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Background to the programme and subject area The one year MSc programme is the ideal springboard for a career in Physics research. This course provides extensive research experience and allows participants to work with experienced and world-leading researchers in the Department of Physics and Astronomy (HYPERLINK "http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/physics)" \hhttp://www.sheffield.ac.uk/physics). In addition to the provision of specialist skills training, the programme builds a wide range of transferable and lifelong learning skills in scientific investigation and communication to equip students for professional careers in science. The programme includes training in research skills, reflective practice, literature review, consideration of teaching to undergraduates and communicating science to different audiences, including the general public. The Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of 91ֱ is a leading international centre of excellence for teaching and research in physics and astronomy, with expertise that spans from the sub-atomic world to galaxy evolution. Our groups are Particle Physics and Particle Astrophysics, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Inorganic Semiconductors, Soft Matter Physics, Biological Physics and Theoretical Physics. The Department has an outstanding record of research led and research informed teaching, excelling in combining learning and teaching with research. We have highly active research groups in a wide range of areas and an international reputation for the quality of our research. In the 2022 Research Excellence Framework, 100% of research in the Department was judged to be either internationally excellent or world leading, putting us first in the UK. In the National Student Survey the overall satisfaction scores of our students has remained consistently high over the last 5 years agreeing that our courses are intellectually stimulating and that staff are good at explaining the subject to them. The Particle Physics MSc (Res) programme is founded on the exceptional research and teaching expertise of Physics staff and the outstanding research facilities and equipment in the department. The title of the programme reflects one of the major research groups in the department (HYPERLINK "http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/physics/research" \hhttp://www.sheffield.ac.uk/physics/research), the Particle Physics and Particle Astrophysics (PPPA) group. The PPPA group bridges the best in experimental accelerator particle physics with the best activity in the new field of astroparticle physics. The core areas are supersymmetry, Higgs boson searches and standard model physics in connection with the ATLAS experiment at CERN, neutrino physics at long baseline facilities (in Japan and USA) and also dark matter and underground science, particularly at the Boulby Underground Laboratory. The research is supported by the UK Science and Technology Facility Council, the European Research Council, the Royal Society and Innovate-UK, as well as by industrial partners. 16. Programme aims The MSc Particle Physics Programme aims to:A1extend students knowledge of selected areas of the field to a level at (or informed by) the forefront of the discipline. The areas of the research in which students will be offered to complete a research project include: a) Study of the Higgs boson with the Higgs boson at the Large Hadron Collider. b) Searches for Supersymmetry and new physics phenomena at the Large Hadron Collider. c) Study of neutrino oscillations with the T2K experiment. d) Analysis of the gravitational wave results and detection of black-holes mergers. e) Development of new particle physics detectors with advanced manufacturing techniques and their industrial applications. f) Direct searches for dark matter at underground laboratories.A2prepare students for a research degree or research-based career in particle physics, applied physics or a related discipline by gaining: a) a necessary physics background through the offered courses (see section 20). b) substantial experience in experimental particle physics and its industrial applications.A3develop students ability to plan and execute an experimental or theoretical investigation, using ideas and techniques appropriate to research work in the relevant discipline, and including critical and quantitative assessment of their own work and the work of others.A4ensure that students can investigate a topic independently with the aid of research articles and other primary sources, and report their findings clearly, concisely and accurately. 