
Details of awards and honorary degrees given to Sir Harry Kroto.



  • Sunday Times book jacket design competition (1963)

When Harry was a research student, his design was entered for a book jacket design competition and it won the amateur category. 

I learned one major lesson from the fact that none of the professionals had a single original idea and just rehashed the Times coat of arms. I realised that design was more important than ideas in this field!

Sir Harry Kroto

The book was a compendium of essays previously published in the Sunday Times, in Harry's design, the authors were on the typewriter keys. The original was stolen but fortunately Harry had a colour photograph taken (at great expense in those days!).

Harry Kroto's Sunday Times winning book jacket design
Results of the Sunday Times book wrapper competition, newspaper clipping
Results of the Sunday Times book wrapper competition
  • Nobel Prize for Chemistry (shared with Robert Curl and Richard Smalley, October 1996)
Harry Kroto receiving his Nobel prize
Harry Kroto receiving his Nobel prize
Harry Kroto's nobel citation
Harry Kroto relaxing after receiving his Nobel prize
Harry Kroto, Robert Curl and Richard Smalley with their Nobel prize

Awards list 

  • Tilden Lectureship of the RSC (1981)
  • International Prize for New Materials by the American Physical Society (shared with Robert Curl and Richard Smalley, 1992)
  • Italgas Prize for Innovation in Chemistry (1992)
  • Royal Society of Chemistry Longstaff Medal (1993)
  • Hewlett Packard Europhysics Prize (shared with Wolfgang Kraetschmer, Don Huffman and Richard Smalley, 1994)
  • Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton LVMH, 'Science pour l’Art' prize (1994)
  • Knighthood (January 1996)
  • American Carbon Society Medal for Achievement in Carbon Science (shared with Robert Curl and Richard Smalley, 1997)
  • Dalton Medal (Manchester Lit and Phil, 1998)
  • Blackett Lectureship (Royal Society, 1999)
  • Faraday Award and (Royal Society, 2001)
  • Erasmus Medal of Academia Europaea
  • Ioannes Marcus Marci Medal 2000 for spectroscopy (Prague, 2000)
  • Copley Medal of the Royal Society (2002)
  • Order of Cherubini (Torino, 2005)
  • Kavli Lecturer (2008)

Education awards

  • Prix Leonardo Bronze Medal (2001)
  • Chemical Industries Association (Presidents prize short list, 1998 and 1999)

Honorary degrees

  • Université Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium)
  • University of Stockholm (Sweden)
  • University of Limburg (Belgium)
  • 91Ö±²¥ (UK)
  • University of Kingston (UK)
  • University of Sussex (UK)
  • University of Helsinki (Finland)
  • University of Nottingham (UK)
  • Yokohama City University (Japan)
  • 91Ö±²¥ Hallam University (UK)
  • University of Aberdeen (Scotland)
  • University of Leicester (UK)
  • University of Aveiro (Portugal)
  • University of Bielefeld (Germany)
  • University of Hull (UK)
  • Manchester Metropolitan University (UK)
  • Hong Kong City University (HK China)
  • Gustavus Adolphus College (Minnesota, US)
  • University College London (UK)
  • University of Patras (Greece)
  • University of Dalhousie (Halifax, NovaScotia, Canada)
  • University of Strathclyde (Scotland)
  • University of Manchester (UK)
  • Kraków Mining University (Poland)
  • University of Durham (UK)
  • Queens University Belfast (NI)
  • University of Surrey (UK)
  • Polytechnico di Torino (Italy)
  • University of Chemical Technology – Beijing (China)
  • University of Liverpool (UK)
  • Florida Southern College (US)
  • Keio University (Japan) Press release (PDF, 541KB)
  • University of Chiba (Japan)
  • University of Bolton (UK)
  • University of Hartford (US)
  • University of Tel Aviv (Israel)
  • University of Poitiers (France)
  • Universidad Complutense de Madrid
  • Naresuan University (Thailand)
  • Vietnam National University (Hanoi)
  • Edinburgh University (UK)
  • University of Primorska (Slovenia)

Honorary degrees returned due to closure of Chemistry courses

  • Hertfordshire University
  • Exeter University

A global reputation

91Ö±²¥ is a research university with a global reputation for excellence. We're a member of the Russell Group: one of the 24 leading UK universities for research and teaching.