ࡱ> pzo}9 0}Lbjbj 7hhCE hhh|||8Pd|N~4O J"E#XxNzNzNzNzNzNzN$QTjNh#- "O ##N{N000#8hxN0#xN00RqI7PLL0v$JdNN0NJU%dU<LLUhLL##0#####NN=)###N####U######### X :  EMBED Word.Picture.8  This programme specification covers the curriculum in Chinese for the following dual honours degree programmes and should be read in conjunction with the relevant programme specification for the second subject:1. Programme Title2. Programme Code3. JACS CodeChinese Studies and Business ManagementEASU11T100 (HECoS Code 101165)Chinese Studies with JapaneseEASU13T100 (HECoS Code 101165)Chinese Studies and HistoryEASU23T100 (HECoS Code 101165) 4Level of StudyUndergraduate5aFinal QualificationBachelor of Arts with Honours (BA Hons)5bQAA FHEQ LevelHonours6Intermediate Qualification(s)None7Teaching Institution (if not 91ֱ)91ֱ and Nanjing University (China)8FacultyArts & Humanities9Co-ordinating DepartmentEast Asian Studies, apart from: History (code tbc)10Other Department(s) involved in teaching the programmeManagement School, History11Mode(s) of AttendanceFull-time12Duration of the Programme3 years plus 1 year in China13Accrediting Professional or Statutory BodyNone14Date of production/revision20th October 2022 Dual Degrees 91ֱ defines a dual degree as the independent study of two parallel subjects. Dual degrees offer students the flexibility to choose a programme of study that reflects their interests and gives the opportunity to develop detailed knowledge and key skills in two major subjects. Whilst the two subjects may be taught independently, they will complement, inform and illuminate one another. Where there are two programme specifications for dual degrees, one for each half of the programme, and students should refer to both documents for a full description of the whole programme. Where there are clear links between the two subjects, details will be included in Sections 15 and 20 of the programme specifications. However, there are some single programme specifications for dual degree combinations where there is a substantial degree of integration between the two subjects.15. Background to the programmes and subject area The Chinese Studies component of these Dual degrees embraces the languages and culture of China. China is playing and will play a major role in the world, whether from the point of view of economics, politics or culture. To a considerable extent, the central task of the world system in the twenty-first century will be the accommodation of the rising economic, political and cultural influence of China and Chinese. The Chinese Studies component of these degrees is offered by the School of East Asian Studies, which was founded here at the University of 91ֱ in 1963. Established originally as a Centre for Japanese Studies, the School has expanded over time, adding Centres for Korean Studies and Chinese Studies in 1988 and 1993 respectively. With a large number of research-active staff, who combine teaching with research at the frontiers of knowledge on subjects as diverse as business, economics, international relations, politics, film, identity, literature, migration and history, the school has grown to be one of the largest and most distinguished departments of its kind in the world. Its teaching, renowned nationally for its focus on contemporary East Asia, on the acquisition of practical language skills and on the use of social science methodologies, was rated 'excellent' in the most recent government-sponsored survey of teaching quality. In the case of Chinese Studies, the Schools programme seeks to bring students to a high level of expertise in the Chinese language, to give them a grounding in Chinese culture, and the ability to use these skills to inform the study of the other half of their degree programme. Graduates in languages have always been highly employable. The growing influence of China in the world means that they are becoming still more sought-after across the entire spectrum of careers in business, finance, administration, communications and education. A complementary knowledge of Business (including international business), History, Music or a modern European language broadens the range of graduate employability. More generally, there is a strong and growing need for the combination of analytical, cultural and linguistic expertise that our dual degree programmes in Chinese Studies, Business Studies, and History develop. In addition, the degree programmes help inculcate a wide range of generic skills, such as word-processing, internet usage, the use of audio-visual and other communicative technology, the giving of individual and group presentations, and other activities. These and a range of significant life-skills are further developed by the programmes study-abroad element, a year spent studying in China. Further information is available on the websites of the School at  HYPERLINK "http://www.seas.ac.uk/" http://www.seas.ac.uk/.16. Programme aims The Chinese Studies component of these programmes has the following general aims consonant with the Mission Statement of the University of 91ֱ: To provide high-quality teaching informed and invigorated by the research and scholarship of the School's staff and alert to the benefits of student-centred forms of learning which foster transferable analytical and communicative skills; To provide for the acquisition of high-level practical Chinese language skills alongside a thorough awareness and understanding of the Chinese cultural context; To sustain a culture of research and teaching that is able to foster the free pursuit of knowledge, the impartial analysis of values, and the acquisition of intercultural awareness, and of informed and professional attitudes towards China and Chinese; To widen access to Chinese Studies to the extent permitted