A3S6Possess the professional behaviours, attitudes and emotional intelligence to adapt behaviour appropriately when working with people.A3S7Demonstrate initiative and competence in managing and coordinating patient care needs whilst assuming responsibility and being accountable for safe professional nursing practice.A3S8An ability to evaluate empirical and published information and produce original written reports and assignments and demonstrate the ability to meet deadlines.A2S9Apply relevant knowledge to improve and maintain the mental, physical and behavioural health and wellbeing of people, families, communities and populations within a local, national and global context.A1S10Demonstrate the safe and effective standard required for undertaking nursing procedures whilst delivering holistic care.A3S11Demonstrate the critical development of resilience and lifelong skills for learning.A2S12Demonstrate the ability to work in partnership with people to optimise health and wellbeing.A1S13Possess the skills and knowledge to competently lead care.A2, A3 18. Learning and teaching methods Development of the learning outcomes is promoted through the following teaching and learning methods: Lectures (LO K1-9, S1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 13) Lectures will be the main form of delivery in Part 1. This will ensure that you receive and take on board essential factual information to prepare you for the role of the nurse in the practice learning environment. Peer Assisted Study Sessions (PASS) will be used during Part 1 to support the acquisition of transferable skills, partnership working, and a deeper understanding of learning and to promote confidence and a sense of community and belonging during the transition to University phase. From part 2 onwards teaching will be supported by problem based learning activities as noted below. Seminars (LO K1-9, S1, 2 ,3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13) These are either staff or apprentice led and are used throughout the programme but will vary depending on the unit undertaken. They are designed to reinforce information imparted through lectures by allowing apprentice to work through, analyse, understand and respond to that information. They are used to enable apprentice to make the link between theory and practice. Online, this will be via discussions on Blackboard as well as live discussions using Blackboard Collaborate. Peer Assisted Study Sessions (PASS) will be used in Part 1 to support the acquisition of transferable skills, partnership working, and a deeper understanding of learning and to promote confidence and a sense of community and belonging during the transition phases. Online study (LO K1-9, S1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 11) Lectures will be supplemented, but not replaced by, online study materials and sessions in order that you can develop knowledge acquired through lectures further. Independent Study (K 1-9, S1-13) Independent study is used: to assimilate and clarify material explored in lectures, to prepare for seminars, to prepare for assessments and to generally examine literature pertinent to the unit outcomes. Practice Learning (LO K3-8, S1-13) You will spend 50% in the clinical practice area. You will be supported by Practice Supervisors. Problem based learning (LO K1-9, S 1-13) From Part 2 of the programme you will be introduced to the concept of problem based learning. You will be introduced to problems and scenarios and will work in groups to present novel and creative solutions. You will be supported by teaching staff who will deliver fixed resource sessions and oversee feedback. Clinical skills sessions (K3, 4, 6, 7, 8, S2-6) Evidence based practice sessions will be delivered by appropriately skilled teachers. The school has access to a clinical skills facility and this is used to develop your clinical skills. Simulation Simulation is a technique to replace or amplify real experiences with guided experiences that evoke or replicate substantial aspects of the real world in a fully interactive manner. Gaba 2004. Simulation is used in order to achieve a specific learning outcome/s in a manner that might not be readily available or safely reached using other forms of education or practice based approaches. Up to 300 hours of practice learning hours may be used for simulation throughout the programme. 