ࡱ>  0Nfbjbj11 7p[gp[gd]4!!//E0E0E0Y0Y0Y080| 14Y0WA33333,CD4FD,W.W.W.W.W.W.W$Zg]hRWE0bDB^,CbDbDRW//33gWHHHbDj/R3E03,WHbD,WHHDV|#0"V3%DVW}W0WV]F]$V]E0V4bDbDHbDbDbDbDbDRWRWGbDbDbDWbDbDbDbD]bDbDbDbDbDbDbDbDbD! .:  EMBED  1Programme TitleLandscape Management2Programme CodeLSCT127 (Full-time) LSCT128 (Part-time)3JACS CodeK3204Level of StudyPostgraduate5aFinal QualificationMaster of Arts (MA)5bQAA FHEQ LevelMasters6Intermediate QualificationsPostgraduate Certificate (PG Cert), Postgraduate Diploma (PG Dip)7Teaching Institution (if not 91ֱ)Not applicable8FacultySocial Science9DepartmentLandscape Architecture10Other Departments involved in teaching the programmeNone11Modes of AttendanceFull-time or Part-time12Duration of the Programme1 year or 2 years13Accrediting Professional or Statutory BodyNot applicable14Date of production/revisionFebruary 2022 Background to the programme and subject area Landscape Architecture embraces all aspects of the science, planning, design, creation and management of landscape, in both urban and rural environments, and at all scales, from the smallest garden to the greatest wilderness. It may be concerned with creating new landscapes, or with sustaining existing ones. The emphasis is on promoting landscapes that are aesthetically pleasing, functionally appropriate and are in line with ecological requirements, while at the same time being able to accommodate the diverse and changing needs of society within an overall context of sustainability. It is, therefore, a rich and diverse subject which is both interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary in nature, and which draws on the traditions of both the arts and sciences. Landscape Management is more specifically concerned with the long-term care and development of new and existing landscapes and also with determining policy and planning for future landscape management and use. It requires particular expertise in the management and maintenance of landscape materials, both hard and soft, based on established principles of construction, horticulture and ecology. Landscape Managers need to understand the role and needs of stakeholders in the landscape and develop effective dialogue with them. Understanding of financial matters, generic management skills and contract administration are also involved. 91ֱ established one of the earliest Landscape programmes in the country in the late 1960s and is now at the forefront of Landscape education in the country, with an international reputation. It has the most diverse range of programmes in Landscape Architecture in the UK and the largest student body, with its undergraduate and postgraduate taught courses together accommodating some 380 students. It has a reputation for excellence both in research and teaching. Many people do not discover Landscape Management until they have first completed either a landscape design programme or some other form of professional training and also worked in landscape related practice. The concept of Landscape Management is relatively new to many international students, but professional qualified Landscape Managers are increasingly required in many parts of the globe, to ensure sustainable land practices are adopted, that heritage and culturally sensitive sites are managed effectively and that the needs of developing communities are met through appropriate policies and practices. 91ֱs one-year, MA in Landscape Management programme recognises this and offers the opportunity for people who have a degree in another subject plus a period of relevant experience, to take a vocational and academic conversion programme in Landscape Management and to enter the landscape profession through this postgraduate route. The programme focuses on landscape management but also introduces students without any formal design training to aspects of landscape design, so that they are well equipped to meet the needs of modern landscape practice. The landscape profession remains buoyant with emphasis on collaborations between private and public sector and greater involvement of the community in the management of open spaces. Increasingly, third sector organisations such as the National Trust are involved in urban green space management, helping to create new Management Models. There are many opportunities to practice in the UK, in Europe and further afield. This postgraduate programme can lead to diverse employment opportunities - in private practice, in the public sector, or in the third sector such as the Wildlife Trusts or social enterprises. Work can range from preparing management plans for recreation areas, new urban developments, historic and other protected landscapes, or working with communities to take on the management of their local green space, to give just a few examples. Further information is available at the Departmental web site:  HYPERLINK "http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/landscape" \h http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/landscape.16. Programme aims The overall teaching and learning aims of the Department of Landscape Architecture, which also reflect the mission and aims of the University of 91ֱ, are to: Achieve the highest standards of excellence in providing academic education and professional training in the landscape field. Progressively develop competencies in a wide range of transferable and professional skills. Undertake teaching which is informed and invigorated by the research and professional activity of academic staff. Educate able and well motivated students from a wide range of backgrounds. Support students in developing intellectual curiosity, and in exercising critical thinking and independent judgement. Provide supportive environments for students and involve them in quality assurance. More specifically the MA in Landscape Management has the following aims: To provide a route into landscape management for those who have a previous degree in a wider landscape discipline or similar subject. To provide a programme which is relevant to professional practice and promotes the value of professional landscape management across an international context. To provide a curriculum that: Develops students knowledge, understanding and skills in landscape management and, in particular, emphasises: the importance of achieving appropriate aesthetic solutions through using creativity and imagination in management; sensitivity to the needs of people and communities; and awareness of the importance of environmental sustainability. Introduces students to the breadth of Landscape Architecture, while focusing on landscape management, by providing an appreciation of key aspects of landscape design. Helps students to develop skills and abilities in the creative, technical and professional aspects of landscape management, and in independent research, analysis and written/verbal communication. Allows opportunities to pursue specialist research on a topic of the students choosing, which may be related to the research and professional interests of academic staff. To encourage active learning through practical projects involving both independent study and the achievement of collective goals through teamwork. 