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Background to the programme and subject area Structural engineers design and verify the safety of the buildings, bridges and other structures which form infrastructure essential to modern society. As structural engineers often work closely with architects, it is highly desirable that they have a knowledge and understanding of the role of architecture in the design process. In order to qualify, professional engineers must obtain appropriate academic qualifications, accredited by the relevant professional institutions, and must also obtain sufficient practical experience and training. This programme provides an option for students who enrolled on the dually accredited course (MEng Structural Engineering and Architecture with an Industrial Placement Year) but who, in their second year have decided not to pursue the RIBA Part 1 accreditation. The BEng in Structural Engineering with Architectural Studies provides the academic qualifications for students wanting to become structural engineers, but also continues a thread of architectural theory in addition to core structural engineering topics. By providing a balanced programme, delivered by staff working in research and staff with industrial experience, the programme integrates core engineering science and architectural theory with practical application, aiming to inspire students and to challenge them to excel academically whilst preparing them to work in the multi-disciplinary teams found in the construction industry or to pursue further study. The BEng in Structural Engineering with Architectural Studies fully satisfies the educational base requirements for an Incorporated Engineer and partially satisfies the educational base requirements (requiring appropriate further learning to Masters level) for a Chartered Engineer. Strengths of this programme stem from the development of a sound technical base in engineering principles and skills in the first two years, which is built on and complemented by application to increasingly complex problems. In the final year this includes undertaking a challenging design project involving independent and group working and integration of technical, professional and management knowledge in a real-life context. This project also provides opportunity to undertake a major piece of individual investigative project work. Students on the BEng in Structural Engineering with Architectural Studies with an Industrial Placement Year spend the third year of the four-year degree working in an engineering company of their choice. This provides them with wide-ranging experiences and opportunities to put their academic studies into context, and to improve their technical and professional skills. It also enhances their employment prospects, enabling them to gain direct experience of industry culture, make contacts and strengthen their CV. Students who complete their placements successfully may be offered full-time graduate employment with the same company following their final year. The department has a strong research focus, with students taught by active research academics throughout their programme. The programme includes significant industrial involvement, with a variety of industry speakers, lectures, industrial tutors for design projects, and site visits. The department also has strong links with alumni and an Industry Partnership careers event which provides opportunities for graduate jobs, work placements and advice on career opportunities. Graduates from this programme have a very strong employability record with most going on to jobs in Civil or Structural Engineering. Further information about the programme may be found on the internet at  HYPERLINK "http://www.shef.ac.uk/civil/ug" http://www.shef.ac.uk/civil/ug.16. Programme aims The overall aims of the BEng Structural Engineering with Architectural Studies programme are to prepare students to address the complex, global civil engineering challenges of the 21st century and to engender a commitment to professional development, life-long learning and social responsibility, thus creating graduates who have the capacity to make a beneficial impact in their chosen career, or who are well prepared for further study. In doing this, we aim to fully satisfy the educational base requirements for an Incorporated Civil / Structural Engineer and partially satisfy the educational base requirements (requiring appropriate further learning to Masters level) for a Chartered Civil / Structural Engineer. The objectives of this programme are to: to provide students with a sound technical foundation in the key areas of civil and structural engineering including structures, geotechnics, and architectural theory. to introduce the multi-disciplinary, global and professional context in which civil and structural engineering projects are developed, enabling students to develop an appreciation of the professional responsibilities of civil and structural engineers to society and the environment. to develop students ability to produce effective, innovative designs solutions for the benefit of humanity, by taking a holistic approach, integrating engineering principles, subject-specialist knowledge with professional engineering skills and attitudes. for students to develop independence of thought, a critical approach to new information and ability to make rational, evidence-based decisions. for students to develop key engineering and professional skills and attitudes valued by employers, including ability to communicate clearly and effectively in a professional environment and to plan and manage work both independently and as part of a diverse but integrated team. to inspire intellectual curiosity and develop the breadth of vision for students to become life-long learners by appreciating the need to adapt and keep up to date with changing knowledge and requirements. engender in students a holistic view of architectural and engineering aspects of design, preparing students for employment in multidisciplinary teams.17. Programme learning