17. Programme learning outcomes Knowledge and understanding On successful completion of the programme, students will be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:Links to Aim(s)K1Advanced research-led areas of physics.A1K2a research area to a level appropriate as a foundation for postgraduate research.A1, A2K3Current research and advanced scholarship in several aspects of modern physics, in particular particle physics and related areas.A1K4Key developments, experimental, computational or analytical techniques and background literature in the subject area of their research project.A1, A2Skills and other attributes On successful completion of the programme, students will be able to demonstrate:S1The ability to learn independently, using written source material at a research level, i.e. primary or review papers in scientific journals, as well as other appropriate sources.A4, A3S2The ability to plan and carry out advanced project work in a research environment.A2, A3, A4S3The ability to summarise and present the results of research-level investigations both orally and in writing.A2, A4S4Competence in the use of advanced, specialised laboratory equipment and/or computational techniques relevant to research areas at the forefront of the discipline.A2, A4S5The ability to evaluate current research and to critique methodologies.A1-A4 S6The ability to analyse and solve problems in physics by identifying the appropriate physical principles, developing a mathematical model of the system and using appropriate mathematical techniques to obtain a solution.A1-A4 18. Learning and teaching methods Lectures the standards required of a postgraduate in the physical sciences include the acquisition of a substantial body of knowledge. This is conveyed principally through traditional lectures, backed up by problems classes and suitable formative assessment. Most 15-credit taught modules include approximately 20 formal lectures. Research Seminars, including some that are led by invited guest speakers, will be used to gain familiarity with the current research priorities and knowledge gaps in the subject. Small group tutorials will be used to develop skills in report writing, data analysis and statistics, critical analysis of the literature, research planning, oral and visual presentation skills. Tutorials will also provide a focus for personal academic and career development. Oral Presentation will be used to develop presentation skills and to demonstrate the ability to communicate complex ideas to a lay audience. Research Project. A major piece of independent research forms the focal point of the programme allowing students to apply the knowledge and skills they have developed to research an important issue or problem in physics. Through this unit students apply their research, methodological and writing skills by independently designing and conducting a theoretically informed empirical research project. This will involve bibliographic searches, the use of qualitative and/or quantitative research techniques, handling and analysing data and writing up and reporting findings in an oral mini symposium. 19. Assessment and feedback methods Opportunities to demonstrate achievement of the learning outcomes are provided through the following assessment methods: Formal examinations Most taught modules are assessed primarily by formal examinations which typically account for between 60% and 80% of the module grade. Formal examinations provide effective tests of knowledge (K14) and problem-solving skills. Most examination papers include a compulsory element accounting for 3040% of the paper, designed to demonstrate that students possess a basic overview of the subject matter, and a choice of more searching questions demonstrating detailed knowledge of some aspects of the material. Questions are structured and are presented with an indicative marking scheme. 2. Formative assessment (continuous assessment, homework and progress tests) Most taught modules have an element of summative assessment (homework or progress tests) accounting for a small proportion of the module grade, up to 20%. Feedback from these exercises allows the lecturer to monitor class progress and identify problems, as well as providing students with information to help them to manage their own learning. 3. Research skills assessment Research skills will be assessed through a series of coursework submissions covering tasks such as literature review, project planning and presentations. A diary and reflection element will be introduced in the first semester to encourage reflective practice and will continue throughout the project work. Diary and reflection will be marked with the project report. 4. Research Project assessment In addition to assessment of skills through the research diary, the research project will be assessed through a combination of a written scientific report, a presentation and a viva voce examination. All components will be double marked. 