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Background to the programme and subject area Dental technology is changing rapidly with wide ranging technological advancements taking place as there are improvements in materials and the development of more advanced manufacturing processes. 91ֱs School of Clinical Dentistry is able to offer dental technicians and dentists the opportunity for education at Masters degree level in dental technology. The MSc in Dental Technology will provide students with a unique learning experience in advanced dental technology, new technologies and manufacturing processes in the dental laboratory. This programme provides an advanced level of education in dental technology and related research to dental technologists who desire higher education in areas such as Orthodontics, Fixed and Removable Prosthodontics, Professionalism and Dental Materials Science. Subjects are taught by leaders in the fields of Dental Materials and Dental Technology. This program allows students to attend lectures and seminars offered by the Postgraduate program to gain a mutual understanding of comprehensive treatment planning and improve communication between dental technicians and dentists. The programme aims to identify the changing needs demanded of dental technicians through an emphasis on the rapid developments taking place in dental technology. We aim to equip the students with the relevant skills needed for the modern dental technology workplace. Skills that dental technicians acquire are already international skills and are transferrable across communities but the techniques and materials that are available can often be more locally focused. The need for developing extremely high skills levels using traditional techniques and materials will be balanced with the acquisition of new skills in cutting edge manufacturing, techniques and materials. Universities are adapting in many ways to the forces of globalisation and internationalisation of education. Use of the new manufacturing procedures within the curriculum is just one way in which we can ensure that our work has relevance in the modern dental laboratory. New and traditional technologies will be appropriately integrated into the programme to ensure that graduates develop the awareness and capabilities needed to perform effectively in the workplace after study at the University.16. Programme aims The aims of the programme are to: provide teaching that is informed and invigorated by the research and scholarship of its staff; provide the skills necessary for the student to be able to compete in the workplace at an advanced level; develop in students an independence of thought and a critical approach to learning, theories and concepts used in dental technology; enable students to build on their current technical skills and demonstrate academic rigour and excellence in all aspects of dental technology; develop a broad understanding of dental technology together with a more detailed and critical understanding of their selected specialist area in dental technology; develop in students a range of subject-specific and generic skills appropriate to employment both within and outside of the field of dental technology; identify the changing needs demanded of dental technicians globally and within the students own communities.17. Programme learning outcomes Knowledge and understanding:Upon successful completion of the programme students will have developed:K1A broad-based