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The behaviour of atoms and molecules underpins our understanding of almost all the phenomena in the world around us, and in particular large parts of physics and biology. The applications of Chemistry in modern technology include medicine, forensic science, art restoration, solar energy, environmental control, agriculture, novel materials and many others. It is not surprising that Chemistry graduates command a diverse range of professional career opportunities closely related to the discipline. This Department has very successful undergraduate (BSc and MChem) degree courses, which cater for students focusing on a variety of career paths. In particular, the MChem is designed for students who foresee a career as a professional chemist. The Department runs an MSc in Chemistry with a large taught component which attracts students who have the ability and desire to learn the skills that the MChem teaches including a substantial lecture component, laboratory skills, research skills, plus a short research project. This new MSc in Chemistry, the MSc(Res) programme, has more of a focus on research, while maintaining some taught components, and would be particularly attractive as a prelude to doing a PhD or carrying out research in industry. The diversity of Chemistry places stringent requirements on Departments providing a chemical education. A successful department must be research-active, and must have expertise across the subject in inorganic, organic, physical and theoretical chemistry, and moreover in applied areas such as materials and biological chemistry, since these are at the interface of important new technologies. This Department has an excellent international reputation in research, and the expertise of the staff covers the whole breadth of the subject. The programme enables students to tailor their particular research interests to their individual needs through their choice of research project which is carried out in one of the laboratories of the academic staff in the Department. In addition, taught components within the lecture units provide a choice of specialism. More information about the Department, the staff, and admissions can be found on the Web at  HYPERLINK "http://www.shef.ac.uk/chemistry/" http://www.shef.ac.uk/chemistry/. 16. Programme aims The aims of the MSc(Res) Chemistry programme are to give able students who start with a BSc-level knowledge of chemistry a greater degree of specialised knowledge and research experience that will equip them for either a PhD or a science-based career path that requires a Masters level understanding of the subject. Students will gain valuable experience in running a research project, teamwork, independent learning and will be able to demonstrate those skills to prospective employers. In particular, the course aims to: prepare students for a professional career or for a research degree in Chemistry by giving them advanced research-led teaching at the frontiers of the subject as well as a substantial research project; inculcate a greater knowledge and deeper understanding of particular areas of chemistry by giving exposure to advanced, research-led teaching materials; improve and augment the existing transferable skills of students, especially in areas of data acquisition and handling, literature searching, report writing and oral presentational skills; equip students with the experience and knowledge to make distinctive contributions in future careers in chemistry, particularly in research.17. Programme learning outcomes Knowledge and understanding:Candidates for MSc(Res) or PG Cert will have developed:K1Sound knowledge at the frontiers of research in selected topics in chemistry.K2Understanding and critical awareness of selected topics in chemistry.Candidates for MSc(Res) will have developed:K3Sound