outcomes Knowledge and understanding: On successful completion of the programme, students will have developed:K1broad knowledge and understanding of fundamental concepts, principles and theories of engineering science relevant to structural engineering.Teaching / learning methods & strategies (see section 18) K1, K2 and K3 are developed through a combination of lectures, tutorials / example classes, practical laboratory classes, small group project work, design studios and coursework assignments mainly in Y1 and Y2, but also extending into Y3 and Y4 of the course. K4 is developed mainly through practical classes, design classes and coursework assignments, supported by lectures where relevant. K5 is developed through lectures, group project work, design classes and coursework assignments supported by seminars. This starts in Y1, but is principally developed in Y3 and Y4. K6 is developed through a combination of lectures, coursework and small group work in Y1 and 2 and the Y3 group design project. K7 is developed through a combination of lectures, coursework and design work in throughout the programme. Assessment (see section 18) Knowledge and understanding are assessed through a combination of written examinations / class tests (K1-K3, K6, K7), assessed coursework (K1-K7), laboratory reports (K1), group and individual design studio assessments and design reports (K2-K7), oral presentations and interviews (K1, K3, K7). K8 is assessed through an experience report and presentation at the end of the placement.K2broad knowledge and understanding of the mathematics necessary to represent physical concepts and apply engineering science to structural engineering.K3broad knowledge and understanding of analytical and design methods used in structural engineering.K4knowledge and understanding of the use of information and computation technology for analysis, design and management.K5an understanding of the operation of the civil engineering industry, including business practice and project management.K6an understanding of the professional and ethical responsibilities of civil engineers, the global context and impacts of civil engineering projects, and the social, environmental, ethical, economic and commercial considerations and constraints that influence engineering decisions.K7broad knowledge and understanding of the history and theory of architecture and the design process from an architectural perspective.K8working experience and appreciation of how subject-specific knowledge gained during the degree applies in the workplace. Skills and other attributes: On successful completion of the programme, students will be able to: Intellectual skills:S1Use engineering science, mathematics and, where appropriate, information technology to analyse and develop solutions to engineering problems.Teaching / learning methods & strategies (see section 18) Intellectual skills are developed over the course of the 4-year programme through the teaching / learning methods outlined above and in section 18. Analysis and problem-solving skills (S1, S2) are developed through coursework in the form of problem sheets, supported by tutorial / example classes as well as through laboratory classes and small group / design projects. Further design and problem-solving skills (S3, S4, S5) are developed mainly through design classes / design studio, individual and group project work and coursework assignments. Experimental and research skills (S2, S6, S7, S8) are developed through coursework activities, practical laboratory analysis and the Y3 group design project, as well as through the individual research project. Assessment (see section 18) Intellectual skills associated with analysis, problem solving and design are assessed through a combination of written examinations (S1), coursework assignments (S1-S7), lab reports (S2, S7), group and individual project reports and presentations / interviews (S3-S6, S8)S2Analyse and interpret experimental and other numerical data.S3Design a system, component, process or structure to meet a need.S4Be creative and innovative in solving unfamiliar problems and developing designs.S5Take an integrated / holistic approach to solving problems and developing designs, applying professional judgement to take into account risks, costs, benefits, safety, reliability, social and environmental impact.S6Integrate and evaluate information and data from a variety of sources, exercising independent thought and judgement, taking a critical approach to new information.S7Undertake health and safety risk assessments and devise safe systems of working.S8Plan and undertake research to investigate a technical / design problem. Practical skills:S9Plan and conduct safely practical experiments to investigate engineering behaviour and material properties.Teaching / learning methods & strategies (see section 18) Practical skills are developed over the course of the 4-year programme as outlined above and in section 18. Practical experimental skills, surveying, drawing and writing computer programmes (S10-S12) are introduced in Y1 through lectures and undertaking practical laboratory, surveying and computer classes, sketching and drawing / design classes. These are developed through coursework submissions and through group project work. These skills are further developed in later years, particularly in group project work. Use of computer software, scientific literature and skills in technical communication (S13-15) are introduced through lectures and project work, and developed through application in group projects and coursework assignments Assessment (see section 18) Practical skills are assessed through coursework assignments (S9-S15), lab reports (S9), class tests (S13), group and individual project reports and presentations / interviews (S10-S15)S10Undertake basic surveying activities.S11Prepare technical sketches and drawings, using hand or computer methods as appropriate.S12Write computer programs to perform analysis of engineering problems.S13Use commercial computer software for analysis and design.S14Use published