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It is geared towards students who wish to pursue a career as an economist in commerce, government or academia. Teaching is organised to provide a challenging learning environment that reflects the research interests and expertise of staff. Further information on programmes can be found on the Departments website at  HYPERLINK "http://www.shef.ac.uk/economics/" http://www.shef.ac.uk/economics/Programme aims To develop the advanced analytical skills necessary to understand microeconomic and macroeconomic issues. To provide an understanding of the theory and application of modern quantitative techniques. To develop the mathematical skills used in modern mathematical economics. To allow students to acquire in-depth understanding of specialist topics in economics appropriate to their needs and interests. To develop an ability to understand and critically appreciate recent developments in economic theory and economic analysis. To develop the ability to define a viable research project and to use appropriate analytical and technical skills in the investigation of the research question. 17. Programme learning outcomes Knowledge and understanding: By the end of the programme students will be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:K1Advanced analytical methods in microeconomics and macroeconomics.K2Econometrics and mathematical economics and their use, involving computer applications, in economics.K3Current research and advanced scholarship in specialist topics in economics.K4Differing interpretations of economic events and debates in economic theory.K5Critical economic issues of contemporary concern. Skills and other attributes: By the end of the programme students will be able to demonstrate skills and competences in the:S1Analysis of complex issues, exercising of critical judgement, and problem solving.S2Application of appropriate techniques to collect information, analyse findings and interpret evidence and go on to conduct an independent research project.S3Management of effective learning, including self-assessment and the constructive use of feedback.S4Communication of information and ideas in oral and written forms.S5Undertaking of self-directed learning, involving independent work, to solve problems and to acquire further knowledge and skills.18. Teaching, learning and assessment Development of the learning outcomes is promoted through the following teaching and learning methods: Knowledge and understanding (K1-K5) are acquired in a variety of teaching and learning environments. Different modules will adopt different combinations of lectures, seminars and more student oriented activity. The latter activity involves individual and group based research and investigation and problem solving as well as seminar preparation and coursework. The overall aim is to enable students to participate fully in the course, to develop their own ideas, and to learn how to present their arguments in a clear and coherent way. As students progress from core modules, through applications and developments to writing their dissertation, the emphasis will shift away from staff oriented lectures providing basic knowledge towards student oriented activity. This shift in teaching and learning methods is designed to promote more tacit and critical capabilities i.e. skills S1-S5. Preparation for the dissertation is supported throughout the year by study skills sessions, English language classes for non-native speakers, and workshops on topic choice, dissertation structure, and empirical research skills. Part-time students study two taught modules in each semester of years one and two, with the dissertation preparation and writing in year two. Opportunities to demonstrate achievement of the learning outcomes are provided through