Completed PhDs

Awards list of PhD graduates in the School of Geography and Planning from 2020 to present day.

MSE PhD Graduates 2019


Year Name Thesis title
2024 AM Hawkins Serving Up Standards; An Institutional Ethnography of School Food Work in UK Primary Schools
2024 S Wen Understanding Controls on Dust Emission in the Gonghe Basin, China using Integrated Remote Sensing Data
2024 RLJ Veness Changing ice flow geometries of the British and Irish Ice Sheet: Applications of model-data comparisons
2024 MK Memon Climate Change and Arctic Browning: Understanding the Role of Extreme Winter Weather Events
2024 WR Haynes The in/visibility of homeless people at Termini railway station in Rome
2023 GT Rushby Multimethodological approaches to reconstructing storms, sea level, coastal evolution, and their driving factors.
2023 FA Tornquist Examining the causes of phytoplankton variation along the Chilean coast
2023 JB Ross The melting Greenland Ice Sheet and the implications for the ocean
2023 Y Zhang Understanding the dynamics of the Indonesian Throughflow and its global significance, both today and in the Late Quaternary
2023 J Cromwell Understanding Food Loss and Waste in Tanzania's Avocado Production Systems: A Case study of Domestic and Export Avocado Supply Chains.
2023 O Abu A Life-Course Approach to Understanding the Relationships Between Forced Migration Trajectories and Food Insecurity Paths in Central Nigeria
2023 N Dewald Subglacial Drainage Networks of the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet
2023 RV Jaines Landscapes of Discontent: Petrified Unrest in the Fens of Eastern England
2023 RN Simas Lima Subordinate Housing Financialization: Institutional Investors and Urban Development in Lisbon
2023 T Chitata Living with flows of groundwater and infrastructure governance: the case of Rufaro Irrigation Scheme, Zimbabwe
2023 S Ahmadi Golsaz My place is placeless: Exploring belonging among second generation "Iranians" in Sweden
2023 SM Langford Extinction Rebellion: The dynamics of contemporary radical British environmental activism
2023 PA Tuckett The distribution and evolution of Antarctic surface meltwater
2023 HF Mottram Examining justice issues in minigrids for rural electrification: A participatory and interdisciplinary study
2022 SW Ashua Impact of Climate variability on Maize production in the Agroclimates of Cross River State, Nigeria
2022 TMM Weimer Relationships Between Fire and Protected Areas: A Mixed Methods Approach for Mozambique
2022 JL Molloy Investigating variability in the diet, distribution and demographics of Barents Sea cod, 1991-2017: A combined statistical modelling approach
2022 PAN Muchada An exploration of Zimbabwean and British Chickenscapes to Understand Food Safety and Supply
2022 K Weber Why is the atmosphere over land becoming drier? Exploring the roles of atmospheric and land-surface processes on relative humidity
2022 AL Dorgan Private Sector Investment and the Green Economy: The Local Consequences of Tree Plantations in Southern Tanzania
2022 A Ethur Dias Assessing the Urban Metabolism of Informal Settlements: Understanding Infrastructure Configurations and Measuring Resource Use
2022 I San Roman Pineda A tourism from below: An approach for the realisation of community life projects
2022 JL Veenstra Assessing the potential of no-tillage farming across contrasting European soils
2022 BB Amos Estimated Protected Areas Impact on Multidimensional Poverty Outcomes and Assessments of PAs Management and Governance Inputs in Nigeria
2022 NA Okong'o Politics of Progress: An Analysis of Gender in the Extractive Sector in Kenya
2022 SM Gilgannon Origin of overdeepened bedrock basins and valleys in ice sheet settings
2022 WJ Higson Effect of a Terminal Overdeepening on Glacier Hydrology and Flow
2022 SJ Barragan Contreras Towards a people-centred sustainable energy transition: Exploring energy justice in Yucatan, Mexico
2021 AP McCarron

The late Quaternary Northwest Pacific: A marine investigation of glacial change in NE Siberia, terrestrialsediment flux and regional palaeoclimatology

2021 MA Cruz Mercado Alternative Food Markets in Mexico City: Agoecological perspectives toward sustainable food systems
2021 BB Blyton Food, Place, Memory | Production, Plot, Story
2021 H Staples Insurgent Territories: Peace, Politics and DDR in Colombia
2021 ELM Lewington New insights into subglacial meltwater drainage pathways from the ArcticDEM
2021 HI Dolek Between Patriarchy and Occupation: Joyful Encounters, Intimate Politics and Endurance in Hebron
2021 A Dayal Seasonal Microbial Ecology and Biogeochemistry of Snow during Spring and Summer Melt in Svalbard
2021 CK Dongurum Sexual Behaviour and the Social Epidemiology of HIV in Nigeria: the Case of Plateau State and Nasarawa State
2020 BGB Kitchener Reinterpreting turbidity: new methodologies for suspended-sedmiment research
2020 R Hardie Public-Private Partnerships in Sustainability in Low and Middle Income Country Contexts: Case Studies From Nigeria
2020 GL Ives A history of the monsoon in southern India between 1730 and 1920 and its impact on society: with a particular focus on Tamil Nadu
2020 DJ Casey Evaluating the Role of Public-Private Partnerships for the Delivery of Ecosystem Services in UK Agriculture: The case of Local Nature Partnerships (LNPs)
2020 F Cannell Why (or Do) We Build with Brick? Exploring the dependence on the fired clay brick in the building of residential homes for private sale
2020 EL Jones The Biogeochemistry of the Active Layer and the Shallow Permafrost in a High Arctic Fjord Valley, Svalbard