19. Assessment and feedback methods The assessments included in this programme are designed to assess the development of the apprentices skills, knowledge and behaviours to enable them to meet the Standards for Proficiency for Registered nurses (NMC 2018). These proficiencies are aligned to the Apprenticeship standards for Registered Nurse degree. The assessments comply with the University of 91ֱ programme level approach, ensuring that across the programme the assessments are coherent, proportionate and without duplication. Assessments are rigorous yet flexible so each apprentice has an opportunity to demonstrate their achievement in the learning outcomes. The programme has 3 parts with 2 units forming each part. The programme is 50% theory and 50% practice (NMC 2018), therefore this balance is reflected in the assessment methods. A Regional Practice Assessment Document (MYEPAD) approved by the NMC is used throughout the programme to assess practice. Apprentices will be supervised by Practice Supervisors who will provide the apprentice with feedback. A Practice Assessor will complete the apprentices practice assessment. The apprentices will also be supported by the Academic Assessor who will conduct tripartite interviews. The Academic assessor will be a member of University staff who will collate and confirm the Practice Assessment Result. Assessment Methods Unit 1 Anatomy and physiology exam Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) (LO 3) Grade Weighting 50% A one hour invigilated MCQ exam, previously unseen. Tests the understanding of key concepts relating to the anatomy and physiology taught in this unit. Practical Communication assessment with accompanying written summary (LO1, 4) Grade Weighting 50% Apprentices will utilise digital technology and produce a recording where they demonstrate appropriate communications skills within a simulated patient interaction. Apprentices will work in pairs or groups of three to complete this assessment. Apprentices will be expected to introduce themselves, provide an explanation for the care they wish to carry out and gain consent from the patient. They will respond appropriately to any questions. The written summary will discuss the importance of good communication in nurse patient interactions, personal reflections on the recorded example and give an example of how communication may need to be adapted to meet individual patient needs. The written summary should be 1500 words +/-10%. Practice Assessment Document (PAD) Part 1 (LO1, 5) Grade Weighting 0% The PAD will be completed over the course of Part 1 and therefore apprentices are not expected to meet all the proficiencies in the first placement. All professional values must be met for each unit. During the placement in Unit 1 - Part 1 apprentice will have guided participation in care and perform with increased confidence and competence. This is a pass/fail assessment and is not awarded a grade. The emphasis is on the apprentice to collect evidence in the form of reflections and testimonies to demonstrate they are working towards or have met the proficiencies. For a Pass grade apprentices should achieve All Professional values. Complete formative Episode of Care (related to direct care meeting the needs of a person receiving care). Reflective account on professional values. apprentice should be developing evidence of achievement of proficiencies. Formative 1000 word reflection based on an alternative field of nursing (LO1,2) To meet EU Directive requirements, apprentices are required to document experiences within other fields of nursing as they will care for patients who have care needs related to them. This is a formative assessment to allow apprentices a development opportunity in academic writing. It will be submitted as per School policy on theoretical submissions and marked, given feedback and an indication of a grade. This grade will be for apprentice guidance and will not form part of the apprentices overall academic grade for this unit. Subsequent field of nursing reflections in unit 2, 3 and 4 will be summative. Whilst on placement, apprentices will reflect on an occasion where they cared for a patient that related to another field of nursing or midwifery. This assessment will be an in-depth reflection on learning that has taken place in relation to this. The account should also: Be mindful of the expected learning outcomes for the relevant field of nursing chosen. Include relevant theory. Be accurately referenced. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding. Show links between theory and practice. Formative Health Numeracy Test Apprentices will be enrolled onto the online SafeMedicate system at the start of the programme which will support apprentices in the development of health numeracy skills. This system will also be used to complete a formative test to highlight areas where they may need further support. Additional support related to mathematics skills will be available via the University Study Skills Centre. Unit 2 2500 word essay that explores the concept of health and factors that can influence this. (LO1, 2) Grade Weighting 50% Apprentices should identify a patient from placement and consider factors that may have influenced their health. Consider lifestyle, interpersonal, environmental, occupational and socioeconomic factors that may have had an impact on their health and discuss these in relation to the literature. Discuss patient decision making regarding health behaviours within the framework of a health behaviour model. Consider possible interventions that may help your patient in changing health behaviours. Consider the nurses role and professional responsibilities in relation to this. Anatomy and