17. Programme learning outcomes Knowledge and understanding - Students who have successfully completed the MA Landscape Management will have developed the following areas of knowledge and understanding:K1Knowledge and understanding of the principles, processes and tools necessary for the practice of landscape management.K2Appreciation and understanding of landscape theories and histories, including design approaches and practices, the philosophies that underpin them and their historical development and modern practice.K3Knowledge and understanding of the nature, characteristics and performance of the inorganic and organic elements and processes employed in the creation of landscapes and of their implications for future maintenance and management.K4Knowledge and understanding of the principles and practice of landscape ecology and ecological -management and their role in landscape practice.K5Knowledge and understanding of the social aspects of management, the importance of users and techniques for involving them in management processes.K6Knowledge and understanding of aspects of the policies and strategies of government agencies, local governments and NGOs that are relevant to landscape management practice.K7Basic knowledge and understanding of the nature of professional practice in landscape management, including working in practice, landscape and environmental law and contracts and specifications.K8Basic knowledge and understanding of the range of research philosophies and methodologies relevant to landscape research in the contrasting areas of science, social science and humanities.Certificate students will have developed the learning outcomes associated with the acquisition of any 60 credits from those available. Students achieving an award of Diploma (120 credits) will have a more in-depth knowledge and understanding of K1-8. Skills and other attributes - Students who have successfully completed the MA Landscape Management will have developed the following subject specific and transferable skills:Subject specific skillsS1An ability to create maintenance and management strategies and plans for different kinds of existing, restored and newly created landscapes, in an innovative and integrated manner which is responsive to people, place and nature.S2An ability to manipulate landscape elements through ecologically based maintenance and management practices, to achieve previously identified aims and learning outcomes.S3An ability to employ a range of verbal, digital and written media to both develop and express landscape management ideas.S4An ability to appreciate alternative management solutions and to both give and receive criticism of management proposals.S5An ability to carry out in practice a range of relevant techniques including site survey and analysis, social surveys, and preparing briefs.In addition, candidates for MA will have developed:S6An ability to identify a suitable landscape topic for individual research, formulate a research proposal, develop an appropriate research strategy and implement this to complete a research dissertation.Transferable skillsS7An ability to use a range of relevant computer software, including GIS, computer aided image manipulation and graphic presentation packages.S8An ability to communicate effectively using verbal and written skills in a variety of media and to employ these skills effectively to present, exchange and review ideas, theories, findings, conclusions and proposals.S9Abilities in self-management, time and task management and personal reflection.S10An ability to relate to and work with other people including group/team work skills.S11An ability to work independently to gather and analyse information and to identify solutions to problems.S12To develop critical thinking skills, allowing the student to make balanced judgements when in practice.Certificate students will have developed the learning outcomes associated with the acquisition of any 60 credits from those available. Students achieving an award of Diploma will have more skills and ability in S1-5 and S7-11. 18. Teaching, learning and assessment Development of the learning outcomes is promoted through the following teaching and learning methods: This programme uses a wide range of teaching and learning methods to achieve the learning outcomes listed above. The acquisition of knowledge and understanding relevant to Landscape Management (K1 K7 above), is achieved by lectures and less formal presentations, designed to convey essential information about key principles, theory and practice. These are supported by a series of practical projects, which are designed to reinforce knowledge and understanding (K1 K8) and to integrate this with the development of subject specific and transferable skills (S1- S6, S7 - S12). This is achieved through a process of learning by doing. Projects usually involve visits to places in and around 91ֱ to establish existing site conditions and identify key issues affecting management. These visits might, for example, include an urban park or an area of derelict land that has potential for recreation, nature conservation or both. In addition field trips are built into the programme to allow students to see examples of landscape projects on the ground in a variety of situations. The visits are an invaluable way for students to learn about the realities of landscape architecture, to see the work of both contemporary