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Background to the programme and subject area East Asia is the most dynamic region in the world, where both cooperation and competition continue in political, economic, and cultural arenas among countries in the region. The interaction between politics and media has strongly influenced the region-wide situation as well as domestic politics and socio-cultural trends in China, Japan and Korea. The MA in Politics and Media in East Asia addresses both international political issues and media trends in East Asia. Students will learn about major political trends in the region, while developing in-depth knowledge about the roles media plays in these developments by influencing public opinion and shaping mutual perception of people in the region. Depending on students interests, they can specialise in either politics or media trends, while acquiring essential knowledge about both fields. Knowledge about both political and media trends in East Asia is highly valuable for careers in government, public sectors, international organizations, and non-governmental organizations. It is also much welcomed by private sectors, particularly media and consulting industries in western countries as well as in East Asia. Therefore, this degree is designed to offer focused and essential education to enhance graduate students prospect for employability.16. Programme aims The MA in Politics and Media in East Asia offered by the School of East Asian Studies has the following general aims (consonant with the Mission Statement of the University of 91ֱ): To provide students with an in-depth understanding of the contemporary issues and trends in the politics and media in East Asia, including the interaction between the two arenas in international practice. To develop and enhance a student's understanding of a variety of societal and cultural sources that affects media and transnational situation in East Asia from both a conceptual and an empirical perspective. To develop a range of generic abilities, particularly: the acquisition, use and evaluation of primary and secondary source material; communication and presentation skills; problem-solving; and teamwork. To encourage the enhanced skills associated with research approaches in politics and media studies, and writing, reasoning and argument, and analysis and critique. To promote the impartial understanding about cultural context that underpins East Asian politics and media, allowing opportunities to acquire East Asian language abilities for students to choose to acquire those language abilities. To enable students to maximise their potential in all aspects of their programme. To assess students over a range of knowledge, understanding and skills, and to identify and support academic excellence.17. Programme learning outcomes Knowledge and understanding:K1Critical understanding of the main trends and underpinning causes of politics and international relations in East Asia.K2Knowledge about major trends in media and popular culture in East Asian countries and the Asia Pacific region.K3Sophisticated understanding about transnational interaction among media and societies in East Asia.K4Knowledge and critical understanding of selected models and theories on the role of media in contemporary East Asian countries.K5Knowledge and critical understanding of key theoretical frameworks for understanding international politics in East Asia with a focus on new order and identity formation in the region.K6Knowledge and understanding about how political-economic considerations affect media and cultural situation in the East Asian countries and the Asia Pacific region. Skills and other attributes:S1Advanced analytical and essay-writing skills.S2The capacity to make an oral presentation to a small group and to respond to questions.S3The ability to carry out individual study and research, and to participate actively in group activities such as seminars.S4Well-developed IT skills.S5Further transferable skills, valuable for employment, including information gathering, the development of individual resourcefulness, analytical thinking, the ability to identify problems and ways of resolving them, the critical appreciation of source material, the ability to construct and sustain logical argument on the basis of such material, and the ability to present such argument clearly in both oral and written forms.On graduation students achieving the award of MA will have developed an additional knowledge and understanding of:S6The ability to carry out an extended piece of research based upon a critical appreciation of some primary and a wide range of secondary source materials.18. Teaching, learning and assessment Development of the learning outcomes is promoted through the following teaching and learning methods: Development of the learning outcomes is promoted through the following teaching and learning methods: 1. Formal lectures are used throughout the programme to impart essential knowledge (K1-K6 above). However, as befits an MA programme, the main form of teaching and learning is via seminars. 2. Seminars, which may be either staff-led or student-led, are used throughout the programme. The ability to give a seminar presentation, complete with either handouts or the use of Power Points, is regarded as being an essential skill. Regular practice in giving seminars, on which written and oral feedback is provided by staff, allows students to acquire and develop their skills until they are proficient. Seminars are also designed to reinforce information imparted through lectures by allowing students to work through, analyse, understand and respond to that information. In the case of East Asian language modules, the seminars may take the form of classes devoted to reading or listening comprehension, written and spoken language production, translation both from and into East Asian languages, or the teaching of formal grammar backed up by exercises and drills. In all cases the aim is to expose students to as much authentic material in East Asian languages as possible, both written and spoken. Language seminars may therefore be conducted partly in an East Asian language. Seminars contribute both to the achievement of knowledge and understanding (K1-K5) and to the development of key skills (S1-S5). 3. Tutorials are meetings arranged between a tutor and an individual student in order to clarify a particular problem experienced by that student in the understanding of material or in the process of preparation for a seminar or an assessment, in particular essay. Tutorials play an important role throughout the programme, playing a particularly important role in developing knowledge and understanding (K1-K5) and in the development of key skills (S1-S6). 4. Independent study is essential to the successful completion of this postgraduate programme. The amount of independent study broadly expected for each module is clearly set out in the programme information, although it is recognised that this will vary from student to student. Independent study is generally geared towards the assimilation and further clarification of material gleaned from lectures, preparation for seminars, preparation for written assessments, and the broader development of knowledge of the field of study. It is especially important for the completion of the 15,000 word dissertation completed during the summer months. Independent study thus contributes to the development of all the programme learning outcomes (S1-S6). Opportunities to demonstrate achievement of the learning outcomes are provided through the following assessment methods: Progress through the Politics and Media in East Asia programme is assessed by means of: 1. Formal written examinations. A substantial emphasis is placed on performance in examinations as a way of ensuring that the programme learning outcomes of the Politics and Media in East Asia degree are achieved. These exams test analytical skills (S1, S5), language skills and the ability to apply relevant theories of politics and media under time pressure, and ensure that students acquire a wide rather than a narrow understanding of East Asian politics and media by requiring them to study and revise the whole syllabus for any given module (K1-K6). 