ࡱ> o 0yZbjbj zfzfQ:DD8%4M ( +++LMMMMMM$)QSj$M++@+++$M 9M///+j8  L/+L//n I@K ' 0,(J LOM0MHJIT-IT@@K@K&ITfK++/+++++$M$M.+++M++++IT+++++++++D O:  1Programme TitlePolitics and Sociology with International Experience (Study)2Programme CodePOLU323JACS CodeL2004Level of StudyUndergraduate5aFinal QualificationUndergraduate5bQAA FHEQ LevelBachelor of Arts with Honours (BA Hons)6aIntermediate Qualification(s)Honours6bQAA FHEQ LevelNone7Teaching Institution (if not 91ֱ)Not applicable8FacultySocial Sciences9DepartmentPolitics and International Relations10Other Departments providing credit bearing modules for the programmeSociology11Mode(s) of AttendanceFull-time12Duration of the Programme4 years13Accrediting Professional or Statutory BodyNot applicable14Date of production/revisionJanuary 2017 / February 2018 / February 202115. Background to the programme and subject area The study of politics involves the development of knowledge and understanding about governance in human societies. Politics is concerned with ideas, institutions and practices from the local and regional levels to the national and international domains. Issues such as power, democracy, and rights are central to its pre-occupations. Politics graduates are equipped to pursue a variety of careers in the public, private and voluntary sectors. At 91ֱ, the politics curriculum is structured around five strands of the discipline: political analysis; political economy; political theory, comparative politics and international politics. Teaching is organised to provide a challenging learning environment that reflects the research interests and expertise of staff. The sociological perspective emphasises the need to understand how individual attitudes, beliefs and life chances are socially patterned and how people's personal experience and private troubles are related to wider structural forces and social processes. The Department of Sociological Studies applies theoretical and empirical methods of societies, institutions, and patterns of social continuity and change, a concern with social interaction and the detail of everyday life, and of human welfare and illfare. Unique to this programme, during the third of study students will spend one year overseas at one of the Universitys partner institutions. Students will be assessed on a pass-fail basis that is, they will have to achieve a pass mark at the institution of study on all modules. The programme has been designed to appeal to students with a desire to gain cultural and social experiences in international settings. Students who work well independently and seek out challenges may be best-suited to this programme, as are those who wish to gain experience with forms of university instruction and assessment different to those in the UK. This programme provides the opportunity to live and study abroad in order to enhance future career prospects, diversify academic skills and general transferable skills without missing critical elements of their studies at 91ֱ, particularly research skills modules. The Department of Politics and International Relations at 91ֱ has gained an international reputation as one of the top Politics research departments in Britain, ranked in the top three for research excellence in the most recent (2014) Research Excellence Framework. In terms of teaching the department was awarded a maximum 24 points in the last Quality Assurance Agency Subject Review. Many prominent scholars in the field of Politics and International Relations have been members of staff and a number of leading figures in the discipline currently work in the Department. Further information on programmes can be found on the Departments website at  HYPERLINK "http://www.shef.ac.uk/politics" http://www.shef.ac.uk/politics. The Department of Sociological Studies is distinctive within the United Kingdom in combing excellence in Sociology, Social Policy, Social Work and Social Anthropology. This multi-disciplinarity is a great strength and, over many years, has provided a solid foundation for consistently innovative high-quality teaching and research. The Department has a long history of integrated research and teaching with many of modules reflecting staff research interests. The Department has an international reputation as one of the top social science research departments in Britain. It was ranked in the most recent RAE of 2008 equal tenth in the country. In the most recent Research Excellence Framework (REF 2014) results showed that 79% of the Departments research was judged to be world-leading or internationally excellent. This ranks the Department in the top 10 amongst the Russell Group for research output, and top 15 in the discipline for world-leading/internationally excellent research. This recognition of the Department's vibrant research culture, its overall academic strength of its staff and the quality of the research environment combines with our excellence in teaching, to confirm the Departments position as a provider of high quality research-led teaching. For further background information on the programme please visit the Department of Sociological Studies webpage:  HYPERLINK "http://www.shef.ac.uk/socstudies" http://www.shef.ac.uk/socstudies16. Programme aims to produce graduates with broad knowledge and understanding of political and social phenomena, and of the concepts, theories, approaches and methods employed in the study of politics and sociology; to enable students to evaluate different interpretations of political and social processes, interactions, events and controversies, and to critically assess issues of contemporary public concern; to enable students to develop a range of important intellectual, practical and key skills; to develop skills in logical thinking and foster a capacity for independent, critical judgement; to provide students with the tools to effectively acquire, select and communicate ideas and information; to prepare graduates for employment in a wide range of contexts, or for continued studies; to impart understanding of how the daily lives of individuals, and the long-term patterns of social structure and social policies are each intertwined with the other; to enable students to develop individual resourcefulness and cultural agility the ability to move easily between environments of different types and work with people from different backgrounds.17. Programme learning outcomes Knowledge and understanding: By the end of the programme students will be able to demonstrate:K1broad-based knowledge and understanding of political ideas, institutions and practices, and specialised knowledge and understanding of specific areas in political and sociological studies;K2the ability to apply a range of concepts, approaches and methods to analyse political and social phenomena;K3the ability to evaluate critically differing