ࡱ> [ 09bjbj kiki00+ jj8dj?.D>'2(D$)$-------$093b-H)n'@'H)H)-jj-r-r-r-H)j8-r-H)-r-r-r-О)r--.0?.r-3*x3r-3r-8H)H)r-H)H)H)H)H)-- ,fH)H)H)?.H)H)H)H)3H)H)H)H)H)H)H)H)H) X 0:  Programme Details 1. Programme titleTESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages)2. Programme codeELLT613. QAA FHEQ level74. FacultyArts and Humanities5. DepartmentSchool of English6. Other departments providing credit bearing modules for the programmeNone7. Accrediting Professional or Statutory BodyNot applicable8. Date of production/revisionApril 2022, January 2024 AwardsType of awardDuration9. Final awardMA1 year10. Intermediate awards  Programme Codes 11. JACS code(s) Select between one and three codes from the HYPERLINK "https://www.hesa.ac.uk/support/documentation/jacs/jacs3-principal" \hHESA website.Q100Q310Q90012. HECoS code(s) Select between one and three codes from the HYPERLINK "https://www.hesa.ac.uk/innovation/hecos" \hHECoS vocabulary.100328100318101410 Programme Delivery 13. Mode of study Full-time or Part-time 14. Mode of delivery Face to face (on campus) 15. Background to the programme and subject area This programme offers state-of-the art training in the theory and practice of teaching English to speakers of other languages (TESOL). It draws on research and teaching expertise from the field of Applied Linguistics, a wideranging discipline focussing on the study of language learning and language teaching, and on problems of language in society more generally. As such, it is inherently interdisciplinary drawing on such source disciplines as linguistics, education, psychology and sociology. Since the 1970s, the UK has pioneered research in applied linguistics, helping establish it as one of the most important branches of the study of language. At the same time there has been growing global demand for masters level programmes specialising in language pedagogy, in particular for aspiring or inexperienced teachers of English. The 91ֱ MA in TESOL places research-led pedagogy (informed by the latest Applied Linguistics research, and developing students own practitioner research skills), alongside extensive classroom-based teaching practice, culminating in the internationally recognised TEFLi professional qualification (i.e. Certificate-level ELT qualification equivalent, based on criteria stipulated by the British Council and Accreditation UK). Core elements of the programme introduce students to the theoretical principles of language teaching methodology, as well as more specialised training in the teaching of the four skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking). These research-led modules run alongside and feed into two modules dedicated to teaching practice, during which students will design and deliver TESOL classes to real students. Additional core training in professional research and reflective practice will further equip students with the critical and reflective skills to enable them to analyse their own teaching competencies, adapt these to a variety of needs-based learning contexts, and to engage in continuous professional development throughout their career. A range of optional modules will permit students to further specialise in specific areas of professional practice like teaching the language systems (grammar, vocabulary, and discourse), as well as topics in TESOL research like second language acquisition, English for specific and academic purposes, curriculum and materials development, test design, and the use of digital technologies in language teaching and research. A distinctive feature of the 91ֱ programme, setting it apart from our competitors, is the extent to which teaching practice is embedded into the curriculum, from the core modules through to a final Professional Portfolio combining reflective research inquiry with practical classroom skills. Students are given a unique immersion into the world of professional TESOL practice by virtue of the close collaboration between the School of English and the English Language Teaching Centre, allowing them to see first-hand the synergy between research-led theory and applied professional practice. Throughout, the programme encourages students to reflect critically on current practice and methodology, and to relate theoretical principles and insights to their own contexts of practice. MA TESOL students will be given the opportunity to gain the TEFLi qualification and will leave the programme with a sound grasp of the central principles and practices of TESOL, alongside practical expertise in delivering high quality language training suitable for a range of learning contexts. 16. Programme aims MA TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) aims to:A1Teach pre-service or otherwise inexperienced teachers the theoretical principles underpinning TESOL practice.A2Equip students with the practical skills to work in diverse international educational contexts.A3Allow students to develop their own areas of TESOL specialism.A4Encourage students to reflect on their own professional practice.A5Develop high-level skills in critical thinking, data analysis, and problem-solving in relation to TESOL. 17. Programme learning outcomes Knowledge and understandingOn successful completion of the programme, students will be able to:Links to Aim(s)LO1Articulate the key contemporary theories, principles and practices in TESOL.A1LO2Make informed and appropriately critical responses to current thinking and theorising in language teaching and language learning.A1, A5LO3Describe contemporary techniques and practices in language teaching, their advantages and their limitations.A1LO4Plan and deliver appropriate TESOL classes in a range of settings.A2LO5Articulate the key principles underpinning classroom-based practitioner research and apply these to their own teaching practice.A1, A2LO6Explain the current issues and challenges in their chosen specialist area(s).A1, A3, A5LO7Reflect on and apply learning from the course to their future and current professional practice.A2, A4LO8Describe and analyse language in use in a way that demonstrates a sound grasp of linguistic concepts and methods of analysis.A5 18. Learning and teaching methods Students on this programme will be taught by staff in the School of English and English Language Teaching Centre whose research and practice interests are in the field of TESOL. Teaching on the programme will be informed by the latest research and practice in the field, ensuring that LOs 1-8 are met