and historical managers/designers, and to gain inspiration from experience of what can be achieved. Students tackle a range of increasingly complex practical projects based on real world problems requiring management solutions. Support and guidance is provided through individual and group tutorials in which students present and discuss their work. In the Final Landscape Management Project students develop a Management Plan that integrates the knowledge, understanding and skills acquired throughout the programme and demonstrate their readiness to enter the profession. This project requires students to find their own site, develop their own brief and work through a management planning process, from site analysis and user investigations, through management aims, objectives, and strategies, to the final management plan. Workshops and practical sessions play an important role in introducing and developing specific skills. They are particularly important in introducing and developing skills in the use of GIS, digital image manipulation and graphics packages that are an essential part of modern landscape management (S7). They also play an important part in teaching landscape management skills (S1 S5), in exploring research philosophies, methodologies and skills (K8 and S6) and in development of other transferable skills (S7 S12). Group/team work skills (S10) for example are introduced through a workshop on a landscape maintenance project. Independent study is critical to the successful completion of the programme and contributes to all learning outcomes. It has a central role in all the practical projects, even though some modules may also have a group work component. Students work independently, with the help of studio tutorials, to integrate material from lectures and workshops, to develop their own solutions to specific problems, and to work these up into graphic presentations or reports for submission and assessment. Independent research skills (S6) are developed through completion of the final MA dissertation. This is supported by individual tutorials with the research supervisor. Opportunities to demonstrate achievement of the learning outcomes are provided through the following assessment methods: The emphasis in the programme is on assessment by means of the submission of project work. The overall aims of the Departments assessment strategy are to: Tailor assessment to the achievement of overall programme aims and learning outcomes as well as unit aims and learning outcomes. Test the progressive development of knowledge and skills. Ensure that feedback on assessment is an integral part of student learning. Expose students to a diversity of assessment methods, thereby providing opportunities for development of a broad range of skills and abilities. Provide clear assessment criteria for individual units so that students have a good idea of what they must do to achieve high standards. Management Plan reports, including both written reports and graphic presentation of analysis and solutions, are a key part of the programme and allow students to demonstrate achievement in relation to their knowledge and understanding of landscape management theory, process and practice, including manipulation of landscape elements through maintenance and management (K1, K3, K4, K5, K6), as well as the skills they have developed, both those specific to landscape management (S1 to S5) and those transferable to other areas of work (S7 S12). Submissions for these projects also include verbal presentations and seminars. Written assignments are used to test knowledge and understanding in areas relating to: landscape theories and histories, (K2), the nature of landscape practice (K7), and research philosophies and methodologies (K8). The Dissertation is designed to test students knowledge and understanding of research methodologies (K8) and skills and abilities in successfully carrying out an in depth piece of independent research on a topic of their choosing (S6, S11 and S12). In general the transferable skills that are developed through the programme (S7 S12) are not directly assessed but are rather an integral part of the work carried out in completing individual modules. Completion of the Final Landscape Management Project and other project reports, for example, requires demonstration of: appropriate communication skills, either visual, verbal or written or some combination of these; use of relevant computer software, including word processing, and GIS or graphic packages; and personal and time management to meet deadlines for submissions. Some projects also require group work skills and/or independent research. Written examinations are not a feature of this postgraduate programme.19. Reference points The learning outcomes have been developed to reflect the following points of reference: External points of reference that have been used in developing the learning outcomes include the following documents: The relevant requirements of the UK Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) and in particular The Masters Level qualification descriptor of the QAA Framework for Higher Education Qualifications in England, Wales and Northern Ireland (January 2008) and The Subject Benchmark Statement for Landscape Architecture  HYPERLINK "http://www.qaa.ac.uk/publications/information-and-guidance/publication?PubID=3098" \l ".WQIBbE2GNaQ" \h http://www.qaa.ac.uk/publications/information-and-guidance/publication?PubID=3098#.WQIBbE2GNaQ The benchmark statement explains the nature and scope of Landscape Architecture and the diversity of programmes available. It sets out the knowledge, skills and understanding common to all programmes in Landscape Architecture, together with those that are specific to programmes in the specific areas of practice: Landscape Design, Landscape Management, Landscape Planning, Urban Design and Landscape Science. Internal points of reference that have influenced the learning outcomes are: The individual research and professional interests of members of academic staff; Student input to programme development through module evaluation, end of programme reviews and discussion at year group meetings and staff/student consultative meetings; The Mission Statement of the University of 91ֱ as set out in the current University Strategic Plan  HYPERLINK "http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/strategicplan" \h http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/strategicplan and referred to in the programme aims; Learning and Teaching Strategy (2016-21)  HYPERLINK "/polopoly_fs/1.661828!