scientific / engineering literature effectively.S15Prepare technical reports and give technical presentations.General Transferable Skills:S16Use information technology for communication and presentation.Teaching / learning methods & strategies (see section 18) General transferable skills are developed over the course of the 4-year programme as outlined above and in section 18. Communication and presentation skills (S16, S17) are developed through practice in group project work and feedback on reports, coursework assignments and in individual project work. Team-working and planning and management skills (S18, S19) are developed throughout the programme, particularly through group design projects / studio and the Y3 integrated design project. In particular, the interdisciplinary team-working and project management is introduced in theY1 and Y2 faculty interdisciplinary project weeks. Students are encouraged to reflect on their learning and progress (S21) in individual progress reviews with their personal tutor. Reflection on learning and personal and professional development forms part of the Y1 Skills module and Y3 integrated design project. Assessment (see section 18) S16 and S17 are assessed through group and individual coursework submissions and project work. S18 is assessed within group design projects, in particular, the Y3 group design project. S19 and S20 are assessed through the Y3 individual project, and other group design projects and individual coursework. S21 is mainly assessed through the Y3 integrated design project and individual project. S22 is assessed through the year in industry report and presentation, and from discussions with the industrial mentor.S17Communicate effectively (in writing, orally and through drawings).S18Collaborate with others in interdisciplinary teams.S19Plan and manage their time and resources efficiently.S20Find information and learn independently in familiar and unfamiliar situations, through critical enquiry.S21Review their experience and level of competence and plan further personal / professional development in a wide context throughout their career.S22Work effectively in an industrial environment18. Teaching, learning and assessment Development of the learning outcomes is promoted through the following teaching and learning methods: Lectures used to transmit information, explain theories and concepts, and illustrate methods of analysis or design. For most lecture programmes tutorial sheets are provided to enable students to develop their understanding during private study. Practical classes - students undertake laboratory experiments, surveying and computing to gain practical skills. Coursework assignments - generally require students to seek additional information and work on their own, or sometimes in small groups, to develop understanding of subject matter. Tutorials and example classes - run for small groups or a whole class to help students with their understanding and to resolve problems as they work through tutorial sheets. Design classes students work to solve design problems related to real engineering situations in order to learn design methods and to practise associated analytical techniques. Design studio work forms a component of the previous architecture part of the programme, with problem based learning delivered through frequent small group and individual design tutorials and reviews. Individual investigative project a major study carried out in the final semester of Y3 and involving a significant research component. It is supervised by a member of the academic staff but allows the student ample scope to display initiative, originality and creativity. Group projects - teams, typically of 4 - 6 students, collaborate to tackle realistic design and field-based engineering projects by working through various design stages from concept and elaboration of design briefs to elements of detailed design. These projects, which increase in complexity over the duration of the course, develop a wide range of skills, including team-working and communication skills as well as further developing technical skills. Formative feedback is provided in all modules, sometimes through the teaching and learning methods outlined above (e.g. advice in tutorial, example and design classes) and sometimes in the form of written comments or verbal discussion relating to coursework assignments. The feedback is usually given by academic staff and teaching assistants, but also through organised peer- and self-assessment, which are very effective learning methods. Opportunities to demonstrate achievement of the learning outcomes are provided through the following assessment methods: Written examinations typically of 2 or 3 hours duration. Coursework submissions - these include engineering design studies, computational assignments, laboratory reports, essays and architectural design portfolios. Class tests - tests conducted in a lecture theatre or workroom during the main teaching periods to assess progress, as an alternative to more formal assessment methods. Oral presentations most group design projects involve an oral presentation of the proposed design in which each group member plays a part. The audience may include industrial visitors and fellow students. Individual project reports these include intermediate and final written reports for the Individual Investigative Project and other written reports describing individual work and experience gained in group design projects. Engineering design project reports written reports assembled by teams of students with shared authorship. Design studio assessment makes up a component of the previous architecture part of the programme, generally through submission of a coursework portfolio. The teaching, learning and assessment methods adopted for each learning outcome are shown in the following table. In most cases a combination of methods is used.  