core-knowledge (including: dental public health, information technology, cross infection control, law, ethics and professionalism);K2In-depth knowledge of specific subject areas (including: advanced dental technology techniques, the evaluation of dental materials, health informatics and the structural and physical properties of materials. To also have the ability to produce work from the synthesis of different subject areas);K3A broad-based knowledge of the social and economic impact of the application of various dental technology techniques (including: targeting appropriate techniques for differing world economies);K4Demonstrate practical abilities, technical and material concepts and an ability to integrate knowledge across disciplines to achieve the optimum outcome for a dental appliance and have the ability to produce dental appliances from verbal and written instructions independently of help;K5A working and critical understanding of the relationship between the information base in the chosen dental technology subject areas and the theory that arises from it;K6A working knowledge of advanced dental laboratory techniques and their application;K7A working knowledge of dental terminology, nomenclature and classification;K8A deep knowledge of the ethical, legal and professional issues related to dental care professionals;K9An in depth understanding of the applicability of technical dental skills to different clinical situations.If exiting with a PG Certificate students will have gained learning outcomes K1, K3, K7, K8.If exiting with a PG Diploma students will have gained learning outcomes K1, K2, K3, K4, K7, K8, K9. Skills and other attributes:Upon successful completion of the programme students will have developed:S1Recognise and apply practical concepts, principles and/or techniques to their work;S2Obtain and integrate practices from different specialisms;S3Design investigations that address focussed questions and interpret data in an objective, critical and informative manner;S4Exercise independent thought and judgement;S5Recognise the moral and ethical issues of a particular approach and appreciate the need for ethical standards and appropriate codes of conduct;S6Use factual knowledge of dental technology and, where appropriate, information technology to analyse and/or address complex technical dental issues;S7Critically analyse, synthesise, summarise and cite printed and electronic information;S8Recognise health and safety risks and devise safe systems of working;S9Collect, record, organise and/or analyse data to address technically based dental questions;S10Use commercial software for the analysis, design and presentation of information and/or data. Transferable skills:Students will be able to:T1Find and utilise electronic and printed information effectively;T2Communicate effectively in writing;T3Communicate effectively orally;T4Use AV presentation aids effectively;T5Manage projects;T6Identify individual and collective goals and responsibilities and perform in a manner appropriate to these roles;T7Recognise and respect the views and opinions of other team members;T8Reflect on individual and group performance and adjust subsequent approaches;T9Negotiate effectively;T10Self-manage and have the skills underpinning life-long learning (time-management, independent learning, organisational skills);T11Make informed / justifiable decisions;T12Identify and work towards targets for personal, academic and career development;T13Develop