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TUOS is one of the few remaining universities in the UK to afford students the opportunity to learn Human Anatomy through cadaveric dissection. Anatomy has been successfully taught in this manner at 91ֱ for over 100 years and alumni of the courses have gone to hold high ranking positions in the fields of Medicine, Biomedical Science and Forensic Science. 91ֱ has a well-equipped and resourced Medical Teaching Unit for anatomical examination as well as experienced staff who are recognised as experts in their discipline. A significant decrease in the number of institutions offering students the opportunity to participate in cadaveric dissection has led to a national and international reduction in those qualified to teach gross Human Anatomy. Our MSc. programme offers practical and theoretical training in both topographical Human Anatomy and the pedagogy associated with teaching the discipline. Participants will develop an in-depth knowledge of the human body through comprehensive cadaveric dissection whilst also training to become accredited Anatomy Teachers. Those on the course will be afforded the opportunity to develop their practice by teaching undergraduate Anatomy students whilst also cementing their anatomical and pedagogic knowledge through a research project related to their area of interest. On completion of the course students will be able to apply for the status of Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, the professional accreditation required of education practitioners in Higher Education in the UK.16. Programme aims For all its taught postgraduate programmes the Department aims to: Develop in students an independence of thought, intellectual curiosity and critical approach to evidence, theories and concepts. Encourage students to maximise their academic potential in all aspects of their programme. Encourage an understanding of, and commitment to, life-long learning. Provide stimulating and enjoyable teaching that is informed and invigorated by the research and scholarship of its staff. Develop an appreciation of ethical issues and public awareness of these issues. Provide a supportive environment for students and access to specialist central services as required. The specific aims for the MSc. in Human Anatomy with Education are to provide students with an opportunity to: Obtain a detailed knowledge base of topographical Human Anatomy. Develop the practical skills associated with cadaveric dissection. Gain an in depth understanding of pedagogy and reflective practice in Higher Education. Acquire practical teaching experience in Higher Education. Conduct an individual research project within Human Anatomy/Education. Prepare students for further postgraduate work and/or a professional career in Human Anatomy and/or education and related areas.17. Programme learning outcomes Students completing the MSc. will have developed: Knowledge and understanding:K1A working knowledge of anatomical terminology and language.K2In-depth knowledge and understanding of topographical Human Anatomy.K3Detailed knowledge and critical understanding of pedagogy in Higher Education.K4Sound understanding of both educational and scientific research methods.K5Appreciation of the HEA UK Professional Standards Framework (UKPF). Skills and other attributes:S1Take responsibility for their learning.S2Demonstrate the ability to plan and manage own time effectively.S3Demonstrate independent thinking.S4Synthesise theory, research, policy and practice to develop a clear and robust argument.S5Design and carry out research that contributes to the learning and teaching of the department.S6Dissect cadaveric material in a safe and competent manner.S7Teach Human Anatomy to a high standard.S8Design curricula, assessment and learning resources.S9Critically reflect upon and improve their personal teaching practice in the context of relevant theory, research and policy.S10Meet criteria to apply for Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy.18. Teaching, learning