Urban studies and planning 

Year Name Thesis title
2024 Y Wu Housing Transformations and Financialised Urbanism: The Case of Military Dependents' Villages in Taipei
2024 HA Elhalaby NGO-led village development in Egypt: An enduring discourse
2024 MA Oveson Community-University Partnerships in the Neoliberal University Through an Ethics of Care and Slow Scholarship Lens
2024 JS Patient Understanding UK trade union responses to climate change: a multi-level case study of union concerns and capacities in Yorkshire and the Humber, 2008-2019
2024 AM Mariech The nexus between disability and urban informality: disabled voices from Eldoret¿s informal settlements
2024 JM De Little Operationalising climate justice: a case study of experiences of flooding and flood governance in Rochdale Borough
2024 M Marshall Financialisation, regulation and the ¿social and moral mission¿ of English housing associations
2024 T Talitha Beyond a 'Space of Exception': The Multi-Scalar Politics of Megaproject Development in Indonesia
2023 GH Jewitt Narrative and the development of Scunthorpe
2023 C Lee The private sector, purpose built, student accommodation development nexus and its impact on central 91Ö±²¥.
2023 D Ferrazzi Crime, housing tenure, and urban space: A study of 91Ö±²¥
2023 H Lee The Work and Impact of Neighbourhood Development Plans post-adoption
2023 M Heckel Water service providers and debt emitters: Kenya's transformation of public water and sanitation utilities' financing
2023 M Mingay Crisis and the Common(s): Understanding Urban Community Land Trust Activism
2023 P Schappo Public Markets and Social Justice in Cities: A South-North comparative study of markets¿ social justice potential and the role of urban governance
2023 PM Hughes Enabling Community-Led Housing
2023 S Robi Industrial park cities in Ethiopia
2023 Y Liu Gated communities in Chinese cities: social networks, mobilities and segregation
2023 D Ferrazzi Crime, housing tenure, and urban space: A study of 91Ö±²¥
2023 SW Robi The Politics of Urban Industrialization: Integrating the Urban Industrial Nexus in Ethiopia's Disintegrating Ethno-Federal Party State
2023 C Lee The making of a market: the private sector, purpose built, student accommodation development nexus and its impact on central 91Ö±²¥ 2000-2019
2023 M Heckel Water service providers and debt emitters: Kenya's transformation of public water and sanitation utilities' financing
2022 C Chan ¿Silver linings Graybook¿: A Comparative Study of Age-friendly Development in Hong Kong and Manchester
2022 P Schappo Public Markets and Social Justice in Cities: A South-North comparative study of markets social justice potential and the role of urban governance
2022 ASA Difalla Towards a Relational-Processual Understanding of Informal Settlements in Saudi Arabia: Informality, Collectives, and Urbanization.
2022 V Lo  Understanding People in their 50s and 60¿s Housing Decision Making Process for Later Life
2022 RM Lucas   The Housing Crisis and Redefining the Role of the Housing Professional
2022 EI Maiyanga Household Water Practices in a Rapidly Urbanising City: Implications for the Future of Potable Water in African Lower-Middle Income Countries
2022 F Mohammed Displacement to the camp vs Displacement to the city: A comparative study of Internally Displaced Persons' capabilities in Maiduguri, Borno State, Northeastern Nigeria.
2022 R Shamseen The Application of Municipal Bonds to fund Local authorities projects in England; Barriers and Solutions
2022 JA Vine Social cohesion and local leadership in disadvantaged neighbourhoods: encounters, urban trauma and complexity
2021 JLH Erskine Household Strategies in a Yorkshire Mining Village
2021 VO Okoye Children's community space experiences in Nima: Tracing racializing assemblages of the human
2021 CJC Van der Lijn Understanding Spatial Housing Choice and Demand: A comparative study of London, Liverpool, and 91Ö±²¥
2021 RA Bust Safeguarding and conflicts in local minerals planning
2021 M Jeong Refractive Spatialisation: The Digital Picturesque, the Online-Reality Gap and Gentrification in Seoul
2021 FO Ajia  Water efficiency engagement in the UK: barriers and opportunities
2021 RG Bellinson   Doing things differently? The promise and pitfalls of co-productive urban climate policy development in Greater Manchester, UK
2020 KA Ward Strategic spatial planning in a devolving governance context: A study of 91Ö±²¥ City Region
2020 VS Pancholi Planned Ambitions Versus Lived Realities: An Examination of the BSUP Scheme in the Periphery of Mumbai
2020 E Nyanzu Assessing neighbourhood deprivation: understanding local spatial context
2020 P Niu Policy-making and Deliberation in Urban Village Regeneration in China
2020 Z Lu The Implementation of China's New-Type Urbanisation Plan to Reduce Educational Inequality of Migrant Children in Changsha
2020 SL Linn Intersectional identities, space and security: Syrian refugee women's experiences and negotiations of Amman and Beirut
2020 H Jiang Green Housing Transitions in the Chinese housing market: an institutional analysis from the developers' perspective
2020 SL Faulkner From Andes to Amazon: Translocal Livelihoods in the Artisanal and Small-scale Gold Mining Sector
2020 D Dasgupta Participatory Governance Reform In West Bengal: Policy Agendas and Local Responses
2020 DM Asafo Peri-urban Development: Land conflict and its effect on housing development in peri-urban Accra, Ghana
2020 SMM Aldalbahi The Structure of the Current Housing Provision in Saudi Arabia: an institutional perspective

A global reputation

91Ö±²¥ is a research university with a global reputation for excellence. We're a member of the Russell Group: one of the 24 leading UK universities for research and teaching.