/file/FinalStrategy.pdf" \h /polopoly_fs/1.661828!/file/FinalStrategy.pdf 20. Programme structure and regulations The MA in Landscape Management is a modularised programme made up of one year of full-time study or two years of part-time study. This is a coherent programme that progresses through the two semesters of the academic year and is designed to prepare students for professional practice across a range of international contexts. Students taking 60 credits will be eligible for a postgraduate certificate award. Students not permitted to proceed to the dissertation (i.e. unsatisfactory progress) will be eligible for a postgraduate diploma award by gaining 120 credits from core and optional modules during Semesters 1 and 2.Detailed information about the structure of programmes, regulations concerning assessment and progression and descriptions of individual modules are published in the University Calendar available on-line at  HYPERLINK "http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/calendar/regs" \h http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/calendar/regs.21. Student development over the course of study The taught part of the programme consists of two semesters of taught modules structured to allow students to build on prior learning. In the first part of the programme, the approaches to teaching and learning involve a mix of lectures and projects with a high level of support and guidance from tutors. Students are initially introduced to theoretical and technical aspects of landscape management followed by more strategic aspects involving the political process and local communities. Projects typically increase in complexity and require students to bring together the various strands of learning as they progress. This is particularly so with the Final Landscape Management Project where the students are expected to integrate and apply their learning to a complex real life project. Students who successfully pass all modules in the taught part of the programme and accumulate 120 credits may then proceed to take the MA Dissertation over the summer vacation. This is a significant piece of work worth 60 credits and is normally carried out during July, August and September. There is also an option for students to work part-time on their dissertation if they find employment immediately after completing the taught part of the programme. In this case the dissertation is completed in early January. Completion of the MA is not a compulsory part of the programme and some students opt instead to graduate with the professionally accredited Diploma in Landscape Management. Others decide to continue and complete the independent academic dissertation research component of the programme. Students who wish to study for the MA in Landscape Management on a part-time basis because they are in related full-time employment in the UK are able to plan a personal programme of study with the programme director. The aim is to allow them to complete all the necessary units in a way that best fits with their work commitments.22. Criteria for admission to the programme Entry to the programme requires a good undergraduate degree in a relevant subject with clear evidence of interest in Landscape Management (for example a desire to specialise after a first degree in Landscape Architecture). Personal statements from the Admissions Process require evidence of a strong desire to specialise in Landscape Management. Many students join the programme with a background in Landscape Architecture, Horticulture, or Ecology. We do however accept people from less obviously relevant backgrounds who have decided to change direction in their careers. Motivation and enthusiasm to pursue a career in Landscape Management plus some form of relevant experience are vitally important in these circumstances. Applicants are welcomed from countries that are beginning to set up career pathways for Landscape Managers in an attempt to deal with the key environmental and social problems these countries face. Detailed information regarding admission to the programme is available at  HYPERLINK "http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/prospective/" \h http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/prospective/23. Additional information NoneThis specification represents a concise statement about the main features of the programme and should be considered alongside other sources of information provided by the teaching department(s) and the University. In addition to programme specific information, further information about studying at 91ֱ can be accessed via our Student Services web site at  HYPERLINK "http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/ssid" \h http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/ssid.     PAGE1 lsct127 ver22-23 Programme Specification A statement of the knowledge, understanding and skills that underpin a taught programme of study leading to an award from 91ֱ    !"67ȹscTcTA.%h0hQB*OJPJQJ^Jph%h0hNB*OJPJQJ^Jphh0hQOJPJQJ^Jh0hN5OJPJQJ^JhQCJOJPJQJ^JaJ"jhN5OJPJQJU^J,j vf hN5EHOJPJQJUV^JhN5OJPJQJ^JhN5EHOJPJQJ^J&jhN5EHOJPJQJU^Jjh0UmHnHujhNUjhUmHnHu"7HH 9r d(($$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQR^`gd0d(($If^`gd0$d(($If^`a$gd0;d$d%d&d'd(d1$NOPQR^`gd789:HIpqrst}~  I J K L M b t u ʵʵʢʢʢʢݍʢʢ(h0hN5B*OJPJQJ^Jph%h0hQB*OJPJQJ^Jph( *h0hQB*OJPJQJ^Jph%h0hNB*OJPJQJ^Jphh0hQOJPJQJ^Jh0hN5OJPJQJ^JhQ778:IcH0d(($If^`gd0$d(($If^`a$gd0kdV$$IflTFQ'eB0'    44 lapyt0IqrkdgW$$IflTFQ'eB0'    44 lapyt0H 9r d(($$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQR^`gd0rt~H 9r d(($$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQR^`gd0d(($If^`gd0$d(($If^`a$gd0cH0d(($If^`gd0$d(($If^`a$gd0kdX$$IflTFQ'eB0'    44 lapyt0kdX$$IflTFQ'eB0'    44 lapyt0D$d(($$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQR^`gd0H 9r d(($$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQR^`gd0d(($If^`gd0$d(($If^`a$gd0cH0d(($If^`gd0$d(($If^`a$gd0kdY$$IflTFQ'eB0'    44 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