ࡱ> O 0lbjbj88 7RWiRWic3&&44=5=5=5Q5Q5Q585l5TQ5%WI88999&HH,IVVVVVVV$Y\hV=5*IG^&H*I*IV4499VNNN*Ij4R9=59VN*IVNNVV@5"lV90qw oI>TV VV0%W`V \K\lV\=5lV$*I*IN*I*I*I*I*IVVhM*I*I*I%W*I*I*I*I\*I*I*I*I*I*I*I*I*I& 3:    EMBED  1Programme TitleLaw (with Chinese Law)2Programme CodeLAWU203JACS CodeM1004Level of StudyUndergraduate5aFinal QualificationBachelor of Laws (LLB)5bQAA FHEQ Level66aIntermediate Qualification(s)None6bQAA FHEQ LevelNot applicable7Teaching Institution (if not 91ֱ)Not applicable8FacultySocial Sciences9DepartmentLaw10Other Departments involved in teaching the programmeSchool of East Asian Studies11Mode(s) of AttendanceFull-time12Duration of the Programme4 years13Accrediting Professional or Statutory BodyNot applicable14Date of production/revisionFebruary 202415. Background to the programme and subject area The School of Law at 91ֱ is one of the largest in the country and has a strong and long-standing reputation for excellence in both teaching and research. In the most recent Research Excellence Framework (2021), 91 per cent of the School's research was rated as world-leading or internationally excellent. The School's research outputs were rated 2nd nationally by quality (58 percent achieved the highest possible score). This programme combines study of English and EU law with the study of Chinese law, in order to offer students a qualifying law degree whilst allowing them to develop their language skills and their knowledge and understanding of the Chinese legal system and its developments. In common with 91ֱs other undergraduate law degree programmes, the programme seeks to provide students with a knowledge of key legal rules and concepts and the essential skills required by a lawyer, whilst providing a route of entry into the legal profession for students who wish to practise as lawyers. The 91ֱ LLB programme, in common with 91ֱ's other law degree programmes, seeks to place law in its social, economic, political, historical and philosophical contexts. Thus not only does the degree provide students with a knowledge of legal rules but also helps them develop a critical understanding of the operation of those rules in society. The critical and analytical skills required by a lawyer are valuable in many other contexts and not only for students who seek entry into the legal professions. The skills of legal reasoning and independent thinking prepare students to succeed in many future careers. In the first two years of the programme students follow a pattern of legal modules common to the other LLB programmes offered by the School of Law, as well as an Introduction to Comparative Law. In addition, students will take a compulsory, 10-credit module on Chinese for Non-Specialists I taught at the School of East Asian Studies. This module will provide an introduction to the Chinese language and will be supplemented by other non-credit bearing Chinese language classes taught by the School of East Asian Studies. Apart from Chinese language classes, the students will also take modules on the Legal and Political Culture of China, Chinese Law and Legal System and Advanced EU Law. These law modules are taught in English and, together with the language classes, will prepare the students for their subsequent year abroad. The third year is spent abroad in one of the leading law schools in China, studying an approved number of modules mainly on Chinese law in English. Students return to 91ֱ for the fourth year of the programme, when they complete their legal studies by studying optional modules according to their individual preferences. Many students study law with a view to entering the legal profession as either a solicitor or barrister. The LLB is compliant with the QAA subject benchmark statement for law and contains the seven "Foundations of Legal Knowledge" subjects as well as the skills associated with graduate legal work such as legal research. Graduates from the LLB fare well in the employment market. In particular, the Schools graduates are highly valued by the legal profession and those who wish to do so generally obtain employment in the profession, many going on to obtain training contracts with leading UK law firms. Further information is available at HYPERLINK "http://www.shef.ac.uk/law/" \hwww.shef.ac.uk/law.16. Programme aims The programme aims to: 1) provide a broad but critical understanding of law in general (especially a critical appreciation of the place of law in society), and the leading institutional and doctrinal features shaping the development of domestic law and its place in the European and international context. 2) provide a basic understanding of European legal systems, including their historical development, the relationship between common law and civil law systems, and the impact of the European Union. 3) enable students to undertake a particular study of the English common law system and the civil law system of China, and the development of comparative approaches to legal study. 4) inculcate a broader understanding of the social, political, philosophical, economic, historical or cultural background of China. 5) enable students to develop a proficiency in the reading, writing and speaking of Mandarin Chinese with particular regard to both general and selected specific Chinese legal themes. 