Emeritus Professor Peter Hannon

BSc, BA, PhD, C.Psychol, FBPsS, FAcSS, Hon Litt D

School of Education

Emeritus Professor of Education

Peter Hannon - profile pic
Profile picture of Peter Hannon - profile pic

Full contact details

Emeritus Professor Peter Hannon
School of Education
The Wave
2 Whitham Road
S10 2AH

Peter Hannon has researched and taught in Education at the University of 91Ö±²¥ for over 30 years. After doctoral research in developmental psychology at the University of Manchester, and work as an early years teacher at a community school in Rochdale, he joined the University as a Lecturer in Education in 1979. Subsequently, he was appointed Senior Lecturer, Reader, and Professor. From 2006 to 2009 he was Head of the School of Education.

On his retirement in 2009, the University conferred on Peter the title of Emeritus Professor. In 2014 he was awarded an honorary Doctor of Letters (LittD) by the University. He continues to contribute to the life of the school through participation in some School activities and through his writing.

Research interests

Peter Hannon's research and teaching interests are in early childhood education; learning; intervention; literacy, particularly in the early years; and family learning.

REAL (Raising Early Achievement in Literacy) Project

Peter's research and teaching interests have been in early childhood education; learning; intervention; literacy, particularly in the early years; and family learning.  He has collaborated with colleagues in the School of Education (notably Angela Jackson, Jo Weinberger, and Cathy Nutbrown) and more widely with many early childhood centres, schools, and Local Education Authorities.

REAL (Raising Early Achievement in Literacy) Project

Based on findings from the Belfield Reading Project (1978‑1984) and the 91Ö±²¥ Early Literacy Development Project (1998‑2005), Peter directed the REAL (Raising Early Achievement in Literacy) Project in 91Ö±²¥ with Cathy Nutbrown and numerous other collaborators in the city. It was a preschool, parent involvement literacy intervention programme developed and evaluated qualitatively and quantitatively The programme was based upon the ORIM intervention framework (Hannon, 1995) which has subsequently been taken up by many other educators in the UK and internationally. Many schools in 91Ö±²¥, and several hundred families, were involved. The positive impact of the REAL programme on children and parents was demonstrated through qualitative findings and also through the effect size found in a randomised control trial. Findings from the project are reported in articles (particularly Hannon, et al., 2020) and in the book, Early Literacy Work with Families, listed below. In recent years there have been award-winning follow-up projects, carried out by Cathy Nutbrown and others, based on REAL Project methods.

Early childhood programmes

Peter has had a longstanding interest in provision, services and programmes for young children and their families, particularly in disadvantaged communities. His collaboration with colleagues in studies of a local Sure Start programme, including practitioner research, led to the edited collection, Learning from Sure Start, listed below.


The above research into developmental intervention in mainly non-institutional settings, together with studies of the implications of developmental neuroscience and a study of community focused provision for adults, has led Peter to reconsider and review models of learning in education. This forms the basis of his current research.

Teaching interests

Peter no longer supervises research students or teaches regularly on School programmes.  However, he is happy to respond to individual enquiries to discuss theoretical issues or empirical findings in his areas of interest.



Nutbrown, C., Clough, P., Davies, K., and Hannon, P. (2022)  Home learning environments for young children.  London: SAGE.  193pp.  ISBN 978-1-5297-6781-0 and 978-1-5297-6782-7.

Nutbrown, C., Hannon, P., and Morgan, A.  (2005)  Early literacy work with families: policy, practice and research.  London: SAGE Publications.  208pp.  ISBN 1-4129-0374-2 and 1-4129-0375‑0

Weinberger, J., Pickstone, C., and Hannon, P. (Eds.) (2005)  Learning from Sure Start: working with young children and their families. Maidenhead: Open University Press. 299pp.  ISBN 0-335-216382 and 0-335-216390.

