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Background to the programme and subject area Health is a core value of modern societies, and engaging with medicine and healthcare is an important way of engaging with our world in order to understand it, and to act in it. While scientific and technological advances seem to extend the bounds of medical possibility, medical practice occurs in settings that are deeply social, economic and cultural too, with important legal and organisational constraints. It is increasingly obvious that medical challenges that we are faced with today, such as ageing, obesity, microbial resistance, digital and big data approaches to health care, and many others, demand a multi-faceted approach, that is able to consider these challenges in their complexity. This MA offers courses in history, philosophy, sociology of medicine, as well as in law and ethics. It aims to enable students to be better practitioners and analysts of medicine and healthcare in whatever capacity, be it as researchers, doctors, or in policy, governance, communication or public engagement and education around medicine by developing their abilities to contextualise medical challenges, and to understand and analyse the complexity of medicine and health from different perspectives. Distinctive features of the Masters are: An interdisciplinary core module with examples of multi-perspectival analysis of topical medical issues team-taught by specialists in their field and ample opportunities for student-led interdisciplinary teams. Optional courses in philosophy, sociology, history, law and ethics as these relate to medicine and health care. Skills development in interdisciplinary and inter-sectoral research and practice. Individual tutoring to identify research projects with the right balance of interdisciplinarity depending on students interests and career paths. Access to the Medical Humanities 91ֱ network of multi-disciplinary researchers and practitioners across the University, Teaching Hospitals, Childrens Hospital and Primary Care. The programme is suited to those who are interested in analysing questions from different perspectives, and making connections between different disciplines. The course provides training in discipline specific research, and in interdisciplinary research of complex issues and problems. It aims to develop students ability to think critically about medicine as a social, cultural, legal and scientific practice. In doing so, the course will enhance students capacity to engage with current research, to make connections between research traditions, to conduct multi-disciplinary enquiries of their own, and to consider real world applications of their enquiries.16. Programme aims The programme aims to: Educate and train students in analysing complex phenomena in the medical and healthcare domain, and introduce them to methods and theories in interdisciplinary thinking and practice. Develop students skills in combining research methodologies from different disciplines to tackle a problem from multiple perspectives. Work with students to develop their interests into research projects capable of harnessing the potential for impact of interdisciplinary research. Encourage students to explore practical, ethical and responsible practice in medicine and healthcare.17. Programme learning outcomes Knowledge and understanding: Students will be able toK1Discuss medical and health related topics from different disciplinary perspectives.K2Demonstrate knowledge of core theories of at least two disciplines in social sciences or humanities as applied to medicine and health.K3Explain current theories of inter-, multi- and transdisciplinarity and how these affect medical research and practice.K4Access and evaluate methodologies, empirical data or other sources as relevant to different disciplines.K5Compare and contrast different theories and sources of different disciplines. Skills and other attributes: Students will be able to S1Develop skills of analysis and synthesis across disciplinary perspectives.S2Carry out methodologies relating to at least two social sciences or humanities disciplines.S3Develop skills of critical interpretation and argumentation.S4Recognise and analyse the factors contributing to complexity.S5Develop oral and written communication skills.S6Gain experience of interdisciplinary team work18. Teaching, learning and assessment Development of the learning outcomes is promoted through the following teaching and learning methods: Core module: students will participate in the analysis of between 4 and 6 current medical and healthcare challenges from different disciplinary perspectives. These will be team taught by academics from different disciplines, and students will also have the opportunity to identify examples and lead discussions in interdisciplinary teams. For each seminar and topic, there will be core readings and questions that students will explore independently. A forum on the MOLE site for the course will also support pre- and post-seminar discussion and sharing of resources among students as well as faculty. K1, 3, 4, 5; S1, 3, 4. The core module includes individual assessment through written essays, and group assessment where students work in cross-disciplinary teams, do a presentation and write a report. S5, 6. Optional modules: students will be able to choose between modules in philosophy, social science, history, politics, which will ensure that they will be exposed to a range of disciplines. K2, S2. The optional modules include a range of assessment methods, including presentations, essays, and examinations, and we can expect that they will focus in particular on K2, S2, S3. Dissertation: Students will identify research questions for