
91Ö±²¥ will host the sixth global conference for chaplaincy in higher education 13th - 17th June 2022. A 24-hour pre-conference event will also be held the day before the official five-day conference begins.

Image of a group of people


The pre-conference will take place at Halifax Hall and The Edge for the 24 hours before the official conference begins, to provide an opportunity to explore a number of topics in depth prior to the main conference events.

Sessions will be led by chaplaincy practitioners and we anticipate several of our conference keynotes will contribute to this programme, including Harvey BelovskiJana Bennett and Lindsay Van Dijk.

Different 'tracks' will cover four topic areas, empowerment, extremism, research and spirituality.

Take a look at our details for further information.

Sunday 12th June 2022

Event Time
Registration open at Halifax Hall, Endcliffe Village 13:00-16:30
Afternoon refreshments 15:45
Pre-conference begins 16:30
Session 1 and Session 2 16:45 - 18:45
Pre-conference dinner 19:00
Session 3 20:00
Close 21:00
Pre-conference continues Monday 13th June 09:30-14:30  

Main conference schedule

The following is the schedule for the main conference:

Monday 13th June 2022

The main conference will begin at The Edge at the University of 91Ö±²¥ on a Monday. Events will start in the afternoon with a keynote speaker followed by dinner.

Event Time
Registration open 09:00-16:00
Pre-conference continues including lunch 09:30-14:30
Side-meetings (e.g. Council of European University Chaplains / Muslim chaplains / Pan-African gathering / Buddhist chaplains / Humanist chaplaincy) 14:30-16:00
Afternoon Refreshments and Networking Groups 16:00- 1700
Opening ceremony and keynote including
Grace Davie Changing religion; changing universities; changing chaplaincy
Civic reception and dinner 19:00
Introductions and keynote including, Pádraig Ó Tuama with Anthony G. Reddie The Borders of Our Lives 20:00-21:00
Evening Reflections (optional) 21:10-21:45

Tuesday 14th June 2022

The following day takes place at The Edge, Endcliffe Village and will include two keynote speakers, plus participant presentations, workshops and seminars. The day will end with visits to local faith communities, followed by dinner and evening entertainment.

Event Time
Morning Reflections, various (optional) 07:10- 07:45
Registration at The Edge, Endcliffe Village open 08:40- 09:10
Keynote Jana Bennett Religion, disability and embodiment in a virtual world 09:10
Morning Refreshments 10:00
7 Morning sessions / workshops 10:30
Keynote, Lindsay van Dijk, Non-religious provision and faith-based chaplaincy 11:30
Lunch 12:30
7 Lunchtime sessions / workshops 13:10
7 Afternoon session / workshops 14:00
Keynote, Harold G. Koenig, How spirituality is relevant to good mental health 15:00
Afternoon refreshments 15:50
Depart (various times) for local religion or belief community visits with food, to: Cathedral, Gurdwara, Humanists, Mosque, Synagogue 16:15
Free time in the city, parks and at accommodation 19:30
Evening Reflections (optional) 21:10-21:45

Wednesday 15th June 2022

Wednesday will begin at The Edge, Endcliffe Village and feature a keynote speaker and afternoon tours. A round table discussion panel will happen prior to dinner and there will be an evening networking marketplace. 

Event Time
Morning Reflections, various (optional) 07:10- 07:45
Registration at The Edge, Endcliffe Village open 08:40 - 09:10
Keynote, Anthony G. Reddie, Colonial legacies, Brexit and anti-racism 09:10
Conference Plenary 10:00
Tours including the National Holocaust Memorial and Museum 11:00
Roundtable Peaceful campus dialogue in the context of anti-hate, anti-racism and anti-violence
Mohammed Abu-Nimer, Kristin Aune, Sophie Dunoff and Anthony G. Reddie with Lord Parekh as chair
Dinner buffet 19:00
International Networking marketplace 20:00
Evening Reflections (optional) 21:10- 21:45

Thursday 16th June 2022

Thursday will take place at Firth Court and include a series of keynotes speakers, along with workshops and presentations focused on religion and belief in the university. A celebratory dinner will be held in the evening.

Event Time
Morning Reflections, various (optional) 07:10- 07:45
Registration at Firth Court, Western Bank open 09:15- 09:45
Introduction and keynote Mohammed Abu-Nimer Peacebuilding and Interfaith Dialogue in University Context and Beyond 09:45
Morning refreshments 10:40
Seven Morning sessions / workshops 11:10
Keynote, Linda Woodhead, The Rise of ‘Values’ and the Role of Chaplains 12:15
Lunch 13:10
Keynote, Kristin Aune, University chaplaincy as relational presence 14:00
Six afternoon workshops 15:00
Afternoon Tea 16:00
Plenary: Leadership, Conflict and the Post-Secular University 16:30- 17:15
Free time 17:15
Celebratory dinner (drinks reception 18:45, dinner 19:15) 18:45
Evening Reflections (optional) 21:10- 21:45

Friday 17th June 2022

The conference closes on Friday after a keynote reflection and closing events.  Morning refreshments will be served at 10:40.

Event Time
Keynote and reflections from Harvey Belovski with Jana Bennett 09:00
Closing ceremony 10:00
Departures 11:00

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