Hannon, P. (2000)  Reflecting on literacy in education.  Master Classes in Education Series.  London: RoutledgeFalmer.  139pp.  ISBN 0‑750‑70832‑8 and 0‑750‑70831‑X

Hannon, P. (1995)  Literacy, home and school: research and practice in teaching literacy with parents.   London: Falmer Press.  179pp.   ISBN 0-7507-0359-8 and 0-7507-0360-1

Research papers

Hannon, P., Nutbrown, C., and Morgan, A. (2020)  Effects of extending disadvantaged families’ teaching of emergent literacy.  Research Papers in Education, 35 (3), 310-336.    (Published online, 29 January 2019)

Hirst, K., Hannon, P., and Nutbrown, C. (2010)  Effects of a bilingual preschool family literacy programme.  Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, 10 (2), 183-208.

Morgan, A., Nutbrown, C., and Hannon, P. (2009) Fathers’ involvement in young children’s literacy development: implications for family literacy programmes.  British Educational Research Journal, 35 (2), 167-185.   [Re‑published in K. Pahl and J. Rowsell (Eds.) (2012)  Early Childhood Literacy. London: SAGE.]

Hannon, P., Pickstone, C., Suckling, R., and Crofts, D. (2008) The reach of early intervention: a case study of a Sure Start programme.  Evidence & Policy, 4 (3), 205‑225.

Hannon, P., Morgan, A., and Nutbrown, C. (2006)  Parents’ experiences of a family literacy programme.  Journal of Early Childhood Research, 4 (1), 19‑44.

Morgan, A., Bennett, K., Hannon, P., and Weinberger, J. (2005)  Evaluation of a Smoke Stop service in a Sure Start programme.  MIDIRS Midwifery Digest, 15 (4), 496‑500.

Nutbrown, C., and Hannon, P. (2003)  Children’s perspectives on family literacy: methodological issues, findings and implications for practice.  Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, 3 (2), 115‑145.   [Re‑published in K. Pahl and J. Rowsell (Eds.) (2012)  Early Childhood Literacy. London: SAGE.]

Hannon, P. (2003)  Developmental neuroscience: implications for early childhood intervention and education.  Current Paediatrics, 13 (1), 58-63.

Pickstone, C., Hannon, P., and Fox, L. (2002)  Surveying and screening preschool language development in community‑focused intervention programmes: a review of instruments.  Child: Care, Health and Development, 28 (3), 251-264.

Hannon, P.  (2000)  Rhetoric and research in family literacy.   British Educational Research Journal, 26 (1), 121‑138.  [Re‑published in J. Wearmouth, J. Soler, and G. Reid (Eds.) Addressing difficulties in literacy development: responses at family, school, pupil and teacher levels.  London: RoutledgeFalmer.]

Hannon, P., and Nutbrown, C. (1997) Teachers' use of a conceptual framework for early literacy education with parents.   Teacher Development, 1 (3), 405-420.

Leibowitz, B., Hannon, P., Goodman, K., and Parker, A.  (1997)  The role of a writing centre in increasing access to academic discourse in a multilingual university.  Teaching in Higher Education, 2 (1), 5-19.

Hannon, P., Nutbrown, C., and Fawcett, E. (1997)  Taking parent learning seriously.  Adults Learning, 9 (3), 19-21.

Hannon, P., and Welch, J. (1993)  Bringing parents into initial teacher education in the context of a school partnership.  Educational Review, 45 (3), 279-291.

Nurss, J., Huss, R., and Hannon, P.  (1993)   American parents hearing children read: trying a British approach.  International Journal of Early Childhood, 25 (2), 20‑26.

Nutbrown, C., and Hannon, P. (1993)  Assessing early literacy - new measures needed.  International Journal of Early Childhood, 25 (2), 27-30.

Hannon, P., Weinberger, J., and Nutbrown, C. (1991)  A study of work with parents to promote early literacy development.  Research Papers in Education, 6 (2), 77‑97.

