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In response, new organizational forms have arisen to meet the challenges arising from the need to manage people in an environment characterized by continuous change and the organizational need for people to accomplish high levels of job performance. Simultaneously we are witnessing the development of many new forms of work, with e-commerce, teleworking and virtual working becoming common place. One result of these processes is that the demands of the workplace have changed in that they require: Human Resource Management managers to have specialist knowledge/skills; an understanding of how organisations are structured and financially managed; an understanding of how organizations strategically respond to developments and challenges in their environments; an understanding of the varying international contexts in which HRM may operate. Such demands therefore require Human Resource Management specialists to comprehend the international, strategic, financial and organizational contexts in which Human Resource Management continues to evolve. They also provide the opportunity for Human Resource Management professionals to contribute to strategic management processes within their organizations and provide an expert support service to other managers as certain Human Resource Management functions get devolved. This programme is designed primarily for non-business graduates who are seeking to add an understanding of Human Resource Management theory and practice to their existing qualifications. It is also for students from a business background wishing to add a research-informed, specialist, postgraduate degree to their undergraduate degree. Generally, there is a growing recognition of the usefulness of post-graduate qualifications in management and business. This is reflected in an increasing demand for post-graduate education in business-related subjects in the U.K. (British Council, 2005, Presentation to the Committee of Heads of Accounting Conference). The programme will provide an excellent grounding in Human Resource Management for students prior to moving into full-time employment or continuing onto further studies in higher education. This programme is for students who would like to be able to choose electives and who do not wish to become members of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD). Students who do wish to become CIPD members will still be able to take the MSc Human Resource Management with CIPD pathway (MGTT67) programme. The students will be able to transfer after arriving at 91ֱ. Further information about the Management School is available on our website at HYPERLINK "http://www.shef.ac.uk/management" \hhttp://www.shef.ac.uk/management16. Programme aims Our students will be employable professional graduates. Our students will have contextually relevant critical thinking skills. Our students will be socially responsible professionals in Human Resource Management. Our graduates have advanced knowledge in Human Resource Management and the ability to apply this knowledge in an effective manner.17. Programme learning outcomes Knowledge and understanding: students will K1Attain advanced knowledge of theory and concepts in Human Resource Management.K2Create solutions using theories and concepts in Human Resource Management. Skills and other attributes: students will be able toS1Demonstrate advanced written communication skills for different purposes and audiences. S2Deliver persuasive oral presentations for different purposes and audiences.S3Recommend evidence-based management solutions to complex/wider contexts.S4Critically analyse complex management practices.S5Critically synthesise relevant theoretical concepts.S6Integrate social responsibility concepts into management practices.18. Teaching, learning and assessment Development of the learning outcomes is promoted through the following teaching and learning methods: Lectures are used to communicate subject-specific knowledge and understanding, to guide the general direction of students engagement with each subject to develop analytical skills and to stimulate critical reflection. The provision of web sites and handouts embodies questions, activities and case-studies to enhance understanding through exercises and illustrations and to promote critical reflection by students of the linkages between management theory and practice. Seminars enable students to develop their understanding of the subject matter through discussion of review questions and the analysis of case studies based upon real organisational challenges. Students also prepare presentations on their case study analysis to develop communication and other transferable skills. Group work allows students to develop transferable skills and understanding by debate and collaborative working. Tutor and self-directed private study and preparation for tutorials and assessment is a significant component of each students personal development. Tutorials are used to