New research databases - Category 4 data request

Data Connect will facilitate the provision and management of large and complex research databases that can be utilised by other research groups.


This refers to the request for a new research database - for example, an organised, linked set of health and/or social care data, that does not currently reside in the Data Connect portfolio. 

Research databases will become part of the Data Connect repository and will be managed by Data Connect. University-led research groups who are approved by the Data Connect ‘Data Access Committee’ will be able to access data in the repository (via Category 2: Curated research data support) to answer specified and approved research questions. 

Research groups requesting a new research database will be required to work with Data Connect to establish the technical feasibility and resource requirement to deliver the research database. In addition, the research group will be required to complete a Business Case to be approved by the Data Connect Academic Working Group.

What to do next

If you’re interested in working with us, get in contact

Obtain research ethics approval

All research groups will be required to obtain before Data Connect can begin working on data applications. Research projects that do not obtain ethical approval, will not be taken on.

Read more about ethics and integrity

Provide a data specification

A full and detailed data specification will be required, including an indication of which fields and categorical responses will be needed. This will be submitted to the data provider as part of the information governance processes and will also be used as a data request to obtain access to the specific data. All versions must be kept up to date in the specified Google Drive to avoid delays and the potential cost implications of errors.

Complete a technical feasibility and scoping document

It will be necessary for the researchers requesting data to work with the Data Connect team to complete a technical feasibility and scoping document. This will ascertain how the data will be obtained and ingested, what information governance will be required to obtain the data, and estimate what resource will be required to obtain the data.

Complete a Business Case

Research groups requesting the onboarding of new research databases will have to obtain approval from the Data Connect Academic Working Group to pursue the database. Once approved, Data Connect will deliver the database and manage access via an information governance approval process that Data Connect will produce. The Business Case must include an indication of the expected frequency by which the database will be used to demonstrate academic value.

Complete the necessary information governance documents

All projects that require access to data will need to complete the following documents:

  • Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA)
  • Data Sharing Agreement

Data Connect will support research groups to complete standard documentation and provide information on our Secure Data Services and methods for ingesting data. All documents will have to be approved by both the University and the data provider. Data Connect, and other internal University services can support this (such as the Research Hub or Data Protection Office).