Nutbrown, C., Hannon, P., and Weinberger, J.  (1991)  Training teachers to work with parents to promote early literacy development.  International Journal of Early Childhood, (2), 1-10.

Hannon, P., and James, S. (1990)  Parents' and teachers' perspectives on preschool literacy development.  British Educational Research Journal, 16 (3), 259‑272.

Hirst, K., and Hannon, P. (1990)  An evaluation of a preschool home teaching project.   Educational Research, 32 (1), 33-39.

Hannon, P. (1989)  How should parental involvement in the teaching of reading be evaluated?  British Educational Research Journal, 15 (1), 33-40.

Hannon, P. (1987)  A study of the effects of parental involvement in the teaching of reading on children's reading test performance.  British Journal of Educational Psychology, 57, 56-72.

Hannon, P., and Jackson, A. (1987)  Educational home visiting and the teaching of reading.  Educational Research, 29 (3), 182-191.

Jackson A., and Hannon, P. (1987)  Home visiting in primary education.  Education 3-13, 15, 33-36.

Ashton, C., Stoney, A., and Hannon, P. (1986)  A reading at home project in a first school.  Support for Learning, 1 (1), 43-49.

Hannon, P.  (1986)  Teachers' and parents' experiences of parental involvement in the teaching of reading.  Cambridge Journal of Education, 16 (1), 28-37.

Hannon, P., Jackson, A., and Weinberger, J. (1986)  Parents' and teachers' strategies in hearing young children read.  Research Papers in Education, 1 (1), 6‑25.

Hannon, P., and McNally, J. (1986)  Children's understanding and cultural factors in reading test performance.  Educational Review, 38 (3), 237-246.

Hannon, P., Weinberger, J., Page, B., and Jackson, A.(1986) Home-school communication by means of reading cards.   British Educational Research Journal, 12 (3), 269-280.

Weinberger, J., Jackson, A., and Hannon, P. (1986)  Variation in take-up of a project to involve parents in the teaching of reading.  Educational Studies, 12 (2), 159-174.

Hannon, P. (1986) Research into how parents hear their children read. Education 3-13, 14 (1), 20-23.

Hannon, P. (1986) Parents in the secret garden: the case of reading. Perspectives (University of Exeter School of Education), 24, 44-50.

Lindsay, G., Hannon, P., and Hannon, V. (1986) Independent psychological opinions. Educational and Child Psychology, 3 (3), 123-132.

Page, B., and Hannon, P. (1986) Using a micro to monitor a school's involvement of parents in the teaching of reading.  Reading, 20 (1), 59-63.

Weinberger, J., Jackson, A., and Hannon, P. (1986) Involving parents in the teaching of reading.  Will they respond? Reading, 20 (3), 179-183.

Cuckle, P., and Hannon, P. (1985) How far do schools involve parents in the teaching of reading?  Reading, 19 (3), 155-160.

Hannon, P. and Cuckle, P. (1984)  Involving parents in the teaching of reading: a study of current school practice.  Educational Research, 26 (1), 7-13.

Hannon, P., and Mullins, S. (1980) Support teachers in 91Ö±²¥.  Special Education: Forward Trends, 7 (4), 11-13.

Hannon, P. (1978) Minders of our future? New Society, 11 May, 304-305.

Chapters in books

Brooks, G., and Hannon, P. (2012)  Research issues in family literacy.  In J. Larson and J. Marsh (Eds.)  SAGE handbook of early childhood literacy (2nd edn.).  London: SAGE. pp.194‑206.

Brooks, G., Hannon, P., and Bird, V. (2012) Family literacy in England.  In Wasik, B.H. (Ed.) Handbook of family literacy (2nd edn.)  New York and London: Routledge. pp.325‑338.

Hannon, P. (2008)  Reading.  In McCulloch, G., and Crook, D. (Eds.)  The Routledge International Encyclopedia of Education.  London: Routledge.   pp. 481‑484.

