Longitudinal Survey of Young People in England
The Longitudinal Study of Young People in England (LSYPE), also known as Next Steps, is a major innovative panel study of young people which brings together data from several sources, including annual interviews with young people and their parents, and administrative sources.
Jointly hosted by and
(Economics) and (ScHARR) gave an overview of the Longitudinal Study of Young People in England (LSYPE).
Longitudinal Study of Young People in England
LSYPE respondents were first interviewed in the spring of 2004 (at age 13) and were interviewed annually until 2010, resulting in a total of seven ‘waves’. For the first four waves of LSYPE, the parents or guardians of the respondents were also interviewed.
In the first wave, around 15,500 young people were interviewed as part of the survey and we returned to the existing survey respondents every year for interviews .
A wide range of questions have been asked over the past seven waves. Unsurprisingly, they have been focused on the educational experiences of young people (as it is primarily funded by DfE and these will be the experiences most prominent to young people of their age) but other issues have also been covered including their views on local areas, community cohesion, participation in social activities, risky-behaviours, crime/anti-social behaviours, health and their aspirations for the future.
By including the parents/guardians in the survey we have ensured that there is data relating to the parents’ involvement in the young person’s education, as well as the socio-economic and demographic details of their household.
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