an adaptable, flexible and effective approach to study and work;T14Appreciate the interdisciplinary nature of science;T15An ability to organise and manage practical and literary projects to a high standard.18. Teaching, learning and assessment Development of the learning outcomes is promoted through the following teaching and learning methods: The main teaching and learning methods adopted for each learning outcome are shown below. In most cases a combination of methods is used. Skills are acquired mainly through self-directed, assessed work conducted during lecture modules, laboratory classes and group projects. In the research project, more emphasis is placed on student centred learning exercises (SCLEs), seminars and project work (small group and individual) as methods by which knowledge and understanding are gained and skills are acquired and improved. Observation of clinical methods and team working, with a strong emphasis on self-directed, autonomous use of acquired skills and the need to work efficiently in groups or as part of a team, develops transferable skills that will serve our students well. Opportunities to demonstrate achievement of the learning outcomes are provided through the following assessment methods: See table below TEACHING AND LEARNING METHODS Learning Outcome (abbreviated, see section17)lecturesseminarsTutorials workshopsProblem based learningComputer based information processingLaboratory workResearch projectK1 Core knowledgeK2 Specific detailed knowledgeK3 Impact and applicationK4 Integration of concepts/factsK5 Theory generation and testingK6 Advanced dental techniquesK7 TerminologyK8 Ethics and philosophyK9 Application of skillsS1 Application of core principlesS2 Integration of technical principlesS3 Experimental designS4 Independent thought/judgementS5 Ethical and moral issuesS6 Problem solvingS7 Literature evaluation and synthesisS8 Risk assessmentS9 Data generation and analysisS10 Software useT1 Information retrievalT2 Written communicationT3 Oral communicationT4 AV useT5 Project managementT6 Goal identificationT7 TeamworkT8 Self assessmentT9 NegotiationT10 Self-management and life long learningT11 Informed decision makingT12 Personal, academic and career developmentT13 Flexible and effective workingT14 InterdisciplinarityT15 Professional project management19. Reference points The learning outcomes have been developed to reflect the following points of reference: External The Framework for Higher Education Qualifications in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (2001)  HYPERLINK "http://www.qaa.ac.uk/Publications/InformationAndGuidance/Pages/The-framework-for-higher-education-qualifications-in-England-Wales-and-Northern-Ireland.aspx" http://www.qaa.ac.uk/Publications/InformationAndGuidance/Pages/The-framework-for-higher-education-qualifications-in-England-Wales-and-Northern-Ireland.aspx HYPERLINK "http://www.qaa.ac.uk/crntwork/nqf/ewni2001/contents.htm"  The General Dental Councils standards on the training of Dental Technicians The General Dental Councils lifelong learning statements good knowledge of basic clinical techniques and terminology relating to complete and partial dentures:  HYPERLINK "https://www.gdc-uk.org/professionals/cpd" https://www.gdc-uk.org/professionals/cpd Internal  HYPERLINK "/ourplan" /ourplan http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/als/strategyDepartmental Research Interests ( HYPERLINK "http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/dentalschool/research" http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/dentalschool/research) In assessing the learning outcomes, the level of performance, e.g. the extent of knowledge and depth of understanding, will be compliant with guidance given in the above references.20. Programme structure and regulations The programme is divided into 6 core modules (Postgraduate Diploma 120 credits) covering the subjects that underpin the subject of Dental Technology, plus a research project/dissertation module of 60 credits required for the award of the Masters Degree. A candidate who has been awarded not less than 60 credits from the core modules shall be eligible for the award of Postgraduate Certificate in Dental Technology.21. Student development over the course of study Semester 1In semester 1 the students will undertake core subjects relevant to the field of dental technology, e.g. Dental Materials Science, Research Problems & Approaches and Dental Laboratory Governance. Students will be introduced to a broad range of theory, foundation skills and data collection methods that build on and consolidate skills and knowledge acquired previously. The student will develop information processing and data interpretation skills (ORP608) and will build a solid base for conceptual thinking, logical argument, professional judgment (Dental Laboratory Governance), communication skills, teamwork and skills for life-long learning (Dental Laboratory Governance).Semester 2Semester 2 brings in advanced technological procedures and builds on the specialist subject areas of dental technology that dental care professionals would be expected to have an in depth knowledge of at this level. The modules at this level, permits students to broaden and deepen their interests whilst developing greater laboratory based skills. Students also develop greater technological skills (Introduction to Digital Dentistry and Dental Manufacturing), Research projectRunning across both semesters it is expected that the student will identify a research question/problem or area, investigate and fully answer the area of interest that they have identified using the skills gained previously. The research project will develop knowledge, understanding and a critical approach to evidence, theories and concepts and utilise a range of teaching and assessment methods appropriate to their learning aims.22. Criteria for admission to the programme Detailed information regarding admission to the programme is available at  HYPERLINK "http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/dentalschool/masters/dental_technology" http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/dentalschool/masters/dental_technology23. Additional information The Dental School in 91ֱ was first established in the early 1900s and 91ֱ University has been awarding a degree in Dental Surgery since 1922. The current Dental School building was opened in 1992. On the ground floor of the School you will find our 120-seat lecture theatre which was upgraded in 2007 and is equipped with up-to-date audio visual equipment. There are also six seminar/tutorial rooms, an IT Suite with 20 workstations and an internet caf / common room. If you need it, the School has wireless connectivity. On the second floor of the School there is a 54-unit recently upgraded Clinical Skills Laboratory with a dental chair for demonstrations via a live video link and computers offering computer aided learning packages. In