Hannon, P. (2007)  Play, learning and teaching. In K.A. Roskos and J.F. Christie (Eds.) Play and literacy in early childhood: research from multiple perspectives. (2nd edn.)  Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. pp.201‑214.

Hannon, P., Brooks, G. and Bird, V. (2007). ‘Family literacy in England.’ In M. Elfert and G. Rabkin (Eds.) Gemeinsam in der Sprache baden: Family Literacy. Internationale Konzepte zur familienorientierten Schriftsprachförderung. Hamburg, Germany: Ernst Klett Sprachen for UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning. pp.10-31.  ISBN 978-3-12-555112-4

Drake, M., Weinberger, J., and Hannon, P. (2005)  ‘Connecting With Our Kids’ parenting programme.  In J. Weinberger, C. Pickstone and P. Hannon (Eds.)  Learning from Sure Start: working with young children and their families. Maidenhead: Open University Press.  pp.43‑54.

Hannon, P., and Fox, L. (2005)  Why we should learn from Sure Start.  In J. Weinberger, C. Pickstone and P. Hannon (Eds.)  Learning from Sure Start: working with young children and their families. Maidenhead: Open University Press.  pp.3-12.

Hannon, P., Pickstone, C., Weinberger, J., and Fox, L. (2005)  Looking to the future. In J. Weinberger, C. Pickstone and P. Hannon (Eds.)  Learning from Sure Start: working with young children and their families. Maidenhead: Open University Press.  pp.248-259.

Lomas, H., and Hannon, P. (2005)  Community involvement.  In J. Weinberger, C. Pickstone and P. Hannon (Eds.)  Learning from Sure Start: working with young children and their families. Maidenhead: Open University Press.  pp.193-204.

Hannon, P., and Bird, V. (2004)  Family literacy in England: theory, practice, research and policy.  In Wasik, B.H. (Ed.)  Handbook of family literacy: research and practice.  Mahwah, NJ:  Lawrence Erlbaum.  pp. 23‑39.

Hannon, P. (2003)  The history and future of literacy.  In T. Grainger (Ed.)  The RoutledgeFalmer Reader in Language and Literacy.  London:  RoutledgeFalmer. pp.19-32.

Hannon, P. (2003)  Family literacy programmes.  In Hall, N., Larson, J., and Marsh, J. (Eds.) Handbook of Early Childhood Literacy.   London / Thousand Oaks CA: SAGE.  pp.99‑111.

Hannon, P. (1998)  How can we foster children's early literacy development through parent involvement?   In S. Neuman and K. Roskos (Eds.)  Children achieving: best practices in early literacy.   Newark, DE: International Reading Association.  pp.121-143.

Hannon, P. (1998)  An ecological perspective on educational research.  In D. McIntyre, and J. Rudduck (Eds.)  Challenges for educational researchNew BERA Dialogues.   London: Paul Chapman Publishing.  pp.150-156.

Hannon, P. (1997)  Achieving key goals.  In N. McClelland, National Literacy Trust (Ed.)  Building a literate nation: the strategic agenda for literacy over the next five years.  London: Trentham Books.  pp.33-36.

Hannon, P. (1997)  What's been tried, with what results?/Taking adult learning seriously./Family literacy as a form of adult education./Evaluation.  In C. Nutbrown, C. and P. Hannon  (Eds.)  Early literacy education with parents: a professional development manual.  Nottingham: NES-Arnold.   pp.22-25/50/59/86-88.

Hannon, P. and Nutbrown, C.  (1997)  Parents' roles in children's literacy development./The changing nature of literacy - one literacy or many?/More on language for literacy.  In C. Nutbrown and P. Hannon  (Eds.)  Early literacy education with parents: a professional development manual.  Nottingham: NES-Arnold.   pp.8-9/19-21/36-37.