6) specifically provide a syllabus that satisfies the professional exemption requirements, whilst, at the same time, permitting students to pursue a scheme of study that is responsive to their particular interests. 7) generally provide a framework within which students may proceed at Level 4 to an entirely optional regime of study of law and criminology modules to fit their particular interests. 8) inculcate the highest standards of legal scholarship in matters of precision, clarity, integrity, and imagination. 9) inculcate the distinctive skills associated with legal research and writing, legal argument and legal reasoning, and legal analysis and critique. 10) inculcate a range of generic skills, particularly: the acquisition, use, and evaluation of primary and secondary source material; communication; and problem-solving. 11) more broadly, encourage students 'to discover and understand' and to develop the professional skills they need to be equipped with in order to be confident in their ability to pursue excellence and independent thinking in their life after university.17. Programme learning outcomes Knowledge and understanding:K1of the principal sources of law and of the means by which laws are made.K2of the institutions through which the law is administered and of the personnel responsible for its administration and who practise law.K3of the fundamental doctrines, key elements and general principles which underpin the study of law, including in particular the Foundations of Legal Knowledge as identified in the Joint Statement of the Law Society and the General Council of the Bar, namely Public Law in the UK and the EU, Criminal Law, the Private Law of Obligations (including Contract, Torts and Restitution), the Law of Property (including Land Law, Equity and Trusts).K4of legal concepts, values, general principles, rules, and terms relevant to a range of legal areas, and the relationship between them. K5of the social, political, economic, cultural and historical forces which shape and have shaped the development of legal rules, and of the place of law in society.K6of the international influences shaping the development of the modern law and the place of domestic law in the European and international context.K7of some key features of the law and legal system of China.K8of aspects of the political culture and society of China. Skills and other attributes: Students will be able to demonstrate that they can:S1apply knowledge and understanding (as detailed in K1 K6) to describe, explain and critique primary domestic, European and international legal source materials, including statutes, statutory instruments, decided cases and international treaties.S2research and analyse the law from a range of primary and secondary sources, including material identified through independent research.S3devise and sustain arguments and/or to solve problems using ideas and techniques at the forefront of the discipline, in particular where necessary utilising legal materials to construct arguments on points of law.S4critically analyse and evaluate legal and other arguments and, where appropriate, compare and choose between competing arguments.S5accurately and effectively communicate findings and arguments, both orally and in writing.S6communicate, on an appropriate level, orally and in writing in Chinese.S7make appropriate use of information technology, in particular for communication and research.S8efficiently manage their own learning, and make appropriate use of scholarly reviews and primary sources (for example, refereed research articles and/or original materials appropriate to the discipline).18. Teaching, learning and assessment Development of the learning outcomes is promoted through the following teaching and learning methods: At Level 1, the foundations of legal knowledge (K1 - 4) are covered. This core knowledge is then expanded upon, through more critical and in-depth examinations of the foundations of legal knowledge at Level 2, with a particular emphasis placed upon the various influences to which law is subject. At Level 4 students focus their study around their chosen areas of interest, deepen their knowledge in all respects and engage in independent research (K1 - 6). Knowledge of the key features of Chinese law (K7) is developed by a course of lectures and seminars, tutorials or workshops in Chinese law providing an introduction to the system and further developed by a period of one years study abroad in the law department of a university in China. Knowledge of aspects of legal and political culture (K8) is developed through a combination of lectures, seminars and discussion classes. The knowledge base (K1 - 6) is developed through a combination of learning methods, including team-based learning sessions, workshops, lectures, seminars, tutorials, online resources and exercises, coursework and direct reading and through independent study. At all levels, different modules adopt different combinations of these methods. Under the guidance of staff, a series of team-based learning sessions are staged through Level 1 to challenge students within groups to discover the core areas of legal knowledge required on the degree. Lectures provide an overview framework of subject-specific areas of study and