respond to students enquiries, to provide feedback on progress and to promote reflection and analysis. Students have one-to-one supervision to help them prepare their management project (S5). Students have one-to-one communication through the use of face-to-face meetings, email and telephone contact. Opportunities to demonstrate achievement of the learning outcomes are provided through the following assessment methods: Examinations are used to test knowledge and understanding of the theory and practice of Human Resource Management. Essays and reports are used to test knowledge and understanding and skills. A reflective personal log book/portfolio is used to analyse and evaluate the development of professional skills relevant to human resource management praxis as well as identify remedial strategies through the elucidation of a personal development plan. Case analysis presentations are used to test skills S1 to S4 and relevant knowledge and understanding. The management project is used to test S5.19. Reference points The learning outcomes have been developed to reflect the following points of reference: The Management School Learning and Teaching Strategy. Subject Benchmark Statements HYPERLINK "http://www.qaa.ac.uk/AssuringStandardsAndQuality/subject-guidance/Pages/Subject-benchmark-statements.aspx" \hhttp://www.qaa.ac.uk/AssuringStandardsAndQuality/subject-guidance/Pages/Subject-benchmark-statements.aspx Framework for Higher Education Qualifications (2008) HYPERLINK "http://www.qaa.ac.uk/Publications/InformationAndGuidance/Pages/The-framework-for-higher-education-qualifications-in-England-Wales-and-Northern-Ireland.aspx" \hhttp://www.qaa.ac.uk/Publications/InformationAndGuidance/Pages/The-framework-for-higher-education-qualifications-in-England-Wales-and-Northern-Ireland.aspx University Strategic Plan HYPERLINK "http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/strategicplan" \hhttp://www.sheffield.ac.uk/strategicplan Learning and Teaching Strategy (2016-2021) HYPERLINK "/polopoly_fs/1.661828!/file/FinalStrategy.pdf" \h/polopoly_fs/1.661828!/file/FinalStrategy.pdf The Masters level qualification descriptor within the QAA Framework for Higher Education Qualifications.20. Programme structure and regulations The programme for the MSc in HRM has 105 credits of core taught modules. This includes the taught research methods module (15 credits) which is the preparatory part of the management project. Students will have 30 credits of choice from a list of taught optional modules and will undertake a Management Project (45 credits). Students may only proceed to the management project with the permission of the Board of Examiners: the Board will need to be satisfied, based on the results of the taught part of the programme, that a student has a good chance of completing a satisfactory management project.Detailed information about the structure of programmes, regulations concerning assessment and progression and descriptions of individual modules are published in the University Calendar available on-line at HYPERLINK "http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/calendar/" \hhttp://www.sheffield.ac.uk/calendar/.21. Student development over the course of study All students will take modules that will provide them with a thorough understanding of the core concerns of Human Resource Management. The programme will allow students to choose elective modules that reflect their particular academic and professional development interests, enabling them to choose a mix of modules in the areas of strategic management, leadership & development and accounting and finance. The management project enables students to demonstrate their ability to undertake a sustained empirical investigation of a Human Resource Management problem or issue, drawing on relevant aspects of the knowledge, understanding and skills gained in the earlier stages. Students in the Management School usually have two pathways for their management project: a) dissertation or b) a company project. A company project has all the components of a normal dissertation except that research questions and data collection are based on issues identified by a client company. Management projects are facilitated by the taught module Research Methods which enables students to think carefully about and plan their management project. The output of the module is a detailed management project proposal which allows a student to explore a focussed Human Resource Management issue and/or problem in greater depth with reference to identifying an appropriate and viable methodology. Students have opportunities to improve their skills by completing an Employability Passport, which includes attending a series of development sessions such as, networking, communication and negotiation, applications and interviews. Although these sessions are offered to all students in general, they are a prerequisite for those who wish to apply for a company project. 