Members and Advisory Board


Dr Kristine Horner

Director of the Centre for Luxembourg Studies
Before taking up my current post at the University of 91Ö±²¥, I lectured at the Université du Luxembourg/ Centre Universitaire de Luxembourg (1998-2006) and the University of Leeds (2007-2010). I have published widely on language politics, language ideologies and multilingualism in Luxembourg, including a special issue of Language Problems and Language Planning on Luxembourg (2009). My current research is focused on language and citizenship in Luxembourg and on Luxembourg cultural heritage in the United States. I serve on the AFR Expert Panel of the Fonds National de la Recherche in Luxembourg and on the editorial board of the journal Discourse, Context and Media (Elsevier).


Dr Winifred Davies

Lead Advisor to the Centre for Luxembourg Studies
I am Reader in German and Head of the Department of Modern Languages at Aberystwyth University, as well as having also taught at the Universities of Mannheim, Heidelberg and Manchester. My PhD was about language use and language attitudes in Mannheim. I have also published on norm knowledge and language awareness amongst teachers in Germany and on differing conceptions of language amongst lay people and experts. One of my major publications was The Making of Bad Language: Lay linguistic stigmatisations in German, past and present (with Nils Langer) (Peter Lang 2006). I am currently working with colleagues in Switzerland and Luxembourg on a comparative study of German teachers' norm knowledge.

Dr John Bellamy

Honorary Research Fellow in Luxembourg Studies
As a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Centre for Luxembourg Studies, I am currently engaged in the MULTILUX project looking into young people’s viewpoints regarding the ways that language is used in Luxembourg, with a particular focus on the disjuncture between language policy at the level of the state and everyday linguistic practices. I became a member of the Centre for Luxembourg Studies in September 2015.


Dr Fabienne Collignon

I am Lecturer in Contemporary Literature at the University of 91Ö±²¥ with a particular interest in American techno-culture and machine aesthetics. I have recently also worked on narratives of plastic utopia; the insidious Cold War appropriation of Antarctica; the rocket's 'ideology of the zero'; and have published articles in Textual Practice, CTheory and Configurations. I completed my PhD, a cultural analysis of US missile culture, at the University of Glasgow in 2009, and have since been a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Edinburgh and held a Visiting Research Fellowship at the University of Luxembourg, where I investigated science fiction, utopia and the mining industry in Luxembourg.


Gilles Genot

I grew up in Luxembourg and completed a BA in European Cultures in History (BA) at Luxembourg University. My BA dissertation explored a previously unstudied account (Chetham’s MS 8009) of a famous meeting between Charles the Bold and Frederic III at Trier in 1473. During my mobility term at the University of 91Ö±²¥ in 2012/13, I first came in touch with the Centre for Luxembourgish Studies and assisted in some seminars and lectures. Due to my particular interest in the Late Middle Ages I completed an MA in Medieval History at the University of 91Ö±²¥.


Joanna Kremer

I grew up in Luxembourg before studying sociology (B.A.) at the University of Heidelberg. In 2010, I moved to 91Ö±²¥ to study for an M.A. in the Department of History. I then pursued a PhD in the School of Languages and Cultures with a focus on language, citizenship and identity in contemporary Luxembourg. My Thesis, completed in 2017, provides a analysis of the experiences of applicants for Luxembourgish citizenship.


Sarah Muller

Before coming to 91Ö±²¥, I studied English Language and Sociology at the University of Glasgow. I completed my MA in English Language and Linguistics at the University of 91Ö±²¥ (2016), and my dissertation focused on Luxembourgish primary school teachers' narrations of how they implement, and potentially negotiate, language-in-education policies. My PhD thesis, supervised by Dr Kristine Horner, aims to analyse how young people in Luxembourg narrate their own linguistic repertoires, and how they experience their convergences with, or divergences from, language-in-education policies in school. I also teach Luxembourgish language at Beginners and Advanced level.


