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Background to the programme and subject area The 91ֱ medical programme is designed to produce doctors who are who are equipped with the clinical abilities, knowledge, attitudes and professional behaviours needed to become a Foundation Year 1 doctor. The programme is characterised by students obtaining extensive clinical experience which is underpinned by teaching and learning in the supporting medical sciences. Our graduates are well prepared for their role as Foundation Year 1 trainees in the hospitals in 91ֱ and across South Yorkshire. During the Foundation Year the recently qualified doctor will work with a variety of consultant-led teams of doctors and gain general clinical experience that builds on their undergraduate learning. Trainees hold provisional registration with the General Medical Council and successful completion of their first year after qualifying leads to full registration. The Medical School admits 273 students to the five year Medical Programme each year from a wide range of backgrounds, including 18 international students. In addition 15 graduate entry students are admitted directly into Phase 2a of the programme. The content of the core curriculum of the Medical Programme is determined from the range of clinical cases that a doctor will have to be competent in dealing with on graduation. All the supporting science teaching and learning is based upon these cases. Thus the development of clinical ability and underpinning science is integrated and relevant to the needs of the future doctor. Clinical work occurs from the very earliest part of the Programme and includes early years placements in general practice and a two-week Multi-professional Experience (MPE) during which students work with medical and nursing teams. The Community Attachment Scheme, also in the first year, further emphasises the patient centred nature of medical practice from the outset of the Programme. In years three and four (Phases 3a and 3b) students complete clinical placements in a range of specialties where they develop their clinical knowledge through their experiences. The final year of the course (Phase 4) focusses on preparing students for practice as a foundation doctor and includes the six week student assistantship, where students shadow a Foundation Year 1 doctor. The 91ֱ curriculum ensures that students Become competent in all clinical skills needed to be a Foundation Year Trainee (F1) through seeing patients in hospitals and in the community and through closely supervised activities in Clinical Skills Centres. Learn the underpinning Medical Sciences through lectures, seminars, practical sessions, simulation, dissection of the human body and self-directed study. Have opportunities to explore areas that interest them independently of the core curriculum both in the UK and overseas. Learn how healthcare is organised. Become able to work in a team and independently. Develop the professional behaviours needed to be a doctor.16. Programme aims The aims of the medical Programme are: To produce doctors with the clinical, practical and interpersonal skills together with the professional behaviours and attitudes that will be required of them to practice as Foundation Year Trainees (F1). To support the development of students by providing teaching and learning opportunities in medical, behavioural and population health sciences that integrates with their acquisition of clinical competencies and their professional development. To integrate the teaching and learning of all aspects of the Programme both horizontally (across a year) and vertically (throughout all years). To use a blend of teaching and learning approaches to enable students to be progressively more able to manage their own learning. To cultivate in students an attitude of curiosity and a desire for intellectual exploration and critical evaluation. To inculcate behaviours appropriate for professional practice as medical students, junior doctor trainees and independent medical practitioners. These aims reflect and satisfy the requirements of the General Medical Council as specified in a number of their publications including Outcomes for Graduates, Good Medical Practice and The New Doctor HYPERLINK "http://www.gmc-uk.org/education/undergraduate/tomorrows_doctors.asp"http://www.gmc-uk.org/education/undergraduate/tomorrows_doctors.asp . They also are consistent with the requirements of the employer of our graduates, namely the National Health Service (NHS), with whom the aims have been developed  HYPERLINK "http://www.foundationprogramme.nhs.uk" www.foundationprogramme.nhs.uk The undergraduate medical Programme is structured so that the aims of the undergraduate curriculum merge seamlessly with the aims of early postgraduate training and align with the University of 91ֱ Outcomes for Graduates. The aims of the undergraduate Programme are consistent with the generic and subject specific benchmarks of the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) for Higher Education, a group required by the