by the intellectual and linguistic aptitudes which the programmes demand; To enable students to maximise their potential in all aspects of their programme; To assess students over a range of knowledge, understanding and skills, and to identify and support academic excellence; To offer a range of student-centred forms of learning which foster transferable analytical and communicative skills.17. Programme learning outcomes Having successfully completed the Chinese Studies component of these dual degree programmes, a student will have acquired: Knowledge and understanding:K1A sound knowledge and critical understanding of the structures and usage of modern Chinese.K2A sound knowledge and critical understanding of key aspects of Chinese culture and society through study of the cultural products of those societies.K3A sound knowledge and critical understanding of the methodologies used to analyse language and culture.K4Practical knowledge of contemporary life in China. Skills and other attributes:S1A high level of competence in writing and speaking modern Chinese.S2A high level of competence in understanding the written and spoken forms of modern Chinese. S3A high level of intercultural awareness, leading to a professional and informed attitude to the Chinese language and Chinese culture.S4Skills in acquiring, using, and critically evaluating information about Chinese language and culture gained from a variety of sources, including teachers, native speakers, newspapers, broadcasts, works of reference, archival, textual and digital sources.S5The ability to carry out individual study and research, and to participate in group activities such as seminars.S6Familiarity with bibliographic and research skills, including the use of Chinese in word-processing, e-mailing and on the internet.S7Further transferable skills, valuable for employment, including information gathering, general IT skills, the development of individual resourcefulness, analytical thinking, the ability to identify problems and ways of resolving them, the critical appreciation of Chinese source material, the ability to construct and sustain logical argument on the basis of such material, and the ability to present such argument clearly in both oral and written forms.S8Apply qualitative methodological skills from the humanities and social sciences, and understand common disciplinary approaches in the field of Japanese studies.18. Teaching, learning and assessment Development of the learning outcomes is promoted through the following teaching and learning methods: Induction procedures at Level 1 include year-group orientation sessions, a China-specific Library induction session, University-wide IT induction, an initial tutorial of a pastoral nature, and the distribution of the School's Student Handbook, and a guide to essay writing. Formal Lectures are used in order to impart essential knowledge (K1-K4). Seminars, which may be either staff-led or student-led, are used throughout the programme for language classes. Their use is extensive beyond Level 1 and is designed to reinforce information imparted through formal lecturing by allowing students to work through, analyse, understand and respond to that information. Seminars devoted to Chinese language acquisition may take the form of classes devoted to reading or listening comprehension, written and spoken language production, translation both from and into Chinese, or the teaching of formal grammar backed up by exercises and drills. In all cases the aim is to expose students to as much authentic material in Chinese as possible, both written and spoken. Language seminars may therefore be conducted partly in Chinese. Seminars thus contribute both to the achievement of knowledge and understanding (K1-K4) and to the development of key disciplinary skills from the humanities and social sciences including digital, archival and textual analyses (S1-S2, S4S8). Independent study is essential to the successful completion of the programme. New students are introduced to study skills through a Level 1 skills seminar in Registration week, information in the Student Handbook and through practical experience in Level 1 modules. The amount of independent study broadly expected for each module is clearly set out in the programme information, although it is recognised that this will vary from student to student. Independent study is generally geared towards the assimilation and further clarification of material gleaned from lectures, preparation for seminars, preparation for written assessments, and the broader development of knowledge of the field of study. Independent study thus contributes to the development of all the programme learning outcomes, but is especially important in refining skills S4-S8. The period of residence abroad, during the third year of the programme, is spent at a leading Chinese university, currently Nanjing University. This year is essential for the acquisition of practical knowledge of life in contemporary China (K5). It provides unrivalled opportunities for creative contact with native speakers, for the sustained exercise and development of both productive and receptive linguistic skills to a level appropriate to embark upon final year study at level 3 (S1, S2), for the development of practical intercultural awareness to set alongside the theoretical awareness derived from the study of culture (S3, S8), and for the development of personal resourcefulness and adaptability likely to enhance employability (S7). The assessment takes the form of examinations sat in Nanjing University, China. Failure, when it occurs, results in an opportunity for resit on return to 91ֱ. Opportunities to demonstrate achievement of the learning outcomes are provided through the following assessment