20. Programme structure and student development The structure of the programme allows students to gain the skills needed to undertake an extended programme of independent research. Alongside the knowledge gained through the taught modules, the students will gain research skills and experience. In semester 1 students begin reflective practice and conduct a literature review which will provide a knowledge base and help to further define the extended research project. In semester 2 students will produce a research plan and a presentation aimed at communication with a wider audience. Students are supported throughout semesters 1 and 2 via an advanced small group tutorial system. The extended research project commences at the start of semester 2 and continues throughout the summer. The students will be embedded in research laboratories and undertake their projects in the wider community of active researchers within the Department. While specific learning objectives are associated with each stage of the programme, the development of knowledge and skills will be continuous throughout. For example the generic skills and foundational knowledge and techniques skills will be reinforced through conducting the research project, and through oral presentations and writing the final project report in the style of a scientific paper.Detailed information about the structure of programmes, regulations concerning assessment and progression and descriptions of individual modules are published in the University Calendar available online at HYPERLINK "http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/calendar/" \hhttp://www.sheffield.ac.uk/calendar/. 21. Criteria for admission to the programme Detailed information regarding admission to the programme is available at HYPERLINK "http://www.shef.ac.uk/prospective/" \hhttp://www.shef.ac.uk/prospective/ 22. Reference points The learning outcomes have been developed to reflect the following points of reference: Subject Benchmark Statements HYPERLINK "https://www.qaa.ac.uk/quality-code/subject-benchmark-statements?indexCatalogue=document-search&searchQuery=physics&wordsMode=AllWords" \hhttps://www.qaa.ac.uk/quality-code/subject-benchmark-statements?indexCatalogue=document-search&searchQuery=physics&wordsMode=AllWords 91ֱ Graduate Attributes HYPERLINK "/sheffieldgraduate" \h/sheffieldgraduate The accreditation criteria of the Institute of Physics HYPERLINK "http://iop.cld.iop.org/education/higher_education/accreditation/page_43310.html" \l "gref" \hhttp://iop.cld.iop.org/education/higher_education/accreditation/page_43310.html#gref Framework for Higher Education Qualifications (2014) HYPERLINK "https://www.qaa.ac.uk/docs/qaa/quality-code/qualifications-frameworks.pdf" \hhttps://www.qaa.ac.uk/docs/qaa/quality-code/qualifications-frameworks.pdf University Vision and Strategic Plan HYPERLINK "/vision"/vision 23. Additional information Physics is a wide-ranging subject, with applications ranging from the abstruse (e.g. superstring cosmology) to the everyday (e.g. smart materials, climate change modelling). The single honours degree programmes, both BSc and MPhys, draw on the related Dual Honours programmes and the Departments diverse research interests to offer a wide range of optional modules to complement the core curriculum. Students may select their options so as to specialise in a particular area or may opt to increase their breadth of knowledge by choosing options covering a range of topics. Physics graduates are equipped for a wide range of career paths. Common directions chosen by 91ֱ graduates include IT (both hardware and software), the financial sector (accountancy, actuarial work, etc.), energy, research and development, consultancy and management, technology, data science and teaching. Many students choose to continue their studies by embarking on PhD programmes; this may be the starting point of a career in physics research, but it also imparts transferable skills in problem solving, communications and research methodology that are valued in industry and commerce. This specification represents a concise statement about the main features of the programme and should be considered alongside other sources of information provided by the teaching department(s) and the University. In addition to programme specific information, further information about studying at 91ֱ can be accessed via our Student Services web site at HYPERLINK "http://www.shef.ac.uk/ssid" \hhttp://www.shef.ac.uk/ssid.     phyt17 ver24-25 PAGE1 Programme Specification A statement of the knowledge, understanding and skills that underpin a taught programme of study leading to an award from 91ֱ   ./?@ARSYZ[lmtvwxy - . 2 3 4 R S ` a b c i j w ׽׮⤜hEoh >*hEoh:>*hEoh 5>*hEoh B*CJaJphhEoh:B*CJaJphhEoh:CJaJhEoh CJaJ h:>* h 5>*h:jhEoUmHnHu:  /@(($If`gdEo $If`gdEo $d<1$`$`a$ @ASZraa(($If`gdEokd$$IfH0 g(   0n(4d4 HaApytEoZ[mxreSd$1$If`gdEo $If`gdEokd$$IfH0 g(   0n(4d4 HaApytEoxyreUd$If`gdEo $If`gdEokd|$$IfH0 g(   0n(4d4 HaApytEoreUd$If`gdEo $If`gdEokd:$$IfH0 g(   0n(4d4 HaApytEoreSd$1$If`gdEo $If`gdEokd$$IfH0 g(   0n(4d4 HaApytEo . 3 raOd$1$If`gdEo(($If`gdEokd$$IfH0 g(   0n(4d4 HaApytEo3 4 S a raOd$1$If`gdEo(($If`gdEokdt$$IfH0 g(   0n(4d4 HaApytEoa b c j x rhYYY$$If`gdEo $d`kd2$$IfH0 g(   0n(4d4 HaApytEow x   i j k x y z ~  ս}yཱུh08f,jhEoh 6>*B*CJUaJphU#hEoh 6>*B*CJaJphUjt h Uh jh UhEoh 6CJaJ h 5>* h:>*hEoh:CJaJhEoh CJaJh:hEoh >*hEoh:>*/ PA//$d$If`gdEo$$If`gdEokd$$IfHF l(  0n(    4d4 HaFpytEo \MM<M(($If`gdEo$$If`gdEokd$$IfHF l(   0n(    4d4 HaFpytEo W<d$$d%d&d'd(d1$IfNOPQR`gdEokd$$IfH4F l(`   0n(    4d4 HaFf4pytEo H>2 $d<` $d`kd$$IfH4F l(    0n(    4d4 HaFf4pytEo$$If`gdEo z  $1$If`gdEo $If`gdEo   B555 $If`gdEokd $$IfH\c"+(FsU  0(4d4 Ha_p(ytEo          ! 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