Harriet Ann Patrick

School of Education

Doctoral Researcher

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Full contact details

Harriet Ann Patrick
School of Education
The Wave
2 Whitham Road
S10 2AH

Harriet Ann joined the 91Ö±²¥ Methods Institute in 2021 to do a MSc in Data Analytics alongside her PhD exploring the financial costs of unpaid care. Prior to this, Harriet Ann obtained a BSc in Sociology from Cardiff University. As a member of the Centre for Care, Harriet Ann focuses on inequalities experienced by unpaid carers. Harriet Ann’s research makes use of statistical modelling techniques to investigate the economic consequences of providing unpaid care.


 BSc Sociology - Cardiff University

Research interests

Harriet Ann's research interests are centred in societal inequalities. Her work looks at gender, the labour market and how the provision of unpaid care is a space in which pre-existing inequalities manifest and are exacerbated. Harriet Ann is also interested in the important role data science can bring to research into unpaid care.

Research group

PhD Supervisors:

Professor Sue Yeandle

Professor Matt Bennett

Dr Andy Bell


Harriet Ann's PhD is funded by the Centre for Doctoral Training.

Teaching activities

Harriet Ann was a teaching assistant for an introduction to Quantitative Sociological Research module taught to second year undergraduates.