methods: Regular formative assessment usually in the form of periodic tests or exercises designed to reinforce knowledge and skills such as vocabulary acquisition, language production (written and spoken), language comprehension (written and spoken), translation to and from the target language is used at all levels to monitor carefully the students progression through the core language programme and to pick up and rectify areas of potential weakness in linguistic competence (K1, S1, S2). Summative assessment of target-language knowledge and skills uses a variety of methods, but common to all levels is the testing of a students ability to demonstrate productive and receptive skills in both formal written examinations and continually assessed oral performance. Both examination and continuous assessment are used at Levels 2 and 3 of the core language programme. Progression to Level 2 is conditional upon a satisfactory report from Nanjing University on the student's year there.19. Reference points The learning outcomes have been developed to reflect the following points of reference: Subject Benchmark Statements  HYPERLINK "https://www.qaa.ac.uk/quality-code/subject-benchmark-statements" https://www.qaa.ac.uk/quality-code/subject-benchmark-statements Framework for Higher Education Qualifications (2014)  HYPERLINK "https://www.qaa.ac.uk/docs/qaa/quality-code/qualifications-frameworks.pdf" https://www.qaa.ac.uk/docs/qaa/quality-code/qualifications-frameworks.pdf University Strategic Plan  HYPERLINK "http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/strategicplan" http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/strategicplan Learning and Teaching Strategy (2016-21)  HYPERLINK "/polopoly_fs/1.661828!/file/FinalStrategy.pdf" /polopoly_fs/1.661828!/file/FinalStrategy.pdf The research interests of the School's staff and the research strategies of the School of East Asian Studies20. Programme structure and regulations The Chinese Studies component of these Dual BA degree programmes is designed to equip students with the same level of linguistic competence as they would have acquired had they taken the single honours Chinese Studies degree programme. Specifically, students must take the following: at Level 1, four core Chinese Language modules (60 credits) plus modules in their other department on the Dual degree programme; at Level 2, four Chinese language modules (60 credits); between Level 2 and Level 3, a year spent at Nanjing University, China. This focuses on language study; at Level 3, two Chinese language modules (40 credits). The programme structure is designed to provide a context in which students can achieve all of the programme learning outcomes. Dual Honours students devote the same time to acquiring the Chinese language as do Single Honours students hence ensuring that graduates of these degree programmes have a high linguistic knowledge in addition to the disciplinary base provided by their dual department.Detailed information about the structure of programmes, regulations concerning assessment and progression and descriptions of individual modules are published in the University Calendar available on-line at  HYPERLINK "http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/calendar/" http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/calendar/. 21. Student development over the course of study At Level 1, the programme requires the study of a core of language modules which develop skills in Chinese from beginner's level. Level 2 entails: four compulsory Chinese language modules, building on the Level 1 course. The Year Abroad is taken between Years Three and Four. Students study at one of Chinas leading Universities, currently Nanjing University. The Year Abroad consolidates all language skills, promotes intercultural awareness and understanding, and develops self-reliance and confidence in the use of Chinese. Level 3 repeats the pattern of Level 2, and requires the study of two Chinese language modules. These build on the previous years courses and the Year Abroad, extending grammatical competence, exploring advanced translation, extending essay skills and oral competence.22. Criteria for admission to the programme Chinese is taught from beginner's level; no prior language knowledge is required. However, entry to the programme requires good results at A-Level or in an equivalent examination. Application should be made in the first instance to the School's Admissions Tutor at  HYPERLINK "mailto:germanicstudies@sheffield.ac.uk" seas@sheffield.ac.uk (Tel. 0114 222-8400), or to the Admissions Tutor in the other Department involved in the dual Degree Programme (the Department of Music, the Management School, the Department of History or the School of Modern Languages and Linguistics). Detailed information regarding admission to the programme is available at  HYPERLINK "http://www.shef.ac.uk/prospective/" http://www.shef.ac.uk/prospective/23. Additional information For further information students are directed to the Departmental web pages at  HYPERLINK "http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/seas" http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/seas. These contain full information on programmes and provide access to student handbooks.This specification represents a concise statement about the main features of the programme and should be considered alongside other sources of information provided by the teaching department(s) and the University. In addition to programme specific information, further information about studying at the University of 91ֱ can be accessed via our Student Services web site at  HYPERLINK "http://www.shef.ac.uk/ssid" http://www.shef.ac.uk/ssid.     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