and assessment Development of the learning outcomes is promoted through the following teaching and learning methods: There has been a reduction in the number of Universities nationally and internationally offering training in Human Anatomy which has led to a shortfall in those qualified to work in the fields associated with the discipline. TUOS is one of the few institutions with staff that have nationally recognised expertise in both topographical Anatomy and pedagogy in HE. As a consequence, TUOS can offer a MSc. programme with the opportunity not only for the students to develop an in-depth understanding of Anatomy through cadaveric dissection but also extensive training to become accredited Anatomy Teachers. The Anatomy teaching staff at TUOS come from a wide range of career backgrounds and work collaboratively to create innovative multidisciplinary modules. The diverse skill set of staff involved in the course means that students benefit from being taught by academics with a wide range of expertise that does not usually exist in one Anatomy department. The student experience is enhanced further by strong partnerships between the University and local organisations such as the Police and Forensic Science Service. The teaching on this programme is student focused and research-led. Participants are encouraged to take responsibility for their own professional development, learning to analyse their own subject knowledge, reflect upon their teaching and consider the implications for improvement. To facilitate this, much of the course is taught through small group tutorials, one-to-one supervision and peer observation. Students are regularly provided with formative and summative feedback to promote self-reflection and progression through the course. Students gain anatomical knowledge, laboratory and teaching skills through exposure to innovative and effective teaching and learning practice in their MSc. classes. Participants are encouraged to reflect upon the methodologies and the resources used to teach them to determine how these can be implemented in their own teaching practice. Learning throughout the course is supported by a significant number of on-line learning resources such as a MOOC, podcasts, screencasts, videos and MCQs. Opportunities to demonstrate achievement of the learning outcomes are provided through the following assessment methods: Learning outcomes are closely matched to both to feedback and assessment. Formative assessment occurs at several stages throughout the course via meetings with supervisors, coursework and on-line materials in MOLE (the universitys Virtual Learning Environment). The students anatomical knowledge is assessed both through direct assessment and also through assessment of their teaching of undergraduate students. Assessment of a students understanding of pedagogy and aptitude as an educational practitioner is assessed via a number of teaching portfolios, their individual dissertation, and observation of their teaching by their supervisor and peer assessment by both their cohort and the undergraduate students they teach. The linkage between the main teaching, learning and assessment methods adopted for each learning outcome are tabulated on the following page. Teaching and Learning Assessment methods LEARNING OUTCOME abbreviated (see Section 17 for full text) Seminars Tutorials Laboratory classes On-line resources Individual dissertation Practical examinations Teaching portfolio Coursework Observation of teaching Individual dissertation Self / peer assessment K1 " " " " " " " " " " " K2 " " " " " " " " " " " K3 " " " " " " " " " K4 " " " " " " " " " " K5 " " " " " " " " S1 " " " " " " " " " " " S2 " " " " " " " " " " " S3 " " " " " " " " " " " S4 " " " " " " " " " " " S5 " " " " " " " " " S6 " " " " " " S7 " " " " " " " " " S8 " " " " " " " " " " S9 " " " " " " " " S10 " " " " " " " "  19. Reference points The learning outcomes have been developed to reflect the following points of reference: Higher Education Academy UK Professional Standards Framework. QAA Framework. The University Learning and Teaching Strategy. Department of Biomedical Science Learning and Teaching Strategy. Liaison with members of National Anatomical Society Education Committee.20. Programme structure and regulations Please refer to regulations for full and part-time programme.Detailed information about the structure of programmes, regulations concerning assessment and progression and descriptions of individual modules are published in the University Calendar available on-line at  HYPERLINK "http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/calendar/" http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/calendar/.21. Student development over the course of study In the early weeks of the course students are introduced to key elements of anatomical knowledge alongside pedagogy and reflective practice. As the course progresses, students develop their ability to apply this knowledge to practice through an incremental increase in the number of hours they teach the undergraduate students. The MSc. course is closely aligned with the BSc. Anatomy modules so that students learn about each region of the human body in dissection classes before moving on to teach the undergraduates. Students are expected to take responsibility for their own learning and professional development, thus becoming increasingly autonomous as the course progresses. Their teaching portfolio, in which students record evidence of progress and set targets for further development, is used as a tool to facilitate skills of analysis and reflection. Their action research project provides an opportunity for the student to demonstrate the application of their in-depth anatomical knowledge in the context of educational research. By the end of the course students should have met all the criteria outlined in D2 of the Higher Education Academy UK Professional Standards Framework thus qualifying for Fellowship of the HEA.22. Criteria for admission to the programme Candidates will normally have a good (upper second class or better) degree in a relevant area of Bioscience, Biology or Medical Science. Where relevant, candidates will also have an IELTS mean of 7.0 (with a minimum of 6.0 in all 4 components), or a TOFEL score of 600 or above (paper) or 250 or above (computer), or 100 or above (iBT) or equivalent.23. Additional information The Medical Teaching Unit is one of the few remaining laboratories in the UK which offers students the unique opportunity to learn Human Anatomy through cadaveric dissection. Learning through whole body dissection is reinforced by access to a wide range of plastinated specimens, professionally dissected wet specimens, anatomical models and on-line resources. The MSc. programme will be taught primarily by Dr Katherine Linehan, who is a Senior Lecturer and the lead academic for Anatomy in the department. Dr Linehan has degrees in both Human Anatomy and Education and has an established reputation for designing innovative student focused anatomy teaching and learning opportunities. She has been invited to write two textbooks on the subject, has been awarded a 25k EPSRC grant to develop anatomy teaching resources, gained Senior Fellowship of the HEA, was runner up in the HEA Lecturer of the Year Award and is a Senate Fellow.This specification represents a concise statement about the main features of the programme and should be considered alongside other sources of information provided by the teaching department(s) and the University. In addition to programme specific informat  6789:HIMOPQRS\]ghijkyz  ' ( 6 7 8 9 : A B I J K L M W X j k l h;tlhkH h;tlh[h;tlhkH5 h;tlhDThDTjhDTUmHnHuR 7 (($Ifgd;tl$a$gd;tl 78:IPeXXX (($Ifgd;tlkd$$IfsF_?%@0`'    44 sapyt`$PQS]heXXX (($Ifgd;tlkd$$IfsF_?%@0`'    44 sapyt`$hikzeXXX (($Ifgd;tlkdz$$IfsF_?%@0`'    44 sapyt`$eXXX (($Ifgd;tlkd7$$IfsF_?%@0`'    44 sapyt`$eXXX (($Ifgd;tlkd$$IfsF_?%@0`'    44 sapyt`$eXXX (($Ifgd;tlkd$$IfsF_?%@0`'    44 sapyt`$eXXX (($Ifgd;tlkdn$$IfsF_?