interpretations of political and social processes, events, and debates;K4the ability to appreciate and assess issues of contemporary political and social concern;K5the relationships between individuals, groups and social and political institutions; the role of culture in social life; the social processes underpinning social change;K6understanding of: social context; the nature of social processes; social diversity, social divisions, social problems and inequality;K7the value and importance of comparative analysis to a greater understanding of politics and society. Skills and other attributes:S1collect data and information from a variety of sources including printed and electronic media;S2understand and interpret qualitative and basic quantitative data;S3organise and synthesise information, arguments, and evidence;S4analyse issues, construct reasoned arguments, solve problems, and exercise critical judgement;S5manage learning effectively, including self-assessment and the constructive use of feedback;S6conduct an extended, self-directed, investigation of a specific issue (including project design and investigation followed by analysis and interpretation and concluding in the presentation of the findings);S7communicate information and ideas effectively in both oral and written forms;S8work independently, demonstrating responsibility, initiative, foresight and the capacity to manage time;S9collaborate effectively with others to achieve common goals;S10use information and communications technologies to retrieve and present information, and analyse data;S11undertake self-directed learning to develop further knowledge and skillsS12identify and appraise a range of research strategies and methods.18. Teaching, learning and assessment Development of the learning outcomes is promoted through the following teaching and learning methods: K1-7 are acquired in a variety of teaching and learning environments including lectures, seminars, small group interactions, and project/dissertation work. Specialised knowledge and understanding of specific areas (K1) is particularly acquired through Level 3 seminars and project/dissertation work. For all such learning outcomes (K1-7) considerable emphasis is placed on individual study on reading and note taking, exploring printed and electronic sources, reflecting on material, and preparation. Assessment (see below) forms an integral part of the learning process, with essays, projects and other course work designed to focus the learners attention on critical issues, and feedback provided to allow the learner to further improve their performance. The balance among teaching methods varies as the programme progresses. Lectures play a significant role at Levels 1 and 2, and a support role at Level 3. Seminars and small group interactions are important at all Levels. Individual supervision of self-directed learning projects and dissertations is central to Level 3 (Year 4 for this programme). Lectures and seminars provide guidance and a framework to assist the progressive acquisition of skills and other attributes S1-12. Seminars, group work and class assignments provide a context to practice these skills, receive feedback from peers and staff, and gain confidence and proficiency. Modules across the curriculum promote cumulative learning of intellectual and practical skills S1, 3, 4 and 5, as well as an appreciation of the variety of methods and research strategies (S12). Explicit instruction in particular skills is provided by the compulsory Level 1 module Analysing Politics, (S1, 2 qualitative, 5), and the compulsory Level 2 module Political Analysis: Research Design and Data Analysis (S1, 2 quantitative, 3). The numerical dimension of S2 may be further developed at Level 3 (in special subject, project or dissertation modules) depending upon the students choice. Acquisition of S6 is ensured through Level 3 project and dissertation modules, but these modules also allow students to develop further their capacities to collect and interpret data (S1 and 2), organise and synthesise information (S3), and to extend their analytical and problem-solving skills (S4), and their capacity to manage their learning (S5). Promotion of specific skills occurs in different combinations across the curriculum at all Levels. Preparation for, participation in, and feedback from, seminars provide a context for developing capacities for oral communication (S7 oral), independent working (S8), and self-directed learning (S11). Preparation of, and feedback from, written assignments provide a context for developing skills of written communication (S7 written), independent working (S8), and self-directed learning (S11). Explicit guidance on essay writing (S7 written) is provided in the Level 1 Analysing Politics. Use of information and communications technologies to retrieve, present and analyse data (S10) is dealt with in Political Analysis modules at Levels 1 and 2. All modules require students to display their capacities to undertake self-directed learning (S11), with the Level 3 project and dissertation modules particularly extending this capacity to the fullest extent. Opportunities to demonstrate achievement of the learning outcomes are provided through the following assessment methods: Knowledge and understanding (K1-7) are assessed in a variety of methods appropriate to the specific material. Most modules involve both essays and unseen examinations. Some require the preparation of short written assignments (for example, book reviews or briefing reports), oral presentations and group exercises. Marks on project modules are determined on the basis of the written submissions. Formative assessment is provided in seminars, and structured feedback is provided on all written and oral forms of assessment for which marks are awarded. Assessment of skills and other attributes (S1-12) is closely linked to that of knowledge and understanding. Written comments returned after graded work provide feedback on the range and use of sources (S1 and 2), the structure and quality of analysis and argument (S9 and 10), as well as on the methods used (S12). Feedback on S6 is provided by project and dissertation supervisors. Students preparing dissertations also receive peer assessment of an oral presentation made at a dissertation workshop. Assessment of skills is integrated with the evaluation of course work at all Levels of the programme. S7 and S8 are assessed through seminar participation and the successful and timely completion of oral and written course work. The capacity to use information and communications technologies (S10) is demonstrated through assignments across the curriculum with the analyse data element explicitly assessed on Level 2 Political Analysis: Research Design and Data Analysis. S11 is not assessed independently, but demonstrated by student attainment on the programme, especially in the preparation of Level 3 projects and dissertations.19. Reference points The learning outcomes have been developed to reflect the following points of reference: Internal: The 91ֱ Graduate Attributes  HYPERLINK "/sheffieldgraduate/studentattributes" \h /sheffieldgraduate/studentattributes University Vision  HYPERLINK "/vision" /vision Learning and Teaching Strategy (2016-21)  HYPERLINK "/polopoly_fs/1.661828!