knowledge of a topic of research in chemistry.K4Understanding of the basic methodology of research.K5Understanding of the collecting and reporting of research data.K6Development of knowledge and understanding of research ethics. Skills and other attributes:Candidates for MSc(Res) or PG Cert will have developed:S1Skills in the application of fundamental principles to the solution of chemical problems at a research level.Candidates for MSc(Res) will have developed:S2Enhanced practical laboratory skills.S3Ability to plan research.S4Skills in the presentation of research results.S5Competence in written and oral communication, including critical evaluation.S6Quantitative and qualitative problem solving, including situations with limited information.S7Numeracy and computation, including error analysis and different methods for presentation of data.S8Ability to use scientific information sources, including information retrieval.S9Skills in the use of computers and information technology.S10Ability to work as a member of a team.S11Skills to work effectively, to plan work, and to manage their time. 18. Teaching, learning and assessment Development of the learning outcomes is promoted through the following teaching and learning methods: The MSc(Res) course comprises 180 credits of study, which is divided between 60 credits of taught lecture material and 120 credits of research material that includes a research project, literature review, report, oral and visual presentations and a viva. Teaching and Learning Assessment methods LEARNING OUTCOME Lectures Individual project Written examinations On-going assessment Assessment of written work (literature review, report, poster) Assessment of presentation and understanding (oral and viva) K1 " " K2 " " K3 " " " " K4 " " " K5 " " " " K6 " " " S1 " " S2 " " " S3 " " " " S4 " " " S5 " " " S6 " " " " S7 " " " " S8 " " " S9 " " " " S10 " " S11 " "  Opportunities to demonstrate achievement of the learning outcomes are provided through the following assessment methods: Lecture units are assessed by formal examinations, in which each segment of the unit has one question. The questions are structured and are presented with an indicative marking scheme. The questions are designed to test not only the students knowledge and understanding of the subject, but also their ability to apply that knowledge to solving problems. The formal examinations assess the learning outcomes K12, and S1. The lecture-based units will include workshops that are a formative assessment (to aid understanding rather than contributing to the mark awarded). In these workshops, the students knowledge is reinforced, and essential problem solving skills are developed. The research project unit is assessed using a combination of literature review, oral presentation, poster presentation, panel interview, research report, and an assessment of practical performance (attitude, competency and ability, and contribution). Each assessment is carefully structured and uses well-defined criteria. There will be lectures that will describe research skills including transferable skills important for successful communication in science. The students will develop an understanding of the context in which research takes place through critical reading and evaluation of a range of literature. The students will produce a critical report of the literature in a specific research area that will be assessed. The students will give an oral presentation, poster presentation, and will submit a research report. There will be a panel interview and an assessment of practical performance. These aspects will assess the learning outcomes K36, S2-11.19. Reference points The learning outcomes have been developed to reflect the following points of reference: Subject Benchmark Statements  HYPERLINK "http://www.qaa.ac.uk/en/Publications/Documents/SBS-chemistry-14.pdf" http://www.qaa.ac.uk/en/Publications/Documents/SBS-chemistry-14.pdf UK Quality Code for Higher Education  HYPERLINK "http://www.qaa.ac.uk/assuring-standards-and-quality/the-quality-code" http://www.qaa.ac.uk/assuring-standards-and-quality/the-quality-code University Strategic Plan  HYPERLINK "http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/strategicplan" http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/ourplan Learning and Teaching Strategy (2016-2021)  HYPERLINK "http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/als/strategy" http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/als/strategy20. Programme structure and regulations The taught part of the course consists of two lecture units (30 credits each). These two units are each taught over both conventional university semesters. The research project unit (120 credits) involves a number of components with a focus on an extended research project over the whole year (OctSep). There will be seminars to provide information on skills in research. Students will select a project and a supervisor at the start of the programme. The majority of time will be spent conducting a research project. The literature review, poster, oral presentation, report, and viva will be conducted and delivered within defined timescales. The combination of the two lecture units and the research unit make 180 credits for the programme as a whole. The PG Cert exit qualification will be offered only for partial completion of the programme. The PG Cert can be obtained for satisfactory completion of both taught units (60 credits in total) and these students will not have completed a research project. The MSc(Res) programme offers extensive student choice to sample the full breadth of chemistry through the range of segments offered (without restriction) in the two lecture modules, and through the research project.Detailed information about the structure of programmes, regulations concerning assessment and progression and descriptions of individual modules are published in the University Calendar available on-line at  HYPERLINK "http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/calendar/" http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/calendar/.21. Student development over the course of study Students will have a good core knowledge of chemical principles from a BSc-level degree, and are given a large degree of choice from a list of courses that span the core areas of organic, inorganic and physical chemistry, the interfaces between these areas (such as materials chemistry), and the interfaces with other disciplines (such as biology and physics). These Masters-level segments are designed to extend the students knowledge, and their ability to apply that knowledge to solve problems at the frontiers of the subject. The research unit develops the students transferable skills (written and oral communication skills, literature and database searching, planning and organisation, computer skills etc), so that the students are attractive to employers and are best placed to achieve the maximum benefit from their research project. The research project is the culmination of the students prior work and development, and allows the students to develop a substantial degree of independence by taking ownership of their project and developing their own ideas. 22. Criteria for admission to the programme Detailed information regarding admission to programmes is available from the Universitys On-Line Prospectus at  HYPERLINK "http://www.shef.ac.uk/courses/" http://www.shef.ac.uk/courses/.23. Additional information This specification represents a concise statement about the main features of th !"39:;GKLM^kl     / 0 > ? @ J Q µϙµϵϙµµqϙh{_hz$CJOJQJ\h{_h zCJOJQJh{_hcCJOJQJh{_h'CJOJQJh'hz$CJOJQJaJh{_hz$CJOJQJh{_hCJOJQJh{_hz$5CJOJQJh'h:CJOJQJ\aJ h<"95jhUmHnHu,!"