2. Assessed essays. These are used to test the development of independent study, IT and transferable skills (S3-S6), to assess the refinement of analytical skills (S1) and to assess the extent to which a student has acquired a more detailed understanding of a particular part of the syllabus than is possible in an exam (K1-K5). 3. A dissertation. The dissertation assesses the ability of a student to successfully complete an in-depth piece of research using primary and secondary materials (S3-S6), and their understanding of the particular topic chosen (K1-K5). It also allows them to demonstrate competence in an East Asian language, if they have acquired such abilities utilizing optional modules. 4. Assessed student-led seminars. These assess understanding (K1-K5), oral presentational skills (S2), and independent study, IT and information-gathering skills needed to produce effective seminar handouts and content-rich presentations (S3-S5). 5. Oral examinations (in language modules). Summative assessment of language knowledge also uses one-to-one oral examinations. In addition, regular formative assessment usually in the form of periodic tests or weekly exercises designed to reinforce knowledge and skills such as vocabulary acquisition, language production (written and spoken), language comprehension (written and spoken), translation to and from the target language is used to monitor carefully the students progression and to pick up and rectify areas of potential weakness in linguistic competence. 6, Further innovative assessments: In addition to above methods of assessments, modules will include the following innovative assessments, such as mock testimonies in Foreign Affairs Committee of House of Commons, blog post, and video diaries, which will nurture skills for real-world situations, while enhancing students active and continuous engagement with modules in highly interactive fashion. 19. Reference points The learning outcomes have been developed to reflect the following points of reference: The research interests of staff and the research strategy of the School of East Asian Studies; Subject Benchmark Statements  HYPERLINK "https://www.qaa.ac.uk/quality-code/subject-benchmark-statements" https://www.qaa.ac.uk/quality-code/subject-benchmark-statements Framework for Higher Education Qualifications (2014)  HYPERLINK "https://www.qaa.ac.uk/docs/qaa/quality-code/qualifications-frameworks.pdf" https://www.qaa.ac.uk/docs/qaa/quality-code/qualifications-frameworks.pdf University Strategic Plan  HYPERLINK "http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/strategicplan" http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/strategicplan Learning and Teaching Strategy (2016-21)  HYPERLINK "/polopoly_fs/1.661828!/file/FinalStrategy.pdf" /polopoly_fs/1.661828!/file/FinalStrategy.pdf20. Programme structure and regulations The Politics and Media in East Asia programme comprises in brief the three following mandatory components, while allowing optional modules. -Two core modules in semester 1 (International Politics of East Asia and Media, Culture and Society in East Asia) will introduce essential relevant conceptual foundation, while introducing recent trends and dynamics of politics and media situation in the region. -Required modules from country-specific Media modules (30 credits): Students will choose from a group of modules on Chinese or Japanese media offered during the spring semester. -Required modules from East Asian Politics Group (30 credits): Students will choose from a group of politics modules, addressing China, Japan, and Korea over the two semesters. -A dissertation or project on some aspect of East Asian politics or media. This comprises one third of the credits (60) for the programme. Student Choice is served through the selection of a range of approved modules on East Asian studies (society and politics, etc.) and East Asian language modules. Selection is made by the student acting on advice from an experienced academic. Particularly, students wishing to develop a fluency in East Asian language can take up to two language modules (30 credits) over two semesters, thus developing competence to operate in chosen East Asian countries after the degree. Competence in the productive skills of writing and speaking one or more East Asian languages and in the receptive skills of understanding written and spoken forms of one or more East Asian languages (for students who choose to study East Asian language utilizing their optional modules).Detailed information about the structure of programmes, regulations concerning assessment and progression and descriptions of individual modules are published in the University Calendar available on-line at  HYPERLINK "http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/calendar/regs" http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/calendar/regs.21. Student development over the course of study The first semester will provide a foundation of knowledge and understanding through the two core modules (International Politics of East Asia and Media, Culture, and Society in East Asia). The second semester will provide a deeper understanding about country-specific media situations through additional modules on China and Japan. Additionally throughout the course of two semesters, students will build their deeper knowledge and understanding about the politics and international relations of East Asian countries by selecting from a closed list of required modules on politics of China, Japan, and Korea. The two core modules (International Politics of East Asia and Media, Culture, and Society in East Asia) are offered in the first semester. This sequence allows the teaching and learning provision to become developmental, while preparing students to develop the focus of their dissertations from an early stage of their studies. Learning outcomes (K 1-6 and S 1-6) are acquired incrementally over Semesters 1 and 2; and S6 is acquired as part of the dissertation component as well. Students wishing to build language skills (with their optional modules up to 30 credits) follow a beginners programme in an East Asian languages or more advanced level programme, depending on the initial assessment by the language teaching team in the SEAS. These language programmes are designed to introduce the major structures of the language, to build vocabulary, and to develop elementary or more advanced skills in the reception and production of both the written and spoken language. The summer months allow students the opportunity to bring together of the knowledge understanding and skills acquired in the previous two semesters to produce an in-depth study of some aspect of East Asian politics and/or media in the form of a dissertation or project.22. Criteria for admission to the programme Detailed information regarding admission to programmes is available from the Universitys On-Line Prospectus at  HYPERLINK "http://www.shef.ac.uk/courses/" http://www.shef.ac.uk/courses/.23. Additional information This specification represents a concise statement about the main features of the programme and should be considered alongside other sources of information provided by the teaching department(s) and the University. In addition to programme specific information, further information about studying at 91ֱ can be accessed via our Student Services web site at  HYPERLINK "http://www.shef.ac.uk/ssid" http://www.shef.ac.uk/ssid.      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