Nutbrown, C., and Hannon, P. (1997)  What is early literacy development?/The concept of family literacy./A framework for practice.  In C. Nutbrown, C. and P. Hannon (Eds.)  Early literacy education with parents: a professional development manual.  Nottingham: NES-Arnold.   pp.4-7/10-12/13-15.

Hannon, P. (1996)  School is too late.  In S. Wolfendale and K. Topping (Eds.)  Family involvement in literacy: effective partnerships in education.  London: Cassell.  pp.63-74.

Hannon, P. (1995)  Evaluating a University writing centre through an electronic mail dialogue with tutors.   In B. Leibowitz and T. Volbrecht (Eds.) Language in Development. Academic Development Dialogues, 4.  Bellville: University of Western Cape, South Africa.   pp.189-198.

Hannon, P., and Weinberger, J. (1995)  Einergasia thaskalon kai goneon yia tin anagnose stin prosholiki ilikia.  [Translation, by M. Theligianni, of 'Sharing new ideas about preschool literacy with parents'].  In M. Meek Spencer and H. Dombey (Eds.) Proti anagnosi kai grafi: sinergasia spitioi-sholeioi-paithioi eiropaikes empeiries.  Athens: Ekthoseis Bibliotheke.  pp.21-34.

Hannon, P., and Weinberger, J. (1995)  Des idees nouvelles sur l'approche de l'ecrit.  In H. Dombey and M. Meek Spencer (Eds.)  Parents, enseignants, enfants ensemble a la decouverte de l'ecrit: des experiences a travers l'Europe.  Paris: Retz.   pp.19-29.

Hannon, P., and Weinberger, J. (1994)  Sharing new ideas about preschool literacy with parents.  In M. Meek Spencer and H. Dombey (Eds.) First steps together: home-school early literacy collaboration in European contexts.  Stoke-on-Trent: Trentham Books.  pp.1-13.

Hannon, P. (1992)  Epektinodas tin proti epahi me ti graphi ke tin anagnosi sto spiti  (Greek translation of 'Extending the first contact with writing and reading at home').  In Anthoulias, T. (Ed.)  Ta provlimata didakalias tis protis graphis ke anagnosis (Problems of teaching early writing and reading).   Athens: Ellinika Grammata.   pp.155-162.

Hannon, P. (1992)  Preschool intervention in literacy development: some British research.  In W. Fase, W. Kreft, P. Leseman, and J. Slavenburg (Eds.)  Illiteracy in the European Community: research problems and research findings.  De Lier, Netherlands: Academisch Boeken Centrum.  pp.123-138.

Hannon, P. (1990)  Extending the first contact with literacy at home.  In T. Anthoulias (Ed.) Premier contact avec l'ecriture et la lecture.  Rhodes: Editions Helidoni.  pp.169-175.

Hannon, P. (1990)  Parental involvement in preschool literacy development. In D. Wray (Ed.) Emerging partnerships: current research in language and literacy.  B.E.R.A. Dialogues in Education, 4.  Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.  pp.47-60.

Hannon, P. (1988)  Teachers' and parents' experience of parental involvement in the teaching of reading.  In A. Cohen and L. Cohen (Eds.) Early education: the school years.  London: Paul Chapman Publishing.  pp.248-267.

Hannon, P., and Jackson, A. (1987)  Educational home visiting and the teaching of reading.  In J. Bastiani (Ed.)  Parents and teachers: perspectives on home-school relations.  Windsor: NFER‑Nelson.  pp.248-265.

Hannon, P, and Wooler, S. (1985)  Psychology and educational computing.  In J.J. Wellington  Children, computers and the curriculum.  London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.  pp.84-95.

Hannon, P., Jackson, A., and Page, B. (1985)  Implementation and take-up of a project to involve parents in the teaching of reading.   In K. Topping and S. Wolfendale (Eds.)   Parental involvement in children's reading.  London: Croom Helm.  pp.54-64.