of the key issues and arguments, with this framework supplemented by various online resources and exercises. The knowledge base is then developed through directed and self-directed reading of primary and secondary source materials and through independent research. Seminars, tutorials and workshops provide an opportunity to test knowledge and understanding of key substantive areas and clarify any areas of uncertainty. Within these fora students are encouraged to problem-solve, often in teams, and present solutions and arguments to the group. Skills are developed in the first place through a specially designed skills module, CLASS (Core Legal and Study Skills), which runs throughout the degree programme and is specifically designed to highlight the intellectual and practical skills needed to study law. All other modules build on the introduction of skills within CLASS and apply them to the further study of law. Lawyering skills (S1 - 5) are primarily developed through individual and group-work set within team-based learning sessions, workshops, seminars and tutorials, where students undertake problem solving and critical analysis exercises. Lectures also contribute to the development of these skills by providing demonstrations of their application. The balance between these different methods varies from module to module ensuring appropriateness to the academic content. Generic and legal skills (S1 4), and in particular written communication skills (S5) and IT skills (S7), are further developed by coursework requiring students to provide written answers to either legal problem questions (hypothetical fact situations raising legal issues requiring application of legal rules to the facts) or essay questions (requiring critical analysis of arguments and propositions). Research skills (S2) are developed through preparation for team-based learning sessions, workshops, seminars and tutorials and in the completion of coursework. A key component in the development of legal research skills and IT skills (S7) is that all students are encouraged to complete a research-based module at Level 4 (chosen from a portfolio of research-based modules). Students are prepared for this challenge, in particular receiving specific training in the CLASS module. Oral communication skills (S5) are developed through participation in team-based learning sessions, workshops, seminars and tutorials. Chinese language skills (S6) are developed through a combination of practical oral, aural and written language classes focusing upon contemporary themes important to China and by direct reading and coursework, and are further developed by a period of study in China during the year abroad. General personal skills of personal organisation and time management (S8) are stressed throughout the degree, especially within the CLASS module. Such attributes are further developed through self-directed study, preparation for team-based learning sessions, workshops, seminars and tutorials and managing the process of creating and submitting coursework. High levels of personal organisational skills are also fostered by undertaking a years study in the law department of a suitable institution of higher education in another country. Opportunities to demonstrate achievement of the learning outcomes are provided through the following assessment methods: A range of assessment methods is used across the curriculum. The aim is to balance the use of different assessment methods both within and across each level of the programme. The principal methods used are examinations (which may be wholly or partly seen or wholly unseen, and in which students may be permitted the use of a range of materials) and assessed coursework, normally in the form of an essay or solution to a problem. But other methods are used throughout the degree, including group assessment and self-reflection. A combination of assessment methods are used in some modules. Knowledge and understanding (K1 K8) of the law is tested throughout the degree through examination and coursework. Examinations require students, under time pressure, to apply knowledge and understanding to a series of legal questions. Coursework challenges students to demonstrate in-depth knowledge and understanding though extended legal arguments. At Level 2 and 4, assessments are designed to test higher levels of critical understanding of the law (S1). Research skills (S2) are demonstrated by assessed coursework and by seen examination questions, within a range of different modules. At Level 4, all students are encouraged to study a module which is assessed by way of a substantial piece of research-based coursework. Problem solving (S3) skills are tested by problem questions in examinations and assessed coursework. Skills of critical analysis (S4) are tested by essay questions in assessed coursework and examinations. Written communication (S5) skills are tested generally through coursework and examination. Oral communication (S5) and skills of IT (S7), personal organisation and time management (S8) indirectly assessed in the preparation of assessed coursework and also in examinations. A number of modules, including Public Law in the UK and the EU, contain an element of group assessment. Progression on a range of professional