the annexe to the School, we have a newly refurbished 40-unit Dental Technology Laboratory with associated materials processing facilities. In 2009 the School opened a new wing which houses purpose-built and state of the art research laboratories for cell and tissue culture, microbiology, electron microscopy, histology, histochemistry and immuno-cytochemistry, biochemistry, molecular biology, proteomics and materials science. The Dental School is connected to the recently redeveloped Charles Clifford Dental Hospital. Completed in 2009, the redevelopment included the upgrading of many areas within the hospital including new clinical facilities. The various clinical departments are equipped with dental units in both open clinics an&'(9<?@AMQRSdpqrʸʏʏuhuu[ʏhv~hUxCJOJQJhv~h=CJOJQJhv~h <CJOJQJhv~hSOCJOJQJhv~hRCJOJQJh+hz$CJOJQJaJhv~hz$CJOJQJ#hv~h=CJOJQJ\nH tH hv~hz$5CJOJQJh+h<"95CJOJQJaJjh+5Ujh CGUmHnHu'(*9@YkdtU$$IfHF'@0`'    44 Had(($Ifgd+ $d<a$gd+@ACMRvfffd(($Ifgd+kd V$$IfHF'@0`'    44 HaRSUdqtdddd(($Ifgd+kdV$$IfH}F'@0`'    44 Haqruvfffd(($Ifgd+kd:W$$IfHF'@0`'    44 Havfffd(($Ifgd+kdW$$IfHF'@0`'    44 Ha ) vffVFd($IfgdK[@d($IfgdK[@d(($Ifgd+kdfX$$IfHF'@0`'    44 Ha   ( ) * < G H I J a s t u  & / 0 1 N õõsõfõfõ\õsõhK[@CJOJQJhv~h=CJOJQJhv~h <CJOJQJhv~hz$CJOJQJ\hv~hz$CJOJQJhv~h iCJOJQJhv~h+CJOJQJhv~hz$5CJOJQJh+hz$CJOJQJaJhv~hCJOJQJhv~hRCJOJQJh#RCJOJQJhMCJOJQJ#) * - < I vfffd(($Ifgd+kdX$$IfHF'@0`'    44 HaI J L t vfffd(($Ifgd+kdY$$IfHF'@0`'    44 Ha vfffd(($Ifgd+kd(Z$$IfHF'@0`'    44 Ha vfffd(($Ifgd+kdZ$$IfHF'@0`'    44 Ha  vfffd(($Ifgd+kdT[$$IfHF'@0`'    44 Ha  & 0 vfffd(($Ifgd+kd[$$IfHF'@0`'    44 Ha0 1 4 N U vfffd(($Ifgd+kd\$$IfHF'@0`'    44 HaN O P Q T U V  ) O i j k { ̽̽̽}y}j[j[j[L[jh+hRCJOJQJaJh+h~OCJOJQJaJh+haCJOJQJaJh+ h+h<"9h#RCJOJQJh ~CJOJQJhMCJOJQJhv~hRCJOJQJhv~hz$5CJOJQJh+hz$CJOJQJaJhv~hz$CJOJQJhv~h+CJOJQJhv~h <CJOJQJhv~hCCJOJQJU V Y vfffd(($Ifgd+kd]$$IfHF'@0`'    44 Ha vfffd(($Ifgd+kd]$$IfHF'@0`'    44 Ha  9vq[E55d<$IfgdK[@d<$1$7$8$H$IfgdK[@dx$1$7$8$H$Ifgd+gd7kdB^$$IfHF'@0`'    44 Ha H L  6 9 O ] _ UVcwⵦ|i%h+h>*䴳ϴ+䴳ϴ󰭰ڰ䴳ϴ+14䴳ϴ+;䴳ϴ+󴳰䴳ϴ+0ղ䴳ϴ+R䴳ϴ+a䴳ϴ+~䴳ϴ%%7889&+,?ٳٳ줕%+B*CJOJQJaJph%h+hklB*CJOJQJaJph9+,?a~S* & 0` P@dx$1$7$8$H$Ifgd+gd7ekd^$$IfHQ'`'0`'44 HaytK[@d<x$1$7$8$H$IfgdK[@`#)*Y_t}  +,=>ٶٶ}ٶjjjj%+11111111111111111111111111111ŴŴŴŴ!vѴǰ*䴳ϴ+Ѵǰ䴳ϴvT䴳ϴv䴳ϴ!vT*䴳ϴ00&1(1*1,1014181<1@1B1D1|11111111111Ff9Ff$d(($Ifa$gdK[@d(($IfgdK[@Ffɟ11111111111182:2<2@2B2F2H2L2P2R2T2z2~2FfFf$d(($Ifa$gdK[@d(($IfgdK[@111111111111162<2>2B2D2H2J2L2N2R2T2x2z2|22222222222222222223333 3"3$3&3(3,3.3^3׳׏!hv~hIB*CJOJQJph%h+hjB*CJOJQJaJph%h+hMo^B*CJOJQJaJph!hv~hMo^B*CJOJQJphh+hMo^CJOJQJaJhv~hTCJOJQJhv~hjCJOJQJ8~222222222222222222222Ff* & 0` P@d(($1$7$8$H$IfgdK[@Ffa$d(($Ifa$gdK[@2333333"3&3*3,3.3`3d3h3l3p3t3x3|333333FfFfѹ$d(($Ifa$gdK[@d(($IfgdK[@^3`3b3d3f3h3j3l3n3p3r3t3v3x3z3|3~33333333333333333333334 4 4444444444 4$4&484D4F4J4L4P4R4|4444444444444444444!hv~hIB*CJOJQJphh+hMo^CJOJQJaJhv~hTCJOJQJhv~hjCJOJQJN333333333344 444444"4$4&4:4<4>4@4Ffd(($IfgdK[@FfA$d(($Ifa$gdK[@@4B4D4H4J4N4P4R4~44444444444444444Ffid(($IfgdK[@Ff$d(($Ifa$gdK[@44444445555 5 55555>5@5B5D5F5J5N5R5Ffd(($IfgdK[@Ff!