%@0`'    44 sapyt`$ ( 7 eXXX (($Ifgd;tlkd+$$IfsF_?%@0`'    44 sapyt`$7 8 : B J eXXX (($Ifgd;tlkd$$IfsF_?%@0`'    44 sapyt`$J K M X k eXXX (($Ifgd;tlkd$$IfsF_?%@0`'    44 sapyt`$k l o eXXX (($Ifgd;tlkdb$$IfsF_?%@0`'    44 sapyt`$l n o          H I W X Y [ \ w x y vwFG9:h;tl h;tlhDT h;tlhkH h;tlh[h;tlhkH5X eXXX (($Ifgd;tlkd$$IfsF_?%@0`'    44 sapyt`$   eXXX (($Ifgd;tlkd$$IfsF_?%@0`'    44 sapyt`$   I X eXXX (($Ifgd;tlkd $$IfsF_?%@0`'    44 sapyt`$X Y \ x eXXX (($Ifgd;tlkdV $$IfsF_?%@0`'    44 sapyt`$ eRD4$xx$Ifa$gd;tl$x$Ifa$gd;tl$ @ xxgd;tlkd $$IfsF_?%@0`'    44 sapyt`$wGwccccccw & Fx$If`gd;tlm$ x$Ifgd;tl$ @ xxgd;tljkd $$Ifsd%`'0`'44 sap yt`$ :kX$ @ xxgd;tljkdW $$Ifs_%`'0`'44 sap yt`$ & Fxx$If`gd;tlm$ & Fx$If`gd;tlm$ E}p_ (($Ifgd;tl (($Ifgd;tljkd $$Ifs_%`'0`'44 sap yt`$ P$Ifgd;tl PP$Ifgd;tl DFHI-/12ux  +-/0*,./VXZ[\^HIL M l"m"[$^$$$''?(B((((((((()))) h;tlhkH h;tlh[h;tlhkH5\EFI}p_ (($Ifgd;tl (($Ifgd;tlkdy $$Ifs0_%@ %0`'44 sapyt`$}pp (($Ifgd;tlkd&$$Ifs0_%@ %0`'44 sapyt`$.}pp (($Ifgd;tlkd$$Ifs0_%@ %0`'44 sapyt`$./2v}pp (($Ifgd;tlkd$$Ifs0_%@ %0`'44 sapyt`$vwx}pc PP$Ifgd;tl ^`gd;tlkd-$$Ifs0_%@ %0`'44 sapyt`$ (($Ifgd;tllkd$$Ifs_%`'0`'44 sap yt`$zmm (($Ifgd;tlkdz$$Ifs0_%`%0`'44 sapyt`$ ,zmm (($Ifgd;tlkd,$$Ifs0_%`%0`'44 sapyt`$,-0zmm (($Ifgd;tlkd$$Ifs0_%`%0`'44 sapyt`$zmm (($Ifgd;tlkd$$Ifs0_%`%0`'44 sapyt`$+zmm (($Ifgd;tlkdB$$Ifs0_%`%0`'44 sapyt`$+,/Wzmm (($Ifgd;tlkd$$Ifs0_%`%0`'44 sapyt`$WX[zmm (($Ifgd;tlkd$$Ifs0_%`%0`'44 sapyt`$zmm (($Ifgd;tlkdX$$Ifs0_%`%0`'44 sapyt`$]zmm (($Ifgd;tlkd $$Ifs0_%`%0`'44 sapyt`$]^IM m"\$zg\NNN>$xx$Ifa$gd;tl$x$Ifa$gd;tl x$Ifgd;tl$ @ xxgd;tlkd$$Ifs0_%`%0`'44 sapyt`$\$]$^$$'@(wj xx$Ifgd;tl$x$Ifa$gd;tl x$Ifgd;tlgd;tljkdn$$Ifs_%`'0`'44 sap yt`$@(A(B((((())/)F)t^^^^^^$qq$If]q^qa$gd;tlK$ $Ifgd;tlK$ xx$Ifgd;tlgd;tljkd$$Ifs_%`'0`'44 sap yt`$ ).)/)E)F)X)Y)c)d){)|)))))))***** * ********** *"*$*&*(***,*.*2*4*6*8*:*<*>*@*B*D*F*H*J*L*N*P*R*T*V*X*Z*\*^*`*b*f*h*j*l*n*p*r*v*x*|*~**************h;tlhkHPJ h;tlh5_ h;tlh[ h;tlhkHYF)Y)d)|)))))** ***** *$*(*,*.*4*Ffw $Ifgd;tlK$ $$Ifa$gd;tlK$Ff$qq$If]q^qa$gd;tlK$qq$If]q^qgd;tlK$4*8*<*@*D*H*L*P*T*X*\*`*b*h*l*p*t*v*z*|*******FfM( $$Ifa$gd;tlK$Ff# $Ifgd;tlK$**************************Ff, $Ifgd;tlK$ $$Ifa$gd;tlK$**************************************** + +++++++++ +"+$+&+(+*+,+.+0+2+4+6+8+:+<+>+@+D+F+H+J+L+N+P+R+T+V+X+Z+\+^+`+b+d+f+h+j+l+n+p+ h;tlhkH h;tlh5_h;tlhkHPJ h;tlh[Y********+++++ + +++++"+&+*+.+2+6+:+Ff$6 $Ifgd;tlK$ $$Ifa$gd;tlK$Ff#1:+>+@+F+J+N+R+V+Z+^+b+f+j+n+r+t+z+~+++++++++Ff? $$Ifa$gd;tlK$Ff%; $Ifgd;tlK$p+r+t+x+z+|+~+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++,,,,, , ,,,,,,,,",$,*,,,0,2,4,6,:,h;tlhkHPJ h;tlhkH h;tlh5_ h;tlh[Y++++++++++++++++++++++++++FffH $$Ifa$gd;tlK$FfC $Ifgd;tlK$+,, , ,,,,, ,",&,(,*,.,0,4,6,<,@,D,H,L,P,R,V,Ff,@,B,D,F,H,J,L,N,R,T,X,Z,\,^,`,b,d,f,j,l,n,p,r,t,v,x,z,|,~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$-&--h;tlhkH5 h;tlhkH h;tlh5_h;tlhkHPJ h;tlh[VV,X,\,`,d,f,l,p,t,x,|,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FfZ $$Ifa$gd;tlK$FfU $Ifgd;tlK$,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, <<$Ifgd;tlFfb $$Ifa$gd;tlK$Ff}^ $Ifgd;tlK$,,&--).8.g...wccccM & FPx$If`gd;tlm$ & FP$If`gd;tlm$ x$Ifgd;tl$ @ xxgd;tljkde$$Ifs_%`'0`'44 sap yt`$--(.).7.8.f.g.....//W/Y/(0)050D0I0Y0[0\000000022555577475788::;|}øĸŸȸܼ򯨯!jh;tlhDT>*B*Uphh;tlhkH>*B*ph h;tlhDTjh;tlhDTUUhWfzh;tl0J#h;tlh;tl>*B*phh;tl>*B*phjh;tl>*B*Uphh;tlhkH5 h;tlhkH h;tlh[5../X/u xx$Ifgd;tl$ @ xxgd;tljkdhf$$Ifs_%`'0`'44 sap yt`$X/Y/00jkdg$$Ifs_%`'0`'44 sap yt`$ xx$Ifgd;tljkdf$$Ifs_%`'0`'44 sap yt`$0025557dW xx$Ifgd;tljkdh$$Ifs_%`'0`'44 sap yt`$$xx$Ifa$gd;tl$x$Ifa$gd;tl$ @ xxgd;tl77578:td$xx$Ifa$gd;tl$x$Ifa$gd;tl$ @ xxgd;tljkdh$$Ifs_%`'0`'44 sap yt`$::ƸǸjkdi$$Ifs_%`'0`'44 sap yt`$ xx$Ifgd;tljkdAi$$Ifs_%`'0`'44 sap yt`$ion, further information about studying at 91ֱ can be accessed via our Student Services web site at  HYPERLINK "http://www.shef.ac.uk/ssid" \h http://www.shef.ac.uk/ssid.     bmst34 ver17-18 PAGE1 Programme Specification A statement of the knowledge, understanding and skills that underpin a taught programme of study leading to an award from 91ֱ Ǹȸʸ˸͸θиѸӸԸոָ $:Da$ $ 9r a$gd;tl 9r gdDT $ 9r a$<<gd;tlȸɸ˸̸θϸѸҸԸָ h;tlh[ hDT5CJ hDT5CJhMmHnHujhDTUhDTCJaJhDThMjhMU50P. 