$3Rkd$$IfHF'@0`'    44 Had(($Ifgd' $a$gd' $<a$gdz 3:;=GLfkd$$IfHF'@0`'    44 Had(($Ifgd'LMO^kvfffd(($Ifgd'kd,$$IfHF'@0`'    44 Haklovfffd(($Ifgd'kd$$IfHF'@0`'    44 Havfffd(($Ifgd'kdX$$IfHF'@0`'    44 Havfffd(($Ifgd'kd$$IfHF'@0`'    44 Ha  vfffd(($Ifgd'kd$$IfHF'@0`'    44 Ha   0 ? vfffd(($Ifgd'kd$$IfHF'@0`'    44 Ha? @ B J R vfffd(($Ifgd'kd$$IfHF'@0`'    44 HaQ R S ` i j k   0 4 5 6 U W X _ c d z { | ֻ֮ɔ{l_h{_h zCJOJQJh'hCJOJQJaJh'h<"9CJOJQJaJhQCJOJQJh{_hCJOJQJh{_hCY5CJOJQJh{_h&CJOJQJh{_hV5CJOJQJh{_hCJOJQJh{_hz$5CJOJQJh'hz$CJOJQJaJh{_hz$CJOJQJ%R S U ` j vfffd(($Ifgd'kdF$$IfHF'@0`'    44 Haj k n vfffd(($Ifgd'kd$$IfHF'@0`'    44 Ha vfffd(($Ifgd'kdr$$IfHF'@0`'    44 Ha  vfffd(($Ifgd'kd$$IfHF'@0`'    44 Ha   0 5 vfffd(($Ifgd'kd$$IfHF'@0`'    44 Ha5 6 9 U { vfffd(($Ifgd'kd4$$IfHF'@0`'    44 Ha{ | #vn^N>dx$Ifgd'dx$Ifgd' dx$Ifgd'dgd'kd$$IfHF'@0`'    44 Ha   ",v%7ais#dg̿棔xg!jh{_h'CJOJQJUh{_h CJOJQJh'h0TCJOJQJaJh'hpCJOJQJaJh'hCJOJQJaJh{_hpCJOJQJh{_h3(CJOJQJh{_h`CJOJQJh{_hcCJOJQJh{_h zCJOJQJh{_hCJOJQJ&|m|]N>.>5Cϴ;25Cϴ'>䴳ϴ>5Cϴ''䴳ϴ'<"9CJOJQJaJh'CJOJQJaJh'hz$CJOJQJaJh{_hz$CJOJQJh{_hCJOJQJ%jh{_h'0JCJOJQJUh{_h0JCJOJQJ!jh{_h'CJOJQJUh{_h'CJOJQJ#VvvZZZ & F7dx$If^7`gd'dx$Ifgd'dgd'`kd` $$IfH'`'0`'44 Hadxx$Ifgd' }uedPP$Ifgd'dgd'fkd $$IfH'`'0`'44 Hayt' & F7dxx$If^7`gd'ju<kd $$IfH'`'`'44 Hayt>(($'<kdN $$IfH'`'`'44 Hayt>hijklmn{|QķĨěě~ѨnķĨ^Qh{_h CJOJQJh{_h 5CJOJQJ\h{_h-P5CJOJQJ\h{_hEW5CJOJQJ\h{_h-PCJOJQJh{_h>CJOJQJh'h;2CJOJQJaJh{_h'CJOJQJh{_h;2CJOJQJh{_h;25CJOJQJ\h'h>CJOJQJaJh{_h>5CJOJQJ\jknO?dPP$Ifgd'OkdX $$IfH0'@ %`'44 Hayt>(($'Okd $$IfH0'@ %`'44 Hayt;2SbOkd $$IfH0'@ %`'44 Hayt;2d(($Ifgd'<kd $$IfH'`'`'44 Hayt;2QRSTW 236?Ǻ׫Nj~NjnǺh{_h&5CJOJQJ\h{_hqCJOJQJh{_hEW5CJOJQJ\h{_hz$5CJOJQJ\h'hz$CJOJQJaJh{_hCJOJQJh{_h 5CJOJQJ\h'h CJOJQJaJh{_h CJOJQJh{_h'CJOJQJ'STWOOkd $$IfH0'@ %`'44 Hayt d(($Ifgd'Okdj $$IfH0'@ %`'44 Hayt 2XHd(($Ifgd'<kd $$IfH'`'`'44 HaytzdPP$Ifgd' dgd'Okd& $$IfH0'@ %`'44 Hayt 236bOkd0$$IfH0'@ %`'44 Hayt d(($Ifgd'<kd $$IfH'`'`'44 Hayt bOkd$$IfH0'@ %`'44 Hayt d(($Ifgd'<kd$$IfH'`'`'44 Hayt  &(,LMNOPQRSefghijkuööööööö~öh'hCJOJQJaJh'hz$CJOJQJaJh{_hz$CJOJQJh{_h'CJOJQJh{_hCJOJQJh{_hqCJOJQJh{_hz$5CJOJQJ\h{_h&5CJOJQJ\h{_h5CJOJQJ\1NOROOkd$$IfH0'@ %`'44 Haytzd(($Ifgd'OkdB$$IfH0'@ %`'44 HaytzgOOkd\$$IfH0'@ %`'44 Haytzd(($Ifgd'Okd$$IfH0'@ %`'44 HaytzghkOOkd$$IfH0'@ %`'44 Hayt,rd(($Ifgd'Okd$$IfH0'@ %`'44 Hayt,r$%&')*+3mnoprǷ׷Ƿ׷ǚ~rcVh{_hr2CJOJQJh'h<"9CJOJQJaJh'CJOJQJaJh'hz$CJOJQJaJh{_hz$CJOJQJh{_hz$5CJOJQJ\h{_hqCJOJQJh{_h5CJOJQJ\h{_h&5CJOJQJ\h'hCJOJQJaJh{_hCJOJQJh{_h'CJOJQJ&'+oOOkd$$IfH0'@ %`'44 Hayt,rd(($Ifgd'Okdv$$IfH0'@ %`'44 Hayt,ropq ' vvv$d$Ifa$gd'K$dxx$Ifgd'dx$Ifgd'dgd'Okd2$$IfH0'@ %`'44 Haytz' ( !""("*"D"F"^"`"z"|"""""""""""##2#4#N#P#h#j##########̿١١١١١١١١١١١١١١١١١١̒h'h:CJOJQJaJh'hz$CJOJQJaJh'h;K}CJOJQJaJh'h%CJOJQJaJh{_h%CJOJQJh{_hz$CJOJQJh{_h'CJOJQJh{_hr2CJOJQJh{_h2CJOJQJ/' ( ) : ; < = ]QQQQC d$Ifgd'K$ d$Ifgd'kd$IfK$L$lF !&  t0!6    44 lapyt;K}= F Z o !!"" 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In addition to programme specific information, further information about studying at 91ֱ can be accessed via our Student Services web site at  HYPERLINK "http://www.shef.ac.uk/ssid" http://www.shef.ac.uk/ssid.      FILENAME chmt10 ver18-19  PAGE 5 Programme Specification A statement of the knowledge, understanding and skills that underpin a taught programme of study leading to an award from 91ֱ Wqrtuvwyz|}²xexXMh'h'OJQJhQ0JCJOJQJh$hu0JCJOJQJhmHnHuh'h'0JCJOJQJh(jh'h'0JCJOJQJUhh' h'5hRFjhRFUh'hz$CJOJQJ\aJh'hz$CJOJQJaJh{_hz$CJOJQJ%jh{_h'0JCJOJQJUh{_hz$0JCJOJQJtuvxy{|~gd'$a$gdz$ dgd3ckd'P$$IfH'`'0`'44 Ha ȱST]_`aªuiuYh'hz$CJOJQJ\aJh'h'5OJQJh'h'5CJOJQJh'h'5CJOJQJaJhRFh'h'h'CJOJQJaJ/jh'h'0JCJOJQJUaJh*(hu0JCJOJQJaJhmHnHu#h'h'0JCJOJQJaJh,jh'h'0JCJOJQJUaJhȱB^_`a dgd3 $a$gd' $a$gdz$a$ $a$gd' .:p<"9. A!`"`#@$%  n8?sfL"cPNG  IHDR1tgAMA|Q pHYs. . NIDATxoyY.˥{FBh. 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