/file/FinalStrategy.pdf" /polopoly_fs/1.661828!/file/FinalStrategy.pdf Departmental research interests External: Subject Benchmark Statements  HYPERLINK "https://www.qaa.ac.uk/quality-code/subject-benchmark-statements" https://www.qaa.ac.uk/quality-code/subject-benchmark-statements Framework for Higher Education Qualifications (2014)  HYPERLINK "https://www.qaa.ac.uk/docs/qaa/quality-code/qualifications-frameworks.pdf" https://www.qaa.ac.uk/docs/qaa/quality-code/qualifications-frameworks.pdf20. Programme structure and regulations The curriculum enables students to develop both broad-based knowledge and more specialised engagement with specific topics. It is designed to progressively promote the depth of understanding over the four years of undergraduate study. Teaching, especially during the final year of study, is closely linked to the research interests of staff, and all students are required to complete a project/dissertation, enabling them to actively engage with the research process. Some modules and/or types of module are compulsory at each level, but substantial choice is built into the programme to enable students (in consultation with staff) to devise a programme of study tailored to their individual needs and interests. Political Analysis modules provide a central core to the degree at levels 1 and 2. During the third year of the programme students spend the year studying at a partner institution of higher education overseas. Students are able to choose from a wide selection of modules offered by our partner universities, and not just within the strictly defined domain of Politics or Sociology. The year abroad is recorded on the student transcripts on a pass-fail basis (they have to achieve the pass mark for each module at the institution of study). Students receive support before and during their year abroad through various mechanisms. Module selection is done in consultation with, and approved by, the Exchange Programmes Coordinator before students go abroad. Students also receive support in different ways by our partner universities. Some universities offer short (week-long usually) induction sessions to facilitate transition to the new environment and academic system. Students are also in open communication with the Departments of Politics and Sociological Studies for any issues arising, academic or otherwise. A specialised understanding of specific topics is ensured by the requirement in the final year of study for students to take either a dissertation module and prepare a project closely linked to one of the specialist subject modules. Detailed information about the structure of programmes, regulations concerning assessment and progression and descriptions of individual modules are published in the University Calendar available on-line at  HYPERLINK "http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/calendar/" http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/calendar/.21. Student development over the course of study The curriculum is designed to allow students progressively to achieve the specified learning outcomes. Compulsory modules and/or types of module at each level have been structured to enable students to extend systematically their knowledge and skills. Section 20 above (Programme structure and regulations) highlights key concentrations of study at each of the levels. Year 1 provides a foundation of theoretical empirical and methodological work appropriate for students engaging with political and sociological concepts. It also encourages reflection on the complexity of political life, introducing the approaches required for its comprehension, and developing a range of skills to assist with independent learning. Year 2 develops a solid core of student understanding, allowing students to extend their knowledge and skills base. It also provides ample opportunity for students to select optional modules to reflect their burgeoning interests and expertise in politics and society. During Year 3, students complete the equivalent amount of modules that a home student would normally take in the overseas institution. In addition, and in order to be awarded the year abroad element of the degree, students must pass 120 credits (or equivalent) while overseas. Modules taken overseas will not count towards the final degree classification. The year abroad will allow students to develop individual resourcefulness and cultural agility that should facilitate living working easily in different environments and to collaborating with people from a wider range of cultural backgrounds. Moreover, students will be exposed to different teaching methods, as well as module options, that should enrich their learning experience, broaden their academic horizons, and help them examine the world through a different viewpoint. The final year of study (year 4) enables students to explore their interests and strengths further by providing higher level core skills and allowing students to select from a wide range of research-focused optional modules. It also offers students the opportunity to engage in independent learning through researching and writing an extended piece of work under individual supervision. Coherence, a balance between breadth and depth of study, staged progression over the period of study, and flexibility and choice, are promoted by a combination of compulsory and option modules. At all times, advice is available to help students choose coherent programmes of individual study.22. Criteria for admission to the programme Detailed information regarding admission to programmes is available from the Universitys On-Line Prospectus at  HYPERLINK "http://www.shef.ac.uk/prospective/" http://www.shef.ac.uk/prospective/23. Additional information Please refer to the Politics and Sociological Studies Departmental web pages at  HYPERLINK "/politics" /politics and  HYPERLINK "/socstudies" /socstudiesThis specification represents a concise statement about the main features of the programme and should be considered alongside other sources of information provided by the teaching department(s) and the University. In addition to programme specific information, further information about studying at 91ֱ can be accessed via our Student Services web site at  HYPERLINK "http://www.shef.ac.uk/ssid" http://www.shef.ac.uk/ssid.      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