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Background to the programme and subject area  ---  2 *c  c'R6 t2 J&F6RAt 91ֱ (TUOS), Human Anatomy is taught on a nu         C2 J%6Rmber of degree courses across a wide    2 Y&i6Rrange of disciplines including Bioengineering, Dentistry, Biomedical Science, Archaeology and Medicine.              2 h&j6RTUOS is one of the few remaining universities in the UK to afford students the opportunity to learn Human         2 x&6RAnatomy   2 x`d6Rthrough cadaveric dissection. Anatomy has been successfully taught in this manner at 91ֱ for       2 &m6Rover 100 years and alumni of the courses have gone to hold high ranking positions in the fields of Medicine,     R2 &/6RBiomedical Science and Forensic Science. Sheff      "2 Y6Rield has a well   2 6R- G2 (6Requipped and resourced Medical Teaching    2 &o6RUnit for anatomical examination as well as experienced staff who are recognised as experts in their discipline.       2 6R   2 &X6RA significant decrease in the number of institutions offering students the opportunity t   42 %6Ro participate in cadaveric   2 &o6Rdissection has led to a national and international reduction in those qualified to teach gross Human Anatomy.       2 &i6ROur MSc. programme offers practical and theoretical training in both topographical Human Anatomy and the         2 & 6Rpedagogy asso s2 E6Rciated with teaching the discipline. Participants will develop an in     2 #6R- .2 '6Rdepth knowledge of the    2 &h6Rhuman body through comprehensive cadaveric dissection whilst also training to become accredited Anatomy         d2 &;6RTeachers. Those on the course will be afforded the opportu          L2 +6Rnity to develop their practice by teaching         2 &h6Rundergraduate Anatomy students whilst also cementing their anatomical and pedagogic knowledge through a         2 (&m6Rresearch project related to their area of interest. On completion of the course students will be able to app    2 (6Rly for   2 8&k6Rthe status of Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, the professional accreditation required of education        M2 G&,6Rpractitioners in Higher Education in the UK.     2 G%6R  '- @ !5-- @ !5-- @ !5-- @ !5-- @ !5-- @ !6-- @ !R-- @ !R-- @ !R-- @ !6-- @ !R-- @ !R---- &2 g:c16. Programme aims   ---  2 gc  c's n2 %BsFor all its taught postgraduate programmes the Department aims to:      2 s   2 =s(1)  2 Ms  2 U sDevelop in   2 s  2 Usstudents an independence of thought, intellectual curiosity and critical approach to   ;2 U sevidence, theories and concepts.  2 s   2 =s(2)  2 Ms  2 UZsEncourage students to maximise their academic potential in all aspects of their programme.       2 ms   2 =s(3)  2 Ms  P2 U.sEncourage an understanding of, and commitment    2 }sto, life  2 s-  2 slong learning.  2 s   2 =s(4)  2 Ms  2 U`sProvide stimulating and enjoyable teaching that is informed and invigorated by the research and    '- @ !r-- @ !r-- @ !r-- @ !r-- @ !r-- @ !s-- @ !-- @ !-- @ !-- @ !s-- @ !-- @ !---$)))--')@"Arial--------- 2 / )Programme Spe      2 /# )cification   ---  2 /w)    2 @)  @"Arial------ ^2 Q.7)A statement of the knowledge, understanding and skills                  _2 c*8)that underpin a taught programme of study leading to an                   --- 2 v )award from   ---  2 v-)  --- %2 )The University of      ---  2 ) --- 2 $ )91ֱ   ---  2 g)  '"Systemws X$~#w@&w| d$--ccbbaa՜.+,D՜.+,4 hp   Microsoft[>2  Title8 8@ _PID_HLINKSA `=http://www.shef.ac.uk/ssid^Q%http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/calendar/  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmopqrstuvwxyz{|}~      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~Root Entry FͲData nUj1Table7WordDocumentSummaryInformation(DocumentSummaryInformation8CompObjr  F Microsoft Word 97-2003 Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q