across the modules that will constitute the programme. Students will be taught on campus in lecture and/or seminar rooms, with face-to-face teaching being the primary mode of delivery. Face-to-face teaching may also be supplemented where appropriate by digital learning methods. The mode of teaching delivery will vary across the programme, with a mixture of traditional lecture and seminar style teaching, and teaching observation (to ensure engagement with LO4). All modules will be supported with dedicated Blackboard sites which will provide access to all teaching materials for students. Students will be supported in becoming self-directed learners through the core provision of the programme, which will provide a solid grounding in TESOL and up to date teaching focussing on research and practice in the field. Students learning will be supported from the outset with a skills review in Intro Week designed to identify areas in which students need development support with. Services in 301 will be used to provide this development, and along with the teaching provided within modules will ensure that students are able to fulfil the programme LOs and become independent self-directed learners. 19. Assessment and feedback methods A key principle running through the programme is the commitment to using a variety of assessment methods in order to maximise opportunities for formative feedback and engaging a range of learning styles, while retaining opportunities for aspiring language teachers to attain the necessary grounding in the kinds of assessments they are likely to work with during their careers. These include essential academic writing skills, as exemplified in the essays, critical reviews, and literature reviews. At the same time, more practice-based skills will be trained and may be assessed through oral presentations, (teacher) development plans, and observed teaching practice. All modules will involve more than one type of assessment, combining credit-bearing and non-credit bearing elements. Formative assessments and tasks (for example, online quizzes, problem/worksheets and data analysis) will be used to enable students to understand how they are progressing in their modules and allow them to access further support if required. 20. Programme structure and student development The programme will be structured as follows: Semester Status Module title/option details Credits Autumn Core Language Teaching Methodology 15 Autumn Core Teaching Practice 1 15 Autumn Core Teaching Listening and Speaking 15 Spring Optional Materials and Course Design 15 Spring Optional Teacher Education 15 Spring Core Practitioner Research and Development 15 Spring Core Teaching Practice 2 15 Spring Core Teaching Reading and Writing 15 Spring Core Teaching Vocabulary, Grammar and Discourse 15 Summer Core Professional Portfolio 60 This programme structure will ensure that core material is dispersed throughout the academic year (responding to LOs 1-8) whilst still offering some choice for students on the programme (fulfilling A3; LO6). The core provision will ensure that all students are provided with consistent levels of support across the programme. In keeping with its strong emphasis on practice-based training, the default final project will be the Professional Portfolio, which will consolidate and deepen the work carried out in the core modules and provide opportunities for research and practice into agreed specialist areas of TESOL. The programme will provide students with breadth and depth of knowledge in TESOL. This makes the programme a distinctive offering that showcases the high quality of research and practice in the School of English and the English Language Teaching Centre at the University of 91ֱ.Detailed information about the structure of programmes, regulations concerning assessment and progression and descriptions of individual modules are published in the University Calendar available online at HYPERLINK "http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/calendar/" \hhttp://www.sheffield.ac.uk/calendar/. 21. Criteria for admission to the programme A minimum 2:1 (or equivalent) undergraduate degree in linguistics, English language and/or literature, a modern language (or a cognate subject like education or psychology where the applicant has suitable experience of language teaching). Applicants must demonstrate either some experience of, or a strong interest in, language teaching. Entry requirements for international students Overall IELTS score of 7.0 with a minimum of 6.5 in each component. 22. Reference points The learning outcomes have been developed to reflect the following points of reference: Subject Benchmark Statements HYPERLINK "https://www.qaa.ac.uk/quality-code/subject-benchmark-statements" \hhttps://www.qaa.ac.uk/quality-code/subject-benchmark-statements Framework for Higher Education Qualifications (2014) HYPERLINK "https://www.qaa.ac.uk/docs/qaa/quality-code/qualifications-frameworks.pdf" \hhttps://www.qaa.ac.uk/docs/qaa/quality-code/qualifications-frameworks.pdf University Vision and Strategic Plan HYPERLINK "/vision" \h/vision 2020-27 strategic plan, Education pillar HYPERLINK "/vision/our-pillars/education" \h/vision/our-pillars/education 23. Additional information None This specification represents a concise statement about the main features of the programme and should be considered alongside other sources of information provided by the teaching department(s) and the University. In addition to programme specific information, further information about studying at 91ֱ can be accessed via our Student Services web site at HYPERLINK "http://www.shef.ac.uk/ssid" \hhttp://www.shef.ac.uk/ssid.     ellt61 ver24-25 PAGE1 Programme Specification A statement of the knowledge, understanding and skills that underpin a taught programme of study leading to an award from 91ֱ  -.efgxy  # $ % R S a b c ϵϭڣh`h{>*h`h>*h`h{5>*hVCJaJh`hB*CJaJphh`hCJaJh`h{CJaJ h>* h{5>*hhCJaJjh`UmHnHu: .f$If$<1$$<a$ fgyre_$If (($Ifgd`kd$$IfH0x (   0n(4d4 Hapyt`rla $1$Ifgd`$Ifkd$$IfH0x (   0n(4d4 Hapyt`rll$Ifkd|$$IfH0x (   0n(4d4 Hapyt`rll$Ifkd:$$IfH0x (   0n(4d4 Hapyt` $ rla $1$Ifgd`$Ifkd$$IfH0x (   0n(4d4 Hapyt`$ % S b reZ $1$Ifgd` (($Ifgd`kd$$IfH0x (   0n(4d4 Hapyt`b c reZ $1$Ifgd` (($Ifgd`kdt$$IfH0x (   0n(4d4 Hapyt` roddd $$Ifgd`$kd2$$IfH0x (   0n(4d4 Hapyt`     D E + ɽ}Խ,jh`h\6>*B*CJUaJphU#h`h{6>*B*CJaJphUjn h\Uh\jh\Uh`h{6CJaJh`hCJaJh`h{CJaJ h{5>* h>*h`h{>*hh`h>*. 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