the following assessment methods: The three stages of the Masters programme (semester one taught modules, semester two taught modules, and dissertation) will each contribute 60 credits towards the final 180 credit rating. Modules are assessed using different combinations of unseen examination and coursework as appropriate to module objectives. The objective here is to provide a coherent combination of both formative and summative methods. Formal examinations are used to test the existence of basic core knowledge (i.e. K1 and K2 above) with coursework being used to develop and assess more student oriented and critical perspectives on topics (i.e. K3 K5 above). Certain modules consider unseen examination an inappropriate means of assessment at advanced level because of the subject matter covered and course delivery adopted. Formal examinations take place at the end of the Autumn and Spring semesters. The dissertation will normally be written over the summer. This is viewed as a key learning experience to develop research and critical capabilities for all students (and so further develops K3 K5 above), particularly those interested in going onto further research. 19. Reference points The learning outcomes have been developed to reflect the following points of reference: Internal University of 91ֱ Mission Statement. University Learning and Teaching Strategy. Departmental Learning and Teaching Strategy External Quality Assurance Agency Framework for Higher Education Qualifications.20. Programme structure and regulations The curriculum enables students to develop both systematic knowledge of economics, along with relevant econometric and mathematical techniques and detailed study of specific topics. The compulsory core involves first semester modules in Microeconomic Analysis, Macroeconomic Analysis and Econometric Methods; and compulsory second semester modules in either Applied Microeconometrics or Applied Macroeconometrics. Remaining modules are chosen from a wide range of options that are designed to allow students to tailor their education to particular requirements. All Masters students must successfully complete a dissertation on a specialist topic related to economics. Teaching, particularly of optional modules, is closely linked to the research interests of staff. This ensures that students engage with the insights and problems at the frontiers of the discipline.Please refer to the HYPERLINK "http://www.shef.ac.uk/calendar/regs.html"Programme Regulations, HYPERLINK "http://www.shef.ac.uk/calendar/"General University Regulations and the HYPERLINK "http://www-online.shef.ac.uk:3001/pls/live/web_cal.cal3_dept_form?p_year=18"On-line Directory of Modules for detailed information about the structure of programmes, regulations concerning assessment and progression and descriptions of individual modules.21. Student development over the course of study The curriculum is designed to allow students to achieve the specified learning outcomes in a progressive manner. The compulsory modules provide the foundation for further successive study involving optional modules and the preparation of a dissertation. This process involves a shift from staff to student oriented learning and a shift towards more research oriented methods of delivery. Advice is available at all stages to help students choose coherent programmes of individual study.22. Criteria for admission to the programme Detailed information regarding admission to the programme is available at HYPERLINK "http://www.shef.ac.uk/prospective/"http://www.shef.ac.uk/prospective/23. Additional information NoneThis specification represents a concise statement about the main features of the programme and should be considered alongside other sources of information provided by the teaching department(s) and the University. In addition to programme specific information, further information about studying at 91ֱ can be accessed via our Student Services web site at HYPERLINK "http://www.shef.ac.uk/ssid"http://www.shef.ac.uk/ssid.      