Government to ensure higher education in the UK is of the appropriate standard. The QAA Subject Benchmark Statements for medicine are available at HYPERLINK "http://www.qaa.ac.uk/Publications/InformationAndGuidance/Pages/Subject-benchmark-statement-Medicine.aspx"http://www.qaa.ac.uk/Publications/InformationAndGuidance/Pages/Subject-benchmark-statement-Medicine.aspx. In order to ensure the responsiveness to national and local initiatives in healthcare Programme aims are kept under regular review by the Curriculum Management Committee of the Medical School, whose membership includes staff responsible for the delivery of all parts of the Programme (including our NHS partners) and medical student representatives. The overall vision for the Programme is available at  HYPERLINK "http://www.shef.ac.uk/aume/medicine" http://www.shef.ac.uk/aume/medicine 17. Programme learning outcomes Knowledge and understanding:K1Students will acquire knowledge and understanding of the normal structure and function (anatomy, physiology and biochemistry) of the various organ systems of the body. The areas in which such knowledge will be acquired are: Cardiovascular and Respiratory systems Gastrointestinal system and the Liver Genitourinary, Endocrine and Reproductive systems Nervous and Musculoskeletal systems and the Skin Haemopoetic and Immunological systems This knowledge and understanding is integrated with that specified in K2.K2Linked to the learning specified in K1 students will develop knowledge of the pathophysiology (the causes of disease and how the anatomy, physiology and biochemistry are disturbed) of the clinical problems from which the core curriculum is derived. These clinical problems may be accessed at  HYPERLINK "http://cms.shef.ac.uk/aume/curriculum_dev/corecurriculumsub2.html" http://cms.shef.ac.uk/aume/curriculum_dev/corecurriculumsub2.html and reflect the range of conditions likely to be seen by a newly qualified doctor. Students will also learn about the natural history of diseases, the genetics of diseases, the basis and effects of neoplasia (tumours), the effect of disease on individuals and populations and the methods and benefits of screening for diseases. Coincident with learning about diseases, students will learn about the principles and practice of treating patients with drugs, surgery, radiotherapy, psychotherapy and the therapeutic value of good communication.K3Students will acquire knowledge of the behavioural and population health sciences (including psychology, sociology and societal aspects of medicine and illness, public health medicine, epidemiology and statistics) as well as understanding the legal and ethical framework within which medicine is practised. Students will be able to see many patients who have varying types and severities of illness, including disabilities and handicaps, and from these experiences learn about the impact of illness on individuals, their families and the population. Students will thus gain the knowledge and understanding of why and how patients talk about their illnesses and the factors that make them think they are ill. They will also understand the biological bases of disease and to be able to recognise and understand its causes and patterns.K4Knowledge of the development of current medical practice and how research informs this process.K5An understanding of the structure and policies of the NHS and the requirements of doctors as regards clinical governance and audit. Skills and other attributes:S1The course is designed so that students progressively acquire the clinical competencies required to practice as a Foundation Year Trainee (F1). These competencies are shown below. Clinical Skills Interpersonal Skills Professional Behaviours Practical Skills Contributes to the cure of illness, recovery from sickness and the easing of discomfort Can establish, build and maintain proper partnerships with patients, their family/ friends/carers Adopts a questioning approach to own work and that of others Ensures optimal patient comfort and privacy Participates in health promotion and in prevention of disease and disability Communicates effectively Works within limits of knowledge and experience Prepares patient for, and explains and conducts technical and practical procedures effectively Gathers relevant patient history information systematically either from patient or third party Works effectively as a member of a multidisciplinary team Maintains patients confidentiality Ensures patient consent is obtained in all aspects of investigation, treatment and management Clinical Skills Interpersonal Skills Professional Behaviours Practical Skills Conducts complete mental state examination or selects appropriate components in a systematic and directed fashion Deals sensitively with patients, their family/friends/carers Is responsive to changes in healthcare policy and science An access relevant information and record information accurately Conducts complete physical examination or selects appropriate components in a systematic and directed fashion Identifies potential danger for self