Dr Smitha Gopinath

School of Chemical, Materials and Biological Engineering


 Smitha Gopinath
Profile picture of  Smitha Gopinath
+44 114 222 7523

Full contact details

Dr Smitha Gopinath
School of Chemical, Materials and Biological Engineering
Sir Frederick Mappin Building
Mappin Street
S1 3JD

I have a PhD in Chemical Engineering from Imperial College London. I was a postdoctoral researcher in the Applied Mathematics and Plasma Physics group at Los Alamos National Laboratory. My work, cutting across disciplines, is focused on the design, calibration and operation of sustainable engineering systems. The wide-ranging applications of my work include the design of novel solvents and processes for carbon-capture, the conceptualisation of renewable energy generation systems that harness solar energy and the globally optimal operation of power transmission networks. The computational techniques that I develop to solve these challenging problems involve both high-fidelity modelling and large-scale optimisation. To solve challenging optimisation problems, I often devise tailored algorithms that leverage knowledge of the system.

Please contact me if you would like to do a PhD in the Sustainable Design Laboratory.

Research interests

My work, cutting across disciplines, is focused on the design, calibration, and operation of sustainable engineering systems. The wide-ranging applications of my work include the design of novel solvents and processes for carbon-capture, the conceptualisation of renewable energy generation systems that harness solar energy and the globally optimal operation of power transmission networks. The computational techniques that I develop to solve these challenging problems involve both high-fidelity modelling and large-scale optimisation. To solve challenging optimisation problems, I often devise tailored algorithms that leverage knowledge of the system.

Key research interests:

Design of:

  • Thermo-mechanical energy conversion devices such as heat pumps and organic Rankine cycles
  • Separation systems that enable carbon capture utilization and storage, biomanufacturing and retrofitting of existing processes
  • Operation and expansion of the power grid to facilitate integration of renewables, electrification and decarbonisation

Sustainable Design Laboratory (SDL).

The laboratory uses the tools of design, systems engineering, multi-scale modelling, chemical process simulation and optimisation to reimagine the chemical industry and power a sustainable future.

The SDL is interested in advancing methodologies, algorithms and tools for:

  1. Integrated molecular and process synthesis (IMPS): The ability of the process to meet performance targets (energy use, minimise wastage) strongly depend on both molecular-level decisions (e.g., which catalyst, which solvent) as well as flowsheet-level decisions (e.g., how many distillation columns, what reactor temperature). In the SDL, we apply systems-level thinking to simultaneously design the best materials/molecules as well as the best flowsheets to enable manufacturing processes to meet performance goals (e.g., reduce energy usage or minimise OPEX). Our design techniques combine advances in modelling of materials and manufacturing processes as well as optimisation algorithms.
  2. Optimisation Accelerated by domain Knowledge (OAK): Several large-scale optimisation problems may be virtually intractable by off- the-shelf optimisation solvers. We develop algorithms that are tailored to engineering applications that combine mathematical reasoning with domain knowledge to enable the solution of challenging optimization problems in energy and materials.

At the SDL, we are particularly excited by the following application areas of the IMPS and OAK methodologies:

  1. Thermo-mechanical energy conversion devices such as heat pumps and organic Rankine cycles;
  2. Separation systems that enable carbon capture utilisation and storage, biomanufacturing and retrofitting of existing processes;
  3. Operation and expansion of the power grid to facilitate integration of renewables, electrification and decarbonization.

Please contact me if you would like to do a PhD in the Sustainable Design Laboratory.


Journal articles

  • Gopinath S, Hijazi HL, Weisser T, Nagarajan H, Yetkin M, Sundar K & Bent RW (2020) . Electric Power Systems Research, 189, 106688-106688. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Loring JS, Bacon DH, Springer RD, Anderko A, Gopinath S, Yonkofski CM, Thompson CJ, McGrail BP, Rosso KM & Schaef HT (2017) . Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, 62(5), 1608-1614. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Gopinath S & Mehra A (2016) . Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 115, 173-181. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Gopinath S, Jackson G, Galindo A & Adjiman CS (2016) . AIChE Journal, 62(9), 3484-3504. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Burger J, Papaioannou V, Gopinath S, Jackson G, Galindo A & Adjiman CS (2015) . AIChE Journal, 61(10), 3249-3269. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Gopinath S & Adjiman C () Superstructure optimization with rigorous models via an exact reformulation. Computers and Chemical Engineering. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Bowskill DH, Tropp UE, Gopinath S, Jackson G, Galindo A & Adjiman CS () . Molecular Systems Design & Engineering, 5(2), 493-510. RIS download Bibtex download


  • Gopinath S & Mehra A (2018) , Carbon Dioxide Sequestration in Cementitious Construction Materials (pp. 65-80). Elsevier RIS download Bibtex download
  • Graham E, Gopinath S, Forte E, Jackson G, Galindo A & Adjiman CS (2017) (pp. 1-41). Wiley RIS download Bibtex download

Conference proceedings papers

  • Gopinath S & Hijazi HL (2022) . 2022 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM), 17 July 2022 - 21 July 2022. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Gopinath S, Galindo A, Jackson G & Adjiman CS (2016) (pp 73-78) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Gopinath S, Galindo A, Jackson G & Adjiman CS (2015) Computer aided molecular and process design using complex process and thermodynamic models: A screening based approach. Computing and Systems Technology Division 2015 - Core Programming Area at the 2015 AIChE Annual Meeting, Vol. 1 (pp 107-109) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Gopinath S & Adjiman CS () . Systems and Control Transactions, Vol. 3 (pp 145-152), 14 July 2024 - 14 July 2024. RIS download Bibtex download
Teaching activities

CPE440; CPE170 (Particle Technology)