PAGE 3  FILENAME ecnt07 ver18-19 Programme Specification A statement of the knowledge, understanding and skills that underpin a taught programme of study leading to an award from 91ֱ !"#$5<=HIMNO`lmn  2 D E T U W Ƚypehv35OJQJ^Jh*\6CJ^JhnH6CJ^Jh7OJQJ^Jh*\hu$OJQJ^Jh*\OJQJ^Jh*\5OJQJ^Jhv3hv3OJQJ\^Jhv3OJQJ\^Jh*\OJQJ\^J*jhv3OJQJU^JmHnHtHu,jh7Rhv3OJQJU^JmHnHu& # 9r (($IfgdnH (($IfgdnHr]rgdv3#$&5<qddR 9r (($IfgdnH (($IfgdnHkd$$Ifl3F(e0f)    44 laytnH<=?INqddR 9r (($IfgdnH (($IfgdnHkd$$Ifl3F(e0f)    44 laytnHNOQ`mqddW (($IfgdnH (($IfgdnHkd.$$Ifl3F(e0f)    44 laytnHmnqqddR 9r (($IfgdnH (($IfgdnHkd$$Ifl3F(e0f)    44 laytnHqddR 9r (($IfgdnH (($IfgdnHkd\$$Ifl3F(e0f)    44 laytnH qddR 9r (($IfgdnH (($IfgdnHkd$$Ifl3F(e0f)    44 laytnH   E T qdRR 9r (($IfgdnH (($IfgdnHkd$$Ifl3F(e0f)    44 laytnHT U W _ o qdWE 9r (($IfgdnH (($IfgdnH (($IfgdnHkd!$$IflXF(e0f)    44 laytnHW _ o p }    ' ( ) W \ ] | < ùͯͯ𣓇xhV<hnHCJOJQJ^JhnHCJOJQJ^JjhnHCJOJQJU^Jh*\CJOJQJ^Jhy/\OJQJ^Jh]3OJQJ^JhV<OJQJ^Jhv3OJQJ^JhzWOJQJ^Jh*\5OJQJ^Jh*\h*\OJQJ^J h*\^J(o p r } qddR 9r (($IfgdnH (($IfgdnHkd$$Ifl3F(e0f)    44 laytnH qddR 9r (($IfgdnH (($IfgdnHkdO$$Ifl3F(e0f)    44 laytnH qddR 9r (($IfgdnH (($IfgdnHkd$$IflXF(e0f)    44 laytnH  ( qddR 9r (($Ifgdv3 (($IfgdnHkd}$$Ifl3F(e0f)    44 laytnH( ) , W \ qddR 9r (($IfgdnH (($IfgdnHkd$$Ifl3F(e0f)    44 laytnH\ ] ` | qddR 9r (($Ifgdy/\ (($IfgdnHkd$$IflXF(e0f)    44 laytnH < qeUH xx$IfgdnH 9r x$IfgdnH & FxxgdnHkdB$$Ifl3F(e0f)    44 laytnH :;<?=@ABCFy8:=̡}}}}}mccchv3OJQJ^JhnHh*\5OJQJ\^JhnHh*\^JhnHh*\OJQJ^JhnHh*\5OJQJ^JhnH5OJQJ^Jh*\OJQJ^Jh*\5OJQJ^Jh7-5OJQJ^Jh*\hnHh*\CJOJQJ^JjhnHCJOJQJU^J h`hnH0JCJOJQJ^J& V }qqqqqW & F hhxx$If^hgdv3 & F hhx<$If^hgdv3 & FxxgdnHhkd$$Ifl(D)044 laytnH; PP$IfgdnHxxgdnHhkdN $$Ifl|(D)044 layt%;<?z (($Ifgd% (($Ifgd%kkd $$Ifl4e(D)044 laf4ytv3wj (($Ifgd% (($Ifgd%{kdD $$Ifl,0(.'044 laytv3<wj (($Ifgd% (($Ifgd%{kd $$Ifl,0(.'044 laytv3<=@wj (($Ifgd% (($Ifgd%{kdJ $$Ifl,0(.'044 laytv3wj (($Ifgd% (($Ifgd%{kd $$Ifl,0(.'044 laytv3BjPP$If^`gdnHgd*\{kdP $$Ifl,0(.'044 laytv3BCF(($If^`gd%ekd $$Ifl'(D)044 laytv39qq(($If^`gd%xkdI $$Ifl)0(.'044 laytv39:=qq(($If^`gd%xkd $$Ifl)0(.'044 laytv3qq(($If^`gd%xkdE$$Ifl)0(.'044 laytv3KjlaooS\JS$ % ' O 帬uehnHh*\5OJQJ\^Jh*\OJQJ^J"hnHh*\5CJOJQJ\^Jhv35OJQJ^JhnHh*\5CJOJQJ^Jh?CJOJQJ^JhnHh*\CJOJQJ^JhdOJQJ^Jh?OJQJ^Jhv3OJQJ^JhnHh*\5OJQJ^JhnHh*\OJQJ^J'kqq(($If^`gd%xkd$$Ifl)0(.'044 laytv3kl}jUxx$If^`gddx$If^`gdnHxxgdnHxkdA$$Ifl)0(.'044 laytv3\t xx$Ifgd?x$If^`gdnHgd*\fkd$$Ifl(D)044 layt%JS~& yjjjY & Fxx$Ifgdv3 & Fx$Ifgdv3 $x$Ifa$gdv3 x$Ifgdv3xxgdnHckd0$$Ifl(D)044 layt% & ' O #~ 9r xx$IfgdnHxxgdnHfkd$$Ifl(D)044 layt%O o!z!!!!!!!!#######$$$$C$D$b$c$d$k$l$m$$$$$$$$$Q%R%y%z%ȿȲȿrfȿȿhnHh*\0J\^JjkhnHhR1U^J hR1^JhnHh7R^JhnHh*\0J^JjhnHhvU^J hv^JjhnHh7RU^JhnHh*\^JhnHh*\\^JhnHheOJQJ^Jhv3OJQJ^Jh]3OJQJ^JhnHh*\OJQJ^J(##z%{%"hkd$$IflA(4)044 layt% xx$IfgdnHhkd $$IflA(4)044 layt%z%{%%'' ( (9(:(\(](_(z())#*$*>*?*C*D*F*G*I*J*L*M*O*P*Q*R*X*Y*Z*[*ԸԸ󰬰p^"jh7R0JOJQJU^J*!hlp0JOJQJ^JmHnHuh*\0JOJQJ^Jjh7R0JOJQJU^Jh%h%5CJOJQJh~8jh~8UhnHh*\0JOJQJ^JhnHh7ROJQJ^J!jhnHh7ROJQJU^JhnHh*\5OJQJ^JhnHh*\OJQJ^J"{%%'''^(yg 9r xx$IfgdnHhkd$$Ifl(D)044 layt%xx$If^`gdnHxxgdnH^(_(z(( xx$IfgdnHxxgdnHhkd$$Ifl(D)044 laytnH((A*B*"hkd$$Ifl(D)044 layt% xx$Ifgd7-hkd$$Ifl(D)044 layt%B*C*E*F*H*I*K*L*N*O*P*Q*\*{*|*}***+,+-+.+/+$a$gdnH$a$gd*\$a$gd*\gd-$a$$a$gdsgd*\[*\*]*g*h*n*o*r*v*z*{*|*}****++!+߼߯wlbWJ=h*\5CJOJQJ^Jh7-5CJOJQJ^Jh*\5CJOJQJh*\CJOJQJh*\5CJOJQJhnH5CJOJQJh~8h%hjh%OJQJhR10JCJOJQJhhv30JCJOJQJhh7-0JCJOJQJh$hlp0JCJOJQJhmHnHuhFiAh*\0JCJOJQJh(jhFiAh7R0JCJOJQJUhh%0JOJQJ^J!+"+++,+-+.+/+hnHh*\OJQJ^Jh~8h7Rh*\h*\5CJOJQJ^Jh*\5CJOJQJ^J21h:ps. 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