physiology exam Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) (LO 3) Grade Weighting 20% A one hour invigilated MCQ exam, previously unseen. Tests the understanding of key concepts relating to the anatomy and physiology taught in this unit. Health Numeracy Exam (LO3) Grade Weighting 0% A 1 hour invigilated exam designed to test the health numeracy skills of the apprentice, based on the modules undertaken as part of the SafeMedicate educational resources. Pass grade for this examination is 80%. The grade from this exam does not contribute to the overall grade for this unit. 1000 word reflection based on an alternative field of nursing (LO2) Grade Weighting 30% To meet EU Directive requirements, apprentices are required to document experiences within other fields of nursing as they will care for patients who have care needs related to them. Whilst on placement, apprentices will reflect on an occasion where they cared for a patient that related to another field of nursing or midwifery. This assessment will be an in-depth reflection on learning that has taken place in relation to this. The account should also: Be mindful of the expected learning outcomes for the relevant field of nursing chosen. Include relevant theory. Be accurately referenced. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding. Show links between theory and practice. Practice Assessment Document (PAD): Part 1 (LO4) Grade Weighting 0% Unit 2 is the end of Part 1 so apprentices MUST have completed all sections of the PAD before progressing onto Part 2. All professional values must be achieved. This will include a 2nd reflective account. All proficiencies must be achieved by the end of unit 2. The emphasis is on the apprentices to collect evidence in the form of reflections and testimonies to demonstrate they are working towards or have met the proficiencies. Inclusion of 2 episodes of care that are related to direct care meeting the needs of a person receiving care. (This is one episode of care from the placement in unit 1 which is formative and another from placement in unit 2 which is summative). Medicine management assessment must be successfully completed. Unit 3 Assessment Methods Structured Clinical Examination (LO1,3,4) Grade Weighting 40% In this assessment apprentices clinical skills proficiency, including psychomotor, cognitive and affective skills, will be assessed. apprentices will be presented with one simulated scenario based on an acutely ill deteriorating patient. apprentice will be expected to perform an A to E assessment on the patient. apprentice will need to refer to appropriate risk assessment tools. apprentice will then be expected to escalate concerns regarding the patients condition appropriately using a framework such as the SBAR technique. apprentice will be questioned to assess underpinning knowledge of pathophysiology in relation to the scenario. Pharmacology presentation / Written Summary (LO2) Grade Weighting 30% apprentice will be presented with 4 scenarios and expected to select ONE to work on for this presentation. The scenario will include details of a patients health condition and a medication they are taking for this. The apprentice will be expected to demonstrate an understanding of the following in their presentation: Name and therapeutic indication of the drug. Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of the drug. Posology (dosage) considerations and methods of administration. Contraindications and special precautions. Common Side effects. Interactions with other medications. The presentation should make reference to appropriate information sources including national guidance. The presentation can be in any format including PowerPoint or an infographic and should be explained and recorded by the apprentice and submitted electronically. apprentices also need to submit a 500 word summary+/-10% that supports their presentation. 1000 word reflection based on an alternative field of nursing (LO2) Grade Weighting 30% To meet EU Directive requirements, apprentices are required to document experiences within other fields of nursing as they will care for patients who have care needs related to them. Whilst on placement, apprentices will reflect on an occasion where they cared for a patient that related to another field of nursing or midwifery. This assessment will be an in-depth reflection on learning that has taken place in relation to this. The account should also: Be mindful of the expected learning outcomes for the relevant field of nursing chosen. Include relevant theory. Be accurately referenced. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding. Show links between theory and practice. Practice Assessment Document (PAD): Part 2 (LO5) Grade Weighting 0% The PAD will be completed over the course of Part 2 and therefore apprentices are not expected to meet all the proficiencies in the first placement. All professional values must be met. During the placement in Unit 3 - Part 2, apprentice will demonstrate active participation in care with minimal guidance and perform with increased confidence and competence. This is a pass/fail assessment and is not awarded a grade. The emphasis is on the apprentice to collect evidence in the form of reflections and testimonies to demonstrate they are working towards or have met the proficiencies. For a Pass grade apprentice must achieve. All Professional values. Complete a summative Episode of Care (related to direct care meeting the needs of a person receiving care). Reflective account. apprentice should be developing evidence of achievement of proficiencies. Unit 4 Triple Jump Examination (LO1, 2, 3, 4) Grade Weighting 70% This assessment has three stages and these will be completed within one week. Triple Jump 1 (Day 1) A scenario will be presented to the apprentice detailing relevant clinical information. Triple Jump 2 (Day 2-3) The apprentice will then have 48 hours to research the problem-based scenario and gather evidence to support their exam. Triple Jump 3 (Day 4) The apprentice will be required to answer 4 questions (weighted total out of 100) relating to the scenario which will demonstrate their ability to identify and prioritise care in relation to the unit learning outcomes. The exam will be invigilated for jump 3. Jump 3 is a 2.5 hour invigilated examination: Apprentices will complete the examination online based on the scenario they were given in Jump 1 and have been researching during Jump 2. Apprentices are expected to make an initial assessment of the patient/client and identify the key issues based on the information provided. During the Jump 3 exam apprentices will be expected to: Answer three short answer questions relating to the patient/client. Apprentices are then expected to write an evidence based plan of care related to the scenario. 2. 1000 word reflection based on an alternative field of nursing (LO2) Grade Weighting 30% To meet EU Directive requirements, apprentices are required to document experiences within other fields of nursing as they will care for patients who have care needs related to them. Whilst on placement, apprentices will reflect on an occasion where they cared for a patient that related to another field of nursing or midwifery. This assessment will be an in-depth reflection on learning that has taken place in relation to this. The account should also: Be mindful of the expected learning outcomes for the relevant field of nursing chosen. Include relevant theory. Be accurately referenced. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding. Show links between theory and practice. 3. Practice Assessment Document (PAD): Part 2 (LO4) Grade Weighting 0% Unit 4 is the end of Part 2 so apprentices MUST have completed all sections of the PAD before progressing onto Part 3. All professional values must be achieved. This will include a 2nd reflective account. Apprentices will demonstrate active participation in care with minimal guidance and perform with increased confidence and competence. All proficiencies must be achieved by the end of unit 4. Inclusion of a 2nd summative episode of care that is related to a group of people receiving care with increasingly complex health and social care needs. (apprentices will submit one episode of care from the placement in unit 3 and another from placement in unit 4). Medicine management assessment must be successful. Unit 5 Health Numeracy exam (LO2) FORMATIVE This is a 1 hour invigilated exam to assess medication calculation skills. Exam will be undertaken via the SafeMedicate online system. Pass grade for this exam is 100%. This grade does not contribute towards the overall grade for this unit. 4000 word evidence based practice literature review (LO1, 4) Grade Weighting 60% This is the first part of a Developing Clinical Practice assessment that focuses on service improvement. The second part will be undertaken in unit 6. Apprentice will identify a relevant issue from practice and using a systematic approach, review the literature relating to their chosen topic. They will then write an evidence based literature review which addresses improvement objectives through deliverable recommendations. Apprentices will be expected to: Take a systematic approach to searching for and critically reviewing the literature. Provide a rationale for the approaches chosen. Demonstrate critical analysis of the evidence and how this relates to a practice context. Make recommendations for practice that are achievable and appropriate to the topic of the review. The topic chosen must have direct relevance to the students field of Adult Nursing. Develop and deliver a teaching session on an aspect of communication (LO3,4) Grade Weighting 40% Apprentices will deliver a face to face 20 minute teaching session to their peers on a topic relating to communication. The teaching session must be developed for delivery to healthcare professionals. Apprentices can utilise a variety of media and education methods to deliver their session. Apprentices should demonstrate the ability to develop and deliver a session that: is at an appropriate level for those it is