Michael Migliaccio

I completed my undergraduate degree in German with Luxembourg Studies at 91Ö±²¥ in 2016 and I am currently studying for my MA in Linguistics. My upcoming dissertation will focus on standard language ideologies in Luxembourg and aims to analyse how people formulate written Luxembourgish. This initial research will then hopefully be extended into a PhD project after completing my MA. Whilst living in Luxembourg during my year abroad, I also became interested in the Italian communities living in the south of the country and this has lead to three smaller research projects, the last of which I will be presenting at this year’s Luxembourg Studies Colloquium.


Professor Gerald Newton

Founder of the Centre for Luxembourg Studies
I am a graduate of the University of Liverpool and have been a member of staff in the Department of Germanic Studies at 91Ö±²¥ since 1971. My research is mainly in the area of the language and society of Luxembourg, although I have also published on regional and historical varieties of German and the history and culture of the Netherlands. Recently, too, I have written on German immigration to Great Britain, and am currently researching the early history of radio broadcasting from Luxembourg. I was awarded Commandeur de l´Ordre de Mérite du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg (1998), then Commandeur de l´Ordre Grand-Ducal de la Couronne de Chêne (2011).


Dr Catharina Peersman

Member of the Centre for Luxembourg Studies
I am Lecturer in French Studies at the University of 91Ö±²¥. My research focuses on the rise, use and perception of languages in medieval Flanders, but always within a larger spatiotemporal framework, as illustrated by my chapter Written Vernaculars in Medieval and Renaissance Times in the Blackwell Handbook of Historical Sociolinguistics (2012). The sociolinguistic similarities between Belgium and Luxembourg regularly lead to collaborations with Luxembourg Studies. At the 19th Sociolinguistics Symposium in Berlin (Aug. 2012), I organize a thematic session with R. Vosters (VUB) and G. Rutten (University of Leiden) on Romano-Germanic Encounters in the Low Countries, which includes contributions on Luxembourg.


Professor Martial Staub

I grew up in German-speaking Lorraine not far away from Luxembourg (of which I understand the language although my own dialect is more Rheinish). Indeed, RTL television was a welcome change from French and German perspectives on the world. Although my interests have moved away from the area I came from, I like to think that my Lotharingian background has had a huge influence on my interests, in particular my constant interrogation of the impact of national identity on people, culture and history, and the attention I try to pay to local communities as well as exile.


Cyril Wealer

I am a joint location PhD student in the Language and Cognitive Development group at the  and the Human Communication Department at the University of 91Ö±²¥. My objective is to develop a theoretically motivated preschool language and pre-literacy programme in Luxembourgish that is appropriate for young children growing up in multilingual Luxembourg and to test the programme's effectiveness using a longitudinal research design. In the context of multilingual Luxembourg, I am particularly interested in a range of questions related to cross-language transfer of pre-literacy skills.


Dr Charles West

Member of the Centre for Luxembourg Studies
I am a Reader in Medieval History at the University of 91Ö±²¥, specialising in the period before 1200. Much of my research concerns the region of Lotharingia, the 'lost kingdom' between France and Germany - of which Luxembourg is perhaps the most authentic surviving remnant! My published work on Lotharingian history is varied, touching on (amongst other things) group formation around tenth-century Trier, western Frankish perceptions of Lotharingians in the eleventh century, and the emergence of Luxembourg itself. I have presented my research at the field's only annual conference, the Journées Lotharingiennes, held (of course) in Luxembourg.

Advisory Board

The Centre is grateful to the following individuals who presently serve on the advisory board:

  • Dr Winifred Davies (Aberystwyth University, Wales)
  • Professor Martin Durrell (University of Manchester, England)
  • Dr Germaine Goetzinger (Director, Centre national de littérature, Luxembourg)
  • Professor Michel Margue (Université du Luxembourg, Luxembourg)
  • Mr Serge Moes (Director, Luxembourg Tourist Bureau, London, England)