$d(($Ifa$gdK[@444444455 555555<5F5H5J5L5N5P5R5T5X5Z5v55555555555555555555556666 6 6D6J6L6N6P6R6T6V6X6Z6\6^6`6d6f666666hv~hPCJOJQJ!hv~hIB*CJOJQJphh+hMo^CJOJQJaJhv~hjCJOJQJhv~hTCJOJQJIR5V5X5Z5x5z5|5~55555555555555666 6FfId(($IfgdK[@Ff$d(($Ifa$gdK[@ 6 6F6H6J6N6R6V6Z6^6b6d6f666666666666FfqFf$d(($Ifa$gdK[@d(($IfgdK[@Ff6666666"7,7.70727476787:7>7@7n7p7r7t7v7x7z7|7~777777777777777777778h8q88׿%h+hB*CJOJQJaJph+h-|Qh5B*CJOJQJ\aJphhv~hz$5CJOJQJ\ h+h<"9!hv~hIB*CJOJQJphh+hMo^CJOJQJaJhv~hPCJOJQJhv~hjCJOJQJ16$7&7(7*7,7074787<7>7@7p7t7x7|7777777777FfFf)$d(($Ifa$gdK[@d(($IfgdK[@77777777778h8q8::||* & 0` P@dx$1$7$8$H$Ifgd7* & 0` P@dx$1$7$8$H$Ifgd-|Qdx$Ifgd-|Qgd7Ff$d(($Ifa$gdK[@88999999G:H:I::::::};;;;ĴĐăzoh[RLB< hK[@CJjhK[@CJU h#RCJh+hdXCJh7hdXCJOJQJ h7h7jh7h+Uh7h+CJjh7h+CJU h'h70JCJOJQJaJ%h7h7B*CJOJQJaJphh7B*CJOJQJaJph(jh7B*CJOJQJUaJph%h+hB*CJOJQJaJph%h+hZ}B*CJOJQJaJph;;;;;;;;;<<@<A<B<j<<<p]J7%h+hB*CJOJQJaJph%h+hB*CJOJQJaJph%hK[@hwB*CJOJQJaJph%h ~hB*CJOJQJaJph h ~h-|Q0JCJOJQJaJ%h ~h-|QB*CJOJQJaJph0jh-|QB*CJOJQJUaJmHphsH+h ~h5B*CJOJQJ\aJph h7CJhhK[@0JCJjhK[@CJU hK[@CJh#RhK[@CJ:;;B<<===~?PKgd7`kd$$IfH'`'0`'44 Hadxx$Ifgd-|Q* & 0` P@dx$1$7$8$H$Ifgd-|Q-$dx$Ifa$gdK[@<<<<<<<<<<====B>a>x>}?~???뤑sd]PCPC6d]hv~hz$CJOJQJhv~hRYCJOJQJhv~hfGCJOJQJ h+h<"9h+hz$CJOJQJaJhv~hRCJOJQJ!hv~hB*CJOJQJph%h+hB*CJOJQJaJph%h+hB*CJOJQJaJph hh-|Q0JCJOJQJaJ%h+h-|QB*CJOJQJaJphh-|QB*CJOJQJaJph(jh-|QB*CJOJQJUaJph~????cB}dxx$IfgdK[@ d$Ifgd+gd7`kd$$IfH'`'0`'44 Ha??"@,@4@<@>@\@`@}@@@@ A+A,A|A}AAAABBBaBbBcBdBoBֲ̿qcTh+h3hCJOJQJaJ *hv~h3hCJOJQJh#RB*CJOJQJph!hv~h~tB*CJOJQJph!hv~hB*CJOJQJph!hv~hB*CJOJQJphhv~h8{CJOJQJhv~hpCJOJQJh#RCJOJQJhv~h~tCJOJQJhv~h3hCJOJQJh-|Qh3h5CJOJQJ\cBdBoB=D{kdxx$IfgdK[@ d$Ifgd+xkd$$IfH0 'h0`'44 HaoBBBBBBBB+CECFCGCKCQCSCbChCiCCCCD?D̻zlz_PLh-|Qh+h3hCJOJQJaJhv~h3hCJOJQJhCB*CJOJQJph!hv~hCB*CJOJQJph!hv~hB*CJOJQJphh#RB*CJOJQJph!hv~h~tB*CJOJQJph!hv~h8{B*CJOJQJphhv~hCJOJQJhv~hpCJOJQJhv~h8{CJOJQJhv~hCJOJQJ=D>D?DPDFyidxx$Ifgd-|Q d$Ifgd+xkd$$IfH0 'h0`'44 Ha?DPDDD0E1EFFF/F[F_FyFzF{FFF G GGɸyyh[hLh>hK[@hR5CJOJQJhK[@h 0JCJOJQJhK[@h CJOJQJ!jhK[@h CJOJQJUhK[@hI5CJOJQJhK[@hz$5CJOJQJ h+h<"9h+h3hCJOJQJaJhv~h3hCJOJQJ!hv~hB*CJOJQJphhv~hCJOJQJhv~hpCJOJQJhv~hCJOJQJh-|Qh3h5CJOJQJ\FF/FGrdxx$IfgdK[@gd7xkd $$IfH0 'h0`'44 HaGG*GGDIJKLwyyc" edx$If^gd-|Q*dx$Ifgd-|Qdx$Ifgd-|Qgd7`kd$$IfH'`'0`'44 Ha GG*GKM   GHuvwx8۹uhWJW;hv~hz$0JCJOJQJhv~h+CJOJQJ!jhv~h+CJOJQJUhv~hz$CJOJQJh+hRCJOJQJaJ)jh+h+0JCJOJQJUaJ h+h>B0JCJOJQJaJh+h+CJOJQJaJ%jh+h+CJOJQJUaJUhv~h>BOJQJaJh+h>BCJOJQJaJ h+h<"9h+hz$CJOJQJaJd small side clinics. Facilities for treatment under inhalation anaesthesia as well as conscious sedation and recovery are available. The Dental Hospital has a well equipped radiography department and we also have our own oral pathology laboratories which provide support services for all clinical areas. A dental production laboratory supports both undergraduate and postgraduate teaching and learning as well as providing National Health Service treatment. All these clinical facilities are used by undergraduate and postgraduate dental students. All students are provided with clinical attire. Changing rooms and canteen facilities are available in the basement of the Dental Hospital. For further information prospective students are directed to the School web pages at  HYPERLINK "http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/dentalschool/index" http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/dentalschool/indexThis specification represents a concise statement about the main features of the programme and should be considered alongside other sources of information provided by the teaching department(s) and the University. In addition to programme specific information, further information about studying at 91ֱ can be accessed via our Student Services web site at  HYPERLINK "http://www.shef.ac.uk/ssid" http://www.shef.ac.uk/ssid.     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