being delivered to. has clear learning objectives. includes interaction with the group. assesses learning has taken place. The peer group will provide constructive feedback on the teaching sessions they observe as part of their own professional development. Practice Assessment Document (PAD): Part 3 (LO5) Grade Weighting 0% The PAD will be completed over the course of Part 3 and therefore apprentices are not expected to meet all the proficiencies in this placement. In part 3, apprentice should be practising independently with minimal supervision and leading and coordinating care with increasing confidence. All professional values must be met. During the placement in Unit 5 - Part 3 apprentice will be practising independently with minimal supervision and starting to lead and coordinate care with confidence. This is a pass/fail assessment and is not awarded a grade. The emphasis is on the apprentice to collect evidence in the form of reflections and testimonies to demonstrate they are working towards or have met the proficiencies. For a Pass grade apprentices must achieve/complete. All Professional values. A summative Episode of Care for Part 3 (related to supervision and teaching a junior learner/colleague in practice). Reflective account. apprentice should be developing evidence of achievement of proficiencies. Unit 6 Developing Clinical Practice to Support Service Development (LO1, 3, 4) Grade Weighting 60% This is a 6000 word assignment where the apprentice considers and develops a plan to implement the recommendations from the literature review completed in unit 5. apprentice will critically analyse change management theories and in light of these consider the implications for implementing suggested changes into practice. apprentice will also need to consider and critically analyse leadership and management styles that influence the success of implementation of changes to practice. apprentice will finally need to consider how change to practice can be evaluated and make suggestions for this that relate to their issue. This may include audit or staff evaluation. Poster Presentation (LO2, 3) Grade Weighting 40% Apprentice will produce a poster based on their literature review completed in Unit 5, Part 3. Apprentice will be expected to include in the poster. Topic chosen with rationale. Summary of the literature review and the findings. Recommendations for practice development. Poster presentation will be to peers, academic staff and clinical partners. The poster should be of conference quality. Practice Assessment Document (PAD): Part 3 (LO5) Grade Weighting 0% Unit 6 is the end of Part 3 so apprentice MUST have completed all sections of the PAD. In part 3, apprentice should be practising independently with minimal supervision and leading and coordinating care with confidence. The emphasis is on the apprentice to collect evidence in the form of reflections and testimonies to demonstrate they are working towards or have met the proficiencies. All professional values must be achieved. This will include a 2nd reflective account. All proficiencies must be achieved by the end of unit 6. Inclusion of a Summative Episode of care that is related to the organisation and management of care for a group/caseload of people with complex care needs. Medicine management assessment must be successfully completed. This is a pass/fail assessment and no grade will be given. For a Pass grade apprentice must achieve/complete. All Professional values. Inclusion of 2 Summative Episodes of care (This is one episode of care from the placement in unit 5 and another from placement in unit 6). Reflective account. Apprenticeship End Point Assessment Integrated Degree Apprenticeship Standards - ST0781 Institute for Apprenticeships (updated 2021).  HYPERLINK "https://www.instituteforapprenticeships.org/apprenticeship-standards/registered-nurse-degree-(nmc-2018)-v1-1" \h https://www.instituteforapprenticeships.org/apprenticeship-standards/registered-nurse-degree-(nmc-2018)-v1-1 Gateway Apprentice has met the knowledge, skills and behaviours. Employer and NMC Approved Educational Institution (AEI) are satisfied the apprentice has consistently demonstrated they meet the KSBs of the occupational standard. Achieved English and mathematics at Level 2. Achieved all required modules, taking into account any recognition of prior learning (RPL) of the following approved qualification: Degree in Nursing qualification approved by the NM. Practice Assessment Document (PAD) completed and signed-off by their practice and academic assessor. END Point Assessment (normally takes up to 1 month) The EPA starts with the examination board and finishes when the AEI makes the required declarations to the NMC. The apprentice is not required to carry out any additional assessments. Consideration by the examination board and notice of the decision of the examination board. Grading Pass: Has met the NMC standards of proficiency for Registered nurses (2018) and the requirements for the declaration of good health and character. Fail: Does not meet