The Dynamic Slot Die

A rapid and simple method of adjusting coating flow within a slot die, unlocking efficient manufacturing and performance benefits for batteries and solar panels.

A colourful blue, green and purple sheet.


New coating materials and formulations for applications such as Li-ion batteries and solar panels are being discovered that have the potential to drastically improve performance. However, the introduction of these new coatings is hindered by issues encountered during manufacturing scale-up. The Dynamic Slot Die facilitates the next generation of devices by offering a new way to overcome common issues encountered during scale-up, namely a lack of coating uniformity and blockages disrupting coating flow.


The Dynamic Slot Die offers extensive control over the coating fluid resulting in several significant benefits:

  • Improved end-device performance: fluid flow can be precisely tuned for better coating properties, including coating uniformity. Tests show that the Dynamic Slot Die can improve coating uniformity by 25% compared to traditional slot dies.
  • Reduced downtime: blockages can be swiftly cleared, allowing production to resume quickly, minimising downtime.
  • New coating materials: the Dynamic Slot Die can handle materials that are currently difficult to coat due to coating uniformity issues, large particle size or lack of coating solution stability.
  • Ease of use: simple set-up and cleaning make it easy for operators to integrate this device into existing projects.
  • Intelligent manufacturing: optional computer control allows integration with sophisticated control algorithms and machine learning optimisation methods.

Current Status

A patent application has been filed and we are now seeking machine manufacturers looking to evaluate and implement new coating technologies. Please contact us if you would like to explore the opportunities.