skills must be demonstrated for the successful completion of the CLASS module which runs throughout the degree programme. Written and oral Chinese communication skills are assessed by a combination of formal examination and written and oral examinations in continuous assessment (S6) and knowledge of Chinese legal systems assessed both in the relevant Year 2 modules and in the year abroad (S7 and 8).19. Reference points The learning outcomes have been developed to reflect the following points of reference: HYPERLINK "https://www.qaa.ac.uk/the-quality-code/subject-benchmark-statements/subject-benchmark-statement-law" \hSubject Benchmark Statements HYPERLINK "https://www.qaa.ac.uk//en/the-quality-code/qualifications-frameworks" \hFramework for Higher Education Qualifications HYPERLINK "/ourplan/" \hUniversity Strategic Plan HYPERLINK "/vision/our-pillars/education" \hVision and Strategic Plan Education  The research interests of the staff of the School of Law.20. Programme structure and regulations The programme allows students to combine study of English and European Union law with study of Chinese law. At Level 1 all the modules are compulsory, as the student is introduced to basic legal skills and legal rules, and the foundations of legal knowledge. A key integrating focus for the first year is provided by the year-long skills module, Core Legal and Study Skills (CLASS). This module begins the programme with a concentrated two-week introduction into the study of law, focussing on legal systems, essential legal knowledge and the legal and graduate tools needed to engage with the law. CLASS continues throughout Level 1 (and the entire programme) as a support module, alongside Law of Obligations (Contracts, Torts & Restitution), Criminal Law and Justice and Contemporary Issues in Law and Justice (20 credits each) in the first semester, and Public Law in the UK and the EU and Property Law (Land Law, Equity and Trusts) (20 credits each) in the second semester. Students are introduced to the challenges of Chinese law within Introduction to Comparative Law and Chinese for Non-Specialists I (each 10 credits). Students can choose other non-credit Chinese language modules if they wish to continue their study of Mandarin after completion of this compulsory Chinese language module. At Level 2 students study Legal and Political Culture of China, Chinese Law and Legal System and Advanced EU Law. Students also continue with their study of the foundations of legal knowledge, but are allowed flexibility in choosing areas of law upon wish to focus. Modules at Level 2 are pursued to a deeper level than Level 1 in terms of the detail of the law and other content covered, with leading research staff using their research to underpin and illustrate the substantive material covered. At Level 2 the international dimensions of law are emphasised through the CLASS module. At Level 3, students spend a year studying in a law department at an approved university in China. At Level 4 students shape their own programmes of study by choosing from a variety of optional modules on aspects of law and criminology. The School's size means that it can offer a wide range of options, reflecting the diverse range of teaching and research interests of the School's staff, and allowing students to build on their knowledge of the core areas of law which have been developed at Levels 1 and 2. One element of Level 4 is that students are encouraged to undertake a piece of research, as offered through a portfolio of research-based modules. Students have the option of undertaking a comparative research paper, on any topic of law, drawing on their experience from the year abroad, in place of one of the taught law optional modules. Students are encouraged to maintain their level of Chinese acquired during their year abroad through the use of self-access materials in the Modern Languages Teaching Centre. Completion of the compulsory elements of the degree programme ensures that the degree will be recognised as a Qualifying Law Degree for professional purposes. Students who decide that they no longer wish to spend an academic year overseas may transfer to the standard BA Law degree at the end of the first year.Detailed information about the structure of programmes, regulations concerning assessment and progression and descriptions of individual modules are published in the University Calendar available on-line at HYPERLINK "http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/calendar" \hhttp://www.sheffield.ac.uk/calendar 21. Student development over the course of study So far as possible law and language are integrated throughout the programme. Language skills are practised throughout and developed progressively. Level 1: Students are introduced to: foundational skills and expectations of graduate study (CLASS). basic skills of legal method and reasoning, and the principal sources of legal rules (CLASS). the critical evaluation of law and its role in society (especially Contemporary Issues of Law and Justice). the Foundations of Legal Knowledge (CLASS, Contemporary Issues of Law and Justice, Law of Obligations (Contracts, Torts & Restitution), Criminal Law and Justice, Public Law in the UK and the EU, Property Law (Land Law, Equity and Trusts) and