the NMC standards of proficiency for Registered nurses (2018) and/or the requirements for the declaration of good health and character. Feedback will be provided throughout the programme in a number of formats. Safe Medicate is an online tool which will enable the apprentice to complete numeracy and drug calculation education. This should guide apprentice to consider strengths and weaknesses when they apply their numeracy skills to drug calculations. This will help prepare the apprentice for the summative numeracy exam in Unit 2 and drug administration in clinical practice. Tutors can access metrics within SafeMedicate to establish completion rates by apprentice and identify areas where they may be experiencing difficulties. Further guidance can then be offered to suitable sources of support. Apprentice will participate in simulated learning in the Skills laboratory so they can rehearse clinical skills prior to their placement. Facilitators of these sessions will debrief the apprentice to help them identify the strengths and weaknesses in their skills development. Coursework will be submitted to Turnitin or Blackboard and graded using marking rubrics to ensure consistency in grades and feedback. Feedback will be provided by named academic members of staff following set requirements to ensure consistency in feedback across the units that also includes feed-forward comments to support development. apprentice can seek feedback when preparing assignments based on the departments policy. Apprentice will receive continuous formative feedback from their practice Supervisors throughout their placement. Academic assessors will give periodic formative feedback throughout the placement. The Practice Assessor will give formative feedback midpoint through the placement and summative feedback at the end of the placement. This will be done through an electronic practice assessment document (MYEPAD). The apprentice will be asked to complete self- assessments and reflections within their Practice Assessment document so they can demonstrate an insight into their own performance and learning needs. University staff will complete tripartite discussions with practice staff and the student. Apprentices will be encouraged to contribute to discussion in group tutorials so they can share learning, good practice and learn from one anothers experiences. Apprentice will be encouraged to practice presentations within their group tutorials and receive feedback from their peers. Course reps will contribute the cohorts feedback to the apprentice voice forums and this will contribute to the programme evaluation. Apprentice will formally evaluate the unit as per University policy. Apprentice will formally provide feedback/evaluation on their placement learning on the online tool PARE which is supported by Health Education England. This will be available to placement providers. Evaluation will be managed as per policy. We are required to undertake a tripartite interview process, when establishing each individual apprenticeship. There is a clear expectation that this process will lead to a signed agreement of what is expected from, and offered by: the apprentice, employer, and the university; to achieve the apprenticeship, and details of how all parties will work together. This must include contact details, and the expected commitment from each party, for example: The apprentice: attendance and commitment. The employer: commitment to wages, and time for study and supernumerary practice; and The university: delivery of training, support and guidance. Details of ongoing tripartite progress reviews (the university, employer, apprentice), including the frequency and format, to discuss progress to date against the commitment statement, and the immediate next steps required. This tripartite agreement is subject to ESFA financial audit. The ESFA do offer a good practice template which we encourage staff to use. 20. Programme structure and apprentice development This full time Nursing (Adult) degree apprentice route will be delivered over 3 years. The structure of the programme has been developed to ensure NMC requirements are met, i.e the programme is 50% theory and 50 % practice (NMC 2018). The structure of the programme is based on 37.5 hour week which enables the apprentice to complete 2300 theory and 2300 supernumerary practice (NMC 2018). A skills scan will be undertaken for each apprentice before they start the programme and this will be used to benchmark the apprentice development on the programme. The apprentices knowledge, skills and behaviours will be monitored throughout the programme. The programme is divided into 3 parts (which are progression points), 2 units per part, 6 units over the 3 year period. Part 1 -Unit 1 & 2 are level 4, Part 2 -unit 3 & 4 are level 5 and Part 3 -unit 5 & 6 are level 6. This is a professional apprenticeship route for apprentices seeking registration with the NMC. Therefore all assessments must be passed in each unit in order to achieve an overall pass. Apprentices cannot progress from one part of the programme to the next until all assessments have been passed. There is an integrated EPA for this programme. Once the employer and The University is satisfied that the apprentice is consistently working at or above the level set in the occupational standard and all the pre-requisite gateway requirements for EPA have been met the NMC will be informed.Detailed information about the structure of programmes, regulations concerning assessment and progression and descriptions of individual modules are published in the University Calendar available online at  HYPERLINK "http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/calendar/" \h http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/calendar/. 