Jack Pickering

Management School

Post-Doctoral Research Associate


Jack Pickering completed his PhD in Cultural Geography in 2020 (Cardiff University), focussing on the marketing practices of market traders in Cardiff Market. This used ethnographic methods, with photographic methods, informed by Actor-Network Theory and subsequent developments.

Jack is also familiar with energy geographies and has been researching the role of hydrogen in the transition of the UK industry to Net Zero. He has written funding proposals to this effect and is keen to understand how this growing industry fits into the wider energy landscape.

As a Research Assistant, Jack worked on various research projects involving various qualitative research, including remote interviewing and policy and media reviews and analysis. As a Post-Doctoral Research Associate, in 2021 Jack began working on reducing plastic packaging and food waste.

Research interests
  • Qualitative methods
  • Food
  • Packaging
  • Hydrogen
  • Social science
Examples of contributions


TGRAINS: Transforming and growing relationships within Regional Food System for improved nutrition and sustainability.

Moving On (A RCT focussing on routes out of homelessness).

Knowing to Grow: Increasing the resilience of plant-centred food production skills.

Reducing Plastic Packaging and Food Waste through Product Innovation Simulation: This role initially involved planning and conducting qualitative research with households concerning food and packaging waste. However, it has since expanded to include research with packaging industry stakeholders and impact-related work.  He is broadly interested in how everyday consumption practices affect environmental issues, and how environmental issues are understood and responded to by consumers, with a non-exclusive focus on food.

Publications/forthcoming publications

Pickering, J. (2023). Geoforum Household meal planning as anticipatory practice : The role of anticipation in managing domestic food consumption and waste. Geoforum, 144(June), 103791.

Pickering, J. Questioning the disposability of plastic packaging; Consumer challenges to fresh food packaging market devices and their afterlives. Under review with Journal of Cultural Economy.

Pickering, J. and Reynolds, C. Meal mutability: Using the flexibility of recipes to understand how variations in home cooking practices differ in relation to food provisioning. Under review with the International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science.