aspects of other legal systems (Introduction to Comparative Law). Students commence their studies of Chinese language and culture by studying a module on Chinese for Non-Specialists I or Chinese for Non-Specialists II. As well as being introduced to all the foundations of legal knowledge, students are required to consider the diverse social, economic and philosophical perspectives on law (in particular in Contemporary Issues in Law and Justice). Collectively the Level 1 modules engage the student in a range of skills-based activities, some of which require teamwork and the presentation of results in oral as well as written form. Students practise and demonstrate their understanding through a range of exercises and assessments. Students at Level 1 are eased into undergraduate study with the assistance of the supporting year-long CLASS module and Personal and Academic Tutors, with tuition more intensive than at later stages of the programme. Level 2: Students continue their study of the foundations of legal knowledge by choosing from a limited selection of advanced substantive law modules. They are introduced to the key principles of Chinese law by studying Legal and Political Culture of China and Chinese Law and Legal System, taught in English, in preparation for their year of study abroad. Students will also take Advanced EU Law. In their various modules, students are expected to deepen their knowledge and understanding through being challenged to problem-solve and analyse highly technical and often very contemporary legal challenges. It is expected that students at this level will have begun to develop their skills of problem solving and critical analysis and to develop their potential for self-directed study. Tuition in some modules is therefore less intensive than at Level 1. However, seminar group leaders are aware that these are students at Level 2 and will be offering the appropriate level of support. Level 3: Students develop their language skills and understanding of Chinese law and culture by studying for a year in the law department of a university in China. Level 4: Students expand the breadth of their legal study by choosing to study from an extensive range of specialised options, which offer the potential to study some of the most contentious and new areas of law and interrogate different perspectives on the law. All students are encouraged to showcase their research and creative skills through the study of at least one module from a portfolio of research-based modules that require the completion of an extensive piece of coursework. Students have the option of undertaking a comparative research paper, on any topic of law, drawing on their experience from the year abroad, in place of one of the taught law optional modules. It is expected that students at this level will demonstrate the level of skills expected of an Honours level graduate in accordance with the QAA Framework for Higher Education Qualifications and will be able to engage critically with discussions about developments in thinking in the subject. Students are expected to have developed a degree of self-direction in their study and tuition at this level will therefore be less intensive than at Level 2, with a greater emphasis on self-directed reading and on seminar, tutorial or workshop classes. Students will be expected to build on their oral and written communication skills which have developed during Levels 1 and 2, so that a greater degree of critical analysis is expected in seminars, tutorials or workshops and in written examinations and coursework at Level 4.22. Criteria for admission to the programme Detailed information regarding admission to programmes is available from the Universitys On-Line Prospectus at HYPERLINK "http://www.shef.ac.uk/courses/" \hhttp://www.shef.ac.uk/courses/.23. Additional information This specification represents a concise statement about the main features of the programme and should be considered alongside other sources of information provided by the teaching department(s) and the University. In addition to programme specific information, further information about studying at 91ֱ can be accessed via our Student Services web site at HYPERLINK "http://www.shef.ac.uk/ssid" \hhttp://www.shef.ac.uk/ssid.     lawu20 ver24-25 PAGE1 Programme Specification A statement of the knowledge, understanding and skills that underpin a taught programme of study leading to an award from 91ֱ  #$:;<=>LMSTUVW`aefghiwxҾ٬󟔟󟔟󟔟󟔟󟔟hOhB*phhOh0vrB*phhOh5B*phh0vrCJaJjh5UjRi h5EHUV h5 h5EHjh5EHUjhOUmHnHuh0vrjhU6$;kkkLd(($$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQR^`gdOl $<^`a$8d$d%d&d'd(d1$NOPQR^`;<>eLd(($$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQR^`gdOl kdV$$IfHFxX&@0`'    44 HappytO>MTLd(($$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQR^`gdOl TUWeLd(($$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQR^`gdOl kdqW$$IfHFxX&@0`'    44 HappytOWafLd(($$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQR^`gdOl fgieLd(($$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQR^`gdOl kd.X$$IfHFxX&@0`'    44 HappytOixLd(($$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQR^`gdOl eLd(($$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQR^`gdOl kdX$$IfHFxX&@0`'    44 