themselves, in discussion with members of the cross-disciplinary panel of supervisors. The dissertations will demonstrate most of the learning outcomes, but which is focused on will depend on each student. The dissertations will incorporate an interdisciplinary angle, or be fully interdisciplinary, depending on what will best serve the career path of the student. The course leader will have discussions with each student regarding the topic of his or her dissertation. Opportunities to demonstrate achievement of the learning outcomes are provided through the following assessment methods: Summative assessment that counts towards the students final mark will be in the form of individual essays, group presentations, group essays, dissertation. Formative assessment will occur through draft essays, and practice presentations. Students will participate in a group forum on MOLE for pre- and post-seminar discussions; these will also be opportunities to post preliminary outlines of ideas for discussion, of presentations, or of essays. There will be peer feedback and lecturer feedback via the forum, as well as in discussion in the seminars, or in specially organised peer+ lecturer feedback sessions. This will enable students to gain experience in assessing and evaluating the work of others and also their own, while also develop their team working skills. Apart from group feedback, students registered on the course will have the opportunity to discuss with individual lecturers their plans/drafts for essays and receive feedback on these plans/drafts in one-on-one sessions. They will receive written feedback on their essays, and an opportunity to discuss the feedback.19. Reference points The learning outcomes have been developed to reflect the following points of reference: I have consulted the QAA Framework Level for Masters Degrees. There is no Subject Benchmark Statement for this area of study. I have consulted the University Learning and Teaching Strategy, the Departmental Learning and Teaching Strategy (in three departments: IICD, Philosophy, History, and have had extensive discussions with Sociology). The aims of the course are in line with the Universitys plan for the future. I have consulted with a committee with representatives from the Faculties of Medicine, Humanities, Social Sciences over a series of meeting beginning in September 2015, under the rubric of Medical Humanities 91ֱ. I have had discussions with External Examiners and researched similar MA programmes at other universities.20. Programme structure and regulations The MA consists of two core modules in Interdisciplinary Research Skills, and eight optional modules. The optional modules are: (PHILXXXX) Philosophy of Medicine 1: Knowledge and practice Autumn 15 credits (PHILXXXX) Philosophy of Medicine 2: Medicine, Ethics & Society Autumn 15 credits (HIST6073) Medical Humanity? Medicine and Identity Autumn 15 credits (HAR6016) Sociology of Health and Illness Spring 15 credits (SCS6084) Digital Health Spring 15 credits (CDH626) Health and Social Justice Spring 15 credits (HIST6049) Policing the Family (from 2019) Autumn 15 credits (POL6604) Global Health and Global Politics Spring 30 creditsDetailed information about the structure of programmes, regulations concerning assessment and progression and descriptions of individual modules are published in the University Calendar available on-line at  HYPERLINK "http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/govern/calendar/regs" http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/govern/calendar/regs. 21. Student development over the course of study Students will take the core course on Interdisciplinary Research Skills throughout the first and second semesters, attending one two hour seminar per week, alongside their choice of optional modules. In the Core module, they will learn about current medical and health care challenges, and develop skills in analysing these challenges from interdisciplinary perspectives. They will also learn about different research methodologies, and the issues related to combining them, and trying to put them into practice. The optional modules are in philosophy, sociology and history of medicine; in global health and in biomedical ethics. In these modules, students will acquire knowledge of how specific disciplinary areas research and analyse topics in medicine and health care. Students will be guided on their choice of optional modules. They will be doing optional modules alongside the core module, and there will be opportunities for them to feed what theyre doing in the optional modules into the core module. The dissertation is the students opportunity to develop a research enquiry of their own, working with one or more of the panel of supervisors. Students will start identifying a research topic and outlining their dissertations from the outset, and will have opportunities to discuss their ideas in one-on-one tutorials with supervisor/s.22. Criteria for admission to the programme Normally 2.1 or higher in a Bachelors Honours degree, or equivalent, in a relevant subject area. Intercalating medical students will need to meet the general requirements for intercalation. For International Students: IELTS 7.0 with 6.0 in each component.23. Additional information This specification represents a concise statement about the main features of the programme and should be considered alongside other sources of information provided by the teaching department(s) and the University. In addition to programme specific information, further information about studying at 91ֱ can be accessed via our Student Services web site at  HYPERLINK "http://www.shef.ac.uk/ssid" http://www.shef.ac.uk/ssid.      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