and others and takes appropriate action to limit impact Maintains an ethical approach Makes thorough and accurate observations, measurements and calculations Makes accurate assessment of patients problems and formulates differential diagnosis Complies with legal responsibilities and requirements and guidelines of regulatory bodies and the NHS Recognises, identifies and can describe abnormalities and symptoms Selects and initiates appropriate investigations Demonstrates respect for the role and function of all those involved in patients care Demonstrates effective decision making Interprets and evaluates data from history, physical examination and other findings to formulate diagnosis Demonstrates a patient-centred approach Manages life-threatening conditions Formulates and implements management plan and monitors its effectiveness Recognises and takes advantage of opportunities to teach Fulfils professional responsibilities in work and in contexts outside work Each of these learning outcomes for the Programme may be seen in greater detail at  HYPERLINK "http://www.shef.ac.uk/%7edme/curriculum/outcomes.html" http://www.shef.ac.uk/%7edme/curriculum/outcomes.html. Students will progressively acquire an understanding of and a practical ability to perform clinically in all of these areas and by the time of qualifying as a doctor would be expected to have all of the above skills.S2Progressively during the four Phases of the Programme students will develop a range of generic skills and attitudes enabling them to: Use information sources including libraries, data bases, scientific and medical papers Appraise evidence critically Reflect critically on their own performance and that of others Pose a research question and undertake a project to seek an answer Develop methods of enquiry that allow them to solve problems Evaluate information and present it in an unbiased manner Prioritise tasks and time-management Handle data, including statistical analyses Use information technology Understand factors influencing interpersonal relationships Work as part of a team and work independently Recognise the need for life-long learning Communicate with colleagues Engage in self-directed learning Identify personal learning needs and skills Recognise personal limitations regarding skills and knowledge Be non-prejudiced in their approach to others Respect the dignity, integrity and autonomy of others The acquisition of these skills is facilitated primarily through the Student Selected Components and the Patient Safety and Professionalism themes. The Personal and Academic Tutor Scheme provides personal support for students. All of the above descriptors of the Programme learning outcomes are consistent with the requirements of the General Medical Council, the Quality Assurance Agency and the employers of our graduates.18. Teaching, learning and assessment Development of the learning outcomes is promoted through the following teaching and learning methods: The most important method by which students learn medicine is by seeing patients and by considering their clinical problems. Seeing a patient involves three key activities, namely: taking a clinical history, in which all aspects of a patients present and past illnesses are inquired about; conducting a physical examination of the patient: and lastly, discussing and agreeing with the patient a plan for their future care including special tests and treatment. This overall learning outcome is achieved by the progressive development of Clinical Competencies throughout the Programme as shown in S2 and which are derived from the core clinical problem list  HYPERLINK "http://cms.shef.ac.uk/aume/curriculum_dev/corecurriculumsub2.html" http://cms.shef.ac.uk/aume/curriculum_dev/corecurriculumsub2.html. The clinical aspects of care and the underpinning knowledge are both taught and assessed in an integrated manner. The School recognises the diversity of approaches to learning that students have experienced and used when they enter the Programme and seeks to take account of this by providing a wide range of teaching methods and learning opportunities. The methods by which Medical Sciences are learnt include: Clinical case discussions Lectures, seminars and tutorials Practical sessions, including dissection and demonstrations Integrated Learning Activities (ILAs) These link the medical sciences with clinical practice. Their format evolves with the developing abilities of the students so that at an early stage of the Programme they require little medical knowledge but towards the end of the course they are complex and require a high level of knowledge and understanding. At all stages students are able to structure their learning around real clinical problems. Through ILAs students will develop the skills of problem analysis, identification of personal learning needs, self-directed learning and the application of new knowledge. Computer-aided learning A variety of IT based methods are used throughout the programme. They are mainly delivered through the Schools web-based Networked Learning Environment (Minerva). Self-directed study The methods by which Clinical Competencies are learnt include: Clinical team attachments to Teaching Hospitals and to General Practice These will provide opportunities to see patients alone or with clinical teachers, to follow patients through an episode of illness, to interact with other healthcare professionals and thus to develop an understanding of the broader aspects of healthcare Clinical Demonstrations These are usually delivered to small groups in clinical settings but are also used to teach large groups in lecture theatres Attendance at Clinical Skills Centres These will provide opportunities to practice clinical, practical and technical skills in simulated and closely supervised settings using models, simulated patients and real patients. Attachments to other healthcare professionals such as nurses and Social Service personnel. In addition to the core Programme which is undertaken by all students, 20% of the Programme is designated for Student Selected Components (SSCs). The key element about SSCs is that students have choice over the studies that they undertake. The key areas of focus of the SSC programme are the development of generic skills, research skills and employability (S2). Throughout the Programme, students will be able to explore areas outside the core curriculum that interest them. SSCs must be directly related to medicine. SSCs contribute to the development of intellectual and attitudinal attributes and prepare students for professional life and life-long learning. In particular, they will enable students to have greater control over their own learning and help them develop confidence in their own abilities by studying a topic of their choice in depth. They will be able to learn about and develop research skills and consider potential career paths. They provide a context in which many generic skills will be acquired. Whilst the core curriculum will ensure a consistency of quality of Foundation Year 1 trainees, the SSCs create diversity between graduates. Opportunities to demonstrate achievement of the Programme learning outcomes are provided through the following assessment methods: Students are assessed by two main methods. These are Formative and Summative. Formative assessments occur throughout the Programme and are designed to aid students in their study. The results from these assessments do not contribute to overall marks in a Phase. Summative assessments (including Mastery assessments and sequential assessments) must be passed in order for a student to progress to the next Phase and, with respect to the Phase 4 assessment, to graduate as a doctor. Summative assessments occur both during and at the end of Phases. Key features of the assessment procedures include All assessments being closely matched to the learning outcomes through the use of blueprinting the assessments against the learning outcomes Summative assessments being valid and reliable Regular opportunities being provided for Formative assessment, remediation and counselling Use of Mastery assessments to ensure students have acquired the required range of essential clinical skills Progressive assessment of clinical competences and medical sciences occurring throughout the Programme with a proportion of material learnt in previous Phases being included in subsequent assessments Written assessments are used to examine students in both clinical science knowledge and clinical competencies. The methods of assessment include Single Best Answer Questions, Structured Short Answer Questions, Project Reports, Poster Presentations and Log Books (portfolios). Clinical Competencies are assessed by Objective Structured Clinical Examinations, Observed Long-Cases, Mini Clinical Examinations, Reports of Clinical Attachments and Oral Presentations. The summative assessment of attitudes and Professional Behaviours is undertaken progressively throughout the Programme. During all clinical attachments the supervising clinicians will make judgements as to whether a student has demonstrated appropriate professional attitudes and behaviours. These judgements are collected and collated into a progress file and discussed with the student and will form part of students personal portfolios.19. Reference points The learning outcomes have been developed to reflect the following points of reference: Outcomes for Graduates (originally published as Tomorrows Doctors): General Medical Council. HYPERLINK "http://www.gmc-uk.org/education/undergraduate/undergraduate_outcomes.asp" http://www.gmc-uk.org/education/undergraduate/undergraduate_outcomes.asp. And Promoting Excellence: standards for medical education and training  HYPERLINK "http://www.gmc-uk.org/education/standards.asp" www.gmc-uk.org/education/standards.asp The accreditation of the Programme by the General Medical Council HYPERLINK "http://www.gmc-uk.org/education/index.asp"http://www.gmc-uk.org/education/index.asp Duties of a Doctor and The Doctor as Teacher: General Medical Council HYPERLINK "http://www.gmc-uk.org/guidance/good_medical_practice/index.asp"http://www.gmc-uk.org/guidance/good_medical_practice/index.asp