Monographs and journal editorship

Hannon, P., Pahl, K., Bird, V., Taylor, C., and Birch, C.  (2003)  Community‑focused provision in adult literacy, numeracy and language: an exploratory study.  London: National Research and Development Centre for Adult Literacy and Numeracy.  30pp.   ISBN‑1‑898453‑42‑X

Davies, P., Bird, V., Hamilton, M., Hannon, P., and Taylor, C. (2002)  An Evaluation of ‘Read On Write Away!’  Matlock: Read On Write Away!

West, A., and Hannon, P.  (Eds.) (1998)  Families and education.  Special issue of British Educational Research Journal, 24 (4), 379-484.

Hannon, P. (1996)  A literacy strategy for 91Ö±²¥.   91Ö±²¥: 91Ö±²¥ Strategic Education Forum.   10pp.

Lindsay, G., Hannon, P., Pumfrey, P., and Topping, K. (1991)  Reading Standards: Evidence to the House of Commons Select Committee in Education, Science, and Arts.  Leicester: British Psychological Society.  [Re‑published in The Psychologist, 4, 468-471]

Hannon, P. and Jackson, A. (1987) The Belfield Reading Project Final Report.    London/Rochdale:  National Children's Bureau/Belfield Community Council. 26 pp.    ISBN 0902817-33-7

Jackson, A., and Hannon, P. (1981)  The Belfield Reading Project.  Rochdale: Belfield Community Council.  30 pp.

Hannon, P. (1980)  Pre-school children with special educational needs.  Manchester: National Elfrida Rathbone Society.  14 pp.

Hannon, P. (1976)  The Belfield Preschool Survey.  Rochdale: Belfield Community Council.  16pp.

Articles in professional journals

Hannon, P., and Nutbrown, C. (2003)  REAL involvement for parents.  Literacy Today (Research),  36, 24‑25.

Hannon, P. (2001)  Literacy in Sure Start.  Literacy Today, 26, p.13.

Hannon, P. and West, A. (1998)   Why research into families in education? Why now?  (Editorial)  British Educational Research Journal, 24 (4), 379-381.

Hannon, P. (1998)  Statement helps us improve our understanding of issues. [Invited commentary on IRA/NAEYC position statement on developmentally appropriate practice.]  The Reading Teacher, 16 (2), October/November, p.23.

Hannon, P. (1997) The future lies in the past.  Times Educational Supplement 2, 24 January, pp.13,16.

Hannon, P. (1996)  Benefits of studies in literacy.  Times Educational Supplement, 28 June, p.15.  [Reprinted in Research Intelligence, No.57, p.21]

Hannon, P., and Nutbrown, C. (1996)  The ORIM framework.  Family Literacy Forum (Australia), No.6, p.3

Hannon, P. (1995)  The 91Ö±²¥ REAL Project.  Literacy Today, 3, June, 10-11.

Hannon, P. (1993)  Intervention in intergenerational literacy.  Viewpoints (Adult Literacy and Basic Skill Unit), 15, 6-8.

Hannon, P., and Welch, J. (1993)  Tuning into the home service.  Times Educational Supplement, 12 November, p.13

Hannon, P., Weinberger, J., and Nutbrown, C. (1991)  The 91Ö±²¥ Early Literacy Development Project.  OMEP (UK) UPDATE Current Issues in Early Childhood, No.44.

Hannon, P. (1987) The debate on parental involvement.  Times Educational Supplement, 3 April, p.23.

Hannon, P., Long, R. and Whitehurst, L. (1984) Parental involvement in early childhood education: some current research.  SERCH (91Ö±²¥ Educational Research, Current Highlights), 6, 1-5.

Hannon, P., and Weinberger, J. (1983) Teach it yourself.  Times Educational Supplement, 15 July, p.17 .

Hannon, P. (1977) The problem, not the solution.  Times Educational Supplement, 15 July, 16-17.

Evans, B., and Hannon, P. (1977) Catching them early. Times Educational Supplement, 27 May, p.17.

