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JACS Code(s)Economics and MathematicsECNU16L100Economics and PoliticsECNU08L100Economics and PhilosophyECNU07L100Business Management and EconomicsMGTU15N200Accounting & Financial Management and EconomicsMGTU16N400French and EconomicsFREU03R100German and EconomicsGERU03R200Hispanic Studies and EconomicsHSSU06R400Russian and EconomicsRUSU02R7004.Level of StudyUndergraduate5a.Final QualificationBachelor of Arts (BA) except ECNU16 which leads to the award of Bachelor of Science ( BSc)5bQAA FHEQ Level66.Intermediate Qualification(s)None7.Teaching Institution (if not 91ֱ)Not applicable8.FacultySocial Sciences, except for the Modern Language dual programmes which are offered via the Faculty of Arts and Humanities.9.Co-ordinating DepartmentEconomics, except for: Management School (MGTU15, U16) French (FREU03) Germanic Studies (GERU03) Hispanic Studies (HSSU06) Russian (RUSU02)10.Other Department(s) involved in teaching in the subjectNone11.Mode(s) of AttendanceFull-time12.Duration of the Programme(s)Three years, except for Modern Language dual programmes which are 4 years, including a placement abroad between Levels 2 and 3.13.Accrediting Professional or Statutory BodyNone14.Date of production/revisionJanuary 2011 Dual Degrees 91ֱ defines a dual degree as the independent study of two parallel subjects. Dual degrees offer students the flexibility to choose a programme of study that reflects their interests and gives the opportunity to develop detailed knowledge and key skills in two major subjects. Whilst the two subjects may be taught independently, they will complement, inform and illuminate one another. Where there are two programme specifications for dual degrees, one for each half of the programme, students should refer to both documents for a full description of the whole programme. Where there are clear links between the two subjects, details will be included in Sections 15 and 20 of the programme specifications. Background to the programme and subject area These programmes involve the study of Economics in tandem with another discipline. This offers the learner a programme allowing the acquisition of knowledge in each subject plus the opportunity to see the contrast and comparison between the disciplines. Economics concerns how society deals with the problem of scarcity what to produce, how and for whom. The study of economics has a long history but interest gathered pace in the nineteenth century and grew ever faster during the last century. The Department of Economics at 91ֱ has been in existence since the early years of last century and has developed teaching and research interests in the many areas of economics that have arisen from the simple definition above. Research in the Department, some supported by grants from the Research Councils, government institutions and charitable foundations, covers many issues in applied and theoretical economics, but particularly labour markets, international development and aspects of macroeconomics. The curriculum is designed to provide students with a good grasp of modern economic theory, the issues underlying current debates on economic policy and the quantitative techniques essential for economic investigation. There is a strong emphasis on research-led teaching, (particularly through specialist modules at Level 3), with module content reflecting the cutting-edge research expertise of teaching staff and student learning being oriented towards independent study and the development of research skills. Amongst other things this allows students to engage with the latest developments at the forefront of the subject. As a consequence the Departments graduates are well-equipped for employment in a wide range of fields in both the public and private sectors, or for continuing into postgraduate study. Further information on programmes can be found on the Departments website at HYPERLINK "http://www.shef.ac.uk/economics"http://www.shef.ac.uk/economicsProgramme aims Degree programmes in Economics are such that dual programmes have the following aims: To provide a learning and teaching experience that is informed and invigorated by the research and scholarship of our staff, and is both stimulating to, and enjoyed by, students; To provide a range of skills in technical analysis (e.g. mathematical economics and statistics/econometrics) and investigation applicable to economics; To assess students over a range of skills and identify, support and encourage academic excellence; To develop in students an independence of thought, intellectual curiosity and critical approach to evidence, theories and concepts; To develop in students, through the study of economics, a range of transferable skills that will be of value in employment in a wide range of contexts, or for continued studies.17. Programme learning outcomes Knowledge and understanding:By the end of the programme students will be able to demonstrate:K1Knowledge of the core principles of economics;K2Understanding of the process of scholarship and research by which economic knowledge is acquired;K3A critical approach to concepts and theories and the assumptions on which they are based;K4The ability to appreciate and assess contemporary economic issues. Skills and other attributes: S1Ability to apply logical and rational method, deduction and evaluation;S2Ability to develop and communicate arguments in both verbal and written form;S3Ability to use effective verbal, graphical and mathematical and statistical reasoning and analysis;S4Ability to acquire, organise and present information appropriately and effectively, using information and communications technologies as required;S5Ability to work both independently and as a group member, demonstrating responsibility, initiative and foresight;S6Ability to manage learning effectively, including self-assessment, the constructive use of feedback and the capacity to manage time.18. Teaching, learning and assessment Development of the learning outcomes is promoted through the following teaching and learning methods: Knowledge and understanding (K1-4) are acquired in a variety of teaching and learning environments including lectures, workshops and small group interactions. Lectures play a significant role at level 1 as do, for core modules, regular tutorials. Independent study is essential to successful completion of the programme. An indication of the required level of independent study for each unit is set out clearly in module outlines The programme is structured to require more independent study at higher levels. Primary elements are assimilation and extension of material acquired in lectures, preparation for tutorials/workshops and for coursework, and reflection on generic and individual feedback. Additionally, open-access surgeries (consultation and feedback times) are optional timetabled sessions, available on all modules for discussion of academic questions and problems, advice on essays, discussion of reading and so on. These sessions reinforce all knowledge and understanding outcomes. Key skills are promoted across the curriculum at all levels. Lectures impart certain skills (S1, S3) whilst most are developed via interactive sessions and independent study (S1-S5). At level 1 explicit guidance on use of ICT, library skills (S4), time management (S5-S6) and use of feedback (S6) is developed through