Subject Benchmark Statement for Medicine: The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education HYPERLINK "http://www.qaa.ac.uk/Publications/InformationAndGuidance/Pages/Subject-benchmark-statement-Medicine.aspx"http://www.qaa.ac.uk/Publications/InformationAndGuidance/Pages/Subject-benchmark-statement-Medicine.aspx Health Education England (the North) The evaluations of doctors, students and other who teach on the Programme, as well as members of the public. Acute Hospital NHS Trusts and Primary Care NHS Trusts to which students are attached for clinical work University Vision  HYPERLINK "/vision" /vision University of 91ֱ Learning and Teaching Strategy The international education literature regarding best practice in medical education20. Programme structure and regulations The Medicine Programme is fully integrated as required by the GMC. Eighty percent of the curriculum is core, which all students must undertake. In addition, students have an opportunity to undertake studies, in the form of Student Selected Components (SSCs), which form the remainder of the Programme. A wide range of SSCs is available and many students elect to undertake up to 15 weeks abroad. On award of the MBChB degree the General Medical Council will grant a graduate provisional registration as a medical practitioner. Full registration is obtained when a doctor satisfactorily completes one year as a Foundation Year Trainee (F1). Any time after successful completion of Phase 2, students have an opportunity to apply to study for an intercalated honours degree of Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Medical Science or Surgery. The broad range of subjects available for study reflects the research strengths of the School of Medicine and the School of Health and Related Research. Students reading for a BSc gain expertise in designing and completing a research programme over one year. A wide range of research subjects is available. Assessment is based upon the production of a dissertation. Many students who undertake a BSc subsequently become more deeply involved in medical research and find that the basic training in research methodology is well respected by employers in medicine. A very few students find during the course of the Programme that they do not wish to or are unable to continue to study medicine. Provided such students have satisfactorily completed the first three years of the course they may be granted an unclassified BMedSci degree.Detailed information about the structure of programmes, regulations concerning assessment and progression and descriptions of individual modules are published in the University Calendar available on-line at HYPERLINK "http://www.shef.ac.uk/govern/calendar/regs.html"http://www.shef.ac.uk/govern/calendar/regs.html.21. Student development over the course of study Progression in the development of the clinical skills, knowledge base, and generic skills is facilitated by integration of the four vertical themes of the curriculum. These are Medical Sciences, Clinical Competencies, Integrated Learning Activities (ILAs) and Student Selected Components (SSCs). Students knowledge of Medical Sciences progresses from normal structure and function of the body to an understanding of abnormal structure and function in disease, which they then apply to increasingly complex problems in clinical practice. Clinical Competencies develop progressively throughout all Phases as shown below. The Programme is divided into four successive Phases, with the level of clinical competence being designated Introductory, Basic, Extended and Advanced, respectively. The sequential development of clinical competencies over the four Phases is shown below. Clinical Competencies Introductory: (Phase 1: lasting 31 weeks) Introductory clinical history taking and physical examination Critical incident reporting Cardio-pulmonary resuscitation Multi-professional clinical experience Professionalism and patient safety (learning about professional responsibilities, personal attitudes and behaviour, working within the National Health Service) Introduction to ethical issues Introduction to resource issues Basic: (Phase 2: 2a lasting twenty nine weeks and Phase 2b lasting twenty two weeks) Further development of skills in clinical history taking and physical examination Assessment of mental state of patients Writing up the findings from a clinical history and physical examination and maintaining case records Use of problem lists, formulation of differential diagnosis, plans for investigation and treatment, and prioritisation of health and social care needs Interdisciplinary care Further professionalism and patient safety Pharmacology and prescribing Extended (Phase 3: 3a lasting forty nine weeks, Phase 3b lasting 24 weeks) Clinical history taking and physical examination extended to include knowledge and skills in medical specialities (e.g. Child Health, Womens Health, Mental Health, Acute Clinical Care, and Medical and Surgical Specialties). Clinical examination of