HappytOLd(($$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQR^`gdOl eLd(($$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQR^`gdOl kdY$$IfHFxX&@0`'    44 HappytOLd(($$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQR^`gdOl        + = > L M N O P W X g h i j k u v y z { } ~        H I W X Y [ \ w x h0vrB*phh5B*phhhOhB*phhOh0vrB*phhOh5B*phh0vrKeLd(($$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQR^`gdOl kdeZ$$IfHFxX&@0`'    44 HappytOLd(($$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQR^`gdOl eLd(($$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQR^`gdOl kd"[$$IfHFxX&@0`'    44 HappytO  Ld(($$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQR^`gdOl    eLd(($$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQR^`gdOl kd[$$IfHFxX&@0`'    44 HappytO > M Ld(($$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQR^`gdOl M N P eLd(($$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQR^`gdOl kd\$$IfHFxX&@0`'    44 HappytOP X h Ld(($$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQR^`gdOl h i k eLd(($$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQR^`gdOl kdY]$$IfHFxX&@0`'    44 HappytOk v z Ld(($$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQR^`gdOl z { ~ eLd(($$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQR^`gdOl kd^$$IfHFxX&@0`'    44 HappytO~ Ld(($$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQR^`gdOl  eLd(($$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQR^`gdOl kd^$$IfHFxX&@0`'    44 HappytO Ld(($$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQR^`gdOl  eLd(($$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQR^`gdOl kd_$$IfHFxX&@0`'    44 HappytO   Ld(($$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQR^`gdOl    eLd(($$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQR^`gdOl kdM`$$IfHFxX&@0`'    44 HappytO I X (($If^`gdOl Ld(($$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQR^`gdOl X Y \ eLd(($$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQR^`gdOl kd a$$IfHFxX&@0`'    44 HappytO\ x Ld(($$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQR^`gdOl  e E$ @ dxx$d%d&d'd(dNOPQR^`kda$$IfHFxX&@0`'    44 HappytO   6 = c d w x #CIO 'y]^  ¾¾¶¶¶²¶¶¾¾hOhB*aJph!%))hOhB*CJOJPJQJ^JphhOhB*aJphhOhOh6h0vrh *hOh0vrB*aJph""" *hOhB*ph""" *hOhOB*aJph""" *hOhB*aJph"""0 d x ^pS$If^`gdOl xx$If^`gdOl x$If^`gdOl Rdx$$d%d&d'd(d-DIfM NOPQR^`gdOl '(QRSefghi{|qrs&'(bcd9:;ghi׿ߟꕍhOh0vrB*phh5B*phhOh0vrB*CJaJph!jhOh>*B*UphhOh>*B*phjbhUjhUhOhB*phh0vrhhOh0vrB*aJph!%)6hiIjkdb$$IfHz&`'0`'44 Haup ytOLdxx$$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQR^`gdOl i|s(d;i ~xx$If^`gdOl x$If^`gdOl E$ @ dxx$d%d&d'd(dNOPQR^`  0!1!2!3!5!6!!!!!!!6"6#{#|#}#~###$$$ $ $ $ $$$$$$$ %E%F%G%H%J%K%%%%%%%%%%%%%&&&&&'ʿʿʿʿʿʿʿʿʿhOhOB*phhOhB*phhOh0vrB*phhOh5B*phh0vrB*phh5B*phhh0vrhOG PE$ @ dxx$d%d&d'd(dNOPQR^`jkdOc$$IfHx&`'0`'44 Happ ytO Ijkdc$$IfHu&`'0`'44 Happ ytOLdPP$$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQR^`gdOl  2!3!6!1kdcd$$IfH0u&@ %0`'44 HappytOLd(($$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQR^`gdOl 6!!!^kde$$IfH0u&@ %0`'44 HappytO(($If^`gdOl !!}#~##$1kde$$IfH0u&@ %0`'44 HappytOLd(($$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQR^`gdOl $ $ $ $$}s''Ld(($$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQR^`gdOl ^`kd@f$$IfH0u&@ %0`'44 HappytO$$$G%}11Ld(($$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQR^`gdOl kdf$$IfH0u&@ %0`'44 HappytOG%H%K%%}11Ld(($$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQR^`gdOl kd~g$$IfH0u&@ %0`'44 HappytO%%%%}11Ld(($$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQR^`gdOl kdh$$IfH0u&@ %0`'44 HappytO%%%}F7d$d%d&d'd(dNOPQR^`kdh$$IfH0u&@ %0`'44 HappytO%%&iLdPP$$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQR^`gdOl JdP$$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQR^`gdOl &&&'IILd(($$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQR^`gdOl jkd[i$$IfHu&`'0`'44 Happ ytO'''''''''''''v(w(x(y({(|(((((())[)\)])^)`)a)))))))) * * * ******++g+h+++,-1-2-`-b-.Q.R......./û鷯鷯hOh5hh0vrB*phh5B*phhOhB*phhOh5B*phh0vrhOh0vrB*phhOhOB*phE''''}11Ld(($$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQR^`gdOl kdi$$IfH0u&@ %0`'44 HappytO'''x(}11Ld(($$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQR^`gdOl kdj$$IfH0u&@ %0`'44 HappytOx(y(|((}11Ld(($$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQR^`gdOl kd&k$$IfH0u&@ %0`'44 HappytO(()])}11Ld(($$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQR^`gdOl kdk$$IfH0u&@ %0`'44 HappytO])^)a))}11Ld(($$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQR^`gdOl kddl$$IfH0u&@ %0`'44 HappytO))) *}11Ld(($$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQR^`gdOl kdm$$IfH0u&@ %0`'44 HappytO * ***}11Ld(($$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQR^`gdOl kdm$$IfH0u&@ %0`'44 HappytO**+}8E$ @ dxx$d%d&d'd(dNOPQR^`kdAn$$IfH0u&@ %0`'44 HappytO+h+2-R../001S2n3wXxP$If^`gdOl x$IfVDWD^`gdOl x$If^`gdOl Jdx$$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQR^`gdOl ///.0/0X0k000011111112R2S2T2]2^2h2k2u22m3n333344444444566666666 7777%7?7I77O8P8Q8a8b8d8819?99#:(:0:1:2:K:M:O:::::::::l;r;;;;hOhB*phhOh6hOh5h0vrhWn346P81::;=XLdPx$$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQR^`gdOl P$IfVDWD^`gdOl P$If^`gdOl $If^`gdOl ;; 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