TEACHING / LEARNING ASSESSMENT LEARNING OUTCOME (abbreviated - see Section 17 for full text) Lectures Practical classes Coursework assignments Tutorials /examples classes Design classes Individual investigative project Group design projects Individual industrial placement Written examinations Coursework submissions Class tests Oral presentations Individual project reports Group design project reports K1 Fundamental principles ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( K2 Mathematics ( ( ( ( ( K3 Analytical / design methods ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( K4 Information technology ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( K5 Industry / business operation ( ( ( ( ( ( ( K6 Professional & ethical responsibility ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( K7 Architectural history, theory & design process ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( K8 Application of degree in the workplace ( ( ( S1 Analyse problems ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( S2 Analyse / interpret data ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( S3 Design to meet a need ( ( ( ( ( S4 Be creative / innovative ( ( ( ( ( ( S5 Produce integrated designs ( ( ( ( ( S6 Exercise independent judgement ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( S7 Carry out risk assessment ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( S8 Plan & perform technical investigation ( ( ( ( ( S9 Plan and conduct experiments ( ( ( S10 Generate data ( ( S11 Undertake surveying ( ( ( ( ( S12 Prepare sketches / drawings ( ( ( ( ( ( ( S13 Write computer programs ( ( ( ( ( S14 Use commercial software ( ( ( ( ( S15 Use published literature ( ( ( ( ( ( S16 Communicate technical info ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( S17Use information technology ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( S18 Communicate effectively ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( S19 Collaborate in teams ( ( ( S20 Manage time efficiently ( ( ( ( ( ( S21 Learn independently ( ( ( ( ( ( ( S22 Manage professional development ( ( ( ( ( ( S22 Work effectively in an industrial environment ( ( ( Proportions of types of assessment by level can be found on the UniStats website:  HYPERLINK "http://unistats.direct.gov.uk/" http://unistats.direct.gov.uk/ Detailed information about the structure of programmes, regulations concerning assessment and progression and descriptions of individual modules are published in the University Calendar available on-line at  HYPERLINK "http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/calendar/" http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/calendar/. 19. Reference points The learning outcomes have been developed to reflect the following points of reference: Subject Benchmark Statements HYPERLINK "http://www.qaa.ac.uk/AssuringStandardsAndQuality/subject-guidance/Pages/Subject-benchmark-statements.aspx"http://www.qaa.ac.uk/AssuringStandardsAndQuality/subject-guidance/Pages/Subject-benchmark-statements.aspx Framework for Higher Education Qualifications (2008) HYPERLINK "http://www.qaa.ac.uk/Publications/InformationAndGuidance/Pages/The-framework-for-higher-education-qualifications-in-England-Wales-and-Northern-Ireland.aspx"http://www.qaa.ac.uk/Publications/InformationAndGuidance/Pages/The-framework-for-higher-education-qualifications-in-England-Wales-and-Northern-Ireland.aspx Guidelines for an Accredited BEng (Hons) Degree Programme as a route towards Chartered Engineer, Joint Board of Moderators of the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE), Institution of Structural Engineers (IStructE), Chartered Institution of Highways & Transportation (CIHT) and Institute of Highway Engineers (IHE), 2009  HYPERLINK "http://www.jbm.org.uk/uploads/JBM112_BEngHons.pdf" http://www.jbm.org.uk/uploads/JBM112_BEngHons.pdf The Accreditation of Higher Education Programmes, UK SPEC, 2004 (updated 2013) Engineering Council  HYPERLINK "http://www.engc.org.uk/engcdocuments/internet/Website/UK-SPEC%20third%20edition%20%281%29.pdf" http://www.engc.org.uk/engcdocuments/internet/Website/UK-SPEC%20third%20edition%20%281%29.pdf University Strategic Plan HYPERLINK "http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/strategicplan"http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/strategicplan Learning and Teaching Strategy (2016-21)  HYPERLINK "/staff/learning-teaching/our-approach/strategy2016-21" /staff/learning-teaching/our-approach/strategy2016-21 91ֱ Placement Learning Guidelines and Organiser Checklist  HYPERLINK "http://www.shef.ac.uk/lets/pp/support/placement" http://www.shef.ac.uk/lets/pp/support/placementIn assessing the learning outcomes, the level of performance, e.g. the extent of knowledge and depth of understanding, will comply with guidance given in the above references.20. Programme structure and regulations The programme structure is modular and in each year students study modules worth a total of 120 credits per Level. The curriculum for Levels 1 and 2 are as shown for the MEng Structural Engineering and Architecture with an Industrial Placement Year (CIVU112). In Year 3, students work in an engineering company for a minimum of 38 weeks. Throughout the placement year, students maintain an online skills-based journal. At the end of the placement, they use the journal to write a short reflection and give a presentation on the skills they have developed. The placement is assessed on a pass/fail basis and does not contribute to the degree classification: a pass in this placement year is required for the degree title to reflect the industry experience. In the final year, the curriculum is broader, and involves consolidation of previous learning and application to real, complex situations. A key feature of the final year programme is the Integrated Design Project that develops through the design process from initial brief and concepts to detailed design. This major project, involves self-directed teamwork as well as significant individual investigative and design work in a multi-discipline environment, totalling 50-credits. Architectural history and theory modules to the value of 10 credits are also taken. At the end of the second