acutely ill patients and with patients unable to give a clinical history Communication skills development including advising patients, breaking bad news and talking with relatives Keeping case records Selection of treatment (e.g. drugs, surgery) and monitoring outcomes Interdisciplinary care Adverse event management Professionalism and patient safety Pharmacology and prescribing Advanced (Phase 4: lasting 48 weeks) Refining clinical history taking and physical examination skills to the level of those needed by a Foundation Year 1 doctor Able to diagnose clinical conditions likely to be seen by a Foundation Year 1 doctor Able to undertake all the clinical practical procedures that will be required of a Foundation Year 1 doctor Able to talk with patients and their relatives to explain the nature of their condition, the implication of test results, the therapeutic options and how the most appropriate treatment is identified Able to interact appropriately with others in the health service Understanding of the professional responsibilities required to work within the National Health Service For example, students learn by attending clinical demonstrations and by observing healthcare professionals in practice during Phase 1, by acquiring practical clinical skills in Skills Centres and with patients in Phase 2 and using them in practice with patients in hospital and general practice settings in phase 3. In Phase 4 they acquire the advanced skills required to become a Foundation Year 1 doctor. Students undertake a variety of ILAs throughout the Programme, which integrate the Medical Sciences and Clinical Competencies and also allows them to acquire progressively important generic skills such as the ability to identify their own learning needs and to become self-directed life-long learners. The SSCs provide an opportunity for students to develop their academic and medical interests outside of the core curriculum. For example, the SSCs in Phase 1 allow students to incrementally develop critical thinking and research skills leading to them undertaking a research project. The SSCs in later Phases enable students to select areas of work which they wish to study at a greater depth than in the core part of the Programme and allows them also to work in clinical disciplines of potential vocational interest.22. Criteria for admission to the programme Applications for entry must be made through the University and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS). Our application process is aligned with the Medical Schools Council Selecting for Excellence guidance. The academic requirements are: Eight GCSE passes at grade C or above in English, Maths and Sciences (dual award acceptable) At least six of the GCSE passes must be at A grade The usual offer for subjects taken at A2 is three A grades with two of these passes being in science subjects For graduates (into the 5 year programme) and graduate entry (into Phase 2a) a degree classification of 2:1 in a biomedical sciences (or related) degree UKCAT score equal to or above the threshold determined by the Medical School (this is determined each year, based on the results of the previous year nationally). Applicants are then ranked on their UKCAT score to determine which applicants are invited for interview. If an applicant is uncertain whether their qualifications are suitable they are advised to contact the Admissions Office in the School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences. Applicants selected for interview will attend a Multiple Mini Interview which includes eight 8 - minute stations. In accordance with national guidelines all prospective students must demonstrate that they are not infectious carriers of hepatitis B before an offer of a place at the Medical School can be confirmed. In addition all prospective students must undergo a Disclosure and Barring (DBS) check. A condition of accepting an applicant on to the course will be subject to a satisfactory DBS report. The School welcomes applications from students with disabilities but it is important to state the General Medical Council requires that a student studying to become a doctor must be assessed as being fit for practise. Detailed information regarding admission to the programme is available at HYPERLINK "http://www.shef.ac.uk/prospective/"http://www.shef.ac.uk/prospective/23. Additional information The School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences website  HYPERLINK "http://www.shef.ac.uk/medicine/" http://www.shef.ac.uk/medicine/ provides access to additional and more detailed information about the Programme.This specification represents a concise statement about the main features of the Programme and should be considered alongside other sources of information provided by the teaching department(s) and the University. In addition to Programme specific information, further information about studying at 91ֱ can be accessed via our Student Services web site at HYPERLINK "http://www.shef.ac.uk/ssid"www.shef.ac.uk/ssid.      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