Published conference papers

Hannon, P. (1994)  Intervention in intergenerational literacy.   In L. Oppenheim, K. Pearl, and L. Limage (Eds.)  Adult literacy: an international urban perspective.  Proceedings of a UNESCO/CUNY conference at UN Headquarters, August 1992.  New York: City University of New York.  pp.385-392.

Hannon, P. (1993)  Conditions of learning at home and in school.  In R. Merttens, D. Mayers, A. Brown, and J. Vass (Eds.)  Ruling the margins: problematising parental involvement.  London: University of North London Press.  pp.87-95.

Hannon, P., Weinberger, J, and Nutbrown, C. (1991)  Report on the 91Ö±²¥ (United Kingdom) Project./Perspective on training.  In Commission of the European Communities.  Literacy in the European Community.  Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.  pp.56/87-89.

Hannon, P. (1979)  Community schools for young children and their families.  In National Association for Maternal and Child Welfare.  Does provision meet the needs?  London: NAMCW.  pp.36-42.

Unpublished papers, circulated externally and available through the University Library and/or the Educational Resources Information Centre (ERIC)

Hannon, P. (1998)  Family literacy in a balanced early childhood program.  Paper given at the Annual Convention of the International Reading Association, Institute onf 'Continuity and Balance in Early Literacy', Orlando FL, May.  18pp.  ED 418 396

Hannon, P. (1993)  Cross-Faculty Social Sciences Research Student Training Programme: an evaluation of the 1992-93 programme.  91Ö±²¥: University of 91Ö±²¥.  20pp.

Hannon, P., and Weinberger, J. (1990)  Parent involvement in preschool literacy development.  Paper given at the Annual Convention of the International Reading Association, Institute on 'Emergent Literacy and At Risk Children', Atlanta GA, May.   16pp.  ED 325 199

Hannon, P. (1983)  The roles of psychology in primary education.  Working Paper, University of 91Ö±²¥ Division of Education.  7pp.

Hannon, P. (1981)  A research note on British surveys of demand for preschool provision.   Working Paper, University of 91Ö±²¥ Division of Education.  4pp.

Hannon, P. (1980)  Preschool care and education: historical and psychological issues with implications for policy.  Working Paper, University of 91Ö±²¥ Division of Education.  22pp.

Hannon, P. (1980)  Parental involvement in early reading development: research in progress.  Working Paper, University of 91Ö±²¥ Division of Education.  18pp.

Hannon, P. (1979)  Warnock on under-fives: a critique.  Working Paper, University of 91Ö±²¥ Division of Education.  7pp

Professional development resources

Nutbrown, C., and Hannon, P. (Eds.)  (1997) Early literacy education with parents: a professional development manual.  Nottingham: NES-Arnold.    270pp.    ISBN 0-946647-00-3.

Hannon, P., and Nutbrown, C.  (1996)  Teachers' use of a conceptual framework for preschool literacy work with parents.  In Bridging home and school literacies.  RA6-10.25.  Washington. DC: American Educational Research Association.  [20‑minute contribution to double cassette audio‑recording of AERA Annual Meeting symposium]

Nutbrown, C., Hannon, P., and Collier, S. (1996)  Early literacy education with parents: a framework for practice.  91Ö±²¥: 91Ö±²¥ University Television.  [23-minute video programme, with accompanying notes, ISBN 0-902831-34-8. UK premier EMTV award for non‑broadcast category, 1996]

Weinberger, J., Hannon, P., and Nutbrown, C.  (1990)  Ways of working with parents to promote early literacy development.  USDE Papers in Education, 14.  91Ö±²¥: University of 91Ö±²¥ Division of Education.  28 pp.  ISBN-0-902831-24-0

Weinberger, J., Hannon, P., and Nutbrown, C.  (1990)  Ways of working with parents to promote early literacy development.  USDE Papers in Education, 14.  91Ö±²¥: University of 91Ö±²¥ Division of Education.  28 pp.  ISBN-0-902831-24-0