year (Level 2), students on the Structural Engineering and Architecture with an Industrial Placement Year programme (CIVU112) who do not meet specified progression targets for MEng will be required to transfer their registration to BEng Structural Engineering with Architectural Studies. During the 3rd year, normally no changes of registration are allowed.Detailed information about the structure of programmes, regulations concerning assessment and progression and descriptions of individual modules are published in the University Calendar available on-line at  HYPERLINK "http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/calendar/" http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/calendar/.21. Student development over the course of study Level 1 (1st year)See programme CIVU112 Structural Engineering and Architecture with an Industrial Placement YearLevel 2 (2nd year)See programme CIVU112 Structural Engineering and Architecture with an Industrial Placement YearYear in IndustryStudents spend a year in industry, working with an employer on graduate-level projects (or series of projects), applying and developing their knowledge and skills in the context of the employers area of work and within relevant time and funding constraints. In addition to an industry mentor, a university tutor will be in contact during the year, and where possible, will visit the student in their place of employment. The student will keep a skills-based journal of their professional development and will produce reports and a presentation covering their industry experience.Level 3 (4th year)Structural Engineering: Students will be exposed to advanced methods of analysis for a range of structural engineering problems and will apply these methods in project work. They will also enhance their knowledge and understanding of technical, design, and professional issues and construction and project management. Over the course of the second semester, students have the opportunity to experience the design process by working in inter-disciplinary teams on proposals for the redevelopment of a real brownfield site in 91ֱ. The exciting and challenging project involves integrating a wide range of technical engineering design and management issues into development of a scheme from initial site and stakeholder analysis through option identification and evaluation to production of design calculations, detailed design drawings and models. This project develops skills in self-directed teamwork and requires innovative conceptual thinking skills in a multi-discipline environment. Students research, apply and integrate technical, professional and management knowledge, develop skills in creativity, independent research and judgement and ability to work with uncertainty, manage risk and adapt to changing environments. Architecture: Students will develop a further understanding of the historical and theoretical context in which architecture is set. Historical case studies from antiquity to the twentieth century will be considered and students will be exposed to a range of intellectual concepts which can be employed in the conception, development and discussion of architecture.22. Criteria for admission to the programme Detailed information regarding admission to programmes is available from the Departments website at  HYPERLINK "http://www.shef.ac.uk/civil/ug" http://www.shef.ac.uk/civil/ug23. Additional information Every student has a personal tutor who is a member of the academic staff. The personal tutor is available to provide help and advice on all aspects of university life, including career decisions. In addition, first year students see their tutor at a series of structured meetings to discuss personal skills and professional issues. One of the aims of the programme is to assist students in developing a commitment to self-improvement and continuing professional development. Throughout the programmes, students are encouraged to think about and record their skills development, producing a portfolio to demonstrate achievement of some of the competences required by the Institution of Civil Engineers / Institution of Structural Engineers for graduates aiming to become Chartered Engineers. This is particularly required for the year in industry. Students are expected to find their own placement (either in the UK or abroad), although we are able to assist through the many contacts University staff have with industry. We regularly update students with details of companies with suitable placements. The University has a Student Placement Officer and Careers Officers, who brief students in Year 2 on CV writing, strategies for securing a placement and the practicalities of placement work. It is expected that students receive a salary for their work. The Year in Industry Tutor and the administrative staff maintain regular contact with the student and the placement provider throughout the year to check that the placement is going well. For all UK-based placements, a member of academic staff also visits the company. Placements must be approved by the Year in Industry tutor. Further information about both the programme and the Department of Civil and Structural Engineering can be found on the internet at  HYPERLINK "http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/civil" http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/civil. Further information about the School of Architecture is available at  HYPERLINK "http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/architecture" http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/architectureThis specification represents a concise statement about the main features of the programme and should be considered alongside other sources of information provided by the teaching department(s) and the University. In addition to programme specific information, further information about studying at 91ֱ can be accessed via our Student Services web site at  HYPERLINK "http://www.shef.ac.uk/ssid" http://www.shef.ac.uk/ssid.      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