Mr Arbaz Kapadi
BSc (Hons), MPH, MA
Management School
Doctoral Researcher
Full contact details
Management School
91Ö±²¥ University Management School
Conduit Road
S10 1FL
- Profile
Arbaz undertook a BSc in Clinical Sciences (2014) followed by a Master’s in Public Health (MPH) at the School of Health and Related Research (ScHARR), University of 91Ö±²¥ (2015). His MPH thesis involved a collaborative project with Healthwatch, a statutory body which intends to strengthen the collective voice of users of health and social care services and members of the public. The particular focus of this work revolved around Dignity in Care, exploring how local residential care services adopted the Dignity Code in their operations. Arbaz is now studying for a Doctorate as part of an ESRC/WRDTC collaborative studentship, which involves working with local NHS Foundation Trusts and Healthcare Quality Improvement organisations. The focus, here, is to examine how calls for service users to co-produce and co-design healthcare translate into action within the agenda of healthcare quality improvement.
- Qualifications
• BSc (Hons) Clinical Sciences
• MPH Master of Public Health
• MA Social Research
- Research interests
Arbaz’s research interests focus on organisational behaviour and culture. He is particularly interested in the organisation of service user involvement within the public sector and how this is constructed. This includes interest in the political context of service user involvement and linked principles of consumerism and democracy. This also transcends interest in language, identity, representation and dynamics of power, that characterise relationships between the state and its publics; he explores this in his current work. Arbaz also holds a particular interest in the organisation of mental health and in which his current study is based.
Arbaz predominantly utilises qualitative methodology. His current PhD project uses case study methodology with methods that include interviewing, participant observation and documentary analysis. He is committed to research which is practical but theory-driven, with a focus on supporting real change in practice.
- Grants
ESRC White Rose Social Science DTP 1+3 Collaborative Award
- Professional activities and memberships
Teaching Assistant:
• MGT682 Research Methods
• MGT139 Professional Self-Management
• BA Business Management Skills
• UG Dual Degree Programme SkillsReports:
Finn R, Birdi K, Wolstenholme D, Kapadi A, Bonham C, Campbell F, Fletcher R, Crimlisk H, Smith R, McCulloch G, Di Bona L et al (2019) Exploring the role of lived experience in mental health training: A scoping project