22. Criteria for admission to the programme The normal entry requirements will be the holding of an honours degree with a minimum of upper second class in a relevant subject from an approved Institution. Non-graduates who hold a professional qualification in management that is deemed to be equivalent to the holding of an honours degree from an approved Institution may be admitted to the programme after being considered individually by the Head of Department. Applicants whose first language is not English will also be required to provide an International English Language Test Score (IELTS) of at least 6.5 with a minimum in any of the four categories of 6.0. Detailed information regarding admission to programmes is available from the Universitys On-Line Prospectus at HYPERLINK "http://www.shef.ac.uk/courses/" \hhttp://www.shef.ac.uk/courses/.23. Additional information NoneThis specification represents a concise statement about the main features of the programme and should be considered alongside other sources of information provided by the teaching department(s) and the University. In addition to programme specific information, further information about studying at 91ֱ can be accessed via our Student Services web site at HYPERLINK "http://www.shef.ac.uk/ssid" \hhttp://www.shef.ac.uk/ssid.     mgtt199 ver17-18 PAGE1 Programme Specification A statement of the knowledge, understanding and skills that underpin a taught programme of study leading to an award from 91ֱ 01234BCJKLMNWX\]^_`noz{|} ؿh N-hPfh9B*CJOJPJQJ^JaJph-hPfh NB*CJOJPJQJ^JaJph0hPfh95B*CJOJPJQJ^JaJphh NOJPJQJ^JjhPfUmHnHujhUmHnHu71:d(($$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQRgdPf<124CKe***:d(($$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQRgdPfkd$$IfHFpP{&@+0 '    44 HapytPfKLNX]e***:d(($$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQRgdPfkd$$IfHFpP{&@+0 '    44 HapytPf]^`o|e***:d(($$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQRgdPfkdz$$IfHFpP{&@+0 '    44 HapytPf|}e***:d(($$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQRgdPfkd7$$IfHFpP{&@+0 '    44 HapytPfe***:d(($$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQRgdPfkd$$IfHFpP{&@+0 '    44 HapytPfe**:d(($$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQRgdPfkd$$IfHFpP{&@+0 '    44 HapytPf 8d($$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQRgdPf:d($$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQRgdPf      " # $ % & ' ( = O P ^ _ ` a b i j y z { | }     ) * 0 1 2 4 5 _ ` d e f h i ʹѴʹѴʹѴʹѴʹѴʹѴʹѴʹѴʹѴ0hPfh95B*CJOJPJQJ^JaJphh N-hPfh NB*CJOJPJQJ^JaJph-hPfh9B*CJOJPJQJ^JaJphB   # % e***:d(($$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQRgdPfkdn$$IfHFpP{&@+0 '    44 HapytPf% & ( P _ e***:d(($$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQRgdPfkd+$$IfHFpP{&@+0 '    44 HapytPf_ ` b j z e***:d(($$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQRgdPfkd$$IfHFpP{&@+0 '    44 HapytPfz { } e***:d(($$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQRgdPfkd$$IfHFpP{&@+0 '    44 HapytPf e***:d(($$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQRgdPfkdb$$IfHFpP{&@+0 '    44 HapytPf  e***:d(($$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQRgdPfkd$$IfHFpP{&@+0 '    44 HapytPf  * 1 e***:d(($$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQRgdPfkd$$IfHFpP{&@+0 '    44 HapytPf1 2 5 ` e e***:d(($$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQRgdPfkd $$IfHFpP{&@+0 '    44 HapytPfe f i c(((:d(($$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQRgdPfkdV $$IfH*FpP{&@+0 '    44 HapytPf   tu     JK¬wshwj h9Uh9jh9U-hPfh9B*CJOJPJQJ^JaJph*h N5B*CJOJPJQJ^JaJph*h95B*CJOJPJQJ^JaJphh N-hPfh NB*CJOJPJQJ^JaJphh9_CJOJPJQJ^JaJ$hPfh9CJOJPJQJ^JaJ& e04$dxx$d%d&d'd(dNOPQRkd $$IfHFpP{&@+0 '    44 HapytPf uKN:dx$$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQRgdPf:dxx$$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQRgdPf:dx$$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQRgdPf 9: YZ[z{ʳpp]p]p]pp]IIp]I]p'hPfh95CJOJPJQJ^JaJ$hPfh NCJOJPJQJ^JaJ$hPfh9CJOJPJQJ^JaJ*h N5B*CJOJPJQJ^JaJph*h95B*CJOJPJQJ^JaJphh N-hPfh NB*CJOJPJQJ^JaJph9jhPfh9>*B*CJOJPJQJU^JaJph0hPfh9>*B*CJOJPJQJ^JaJph:`"> & Fdx$$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQRgdPf4$dxx$d%d&d'd(dNOPQRjkd $$IfHu{&'0'44 Hap ytPf:Z< & Fdx$$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQRgdPf< & Fd$$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQRgdPfZ[{`PdPP$IfgdPf4$dxx$d%d&d'd(dNOPQRjkd $$IfHp{& '0 '44 Hap ytPfI8]kd $$Ifl,0(>W&%/'44 lapytPfd(($IfgdPf$d(($IfgdPfHkd& $$Ifl4e(W&/'/'44 laf4p ytPf HIJKf -./12z{|~ 012¯¯¯¯¯¯Ջ'hPfh N5CJOJPJQJ^JaJh NCJOJPJQJ^JaJ$hPfh9CJOJPJQJ^JaJ$hPfh NCJOJPJQJ^JaJ'hPfh95CJOJPJQJ^JaJh N$hPfh NCJOJPJQJ^JaJ.IJKH88d(($IfgdPfEkdy$$Ifl'(W&/'/'44 lap ytPfdPP$IfgdPfd]kd$$Ifl,0(>W&%/'44 lapytPf./2{5]kdW$$Ifl)0(>W&%/'44 lapytPfd(($IfgdPf]kd$$Ifl)0(>W&%/'44 lapytPf{|5]kdA$$Ifl)0(>W&%/'44 lapytPfd(($IfgdPf]kd$$Ifl)0(>W&%/'44 lapytPf125]kd+$$Ifl)0(>W&%/'44 lapytPfd(($IfgdPf]kd$$IflD0(>W&%/'44 lapytPf2WX X X X @AX X     ! ! !!U!V! 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