study skills sessions at several points in the year and expanded further by provision of website material on key skills. Later this is progressively integrated into the objectives of individual units. Opportunities to demonstrate achievement of the learning outcomes are provided through the following assessment methods: Formative assessment is used at all levels both to monitor students progress and to provide the feedback they need in order to evaluate their own progress and to reflect upon the knowledge and understanding they have acquired. Feedback on both coursework and tutorial/seminar performance encourages students to respond effectively and positively to constructive criticism by reflecting both on their skills of argument, analysis and presentation and on the coherence of their understanding of particular areas of economic analysis and policy Written assignments are judged against the Departments published assessment criteria. To help in this goal at all levels the Department uses individual feedback forms for written work plus extensive generic feedback through websites. These give an indication of performance relative to intended outcomes for the module and relative to published criteria for achieving each classification within the 100 point marking scale. Work is expected to be well-presented and written. Essays and quantitative or analytical problems are used to test the students acquisition of key skills as well as their economic knowledge and understanding (K1-K4 and S1-S6). Presentations in the form of group work or a seminar paper for example are used in some units, particularly certain options, to allow students to demonstrate in depth knowledge and understanding acquisition in (usually) specific topics and to enhance personal skills. These presentations are not normally assessed but add to the learners experience of the programme. Examinations are used to test the students knowledge and understanding, as well as key skills - critical thinking and abilities to draw upon memory and to write coherent, informed answers under pressure of time. The Department has procedures in place to ensure that all examining procedures are moderated and regulated.19. Reference points The learning outcomes have been developed to reflect the following points of reference: Internal: University of 91ֱ Mission Statement University Learning,Teaching and Assessment Strategy Departmental Learning, Teaching and Assessment Strategy Departmental research interests Feedback from External Examiners External: The Honours level qualification descriptor within the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) Framework for Higher Education (2008) The Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) Subject Benchmark Statement for Economics (2007) The Economics Network 20. Programme structure and regulations The dual degree programmes are composed of two distinct components, each of which constitute approximately half of the credit weighting. All these dual degree programmes require students to take 40 credits of core economics units at level 1 (Microeconomics and Macroeconomics). They also all require students to follow a module in Mathematics for Economists, except the dual degree programme with Mathematics, where the level 1 mathematics content is delivered by the School of Mathematics and Statistics. Students must also take a module in Statistics for Economists (with the same exception) at level 1 (RL11 and RL21) or level 2 (LL12, LV15, NL11, NL41 and RL41) with students having the choice to study at level 1 or 2 on RL71. At level 2 all programmes require students to take two further core economic theory modules so that the first two levels generally include 50% of credits devoted to Economics. LG11 also has a core module at level 3. In addition to core modules, option modules are also available to students on dual degree programmes. Whilst choice is necessarily limited at level 1 because of the necessity to engage in core material for both subjects of the degree programmes, there is progressively greater choice at subsequent levels such that all programmes offer substantial choice at level 3 and most of the programmes impose no core economics units at this level.Detailed information about the structure of programmes, regulations concerning assessment and progression and descriptions of individual modules are published in the University Calendar available on-line at HYPERLINK "http://www.shef.ac.uk/govern/calendar/regs.html"http://www.shef.ac.uk/govern/calendar/regs.html.21. Student development over the course of study The curriculum enables students to develop both broad-based knowledge and more specialised engagement with specific topics. It is designed to progressively promote the depth of understanding over the three years of undergraduate study. Level 1 develops a general understanding of the economists approach to problem solving and to the key issues in Economics, with a blend of theory, policy and quantitative analysis. Key skills are developed through familiarisation with ICT, self-directed learning and group work. Level 2 extends understanding of theory and policy issues with an introduction to econometrics, allowing students to extend their knowledge and skills base. Level 3 enables students to accumulate in-depth knowledge in particular areas and to extend their experience of key skills for employability, such as working in a team, working on an individual task, problem solving and time management.22. Criteria for admission to the programme(s) Detailed information regarding admission to the programme is available at HYPERLINK "http://www.shef.ac.uk/prospective/"http://www.shef.ac.uk/prospective/. All enquiries should be made in the first instance to the Departmental Admissions Secretary at HYPERLINK "mailto:econ@shef.ac.uk"econ@shef.ac.uk or Tel: +44 (0) 114 222 339923. Additional information On some of these programmes students may convert to a four year programme if they obtain a year long placement between years two and three of this programme. The placement must be obtained on merit by the student and approved by the two Departments. Extensive guidance is offered on finding placements and successfully accomplishing the extra requirements such work imposes. A student completing the four year programme will graduate with the degree BA/BSc in Economics and with Employment Experience. This is not available to students on four year programmes with a Modern Language.This specification represents a concise statement about the main features of the programme and should be considered alongside other sources of information provided by the teaching department(s) and the University. In addition to programme specific information, further information about studying at 91ֱ can be accessed via our Student Services web site at HYPERLINK "http://www.shef.ac.uk/ssid"http://www.shef.ac.uk/ssid.      PAGE 4  FILENAME mgtu15dd ver12-13 Programme Specification A statement of the knowledge, understanding and skills that underpin a taught programme of study leading to an award from 91ֱ Zc- . G H M N P S T U l κڱ|pdZPZIZd h ]5^Jh@ShmV5^Jh@Shg5^Jh ]hg5\^Jh ]h ]5\^Jh@Shg5OJQJ^Jh@ShgOJQJ^Jh@Shg56CJ^Jh@Shg6CJ^Jhg5OJQJ&jQ hw,~hg5OJQJUVhw,~hg5OJQJ jhw,~hg5OJQJU(jhb?hb?OJQJUmHnHu  - www (($IfhkdV$$Ifl4h(f)0f)44 laf4ytN (($If r<]rgdN- . 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