21. Criteria for admission to the programme Detailed information regarding admission to programmes is available from the Universitys On-Line Prospectus at  HYPERLINK "http://www.shef.ac.uk/courses/" \h http://www.shef.ac.uk/courses/. Employment within a partnership organisation who will support apprenticeship. Certificate or certified statement of results of Maths GCSE grade C/4 or Maths Functional Skills Level 2 or any qualification that is listed on the  HYPERLINK "https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/qualifications-approved-for-public-funding" \l "english-and-maths-requirements-in-apprenticeship-standards" \h ESFA approved equivalent qualifications list. Certificate or certified statement of results of English GCSE grade C/4 or English Functional Skills Level 2 or any qualification that is listed on the  HYPERLINK "https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/qualifications-approved-for-public-funding" \l "english-and-maths-requirements-in-apprenticeship-standards" \h ESFA approved equivalent qualifications list. Employed for a minimum 30 hours per week (length of programme will depend on hours of work e.g the apprentice will need to work 37.5 hours to complete the programme in 3 years. Other requirements Working in an adult field of practice. At least two years of health or social care experience. Demonstrates values in accordance with the Nursing and Midwifery Code of Professional Conduct (2018). Interview. 1 reference required from a line manager. DBS and Occupational Health Check required. All apprentices require a skills scan before starting the programme. RPL available for up to 50% of the programme. All applicants will be reviewed on an individual basis. Interview/Assessment Centre. Recruitment, shortlisting and interviews will be organised by the employer in partnership with the Division of Nursing and Midwifery and service users. Disclose and Barring Service (DBS). You will be required to have a DBS enhanced (including children) within the last 3 years. Digital Learning Technologies. Nurse degree apprentices are required to demonstrate the ability to use digital technology prior to commencing the programme, so you will be given a link once appointed to a  HYPERLINK "https://www.digitalliteracyassessment.org/" \h free digital learning and testing site where you will complete the basic computer skills package and submit the certificate as evidence as directed by your employer or on your first day of learning at the university. This link is free to use and allows learning and practice of digital skills prior to taking the test. The test can be taken several times. Conditional offers may be made to applicants ahead of the completion of required academic criteria and/or satisfactory Occupational Health and Criminal Record checks. 22. Reference points The learning outcomes have been developed to reflect the following points of reference: NMC Registered Nurse Standards (2018) Institute of Apprenticeships and Technical Education Occupational Registered Nurse Degree 2018 (updated 2021) 23. Additional information None  This specification represents a concise statement about the main features of the programme and should be considered alongside other sources of information provided by the teaching department(s) and the University. In addition to programme specific information, further information about studying at 91ֱ can be accessed via our apprentice Services web site at  HYPERLINK "http://www.shef.ac.uk/ssid" \h http://www.shef.ac.uk/ssid.     nuru154 ver21-22 PAGE1 Programme Specification A statement of the knowledge, understanding and skills that underpin a taught programme of study leading to an award from 91ֱ  -.>?MTUVghopq/ 0 4 5 6 c d h3{hlK B*CJaJphh3{h3{CJaJh3{hlK CJaJh3{hS \CJaJh3{hlK 5>*h3{hS \5>*hlK jhJUGUmHnHujh3{UmHnHu< .U $Ifgd3{ $<1$gd3{$<a$ UVhpobY $Ifgd3{ (($Ifgd3{kd$$IfH0 g(   t 0n(4d4 HaApytJUGpqof[ $1$Ifgd3{ $Ifgd3{kd$$IfH0 g(   t 0n(4d4 HaApytJUGoff $Ifgd3{kd$$IfH0 g(   t 0n(4d4 HaApytJUGoff $Ifgd3{kdL$$IfH0 g(   t 0n(4d4 HaApytJUG0 5 of[ $1$Ifgd3{ $Ifgd3{kd$$IfH0 g(   t 0n(4d4 HaApytJUG5 6 d obW $1$Ifgd3{ (($Ifgd3{kd$$IfH0 g(   t 0n(4d4 HaApytJUG obW $1$Ifgd3{ (($Ifgd3{kd$$IfH0 g(   t 0n(4d4 HaApytJUG oi^^^ $$Ifgd3{$gd3{kd\$$IfH0 g(   t 0n(4d4 HaApytJUG    ! 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